Introduction. Current problems of early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders

Introduction. Current problems of early diagnosis and correction of developmental disorders

A textbook on speech therapy work with children in the first three years of life is being created for the first time.

The introduction presents domestic and foreign experience in implementing the Infant Habilitation program. The first chapter analyzes in detail the standards of psychomotor and speech development of children in the first three years of life. The second chapter describes the author's method for diagnosing pre-language development of children with perinatal encephalopathy (PEP) and cerebral palsy (CP) in the first year of life. The levels of pre-speech development of children in the first year of life and children at risk are determined. These data help determine the structure of the defect in children with PEP - perinatal encephalopathy. Next, the author’s methodology of correctional and speech therapy work with children of the first year of life is substantiated. The third chapter describes techniques for examining children aged one to three years using scoring criteria. Particular attention is paid to the severe contingent of children with cerebral palsy - cerebral palsy. For the first time, a scheme for psychological and speech therapy examination of children with PEP and cerebral palsy aged two to three years, including 27 parameters, is presented, and a mechanism for determining the quantitative and qualitative assessment of functional underdevelopment is described. Next, a methodology for speech therapy work is proposed depending on the structure of the defect in stages. A significant place in the textbook is given to correctional and pedagogical work with children with PEP and cerebral palsy. Samples of lesson notes are provided.

The textbook is addressed to defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists, students of defectology departments, parents with children with PEP, cerebral palsy or children at risk.

In recent years, a special direction in speech therapy has been determined - preventive speech therapy intervention, which meets the provisions of the developed concept of early speech therapy intervention.

For two decades, the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education (IKP RAO) has been developing the concept of early detection and correction of various developmental disorders in children in the first three years of life. The essence of this concept is that early diagnosis and comprehensive correction from the first months of life make it possible not only to correct existing developmental deviations, but also to prevent the emergence of further ones, and to achieve a higher level of overall development of children.

Samoilova I.M., teacher-speech therapist of preschool educational institution No. 33 “Thumbelina”, Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region. In recent years, one of the priority areas of speech therapy work has been providing assistance to young children. In our preschool educational institution, a model of correctional speech work with young children has been created, which allows: - to identify children with speech development delays as early as possible; — reduce the gap between the moment the primary disorder is identified and the beginning of speech therapy; — purposefully involve parents in the process of children’s speech development. This model consists of two blocks. 1 block. General and individual correctional and developmental speech therapy influence Work with children from 1 year to 3 years old goes in two main directions: diagnostic and correctional and developmental. Diagnostics Diagnostics is of paramount importance for determining the state of speech and timely identification of children in need of corrective action. Diagnostic measures in the early age group (2nd year of life) 1. Observation. Conducted by a speech therapist during routine moments, games, classes conducted by the teacher. During observation, the following are assessed: - the child’s speech activity; - communication skills (what predominates - “adult” words, stencil words, onomatopoeia; gestural and facial means - gestures and their orientation, communicative or aggressive, whether they are accompanied by exclamations or “mute”); - elementary children's vocabulary. Considering the large number of children in nursery groups and the short duration of their working hours, the low level of contact of young children with unfamiliar people, the functional characteristics of early childhood (unstable attention, reduced performance, disinhibition), a speech therapist cannot find out the child’s vocabulary, but parents can do this. 2. Questionnaire for parents1. The questionnaire contains a list of typical words from the children's vocabulary. Parents fill it out twice a year (October and March). This allows us not only to trace the dynamics of the development of passive and active vocabulary, but also to clearly show parents what they need to strive for when raising children. 3. In-depth speech therapy examination of children with suspected delays in speech development (SDD) or manifestations of systemic speech disorder (SSD). Diagnostic measures in the first junior group (3rd year of life) 1. Observation by a speech therapist of the speech development of children during play, during routine moments, and in joint activities with an adult. During observation the following is noted: - understanding of spoken speech; - communication skills; — state of the dictionary; - skills of coherent statements; - features of the pronunciation aspect of speech. 2. In-depth speech therapy examination of all children before transferring them to the kindergarten group. The diagnostic system for children aged 2 and 3 years must meet the following requirements: - conciseness and accessibility of tasks (can be used both for express examination and more in-depth study); — the presence of standard indicators for identifying deviations and determining the degree of their severity; — taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s development. All dynamic observations of the development of children's speech are recorded in an observation diary. It is started for each newly admitted child (early age group). Filling out begins with information from parents about early development, about the characteristics of the child’s speech and communication. Records of observation results are made at least twice a month, and if necessary, more often. Each record contains the following information: — observation time; — purpose of observation; — conditions for conducting observation; — result (what facts were revealed). Long absences of a child from kindergarten are also recorded in the diary. At the end of the first half of the year and at the end of the year, based on observations and in accordance with standard indicators, conclusions are drawn about the state of the baby’s speech development. In the second year of the child’s stay in the nursery (first junior group), if the state of affairs is favorable, diary entries can be limited to only stating the state of speech development at the beginning of the year, the first half of the year and the end of the year. The following are noted: — the state of the dictionary; - coherence and clarity of expression; — features of the pronunciation aspect of speech (the presence of defectively formed sounds, the state of syllable-by-syllable rearrangements). The diaries of children with developmental disabilities record: - a plan for individual work on speech development (drawn up for three months to clarify and adjust the general plan); — interaction with specialists (psychologist, music director, educators) on the formation of the psychological basis of speech; — dynamic observations of speech development; — consultations for parents. All the above requirements are met by a program for early comprehensive diagnosis of the level of development of a child from birth to 3 years1. The program is presented in the form of original tables and is very easy to use. This diagnosis is used not only by a speech therapist, but also by kindergarten teachers, which ensures a unified interpretation of the child’s examination results (Table 1). As a result of diagnostic measures, a clear picture of the speech development of each child is created. Thanks to this, at the exit from the nursery group of the kindergarten, children are differentiated as follows: - sent to the State Medical Practical Training Center for placement in special (correctional) groups; — those enrolled for further work at the logo station; - having phonetic deficiencies that can be corrected with the help of educators and parents (with one-time consultations with a speech therapist). Correctional and developmental work When drawing up a plan for speech therapy work in early age groups, the following were taken into account: - stages and patterns of systemic development of children's speech1; — objectives of the general development program. When working with young children of a mass group, it is necessary to take into account a program that determines the scope of children’s speech skills and abilities, and the requirements for them. This makes it possible to establish continuity in the content of speech education in groups (early age - the first youngest - the second youngest, etc.) and ensure the prospects for the development of children’s speech, i.e. lay the foundation for subsequent stages; — the principle of an integrated approach. Both in planning and in each game lesson, different but interrelated tasks are solved, covering all aspects of speech development (phonetics, prosody, vocabulary, articulation development); - developing, stimulating activity for young children. Their main goal is not correction, but to encourage communication, stimulate speech development, and increase the child’s speech activity. Developmental work in an early age group The plan for correctional and developmental work is drawn up weekly and contains the following sections: - lexical topic and sample dictionary (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs); - facial and articulation exercises; — exercises for the development of prosodic organization of speech; - development of general and fine motor skills. Two frontal classes are held in September and October, as the adaptation period is underway. Starting from November, one frontal lesson is replaced by two subgroup lessons (with children younger and older than 2 years). This division is due to the fact that a difference of 3-5 months at this age is of great importance for the further development of the child. Developmental work in the first junior group In the first junior group, one frontal game lesson is carried out as an orientation lesson: certain vocabulary material on a lexical topic, models of phrases, sentences are given, articulation exercises and exercises are done to develop phonemic perception. The teacher practices lexical material during games and routine moments, and uses exercises from the orientation speech therapy session. The frontal lesson plan is drawn up monthly and contains sections: - lexical topic (one per month); - grammatical structure of speech; — formation of phonemic perception; — development of articulatory praxis; - development of prosody; - development of general and fine motor skills. Thus, the priority areas of work for a speech therapist in early age groups (in a speech center) can be called: stimulation of speech development and timely identification of children with speech problems. However, based on the results of observations throughout the year, children in these groups are identified who need special correctional classes. They are enrolled in a speech center in the next academic year. Also, individual lessons have to be carried out with children over 2 years old, from among those newly admitted to preschool educational institutions, since their speech development lags significantly behind the speech of children already studying. Due to the limited time of the speech therapist, two or three subgroups of two children with similar problems are formed. Classes are held twice a week with each subgroup (10-15 minutes). Parents of such children receive weekly recommendations from a speech therapist. Interaction of the speech therapist with teachers of nursery groups The speech therapist provides a plan of his work to the teachers (second copy). Their interaction ensures: - joint, more in-depth, systematic work on the formation and development of the dictionary; - the teacher partially uses the plans of the speech therapist in preparation for his classes, games that help consolidate speech skills (phonetics, prosody, articulation); — replacement of the weekly recording of the speech therapist’s recommendations to the teacher (the previously existing notebook “Recommendations of the Speech Therapist”). Weekly recordings of speech therapy recommendations were also abandoned for the following reasons: - the teacher is always present at the speech therapist’s frontal classes, noting children who need to be worked with individually; — the teacher has in his arsenal a large number of works of folklore, small genres and can independently select material for finger gymnastics and speech accompaniment of routine moments. It may be worthwhile for novice educators to provide detailed written recommendations. For the closest interaction in the work on the development of young children and the creation of a unified educational space, planning of lexical topics is also proposed to the educational psychologist and music director. 2 block. Interaction with parents Parents have long been recognized as the main educators, but they also have high hopes for kindergarten. It is very important to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, to teach them to adequately evaluate and develop their child. To achieve this, certain forms of interaction with parents are used. 1. Parent meetings. Organizational - held in June, July (for parents of future preschool students). Participants include: preschool administration, medical worker, speech therapist, psychologist. Information and thematic meetings are held in September, January, the final one - in May (parents are introduced to regulatory documents, programs, program requirements, the organization of the activities of specialists in the group, and the results of the work). 2. Information corner “Speech development of the baby.” Contains materials for practical use in games and activities with children at home. Information changes two to three times a month. 3. Individual consultations with a speech therapist. At the first stage, they are initiated by teachers. Increasing the level of pedagogical knowledge helps parents understand and formulate issues related to child development. One day (permanent) per month is allocated. The speech therapist works in the evening hours. 4. Lecture hall “School of a young family”. Initially, at these meetings, practical advice was given on how to influence the child’s speech development. However, experience has shown that parents also need to explain the mechanism of action of these exercises. The theoretical aspect always arouses interest among parents, and methodological recipes are carried out consciously and with better quality. The lecture is held on the last Thursday of every month. 5. Demonstration of classes (recorded). It provides an opportunity to introduce parents to certain areas and techniques of working with children, demonstrate the successes of children, and arouse parents’ interest in the activities of teachers. 6. “Box of “hot” questions and suggestions.” Parents have the opportunity to anonymously (not only to the speech therapist, but also to the head of the preschool educational institution, doctor, teachers, psychologist). They receive an answer through the information corner, at a parent-teacher meeting. 7. Questionnaire. Allows you to clarify the degree of interest of parents in the development of their child, determine their needs, and determine the degree of satisfaction with the educational process.

The work of a speech therapist with young children; work program on the topic

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Kaluga Region

State budget

establishment of the Kaluga region

"Kirov Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children

"Sails of Hope"

249442, Kaluga region, Kirov, st. Pushkina, 12-V Tel.: 8(48456)6-32-57


for Vanya M. in the play support group for young children and their parents (legal representatives)

Performed by teacher-speech therapist Tarasenko L.V.

Kirov 2016

Ivan M.

Date of birth: 09/01/14

Raised in a complete family (father, mother, grandmother, younger sister). Attends four months “Group for play support for young children and their parents.”

Anamnestic data: a child from the first pregnancy, which proceeded without any peculiarities throughout the entire period. Delivery on time, without complications, for both mother and child. Birth weight 3,800 g, height 52 cm. The child screamed immediately. The scream is loud. Breastfed for 1 month, then artificially. He sucked actively, without choking. The child practically does not get sick (very rarely). Motor development without deviations: sat up at seven months, walked at 10 months.

Emotional development. At an early age, the child was indifferent to loved ones, did not give an adequate emotional reaction to their appearance and departure, and often did not seem to notice their presence. Now he doesn’t respond to his name, doesn’t look him in the eyes. According to his mother, he is very independent, does not require attention from her or others, if something is needed, he attracts attention by shouting, bends over and hits his chest with his fists. Sometimes he giggles, but this laughter is difficult to associate with any situation of joy, it is not addressed to anyone or anything.

Speech development. At the moment he is actively babbling, but the babbling is not directed to a specific situation, understanding is limited situationally. Does not use gestures for communication, there is no pointing gesture.

The motor prerequisites for speech formation are not impaired:

  • He eats both liquid and solid food, drinks from a bottle, starts drinking from a mug, licks his lips, which indicates the normal development of innervation of the mandibular muscles, muscles of the tongue and lips.

Interaction and communication with the teacher and other children:

There is no eye or tactile contact. Divided and combined attention is present only in sensory games (running, spinning, throwing balls, “floundering” in a dry pool, soap bubbles, opening and closing a door). Does not show initiative in contact. There is no unified attention. Delayed imitation in play. He doesn’t wait his turn in the game.

A game:

In a group, he demonstrates field behavior, approaches a toy that interests him, takes it, twirls it, tries to knock it, put it in his mouth, chew it and throw it on the floor, tear it off, then the same thing happens with the next toy (sensory games). If there are other children in the group, he is often interested in the toys that are already being played with, comes up and takes away what he needs. Symbolic actions appear aimed at the child himself: he pretends to be doing something, talks on the phone. Symbolic actions: can pretend to put a doll to bed, feed it from a bottle, but then still throw everything on the floor.

Neurologist's conclusion: delayed psychomotor development.

Hearing condition: normal.

State of vision: normal.

As a result of the observation, we can talk about the presence of disturbances in the child’s emotional and volitional sphere.

List of used literature

  1. Veraxa. N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. The main educational program of preschool education from birth to school.-M.: Mozaika-synthesis, 2015
  2. Zakharova I.Yu. Therapeutic and pedagogical diagnostics with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere. - M.: Terevinf, 2014.
  3. Sheremeteva E.V. Prevention of speech development deviations in young children.-M. National Book Center, 2012.
  4. Strebeleva E.A. Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children of early and preschool age. - M.: Education, 2009.

Second lesson (field behavior)

The fact that Vanya came to class can already be heard from behind the door. Vanya is crying, he is ready to play and the treasured door to the playroom is nearby, but he needs to undress. Without waiting for grandma, she runs up to the door and pulls the handle, the door opens. Vanya stops for one second, but now he is already at the wall panel with musical instruments and runs his hand over the bells once, twice, but he knows that one of the bells does not hold very well and can be torn off, and Vanya pulls, the teacher makes a remark, but Vanya doesn’t hear. The bell is already in his hand, the boy carefully looks at the “trophy”, rattles it and tries to put it in his mouth. Here the grandmother is “on guard”: “Vanya, you can’t,” and takes it away. Vanya arches his chest forward, raises his head and begins to scream, but the grandmother is adamant, tries to distract the baby, gives him a doll: “Here, feed me.” And Vanya has already forgotten about the bell, takes the doll and diligently tries to get the bottle into her mouth, then looks carefully for one second and puts the doll’s bottle in his mouth, he didn’t like it, the doll flies in one direction, the bottle in the other. And Vanya has already seen his favorite cubes (soft modules), which are neatly built into a house. The boy purposefully flies towards them, but the grandmother is faster, holding the modules tightly so that they do not fall, Vanya arches and again winces and screams, pounding her chest with her fists. The adults vying with each other to offer different toys, but this time the child cannot be switched and the grandmother gives up, lets the house be destroyed, the modules fall directly on the boy, but this does not scare him, he sits among the scattered modules, rearranges them. But soon, this activity gets boring. The boy noticed that Lesha presses the buttons of the speaking alphabet, Vanya comes up and also begins to press the keys. Lesha doesn’t like the fact that the two of them have to play and share, he starts crying. But Vanya doesn’t even look at him, he presses buttons with concentration. The teacher suggests pressing the buttons one by one, Lesha agrees, but Vanya does not know how to wait his turn and does not pay attention to his friend. Lesha gets bored and leaves, Vanya is also tired, and he is preparing to throw the toy on the floor, but then the teacher says: “You can’t,” and the child leaves without completing what he wanted. He walks around the playroom, babbling under his breath ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-pa, ma-ma-ma, etc. He took the car and drove it, took it in his hands, walked with it along the path with pebbles, rolled along it , on the table with sand - then threw it aside. I went up to the house (a children's development center with slits in the roof, with an abacus, with a clock, with a labyrinth) took out figures from it, tried to get them into the slot, it didn't work, didn't accept the help of an adult, pushed away someone else's hand, tried to throw the house, didn't work , Well, okay. But then everyone began to say goodbye, Vanya realized that he had to leave, but he didn’t want to, and the boy began to cry, the grandmother took him in her arms, the boy arched. “Vanya, bye, bye, bye (and waves his hand),” says the teacher, but the boy is not in the mood today, everything ended earlier than he wanted, he would have played some more, he doesn’t look at the teacher and turns away. While the grandmother is getting dressed, the teacher takes Vanya by the hand, and they go into the hall, there are also toys there. But the boy does not look at the toys, but sees an open door to the teaching room, he boldly heads there, there are books there, he takes a thick green one, does not hold it and it falls to the floor, the boy opens it right on the floor, the teacher helps to lift it, but she no longer interesting, Vanya saw the processor. The speech therapist switches his attention, turns him in the other direction, the boy sees a table with notebooks, there is a pen and a piece of paper, the child begins to draw on the paper. Grandma is already dressed and calls Vanya, but he doesn’t pay attention to her and tries to get the notebooks on the table. The teacher takes him in his arms and gives him to his grandmother, crying can be heard from the locker room for a long time, he does not want to leave and get dressed.

Fifth lesson.

Today there is a music lesson on the schedule. There's more crying in the locker room. Vanya is “unbearable”, today he came with his mother, he is ready, but the door to the playroom does not open, the teacher takes him by the hand and leads him along the corridor, the boy looks around, the teacher says: “Don’t be afraid, mom is with us.” The boy calms down and runs into the hall. And you can’t catch him again, while everyone else is doing the necessary exercises, Vanya is running around the hall. He is not interested in any tasks; for a short time his mother manages to catch him and use her hands to perform some movements, but soon the boy breaks free. He was briefly interested in the piano, then the remote control, and then again he ran to the music. When the music ends, the boy stops and first looks at the music center, then screams, so the adults understand that the boy is unhappy that the music has ended. So today he is demonstrating field behavior and sensory play again. And also, we see that his mother is important to him.)

Seventh lesson

There are no classes today. At the Sails of Hope Center for Children's Children's Hospital, the boy, his mother and grandmother came to an appointment with a neurologist, which was somewhat delayed and he had to wait his turn. A boy plays with cabinet doors in the hallway, closing and opening one or the other. Then two older boys (4-5 years old) came, they also can’t wait, they start running along the corridor, our Vanya happily joins them, starts running after them, both mothers start to worry, the floor is slippery, the corridor is narrow, the boys are running They cannot be stopped quickly, but the children do not pay attention to their mothers.

Vanya likes to run. But then his turn came, but he no longer wanted to go to the office, his mother took him in her arms, he arched, cried, rushed to the boys in the corridor to continue running again. The doctor was unable to fully examine the boy this time. In order for the mother to talk to the doctor, the boy had to be released into the corridor to his grandmother, where he immediately calmed down and continued to run with the boys along the corridor. Vanya was prescribed treatment, including intramuscular injections, how will the boy tolerate them, will he be afraid?

Tenth lesson

Today is the first day that the boy will be given an “injection”. He came with his mother, shouted a little as always, and in a good mood he and his mother went to the procedure. He ran into the office while he was waiting for his turn, drew a little, didn’t pay any attention to the fact that there were strange adults in white coats here, he “squeaked” a little in pain, wasn’t scared at all, barely rubbed the place where he was injected and calmly went to gaming

$ Subsequently he reacted the same to all injections.

(Today and later I saw that the baby’s threshold of sensitivity to physical pain was reduced, he was indifferent to it, he had no fear, and therefore avoidance of dangerous situations associated with physical pain was not formed).

Lesson 12

Today he mostly displays field and sensory behavior again. He tries to sit in a chair for a minute, he’s tired. He went up to the table, took the wooden box, tasted it, took it and took it to the dry pool, threw it there, tried to climb in himself, but changed his mind. He went up to the panel with the grooves along which the balls were rolled, launched four balls, then chewed them a little. I saw a house made of soft modules and scattered it. He climbed into the dry pool, took the box, the teacher put a ball in it, Vanya put it in too, then took it out, the teacher put it in again, the boy took it out, and they played like that for about a minute. But at this time the baby does not look at the adult; does he understand that he is playing with someone? Vanya got fed up and got out of the balls. Again I tried to sit on a chair near the music panel, and it worked. I tried to tear the guitar off the panel, my mother interfered, and I lost interest. Today, as I said goodbye, I waved “bye-bye.”

Lesson fifteen

Today in class, in addition to the usual toys, the teacher invited the children to play with soap bubbles. Vanya immediately saw them and, together with other children, began to catch them, here he smiled sincerely, his eyes sparkled, he was very interested, looked at the adult, tried to catch the flying bubbles with both hands, and burst them with one finger. Afterwards, the teacher suggested that the children blow bubbles on their own. Vanya did not leave the teacher, he tried to get the bubbles himself, but nothing happened. The teacher closed the jar and gave it to Vanya. Vanya realized that he couldn’t open it himself, so he gave the jar to the teacher. The teacher opened the jar, but only gave him a straw. Vanya put the straw in the jar, but couldn’t blow, so he again took the jar from the teacher. They played together like this for more than 10 minutes. (Divided attention). Today Vanya said goodbye in a good mood and waved to everyone: “Bye, bye.”

Sixteenth lesson

Today the teacher managed to catch the child’s eye in a joint sensory game with the door “Where is Vanya?” Grandmother with Vanya on one side, teacher on the other. Vanya and his grandmother hesitated after class and remained in the office, and the teacher came out and tried to enter the playroom, and Vanya, reluctant to leave, began to close the door from the back. The teacher took advantage of the situation and asked: “Where is Vanya, oh?” Vanya opened the door, laughed sincerely, was happy and was ready to play this game endlessly.

(Sensory play with divided attention).

Eighteenth lesson

Today Vanya, when his grandmother hesitated, accidentally walked into the kindergarten group, was not at all afraid of new people (perhaps he did not see them, did not pay attention to them), but became interested in new toys. Again he demonstrated fearlessness, did not look back at the significant adult, did not even notice that his grandmother was not nearby.

Twentieth lesson

Today Vanya, for the first time, consciously accepted the help of an adult, when it was not possible to lower the figurine into the desired slot, he did not push away the teacher’s hand and accepted help, played with this toy for quite a long time, together with the teacher.

Then I played with the frame inserts on my own for a long time. With Montessori cylinders, putting the cylinders in the right places, without mistakes. I rolled the balls on the “Ball Slide” wall panel for a long time. I pressed the soundbar. Today it even seemed to me that the baby had abandoned field behavior and showed a persistent, long-term interest in toys.

Twenty-first lesson

Today Vanya again returned to his usual field behavior: he ran, scattered toys, constantly moving around the entire playroom, but for the first time he approached the teacher, extended his hands, thus asking to kneel and stroked her on the head (thus expressing his affection)

At this point, the time allotted for correction with this child has come to an end. During the time spent at Sails of Hope, the baby’s behavior has changed, although field behavior is still the leading one in his activities. He began to sometimes accept the help of an adult, play together, and sometimes address adults using gestures. Babbling speech has become more active and varied.

S.V. Stoletova


State Institution "Regional Children's Home No. 1" Kungur

Recently, the number of children with speech problems has increased sharply. Therefore, it is important to identify dysfunctional speech development and overcome it as early as possible. Early age is unique and important for all subsequent mental, physical, speech and emotional development of the child.

The main directions of correctional speech therapy work are: normalization of muscle tone and motor skills of the articulatory apparatus, development of tactile sensations, facial expressions, development of rhythmic breathing and movements of the child, stimulation of babbling, babbling words, translation of words from passive to active vocabulary, inducing a positive emotional attitude towards classes, development of visual, auditory differentiation, memory, attention, thinking.

We took the methods of E.L. as the basis for correctional work. Strebeleva, O.E. Gromova, E.F. Arkhipova, N.V. Serebryakova, N.V. Nishcheva, G.V. Dedyukhina, E.V. Kirillova, E.A. Ekzhanova, Yu.A. Lisichkina, Yu.A. Razenkova, and other authors.

Correctional speech therapy work with children is built in stages and includes gradually more complex exercises. The speech therapist takes part in routine moments, which helps establish contact with children and increases the effectiveness of correctional work. Various sentences, okays, nursery rhymes for feeding, and poems on onomatopoeia are used. It is important to establish close contact with children and raise their emotional state. Children learn to fix their gaze on the face of the speech therapist, on large, bright toys, and learn to follow first one-step and then two-step instructions. The work on developing general speech skills, especially diaphragmatic breathing, is of great importance. With children, work on breathing is carried out in a playful way by imitation. We are working on a short, calm inhalation through the nose and a smooth exhalation.

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Breathing exercises: “Boats”, “Ball”, “Feather”, “Push the ball into the goal”, “Blow a drop off a cloud”, “Soap bubbles”, “Blow a leaf off a fungus”, “Blow out a candle”, etc. To work on speech breathing with young children, speech imitations are used: A-A-A (a girl is crying), U-U-U (a steam locomotive is humming), I-I-I (a horse neighs), O-O-O (growls) bear) etc. Continuing to work on speech breathing, we use the fusion of vowels: AU (children are screaming), UA (baby is crying), IA (donkey is screaming). Then we move on to working on syllables, first we practice open onomatopoeic syllables: GA - GA (geese are screaming), TU -TU (a train is moving), then closed ones: AM-AM, TOP-TOP, then syllables with a combination of consonants: KVA-KVA . Imitation of animal voices: MEOW, MU, KWA, PI-PI, KO-KO. Imitation of sounds made by vehicles and various household objects: BI-BE, ding-ding, knock-knock, tic-tock. Saying simple words “give”, “na”, “go” and making short sentences with them.

The largest place in speech therapy work with children is occupied by work on stimulating speech activity. By drawing the child's attention to the sound of his voice, encouraging his activity, we try to cause repetition of sounds and babbling activity. The games “A doll came to visit”, “Aibolit”, “Who called?”, “What’s missing?”, “We are visiting” we create a game situation and encourage the baby to pronounce onomatopoeias and words. We are gradually making the game more difficult. Using a surprise moment, a toy appears from behind the screen, from a “wonderful” bag, from a dollhouse, encouraging the child to pronounce onomatopoeia and play with the toy.

We conduct articulation gymnastics with children every day, both in passive and active forms. “Smile”, “Delicious jam”, “Fence”, “Horse”, “Spatula”, “Baby Elephant’s Trunk”. Goal: development of kinesthetic sensations, increased activity of the lips, tongue and development of their mobility.

The level of speech development is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers. Therefore, training the movements of the fingers and the entire hand is the most important factor stimulating the child’s speech development.

Finger gymnastics. With the help of poetic rhythm, pronunciation is improved, correct breathing is established, a certain tempo of speech is practiced, speech hearing develops - “Magpie-crow”, “Ladushki”, “This finger is grandfather”, “This finger went into the forest”, etc. Children like finger toys games recorded on an audio disc with musical accompaniment: “Chair”, “Bunny”, “Sunshine”, etc. Games with objects have a good effect: pyramids, cubes, mosaics, fastening with Velcro “Ladybug”, fastening buttons, pillow with buttons. Games with pencils, walnuts, cereals, sand, water, dough, plasticine, “Finger Pool”, “Finger Theater”, “Laces”, Seguin board, folding nesting dolls. We crumple paper, napkins, foam balls, rubber balls, and squeaky toys with our hands.

A promising technique is finger painting. In the process of drawing, orienting and searching movements develop, the child learns to fix and hold an object in the field of vision. Drawing is accompanied by commentary on actions; emotional and speech stimuli are used in the form of nursery rhymes and poetic texts. Drawings: apple, duck, butterfly, Christmas tree, selected for a specific lesson topic. In the course of joint activities, the child develops an active focus on interaction with an adult, primary communication skills, and encourages him to name the drawn object, using the speech means available to the child. We dip our palm in the paint and leave an imprint on a piece of paper, and the baby happily repeats everything we show him. We also draw with cork and sponge, resulting in printable drawings. Draw on a tray - scatter semolina or sand and draw lines with your finger. Then we take the child’s hand in ours and repeat the “drawing”: rain, stream, sun, path, grass, snow.

Using the example of simple exercises for the development of general motor skills - movements of the arms and legs, turning the head, bending the body, you can teach the baby to listen and remember tasks, and then complete them. We play together with the child: “Teddy bear”, “Tree in the wind”, “The gray bunny is sitting”, “Vova stomp as best he can”, “Big feet walked along the road”. While watching animals and birds, you can invite your child to repeat their movements - how a bear, a cat, a dog walks, a bunny, a frog jumps, birds fly.

Kids love games with musical accompaniment - E. Zheleznova’s CD “Development games from 1 year to 5 years. Merry logori.

An important point is the development of tactile sensitivity. Playing with brushes, stroking, shaking relaxes, and the child’s fingers open, the bright color of the brush attracts the baby’s attention. We also use tactile tables and tactile paths “Visiting” in our work. Various surfaces - hard, soft, fluffy, smooth, rough, prickly, cold.

In our work we pay great attention to massage of fingers and hands, Su-Jok therapy. Speech therapy massage on the face, self-massage, is carried out with the aim of normalizing the tone of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. The movements are accompanied by classical music.

Ball games are accompanied by poetic text - the game becomes emotional and brings great pleasure to the child. In the early period of life, the leading type of activity of the child is object-based activity. Children learn to design, place cubes and bricks in a stable manner, learn to play with construction, understand the words “cube”, “brick”, “put”, “build”. They learn to make a “path”, “turret”, “bench for a bunny”, “bed for a doll”, “sofa for a bear”, “table”, “chair”, etc. We use different types of “inserts”. “Take out” - “put in”, “open” - “close” the box, lid, “remove” - “put on” the rings of the pyramid. “Roll the car, the ball”, “Rock the doll”, collect small objects with two fingers, take large objects and toys with the whole hand. This is how the accumulation of experience occurs, which the child cannot yet express in words, but he practically masters the reality around him, and this is very important.

Games are played with the child to develop auditory attention, auditory memory and phonemic hearing. Exercises with musical instruments - tambourine, bell, rattle, metallophone, drum “What sounds?”, “Guess what I’m playing?”. Games with “sound boxes” filled with various contents (cereals, peas, beans, granulated sugar, etc.) Games with a metallophone - first we show how a melody is born, then the child composes his own music and shows his creative abilities. While walking, we invite the child to listen to various sounds: “What’s making noise?”, “What’s humming?”, “Who’s talking?”

The use of the computer speech therapy game “Games for Tigers” by L.R. Lizunova allows you to increase the dynamics of development and individualize the process of correctional education.

Formation of ideas about the diagram of the body and face: exercises “Water, water!”, “Show me at the doll (bear, bunny)”, exercises at the mirror “Look, touch the eyes, forehead, nose, ears”, “Show me where my eyes are” , nose, forehead." The same exercises are carried out on a doll, a bear, or a picture.

It is useful to assemble pyramids with your child, focusing on color, shape and size. Cubes of different colors, “Multi-colored houses”, sticks, balls, geometric shapes, beads, cards made of colored paper. Objects of the same color but different shapes are used - the child must put the objects in different boxes. Exercises: arrange objects of the same color and shape, but different in size, into three boxes depending on size, “The big bunny gets a big carrot, and the little one..?”, “This is a big apple, and this is a smaller one,” etc.

In the process of purposeful, systematic work with the child, it is possible to achieve positive dynamics in mental and speech development. As a result of classes, the child’s speech rises to the level of onomatopoeia, babbling and the first words, and the active vocabulary is enriched. The passive vocabulary increases, the baby can follow simple instructions, understands the word, and uses the pointing gesture. Visual and auditory attention improves. Fine motor skills and coordination of movements are improved. An idea of ​​oneself, one’s body, and communication skills are formed (the ability to establish visual, emotional, verbal contact, to be understood, to navigate social situations).

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“Modern technologies for speech therapy assistance for young children”

#Educational and methodological materials #Methodological instructions and recommendations #Educator #Psychologist #Speech therapist #Speech pathologist #Preschool education

Gudina Anna Ivanovna, teacher-speech therapist of ANOO secondary school “Business Gymnasium”, Volgograd “Modern technologies of speech therapy assistance for young children”

What is speech? Speech is the skill, the ability of a person to speak. Speech is a certain technology for creating and expressing thoughts through language. Speech is an action using sounds performed by a person to convey information. Each family has a different attitude towards this phenomenon. Some are alarmed by the fact that by the age of one year the baby speaks only two or three words. Others are calm, despite the fact that a three-year-old child cannot form the simplest phrase and knows only a small number of everyday words. Such parents believe that over time their child will catch up with his peers and speak on his own. And they are very wrong! Most often, delayed speech development has a serious impact on the overall development of the child, does not allow him to fully communicate and play with peers, makes it difficult to understand the world around him, and aggravates the emotional and mental state of the child. However, if you help the child in time, constantly use all methods of development, and activate speech, these serious problems can be successfully solved. .

Let's refresh our memory about how speech development occurs in young children during the first 3 years of a child's life. There are stages of speech development common to all children, and every parent wants to know at what age the child will pronounce the first word, and when he will begin to speak “like an adult.” The development of speech in each child is a rather individual phenomenon. A newborn baby learns to communicate with the outside world from the very moment of birth.

Pre-speech period does not cry before feeding (by the end of 1 month) absence of a smile (by the end of 4 months) absence or weak expression of babbling gradual attenuation of the beginning babble It is rare that a parent may know what signs indicate deviations in the child’s development. Therefore, for prevention, be sure to visit a pediatric neurologist at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

Speech period: absence of simple words, lack of understanding of surrounding speech, understanding of gestures and facial expressions, her attempts to communicate with the outside world. Children develop differently, and even the most talented talkers cannot always master all the necessary skills in their age category only when they reach its upper limit. Therefore, standards for timely development do not always serve as reliable guidelines.

Today there is an increase in the number of newborns with various pathologies. The sooner you start corrective work with children with ontogenetic disorders, the more pronounced the effect will be. An important area of ​​development for children under three years of age is the implementation of early speech therapy intervention technologies. Today there is an increase in the number of newborns with various pathologies. The sooner you start corrective work with children with ontogenetic disorders, the more pronounced the effect will be. An important area of ​​development for children under three years of age is the implementation of early speech therapy intervention technologies. The disorder is not always detected immediately after birth; sometimes parents find out about it only when the child is in preschool or even school age. Timely identification and correction of speech disorders is of primary importance for the prevention of these consequences. The most important thing in early diagnosis is not to miss the moment! Often, when we identify a problem, it is important to notice it in time. It is advisable to conduct a speech therapy examination of children only in the presence of parents or their legal representatives. Why? Because modern parents shift their educational functions to the staff of preschool educational institutions. It is impossible to help a child if the position of people close to him is only passive. Not a single child can fully develop outside the family, and no one, even the most professional specialist, is able to provide the child with all the fullness of impressions and ideas about the world around him, in which parents can do this. Many of the parents refer to their own employment and lack of special knowledge. Therefore, our task is to help parents master the science of education and training, to bring parents to the realization that they are important participants in the entire system of correctional and pedagogical assistance.

Subjects of early intervention specialists child family

Technologies of speech therapy work Modern speech therapy is in a constant active search for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children at different age stages and in various educational conditions that are typical for children with special abilities. Currently, the issue of each speech therapist’s knowledge of modern correctional technologies and techniques is especially pressing. Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, or art (explanatory dictionary). In other words, technology is recorded sequential actions that guarantee the achievement of a given result. Meanwhile, this is a word that came to us from the Greeks: “technos” - art, skill; "logos" - teaching.

Differences between technology and methodology: Many teachers confuse the concepts of “technology” and “methodology”. The technology is not subject-specific; it can be implemented on any subject, regardless of the content. The technology can be implemented by any teacher. Technology includes a set of methods, forms, means and techniques. Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies. They are classified by organizational forms, by subject, by author, by approach to the child, etc. Modern speech therapy practice has in its arsenal technologies aimed at timely diagnosis and the maximum possible correction of speech disorders. The search for new forms and methods of teaching in our time is not only a natural phenomenon, but also a necessary one.

Modern technologies for organizing speech therapy assistance for young children Speech therapy is a relatively young and complex science. Our science stands at the intersection of pedagogy, psychology and medicine. Can someone tell me what else new can be invented? It’s good that we don’t rub our tongues with pepper, don’t stick nuts behind our cheeks, and don’t burn our tongues with hot irons, as was the case in Ancient times. Nevertheless, innovation and some pedagogical technologies are introduced into speech therapy work every year. Of course, any technologies used cannot radically change the entire course of speech therapy work, but they can improve the results of your work.

Speech therapy technologies Speech therapy technologies Innovative technologies in the work of a speech therapist are becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children. These methods are among the effective means of correction and help achieve the greatest possible success in preventing and overcoming speech difficulties in young children. These include well-known to specialists: Speech therapy examination technology. Sound pronunciation correction technology. Voice correction technology for various pronunciation disorders of speech. Technology for the formation of speech breathing in various disorders of the pronunciation aspect of speech. Technology for the development of intonation aspects of speech. Technology for correcting the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech. Technology for the development of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Speech therapy massage technology.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN Speech Therapy: Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice are introduced, new, methods and tools with increased efficiency. This is just an addition to generally accepted, time-tested technologies. The wording “Innovative technologies” may suggest new approaches to working on eliminating a particular speech disorder, helping the speech therapist in his work. As a rule, children with speech disorders have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, varying degrees of motor underdevelopment and sensory functions, spatial concepts, and features of receiving and processing information. These children experience a decrease in interest in activities and increased fatigue. Children often become nervous, irritable, and uncommunicative. To interest a child, we need non-standard approaches, individual development programs, and new innovative technologies.

Non-traditional technologies. art - therapeutic technologies (therapy based on creativity). modern technologies of speech therapy and finger massage (massage using objects and toys) modern technologies of sensory education (therapy based on the child’s senses: touch, smell, tactile, auditory, visual) body-oriented techniques information technologies neuropsychological technologies Ultimately, having passed the test of time, in speech therapy practice will remain the most effective and accessible developments.

“Art therapy” is a means of free self-expression. A variety of art activities contribute to the development of a child’s creative abilities, the formation of a correct worldview and a positive worldview. In the process of creativity, the child’s inner world is revealed. Through drawing, games, fairy tales, music - we can help a person give vent to his strong emotions and stimulate the baby’s speech. The main goal of art therapy is to develop self-expression and self-knowledge of a little person through creativity. The goals of art therapy in working with children are to promote the formation of high vitality and harmonious relationships with the outside world, the development of mutual understanding between children, as well as between children and adults. Teach your child self-expression, the ability to manage their feelings, experiences, emotions.

Types of art therapy: • music therapy (vocal therapy, playing musical instruments); • iso-therapy (non-traditional drawing techniques); • kinesiotherapy (dance therapy, body-oriented therapy, logorhythmics, psycho-gymnastics); • fairytale therapy; • puppetry; • creative play therapy (sand therapy); • laughter therapy; • aromatherapy; • color therapy (chromotherapy).

Music therapy is a method of psychotherapy based on the emotional perception of music. Depending on the melody, its rhythmic basis and execution, music can have a wide variety of effects. Corrective tasks of music therapy: • normalization of neurodynamic processes of the cerebral cortex, normalization of biorhythm; • stimulation of auditory perception (activation of right hemisphere functions); • correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas; • improving the quality of movements (expressiveness, rhythm, and smoothness develop); • improvement of the general condition of children; • stimulation of speech function; • normalization of the prosodic side of speech (timbre, tempo, rhythm, intonation); • formation of the syllabic structure of a word. Elements of music therapy During a relaxing speech therapy massage, pieces that have a sedative effect are used, and during an active massage, pieces that have a tonic effect are used. It is also possible to use tonic pieces of music during dynamic pauses and articulatory gymnastics.

Isotherapy techniques used for speech development: • “blotography” technique; • technique of drawing with leaves, sticks, pebbles, etc.; • cotton wool imprinting technique; • “cork impression” technique; • poke painting with a hard semi-dry brush; • drawing with palms; • finger painting; • drawing with soft paper; • drawing on glass; • drawing on semolina.

Fairytale therapy Fairytale therapy is a method that uses the fairy tale form for speech development of the individual, expansion of consciousness and improvement of interaction through speech with the outside world. The main principle of fairy tale therapy is the holistic development of the individual, caring for the soul. Corrective tasks of fairy tale therapy: • creating a communicative orientation of each word and statement of the child; • improvement of lexical and grammatical means of the language; • relationship between visual, auditory and motor analyzers; • improving the sound aspect of speech; • development of dialogic and monologue speech; • effectiveness of playful motivation for children's speech; Elements of fairy tale therapy: • cooperation of the speech therapist with children and with each other; • creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, enriching the child’s emotional and sensory sphere; • introducing children to the past and present of Russian culture and folklore.

Puppet therapy Puppet therapy is a section of art therapy that uses a doll as the main method of psychocorrective influence, as an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult. The goal of puppet therapy is to help smooth out experiences, strengthen mental health, improve social adaptation, increase self-awareness, and resolve conflict situations in collective activities. Puppet therapy is a method of complex influence on children to enrich and consolidate the knowledge that teachers and parents presented in various types of activities. Objectives of puppet therapy: improving fine motor skills and coordination of movements; development through a doll of ways of expressing emotions, feelings, states, movements that in ordinary life, for some reason, a child cannot or does not allow himself to express.

Corrective work involves: Corrective work involves: The teacher’s influence on the child with the help of a doll; Direct interaction between the child and the doll; Medical studies; Therapeutic performances. In speech therapy finger gymnastics, children can put puppets on their fingers, which help them better understand the material. Dolls improve children's fine motor skills, massage finger muscles, and help activate speech. We invited the children to shake hands with the doll, squash its palms, see what it was dressed up in, and tell them what they liked best while looking at the doll. In turn, the doll could both calm the child and cheer him up. Diagnostics showed: the children’s memory and speech improved, and their knowledge expanded. The children did not hesitate to express their emotions. We learned to convey mood and intonation. Aggression was extinguished through puppet therapy.

Sand therapy Sand therapy is a therapy method that promotes better speech correction and the development of the emotional-volitional sphere. Sand therapy promotes: • improving practical communication skills using verbal and non-verbal means; • enrichment of vocabulary; • development of coherent speech; • encouraging children to take active action and concentrate attention; • development of imagination and imaginative thinking.

Laughter therapy Laughter therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps remove blocks, relax, and get rid of shyness. Humor and laughter lift your spirits, help establish communication connections, and allow you to effectively cope with stressful situations. It is especially useful for children to laugh, especially since making the little ones laugh will not be a problem; they are touched by almost all funny situations: antics, playing hide and seek with them, and much more. The main thing here is to find an individual approach to the baby and then you will notice the healing result of laughter. For children, this is sometimes the only opportunity to correct various deviations in psycho-emotional and speech development.

Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils and oil suspensions to improve human health. Smells control mood, calm an overexcited nervous system, and increase performance. Children are sensitive and impressionable people who perceive the effects of aromatherapy without any prejudice, so their reaction to essential oils is always positive. The use of aromatherapy will help maintain a good mood in children, and also help cure colds and sleep disorders. Types of aromatherapy: • baths; • spraying; • inhalation; • massage.

Children love warm, sweet smells most. However, due to the fact that their body is still in a state of development, aromatherapy products should be used for them in very minimal dosages. The aromas of lavender and rosemary have a calming effect and eliminate stress, while the aromas of lemon and eucalyptus stimulate the nervous system and increase performance. Garden thyme essential oil has a wonderful effect on the nervous system. This should take its rightful place in therapeutic pedagogy, especially in working with hyperactive children. Research: Hyperactive children were given the scent of mint, and lethargic, paretic children were given the scent of lemon. As a result, children made fewer mistakes in class and were more attentive and concentrated. Aromatherapy is used in combination with music therapy. Sessions are indicated for weakened, depressed or, conversely, overexcited individuals.

Color therapy (Chromotherapy) Color therapy (Chromotherapy) is the restoration of an individual biological rhythm using a specially selected color. The period of pre-preschool childhood is a period of intensive sensory development of the child. Stimulating the intellectual and emotional development of young children with color therapeutic agents is justified and effective. Working with color helps solve many problems: • increases the level of communication of children and their emotional responsiveness; • enriches the sensory and emotional experience of children; • introduces you to techniques for managing your feelings, and develops self-control skills.

Children, even the smallest ones, are naturally programmed to have a certain reaction to a particular color. The mood, behavior and even state of health are influenced not only by the color of the surrounding space, but also by the color of the clothes the child is wearing. The presence of any color in a child’s life (for example, red) can invigorate and improve mood, while at the same time its excess can cause a state of overexcitation and increased motor activity. Color therapy undoubtedly contributes to: • improving the psychological microclimate at home and in the children's group; • stimulation of the intellectual and emotional development of children; • improves appetite (orange, red) or reduces (green); • children's acquisition of psychophysical relaxation skills. Color therapy is indispensable when used in children's institutions and children's rooms.

Body-oriented techniques: All childhood experiences are associated with the development and improvement of voluntary movements (dressing, eating, walking, playing, and, of course, speaking). By paying attention to the development of the child’s motor sphere, we indirectly influence the development of mental properties. A child’s ability to control his bodily manifestations affects the development of his character, abilities and, of course, speech. • bioenergoplasty – combining the movements of the articulatory apparatus with the movements of the hand (Conjugate gymnastics); • stretching – alternating tension and relaxation in different parts of the body, normalizes muscle hypertonicity and hypotonicity; • relaxation exercises – promote relaxation, introspection, recollection of events and sensations and are a single process; • breathing exercises – improve the rhythm of the body, develop self-control and volition.

Bioenergoplasty Bioenergoplasty is the friendly interaction of hand and tongue. According to Yastrebova A.V. and Lazarenko O.I. body movements, joint movements of the hand and the articulatory apparatus, if they are plastic, relaxed and free, help to activate the natural distribution of bioenergy in the body. This has an extremely beneficial effect on enhancing the intellectual activity of children, developing coordination and fine motor skills. Practice confirms the effectiveness of these technologies. This is achieved through an integrated approach using various techniques, including these: simultaneous work on all disturbed sounds; imitation of articulation exercises with hands; playing out articulation exercises; reliance on the child’s kinesthetic sensations; use of non-traditional Su-jok therapy; impact on the emotional sphere of the child. At the first stages, children become familiar with articulation exercises, perform self-massage of the hands, then one hand is introduced (for a right-handed person - the right, for a left-handed person - the left), and only then a second hand is added. The teacher monitors the rhythmic execution. For this purpose, counting, music, and poetry are used.

Logorhythmics Logorhythmics is a system of musical-motor, speech-motor and musical-speech games and exercises carried out for the purpose of speech therapy correction. This is a cocktail of movements, speech and music. The goal of logorhythmics is to overcome speech disorders by developing the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music. Speech therapy rhythms are useful not only for children with speech impairments, but also for children who are just starting to speak, that is, young children. In such classes they gain their first experience of communicating with peers and adults. Speech therapy rhythm includes: walking in different directions; exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation; speech exercises without musical accompaniment; exercises that develop a sense of musical tempo; rhythmic exercises; exercises to develop fine motor skills; exercises that regulate muscle tone and activate attention.

Step technologies The technology is based on a dance game derived from step aerobics. In combination with speech text, it is similar to logorhythmics. Step aerobics is rhythmic movements up and down on a special board (platform), the height of which can vary depending on the age and level of difficulty of the exercise. A dance game based on step has a strong influence on personality development, helps relieve stress, increases self-esteem, develops coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, strengthens physical and speech breathing, and most importantly promotes speech development. Starting from 1 - 1.5 years. Exercises can be selected depending on age characteristics. For young children, activities in the form of games are possible. Speech step aerobics requires proper execution of exercises in combination with breathing exercises and speech material. In the garden there is noise-noise-noise, Bunny-bunny: crunch-crunch-crunch, Jump-jump-jump on the stumps, on the stumps, Ate a carrot - yum-yum-yum!

Breathing exercises can be performed while standing on the steppe, or behind the steppe. Young children are characterized by various imperfections in speech breathing: weak inhalation and exhalation, uneconomical and uneven distribution of exhaled air, jerky exhalation, etc. Therefore, regular breathing exercises for children are useful not only as a general health aid, but also as one of the conditions for the formation of correct, beautiful speech . Breathing exercises can be performed while standing on the steppe, or behind the steppe. Young children are characterized by various imperfections in speech breathing: weak inhalation and exhalation, uneconomical and uneven distribution of exhaled air, jerky exhalation, etc. Therefore, regular breathing exercises for children are useful not only as a general health aid, but also as one of the conditions for the formation of correct, beautiful speech . When solving correctional problems, in the process of performing general developmental exercises on the steppes, basic movements, and outdoor games, children are offered tasks to consolidate and activate sounds based on well-known poems, songs, nursery rhymes, selected taking into account the plot of the lesson and work program. The mastery of each exercise is facilitated by poetic lines that teach the child to perform tasks in a certain rhythm, coordinating movements and speech. For children with speech disorders, this technique is especially important, since the individual internal rhythm of children is often accelerated, or, conversely, slowed down.

Speech therapy massage Speech therapy massage is one of the speech therapy technologies, an active method of mechanical influence aimed at correcting various speech disorders. The goal of speech therapy massage is not only to strengthen or relax articulatory muscles, but also to stimulate muscle sensations, which contributes to the clarity of kinesthetic perception. The kinesthetic feeling accompanies the work of all muscles. Massage of the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus helps to normalize muscle tone and thereby prepare the muscles to perform complex movements necessary for the articulation of sounds. Performing speech therapy massage techniques requires a clear diagnosis of the state of muscle tone not only of the muscles involved in articulation, but also of the muscles of the face and neck. The main types of speech therapy massage include: • classic manual; • point; • hardware.

Self-massage is a massage performed by a child suffering from speech pathology. Self-massage is a massage performed by a child suffering from speech pathology. Self-massage is a means of complementing the effects of the main massage, which is performed by a speech therapist. The purpose of speech therapy self-massage is primarily to stimulate the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus, as well as, to a certain extent, to normalize the muscle tone of these muscles. Finger massage • massage of palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored balls; • pin massage; • massage with nuts and chestnuts; • massage with hexagonal pencils; • massage with rosary; • massage with herbal bags; • stone massage; • massage with probes, probe substitutes; • massage with Su-Jok therapy devices. Cryotherapy is one of the modern non-traditional methods of correctional pedagogy, which consists in the use of games with ice. The dosed effect of cold on the nerve endings of the fingers has beneficial properties.

Technologies of sensory development A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception, the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood is difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us. Goal: sensory development of young children using modern technologies. One of such teaching aids at present, according to Russian and foreign teachers, are LEGO DACTA construction sets, which have a number of characteristics that significantly distinguish them from other construction sets, primarily a large range of capabilities, versatility, modern technical and aesthetic characteristics, their use in for various purposes.

Lego technologies LEGO technologies provide high quality correctional work with children, allow organizing play, research and creative activities with children, even the smallest, and enrich the subject-spatial developmental environment in preschool educational institutions and families. The use of LEGO in speech therapy classes has a positive effect on the quality of correction and training, as it contributes to: activation of vocabulary (passive and active); development of lexical and grammatical means of speech within certain topics and age; formation of the grammatical component of speech; formation and development of correct long exhalation. setting and automating sounds during the game (building “magic” steps, ladders, paths); development and improvement of higher mental functions; training fine differentiated movements of fingers and hands. Work on speech development using LEGO technologies makes the correctional speech therapy process more effective. Children perceive classes as a game, it does not cause negativity in them, it teaches children to be attentive, persevering, and accurately following instructions. This helps to better assimilate correctional material. The more diverse the methods of speech therapy for children with speech pathology, the more successful the formation of speech will be.

Health-saving technology There are various complexes of breathing exercises - gymnastics according to Strelnikova, Buteyko, Frolov’s simulator, gymnastics borrowed from hatha yoga, and others. All of them are built on deep breathing, artificial difficulty breathing, holding your breath, slowing your breathing, as well as shallow breathing. The respiratory system of children is not perfect: the smaller the child, the narrower his respiratory tract, and the mucous membrane lining them is very delicate, so you cannot mindlessly follow any of the new techniques. Young children require a more thorough and serious approach: 1. Taking into account the effectiveness of each exercise; 2. Level of difficulty of implementation, accessibility for a small child. 3. Inclusion in the system of exercises for different types of breathing: - abdominal; - costal; - clavicular; - full; Correct speech breathing is the basis of normal sound pronunciation and speech in general. Some sounds require an energetic, strong exhalation, a directed air stream. Therefore, breathing exercises occupy an important place in speech therapy work.

BREATHING GYMNASTICS FOR EARLY CHILDREN The main task of breathing exercises for a child is to teach him to breathe correctly, deeply, fill his lungs as much as possible when inhaling, expanding the chest, and when exhaling, free the lungs from residual air, pushing it out by compressing the lungs. • normalization and optimization of the respiratory system as a whole; • oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which promotes attention and improves memory; • in combination with sound exercises, effective in speech therapy work; • improves speech breathing and speech sonority; • eliminates nasality, disturbances in tempo and rhythm of speech. These exercises can be included in a complex of morning exercises, warm-up after sleep, while walking, but at least 2 times a day. Watch. Stand up straight, legs slightly apart, arms down. Swing your straight arms back and forth and pronounce TICK-TACK, breathing calmly and evenly. (6-7 times) Dudochka. Sit on a chair, clench your hands as if you were holding a pipe, bring them to your lips. Exhale slowly while pronouncing the sounds P-F-F-F (4 times) Cockerel. Standing straight, legs slightly apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides - inhale, pat your hands on your thighs with the sounds KU-KA-RE-KU - exhale. (4 times) The porridge is boiling. Sitting on a chair, place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Pull in your stomach and draw in air (inhale), lower your chest (exhale) and pronounce the sound F-F-F loudly as you exhale. (4 times) Train. Walk, making alternating movements with your hands and saying CHUH-CHUH-CHUH (20 seconds) Funny ball. Standing straight, legs apart. Raise your hands with the ball (diameter up to 10 cm) to your chest, inhale and throw the ball forward from your chest with the sound U-H-H (exhale), catch up with the ball (4-5 times)

MYOGYMNASTICS FOR EARLY CHILDREN The traditional complex of articulatory gymnastics is not always effective for the targeted formation or restoration of individual muscles suffering from a disorder such as hypotension. Myogymnastics is gymnastics for insufficiently or improperly functioning groups of masticatory and facial muscles, developed by orthodontists in order to form and normalize the functions of the muscles of the maxillofacial area and the oral cavity. These exercises stimulate the development of the muscles that elevate the tongue, promoting the development of proper swallowing skills, strengthen the orbicularis oris muscle, preventing disturbances in the development of the sound side of speech, and preventing dentofacial deformation. Horses or Candy. Clicking the tongue (30 sec) in a position comfortable for the child (sitting, standing) Start the car. Pronouncing the sound D-D-D (up to 30 sec.) Let's brush our teeth. Use the tip of your tongue to move (“clean”, “stroke”) along the upper and lower teeth from right to left (4-5 times) Kiss. Extend your lips forward and smack (4-5 times) Smile. Stretch your lips as wide as possible, return to the original position of your lips (4-5 times) Inflate the balloon. Puff out your cheeks and slowly squeeze out the air through pursed lips with your fists (4-5 rubles)

Computer technologies “Magic Pen” Another modern electronic learning technology that is actively used by us in working with children is the “Magic Pen” and a series of books that is included with an electronic device in the form of a pen. The contents of the educational books are already “downloaded” into the pen. For an electronic device to “recognize” each book, you just need to touch the logo on the first page with it. When you touch the text, the “pen” will read it out loud. With books in the Magic Pen series, children will be able to: ∙ read or listen to books in the series on their own, ∙ answer questions and use a pen to check the correctness of answers, ∙ learn the meaning of new words, ∙ listen to short musical


Early age is important for all subsequent mental, physical, speech and emotional development of the child.

The most important reason for the relevance of the problem of early correction of developmental disorders is the fact that in all countries the number of newborns with developmental disabilities and poor health reaches 86% of newborns.

In a situation where a 1.5–2.5 year old child does not have active speech, parents and teachers are faced with the question: is it necessary to immediately begin special speech therapy classes or should it wait? Parents usually compare the child’s speech with the level of speech development of his peers. And, of course, they begin to worry about the fact that the child is lagging behind in speech development. However, at the everyday level, there are ideas that “boys generally start talking later” or “it happens that he is silent, silent, and then speaks,” etc. Often, speech therapists at the clinic advise to wait a little. This can be explained by the fact that classes with children require a special approach; not every specialist has the necessary knowledge, experience, or desire to work with young children. It is much easier to conduct classes with a child 4.5–5 years old, whose behavior is already quite arbitrary. In my opinion, if a child aged 1.5–3 years does not have active speech, it is necessary to organize a consultation with competent specialists - a speech therapist, psychologist, neuropsychiatrist, otolaryngologist (ENT), conduct a series of medical studies (encephalogram and echogram of the brain, audiogram, etc.) . Observations by specialists and objective data from medical studies make it possible to clarify the nature of the disorder and the degree of its complexity, and to suggest possible causes of the disorder. As a result of such an examination, it becomes possible to organize adequate assistance for the child. At an early age, various developmental disorders are not yet differentiated in their external manifestations; they often have similar manifestations. But a violation of speech development to one degree or another accompanies any defect. Organizing observation of the child and corrective classes will help differentiate speech disorders from other disorders (mental retardation, mental retardation, hearing impairment, autism) and make a more accurate diagnosis. Usually, during a consultation with a speech therapist or during speech therapy sessions with young children, parents want to get a prognosis for the child’s speech development in the short and long term. How accurate is it possible to make a forecast? Since in early and early preschool age, in children with speech disorders of varying degrees of complexity, the level of general and speech development may look approximately the same, assumptions about the further development of a child’s speech can only be made by taking into account the dynamics of speech development during speech therapy training. With systematic speech therapy sessions, some children who have similar speech disorders in early and early preschool age can completely overcome their speech defect, catch up with their peers in terms of speech development, and in the future successfully study in a public school. Another part of children, even during systematic training, is unable to completely overcome their speech impairment. At school age, they have problems mastering written language (dysgraphia, dyslexia). In the first case, we can talk about delayed speech development (DSD); in the second case, we can talk about general underdevelopment of speech (GSD).

The main directions of correctional and speech therapy work:

Normalization of muscle tone, fine motor skills, development of the articulatory apparatus, tactile sensations, facial expressions, development of breathing rhythm, stimulation of babbling, babbling words, translation of words from passive to active vocabulary, development of visual, auditory differentiation, memory, attention, thinking.

Features of classes with young children:

Working with young children requires a special approach. Classes with young children differ from classes with preschoolers not only in the volume and content of the material, but also in the specific methods of conducting classes. In order to carry out the work in the best possible way, the speech therapist must also have a good understanding of the psychological characteristics of early childhood: features of the development of perception, attention and memory, speech, thinking, activity, etc.

Therefore, when working with young children, the following points should be taken into account:

1. A child learns about the world with the help of an adult, through imitation. Kids explore with interest the sensory properties of surrounding objects: they open and close, throw, touch, smell, taste. But only with the help of an adult will a child learn the functional purpose of our everyday objects - that they eat soup with a spoon, and dig sand with a spatula, read a book, and draw with a pencil. An adult introduces a child to new games when he teaches how to lull a doll, build with blocks, roll a car by a string, etc. By watching an adult and repeating his movements, actions, words, the child learns new skills, learns to speak, serve himself, and becomes more independent. Classes with children are based on imitation of an adult, his movements, actions and words, and not on explanation, conversation, or suggestion. In the joint activities of a child and an adult, it is necessary to combine elements of play and learning.

2. Young children are active, mobile and inquisitive. Childhood spontaneity underlies knowledge of the world around us and communication with people. Children have not yet formed the concepts of what is good and what is bad, how one can behave and how one cannot, etc. Teaching children is possible only when the child’s positive emotions are affected. Such an emotional uplift can only be achieved in a game. A conscious attitude towards learning will appear later - in older preschool age. In the meantime... if the baby is not interested, he will simply turn away or leave. Elements of learning must be introduced into specially organized games.

3. For a new skill to stick, repetition is necessary. Toddlers love to repeat the same action (or movement, word, etc.) over and over again. This is a learning mechanism: a skill requires a large number of repetitions to become established, and the more complex the skill, the more time and number of repetitions it will take. The assumption that it is necessary to constantly add variety to a child's games and activities is correct for older children. And kids feel more comfortable in a familiar situation and act more confidently during familiar, favorite games. In order for new knowledge, skills and abilities to be consolidated, it is necessary to repeat what has been learned many times.

4. The content of the material must correspond to children's experience. Material for games with young children must be selected in such a way that its content corresponds to children's experience. Use situations familiar to the baby. For example, playing with a car - children saw cars on the street; game "Kitty, kitty - scat!" – the children saw and stroked the cat. If new material is offered, then it is first necessary to give the child new ideas. For example, the game “Hen and Chicks”. Small city children often have no real idea about poultry, so show your child toys - hen and chicks - or pictures, talk a little about these poultry, and then start playing. The main topics of the classes are human life, animals and birds, plants, seasonal changes and weather, etc. The same topics are consolidated, clarified, and expanded in different classes. Reusing familiar stories when working with young children is completely justified and useful. The content of the material for classes with children requires serious and thoughtful selection (you can take the section of the kindergarten program “Acquaintance with the World Around You” as a basis).

5. It is necessary to control the level of complexity of the proposed material. The level of complexity of the material for classes with young children must be age-appropriate. Experience shows the following trend: teachers tend to overestimate the level of complexity of the material and the demands placed on children. This can be explained by the fact that it is very difficult for an adult to take the position of a small child. But what is obvious and simple for an older child, and even more so for an adult, poses a serious challenge for children. It should also be remembered that if a child is faced with a task that is beyond his strength, he will obviously find himself in a situation of failure. The kid will try to complete the task, but he will not succeed, and he will quickly lose interest. In this case, both the child and the adult will be disappointed, and next time the child may give up trying to complete a difficult task. The material should be accessible to a small child; the complexity of the same task occurs gradually, from lesson to lesson (implementation of the principle “from simple to complex”).

6. It is necessary to control the duration of the game. It should be taken into account that the attention of young children is involuntary and short-lived. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the game in advance in such a way as to avoid overtiring the child and losing interest in the activity. Each game lasts from 5–10 to 15–20 minutes. In this case, you should take into account the specific situation and behavior of the children: you can quickly end the game if you see that the children are tired, or continue and expand it if the kids have the mood and strength to continue. Long games should not be planned in classes with young children. Also, during the lesson, it is necessary to flexibly vary the duration of the games, depending on the situation, the children’s capabilities and their behavior.

7. A clear structure of the game is needed. In order for children to better assimilate information, a clear structure is necessary: ​​each game has a beginning, a continuation and an end. Moreover, the beginning and end of the game are very short in time (introductory and final remarks by the teacher). The continuation of the game includes the main content of the proposed material. By varying the duration of the game, we manipulate precisely this part of the game. For both the short and long versions of the game, do not forget about the opening and closing cues to mark the beginning and end of each game. Consider as an example the game “Hen and Chicks” already mentioned above. Options for starting the game - “Here the hen and the chickens have come to us,” or “Now we will play “The Hen and the Chicks,” etc. Options for ending the game – “The hen and the chickens have gone home” (the hen and the chickens are leaving), “The hen and the chickens say goodbye - goodbye!“, etc. But the continuation can be of any content and duration, depending on the tasks assigned. The game must have a beginning, a continuation and an end.

8. A change in activities is necessary. Changing types of activities, when the game consists of several different games, allows you to retain the attention of children longer, increasing the duration and effectiveness of the lesson. It is important that active games are combined with calm ones. By the way, changing types of activities (for example, mental and physical) helps to increase performance in both older children and adults. Each game should include several diverse games, replacing one another.

9.Flexibility. The games described should be selected and used taking into account the age of the children, their abilities and interests. React sensitively to the attitude of children, catch their responses. In some cases, you should learn from the children themselves, who offer interesting options for the development of the game and its plot. It is necessary to combine clear planning of the game with flexibility in its implementation - individual parts of the game can be shortened or expanded, something can be postponed until next time, or a new, previously unplanned element can be introduced.

10. Transfer of knowledge. It is necessary to take special care to ensure that the knowledge and skills that children acquire during games are actively used by them both in other classes and in everyday life. To do this, you need to keep your loved ones informed of events - they should know about the child’s new achievements. Since kids are sometimes lazy, sometimes shy, and sometimes simply forget about what they have learned and act in the usual way in a familiar situation, encourage, encourage, and sometimes demand that the child act in a new way. Only in this case will a useful skill be consolidated faster. In order for skills and knowledge to be consolidated, it is necessary to constantly use them in a variety of situations.

11. Kids need a positive assessment of their activities. During the learning period, emotional support from an adult and a positive assessment of achievements are necessary for children. Therefore, try to celebrate any, even the most modest, achievements and successes. If you fail, don't focus on it. Say, for example: “Then we’ll try again,” “Next time it will definitely work,” “You tried, well done!” To help kids develop faster and more confidently, praise them more often.

The main form of influence on a small child is organized games , in which the leading role belongs to adults. They can be used under the conditions of any program material and conducted in classes by both a speech therapist (individual and group) and a teacher, and also included in music classes.

The education of young children is unique. Its essence lies in the fact that, firstly, children lack not only the motive for learning activities aimed at acquiring certain knowledge, but also the conscious, voluntary actions necessary for learning - the assimilation of first knowledge and skills occurs on the basis of involuntary memorization. Secondly, in spite of everything, a young child has a high level of learning ability. Activities with children of this age are playful in nature, but they have certain goals, objectives, and means of achieving them.

One of the main objectives of teaching is the development of passive and active speech in children.

Through speech, an adult introduces children to the objective world around them. However, children are not always able to independently perceive and process information coming from adults, which indicates the need to develop an understanding of speech and cognitive activity of the child as a whole. Work on the development of speech in young children is organized in stages. The stages are identified on the basis of the psychological principle of development. Speech proficiency is subject to certain patterns and is closely related to the development of other mental functions of the child.

Teaching children at different age stages.

Children of the first year of life. Aimed at developing emotional communication (inducing and maintaining vocal reactions) and understanding spoken speech. One of the main tasks of raising babies is to develop their need for communication. The need for communication arises very early, towards the end of the first month of life. A “revival complex” appears in response to an adult’s smile. Children should first develop their visual and auditory concentration, and then their attention to and understanding of adult speech. This is carried out in the process of the child’s cognition of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The formation of speech and cognitive processes occurs simultaneously. In speech therapy classes, toys or real objects are used first, and then pictures. The direct active participation of the child himself in the process of learning a particular subject is also of great importance. To do this, the child’s actions with it are included in the process of becoming familiar with the object. The child must see the object and at the same time hear its name, touch it and perform various actions with it. The more the child comes into contact with an object, the more successfully his reaction to the word denoting this object will develop, i.e. The development of understanding adult speech will accelerate. An object must stand in the same place for some time and be denoted by the same word. For example, a rubber cockerel is initially called the word “Petya”. As the child masters the word, he learns to relate it to an object that changes its location. By the end of the first year of life, the child begins to speak his first words, and further development involves the improvement of passive and active speech.


1. “Where does the toy sound?” Goal: To form the visual and auditory perception of children during play activities. Develop understanding of basic instructions. Benefit: rattle. Progress of the lesson: The speech therapist shows the child a rattle, then knocks on it with his hand. Moving around the playpen and continuing to knock on the rattle, the speech therapist ensures that the baby follows the moving source of sound.

The game is played similarly with other sounding toys: a bell, a tambourine, a squeaking toy.

2. “Ladushki” Purpose: To expand the passive vocabulary in the process of performing game actions. Progress of the lesson: 2-3 children sit in the playpen or at the table. The speech therapist claps his hands, singing: “Okay, okay,” and tries to attract the children’s attention to the movements of his hands. Addressing one of the children, the speech therapist says: “Sasha, make it okay.” He takes the child’s hands and claps them, continuing to chant: “Okay, okay.” The adult does the same thing 2-3 times with each child. Then the speech therapist teaches the children to perform “Ladushki” by imitation.

Children of the second year of life. In the second year of study, speech therapy classes primarily develop speech-based communication. The formation of active speech should occur in close connection with the development of thinking on the same cognitive material. The principle of the unity of the formation of speech and thinking on the same cognitive material should be the basis of the entire process of teaching children speech. Along with the development of active speech, children continue to develop attention to addressed speech and its understanding.

The expansion of children's vocabulary is carried out through words denoting objects, actions, and signs. The child perceives speech as a whole: the name of an object, its characteristics, the ability to perform actions with it - all this is indicated by words belonging to various categories. The child’s perception of an object should be accompanied not just by its name, but by a message about this object. In his story, the speech therapist repeatedly uses a new word in combination with other words. Shows the connection between words in a sentence. During the game, children master target actions with objects according to instructions: open - close, put on - take off, take out - put, etc. Their visual and auditory attention improves. Fine motor skills and coordination of movements are improved.

Games :

1. Development of understanding of speech, visual and auditory perception, drawing attention to the speech therapist’s speech.

“Where is the doll?” Goal: to form the visual and auditory perception of children in the process of play actions. Aids: doll, screen. Progress of the lesson: 2-3 children sit on the carpet. The speech therapist shows them the doll and calls it “Katya.” Allows you to examine the doll. Then he leads the doll along the floor, explaining: “Katya, top, top.” The children watch her movements. The speech therapist suddenly brings the doll behind the screen and asks: “Where is Katya?” Children look for the doll with their eyes and point with their fingers. The speech therapist takes out the doll from behind the screen and says: “Here is Katya!” Encourages children to repeat the words: Katya. Katya top – top. Here's Katya!

Games with other toys are played in the same way: cat, dog, ball, car, etc.

“Big - small” Goal: to expand the passive vocabulary in the process of performing game actions. Course of the lesson: the lesson is conducted with a group of children (2-3 people) or individually. The child is standing on the floor. The speech therapist raises his hand up and says: “That’s how big Sasha is!” Then the speech therapist crouches down and helps the child sit down, while saying: “And now Sasha is little.”

2. Formation of speech during exercises for “playing with” toys.

"Throw the ball into the basket." Goal: to teach children to understand and follow basic instructions. Aids: two medium-sized balls, a basket.

Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist puts a basket on the floor, takes a ball, approaches it with the child and says: “Here is the basket.” The speech therapist throws his ball into the basket and says: “The ball fell.” Gives another ball to the child: “Here, Kolya, the ball. Throw it in the basket! A child throws a ball. The speech therapist asks the child to repeat the words: give the ball, on the ball, the ball fell, throw the ball.

3. Learning to understand speech during actions with objects. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

“Stick the mushrooms” Purpose: to teach children to follow simple verbal instructions. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Aids: table with 6 round holes, 6 mushrooms. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist puts a table in front of the child with mushrooms stuck in it, turns to the child: “Igor, take the fungus, put it on the table.” When all the fungi are placed on the table, the speech therapist says: Now stick the fungus into the hole.” The game is played 2-3 times.

4. Teaching children to design, develop speech, fine motor skills.

“Tower”, “House”, “Path”, “Table and chair”, etc. Goal: teach children simple design. Benefits: “Builder” set. Each child has a certain number of details. Progress of the lesson: design by demonstration, design by sample.

It is advisable to play with all children’s buildings using small toys.

5. Development of articulatory motor skills.

“Oh, how sweet.” Goal: to form the simplest articulatory movements in the child: sticking out and retracting the tongue. Learn to understand the instructions: “Put it out - put it away” Aids: beaker, spatula, sweet syrup. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist pours syrup into a beaker, scoops it up with a spatula, brings it to the child’s mouth, and the child licks the syrup. The speech therapist exclaims: “Oh, how sweet!” Then the spatula with syrup is brought to the child’s lower lip, while the speech therapist shows how to stick out the tongue to lick off the syrup. If the child’s tongue is tense, the speech therapist lightly taps the tongue with a spatula, achieving its relaxation. Gradually the slow movements of the tongue speed up. Subsequent games and activities are carried out similarly: “Pussy drinks milk”, “Tick-tock”, etc.

Children from two to three years old. There is an intensive expansion of both passive and active vocabulary. Children develop phrasal speech. Speech becomes the main means of communication with both adults and peers. Concepts about such sensory properties of an object as shape, size, color continue to form. Children distinguish simple geometric shapes: cube, ball, brick, “roof”. Establish similarities and differences between objects by color (primary colors). Imitating the actions of an adult, children erect complex structures from building materials. The concept of the number of objects (one, two, many) is formed. Children can perform relatively complex tasks, in particular, classify objects according to the main action performed with it. The methods of performing individual tasks are also being improved. For example, when assembling pyramids taking into account the size of the rings or drawing up a cut-out picture, children move from trial and error to visual correlation. A selective attitude towards toys appears. The game becomes procedural, containing plot elements.


1. Expanding children's active vocabulary with the help of subject pictures.

"What is this?" Goal: to teach children to establish the similarity of an object with its image. Expand the active dictionary. Benefits: object pictures: doll, car, ball, dog. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist shows the child a picture, names it and places it in front of him. Then, pointing to one of them, the speech therapist asks: “Nina, what is this?” If the child cannot name, the speech therapist speaks himself and asks the child to repeat: “say: this is a doll.”

2. Expanding children's active vocabulary with the help of story-based pictures.

"The girl is eating." Goal : to teach children to see the plot of the picture, i.e. recognize familiar characters and the actions they perform. Form a speech consisting of simple common sentences, learn to answer questions based on the contents of pictures not in monosyllables, but in a complete, detailed manner. Benefits: story picture. Progress of the lesson: Speech therapist: Who is sitting at the table? Child: The girl is sitting. Speech therapist: What is the girl doing? Child: The girl is eating. Speech therapist: What does the girl eat? Child: The girl is eating soup. Speech therapist: What does soup eat? Child: Eats soup with a spoon.

3. Development of sensory perception.

“Object and its image” Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the variety of geometric shapes. Enter and fix in the active dictionary the names of some volumetric geometric shapes. To form a concept of the similarities and differences of objects in shape. Continue to develop phrasal speech in the child, consisting of simple sentences. Equipment: cube, ball, triangular prism, board with the image of these figures. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist puts all the figures and a board on the table. Then he takes a cube from the table and asks the child: “What is this?” He answers: “Cube.” The speech therapist, pointing to the board, asks: “Where is the cube?” “Here is a cube,” the child points to a picture of a cube. “Now we’ll put the cube on the board, where the cube is also drawn,” says the speech therapist. After this, he invites the child to arrange the remaining figures.

4. The concept of magnitude.

“Let's take the bears for a ride in cars” Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “big and small” in children’s active vocabulary. Improve visual perception of the size of an object. Continue the formation of phrasal speech. Equipment: 2 bears of different sizes and 2 cars corresponding to them. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist places 2 cars in front of the child. He asks: “What kind of car is this, and this one?” The kid answers similar questions, showing two bears. Then he offers to ride first the big bear, then the little one. Accompanying the child’s actions with the words: “The big bear rides in a big car, and the little bear rides in a small one. Repeat!"

5. Concept of color.

"Build a pyramid." Goal: to consolidate the names of primary colors in active speech. Select the named color from 2 – 3 others; independently determine the color according to the instructions of the speech therapist. Continue working on the formation of phrasal speech. Equipment: pyramids of 3 colors (red, yellow, green) of three rings each.

Progress of the lesson: there are pyramids on the table. The speech therapist points to the pyramid and asks: “What color?” The child shows. The speech therapist suggests removing the rings and putting them on the table. Then he asks the child to assemble the pyramids one by one, putting on rings not only by color, but also by size.

6. Formation of the concept of the number of objects.

“Matryoshka” Goal: to consolidate the concept of quantity in active speech. Improve visual perception of the number of objects. Equipment: object pictures: on one there is 1 matryoshka doll, on the other there are 2 dolls, on the third there are 5 dolls. Counting material – 8 identical nesting dolls in a box. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist puts in front of the child a box of nesting dolls and a picture depicting 1 nesting doll. He asks: “Vasya, how many nesting dolls have been drawn?” Child: “One nesting doll.” Speech therapist: “Take 1 nesting doll from the box and put it on the picture.” The child receives a picture of two nesting dolls. “How many nesting dolls are drawn here?” asks the speech therapist. "Two nesting dolls." Speech therapist: “Take 2 nesting dolls from the box and put them on the picture.” Then the child is given a picture with 5 nesting dolls. He says: "A lot." “How many nesting dolls are in the box?” asks the speech therapist. “A lot of nesting dolls,” the child answers.

7. Design training.

“We’ll build a gate and a house.” Goal : learn to make buildings according to a show or example (house) from building material. Equipment: 3 bars each - for a child and a speech therapist, 2 cubes and 2 prisms - for a child and a speech therapist, a small machine. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist builds a gate. Asks the child to repeat the actions after him. Then he covers it with a sheet of paper and builds a house. He says to the child: Now build another house.” The child is building. The construction is played out using a machine.

8. Development of articulatory motor skills and speech breathing.

"The bird is singing." Goal: to teach children to stretch their lips in a “smile”. Equipment: groovy voiced bird. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist shows a bird and says: “Look at the bird.” He starts it up and puts it on the table: “The bird is singing - pi-i, pi-i, pi-i.” The speech therapist draws the child’s attention to the fact that the lips are stretched to the sides. “How does the bird sing?” The child repeats. Classes are always held in front of a large mirror.

9. Games - relaxation.

The main role of relaxation games is to activate and concentrate the child’s attention when performing various tasks. Relaxation play is an integral part of any activity where there is a need to change one type of activity to another. The duration of the relaxation game is up to 2 minutes. Its nature and method of implementation depend on the level of psycho-speech development of the child.

“How does a bunny jump?” Goal: to promote attention. Teach children to perform movements not only by imitation, but also by instructions. Develop visual and auditory perception. Improve your child's motor skills. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist asks: “How does the bunny jump?” Children bend their elbows, press their fists to their chest and begin to jump on two legs. Jumps are accompanied by the words: “Jump - jump, jump - jump.” During the game, the speech therapist monitors the children’s movements.

“Hands up, let’s wave them” Purpose: to promote attention. Develop visual and auditory perception. Improve your child's motor skills. Equipment: card with the text: Hands up, let's wave them. Handles to the sides - like this. Handles down. They stomped their feet - like that. The legs began to walk and ran along the path. Progress of the lesson: the speech therapist invites the children to get up from the table and play with him.

The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and a teacher.

Not only a speech therapist, but also a teacher is involved in the development of children’s speech. If a speech therapist develops children’s speech communication, then the teacher consolidates the children’s speech skills acquired in speech therapy classes.

Coordination of the work of the teacher and speech therapist involves discussing the topic of upcoming classes and the plan for their implementation, taking into account the level of speech development of children.

Speech therapy work is an important part of the complex medical and pedagogical impact on the child. It stimulates speech function, expands the baby’s communicative and cognitive activity, promotes the development of his thinking, and helps prevent secondary developmental deviations.

The relationship between the work of a speech therapist and medical personnel.

The pedagogical activity of a teacher-speech therapist will be more effective if there is interaction with a medical professional. Medical personnel need to carry out a number of activities for the full development of the child: Vitaminization Physiotherapy. Therapeutic and preventive measures, Hardening. Individual restorative massage. Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, for full physical development. Medical control and disease prevention; Inclusion of health-improving and correctional-developmental technologies in the pedagogical process.

Recommendations for parents.

The physical and mental education of a child begins in early childhood. All skills are acquired in the family, including the skill of correct speech. A child’s speech is formed based on the speech of his family and friends: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, older sisters and brothers. There is a deeply incorrect opinion that the sound pronunciation side of a child’s speech develops independently, without special influence and help from adults, as if the child himself gradually masters correct pronunciation.

Non-interference in the process of formation of children's speech almost always entails developmental delays. Speech deficiencies, having become established in childhood, are overcome with great difficulty in subsequent years. A reasonable family always tries to influence the formation of children's speech, starting from the earliest years of life. It is very important that from an early age a child hears correct, distinct speech, from which his own speech is formed. Parents simply must know how important adult speech is for a child, and how exactly to talk to young children. Adults must speak correctly, without distorting words, pronouncing each sound clearly, take their time, and not “eat up” syllables and word endings. It is worth adding that “faking” a child’s language is completely inappropriate, as it often inhibits speech development. If adults do not monitor their speech, then many words reach the child’s ear distortedly (“see” instead of “look”, “don’t run” instead of “don’t run”, “finally” instead of “in general”, etc.). It is especially important to pronounce unfamiliar, new and long words especially clearly. By speaking directly to your son or daughter, you encourage them to respond and they have the opportunity to listen carefully to what you say.

You need to teach your child to look directly at the speaker. Then he more easily adopts the articulation of adults. An experienced teacher, having taken a closer look at newly admitted students, will very quickly form an opinion about what his family has given the child (general development, intelligence, speech development).


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Author: Kartazaeva Natalya Aleksandrovna,

teacher-speech therapist GBOU kindergarten

No. 1652 Moscow Russia

The article is published in the author's edition


Speech therapy examination

Definition 1
A speech therapy examination is a set of activities designed to identify speech disorders in the subject through a comprehensive and complete study of his speech and its individual components.

Speech therapy diagnostics and speech stimulation at the initial stages of communication development should recognize and correct deviations in speech development. This involves the use of special examination techniques and differential diagnosis, combined with a thorough analysis of medical history data and psychological and pedagogical observations of the child.

When diagnosing deviations in the speech development of full-term children under one year of age, specialists are guided by the traditional scheme of normal speech development.

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Stage 1 - newborn - the child screams from the first minutes of life, vowel-like sounds are clearly distinguishable in vocal reactions. When collecting anamnestic data about the neonatal period, the speech therapist focuses on:

  • the nature of the newborn's first cry;
  • physiological respiratory function;
  • the presence of intensive care in the neonatal period;
  • possible surgical interventions in the neonatal period;
  • the nature of the baby's first breastfeeding;
  • reasons for early artificial feeding;
  • duration of feeding;
  • the nature of sucking and swallowing movements during feeding.

Stage 2 – 1-3 months. During the early development of a child, indicative reactions are formed with a delay or are completely absent. Smiling is extremely rare, negative reactions predominate.

Stage 3 – 3-6 months. At the beginning of this stage, children make drawn-out vowel-like sounds, but gradually the humming turns into babbling. The sounds become melodious and long-lasting, varied. By 6 months, sound combinations of vowels and consonants are well distinguished, for example, “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”, etc.

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Stage 4 – 6-9 months. The sounds are differentiated and approach the sounds of the native language; in baby babble they appear in a certain sequence: oral-nasal, voiced-voiceless, hard-soft, stop-frictional. The baby echoes sounds after the adult, copies the intonation and melodic structure of familiar phrases, and also imitates coughing and clicking the tongue.

Stage 5 – 9-12 months. At the beginning of the period, active babbling is noted, and at the end of the period, children should pronounce 5-6 babbling words. Children who develop normally are good at imitating the intonations of adult interlocutors, copying individual syllables, exclamations and interjections. Children can express their mood by changing the tone, volume, and duration of their voice. Dysfunctions of general speech-motor skills are indirectly manifested in persistent difficulties in developing the skills of chewing solid food, swallowing, and the ability to drink water from a cup in small sips.

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