Speech pathologist-defectologist via Skype - is it effective for everyone?

Of course, a face-to-face meeting with a speech therapist is most effective. But in practice, this meeting is not always possible, and the help of a specialist may be needed in the near future. For such situations, we have developed online consultations with speech therapists using Skype video calls.

  • Benefits of online consultations
  • Who conducts consultations and how?
  • When is it effective to study online?
  • When Skype lessons are not possible
  • Cost of consultation
  • How to get a consultation online
  • or send a request

Who conducts consultations and how?

Consultations are carried out by sexologists from the St. Petersburg center, who also conduct face-to-face consultations in the office. All specialists underwent internships and advanced training with Gennady Gennadievich Golubev. All sexologists of the center are united by higher medical education, many years of experience in successful practice, and regular training. See center specialists

Consultations are conducted in the following areas:

  1. Preschoolers from 2 to 6 years old;
  2. Schoolchildren from 6 to 16 years old;
  3. Adults and elderly people.

The classes are completely similar to those held in person at the center. During the first lesson, a speech therapy examination is carried out, after which the specialist answers your questions and gives recommendations, and also determines the approximate duration of the course. The duration of each lesson is approximately 60 minutes. The speech therapist or center administrator sends you all the necessary materials and tasks for independent work via Skype or email.

Consultations are carried out by appointment and only subject to 100% prepayment. All payments are completely official. The funds are transferred to the center's current account.

Speech therapists via Skype at our school

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The Internet today is an indispensable means for transmitting any information. Distance learning via the Internet is becoming increasingly popular.

One of the most popular types is training via Skype. Particularly a lot of time has to be spent on the education and development of the child.

But, unfortunately, there are cases when, due to developmental characteristics, the baby has to devote more time.

For example, a child does not speak or speaks with errors, he has difficulty reading, cannot pronounce letters, etc.

And if there are few specialists in this industry in your city, queues are lining up to see them several months in advance, then there is always a good alternative - a speech therapist for children via Skype.

When is it effective to conduct online consultations?

  • To correct problems with sound pronunciation in schoolchildren and adults: accent, burr, “porridge in the mouth”;
  • Correction of stuttering in schoolchildren and adults.

To increase effectiveness, we recommend that classes with preschoolers be conducted in personal contact between the child and a speech therapist at our center.
In extreme cases, in agreement with a speech therapist, classes via Skype are possible for children 4-7 years old with the constant presence of one of the parents next to the child to ensure the correct completion of the task and discipline. Skype consultations are available for parents on issues related to their child’s speech development.

How do classes with a speech therapist go on Skype?

To work online you need a good connection. Required technical components include:

  • stable Internet connection with good speed;
  • presence of a webcam;
  • high quality speakers and microphone.

For speech therapy classes, a headset with headphones is not the most suitable option, especially when working with children.

One of the parents must be present at the classes to monitor the child’s assignments, to be the “hands” of the speech therapist, and to receive consultations after each lesson.

The plan for conducting classes does not differ from those in which the speech therapist is present in person. In the same way, all exercises are compiled taking into account the personal characteristics of the child and his speech development. Articulation gymnastics techniques, games, and thematic tasks are included. At the end of the lesson, recommendations are given for doing the exercises at home.

Cost of consultations

The center in St. Petersburg, where the consultation takes place, receives specialists - speech therapists-defectologists, special education teachers, speech therapists-aphasiologists and typhlopedic teachers with experience from 3 to 15 years of practice.

Service typeTimeSpecialist of the first or higher category
Children's speech therapist online via Skype50 min.1,400 rub.
Adult speech therapist online via Skype60 min.1,600 rub.
Joint consultation of a psychologist and speech therapist online via Skype60 min.3,000 rub.
Season tickets
10 sessions with a children's speech therapist (category 1-2 disorders)50 min.13,500 rub.
10 sessions with a children's speech therapist (category 3 disorders)50 min.14,400 rub.
10 sessions with an adult speech therapist50 min.14,400 rub.

Disadvantages of speech therapy classes via Skype

If everything is so rosy, then it means that absolutely everyone can study online with a speech pathologist? In this case, we would like to warn against creating unjustified expectations. Despite the fact that remote speech therapy work has been actively spreading in recent years, this option cannot completely replace the face-to-face presence of a teacher.

The negative side logically follows from the very advantages of online classes. The other side of the coin is the lack of “live” communication. Many nuances of a child’s behavior may simply not be noticed through a screen. But they are the ones who can help a specialist discover the roots of existing problems, more accurately build a correction program and provide the necessary assistance.

This is interesting: Myths about bilingualism - the development of children’s speech in a bilingual family

Our projects

As projects, and therefore a bright prospect, I consider the organization and deployment of online speech therapy assistance, in which it would be possible to organize mini-video conferences and training seminars for interested parents on topics received as an order. This could be either a basic learning of tongue exercises (articulatory gymnastics) in the company of several mothers, or a review of the CORRECT method of teaching a child to read, or a story about the features (methodology) of learning poems with preschoolers, etc.

Since the Internet is an amazing education that sometimes overloads us with an excess of information, and sometimes does not allow us to find the information of interest in any way, I am particularly attracted by the need to establish contacts with other speech therapists who work via Skype, but are focused on other speech disorders - stuttering, aphasia , voice disorders, etc. If such contacts are established, then we will be able to more quickly help people who apply find “their” specialist in speech correction or development.

About Us

We invite children, teenagers and adults to speech therapy Skype classes.

A significant number of speech deficiencies can be eliminated online

- it all depends on the professionalism of the speech therapist

and your perseverance, diligence and determination.


If new forms of teaching arise in pedagogical reality, it means that they have some advantages and are in demand in the market of educational services. This statement is also valid in relation to the activities of a speech therapist via SKYPE. Let's consider the advantages that this method of learning has.

  1. With Skype, speech therapist services become available to a wider population . I'll try to prove it. — there are still cities and towns where a speech therapist is a rarity and getting an appointment with one is problematic, but lessons via Skype are already available to many; — Skype speech therapist is a unique opportunity to receive corrective speech classes for families living abroad — Europe, China, etc. - the mother of several young children does not have the time and transport opportunity to deliver her needy child to a specialist and wait for him there during the entire lesson, but on Skype you can try to find a convenient schedule; — the cost of a speech therapy session in big cities is prohibitively high, but high-quality speech therapists from small villages, and even via Skype, usually have lower prices (!).
  2. The cost of classes via Skype can indeed be somewhat lower, also because the speech therapist is freed from the need to give almost half of his earnings to the employer or owner of the premises where the class is held.
  3. Once again about material things. Skype speech therapists are easier to agree to a reduced schedule of classes (once every 1-2 weeks), it is easier to reschedule classes with them if it is impossible for you to attend, which is especially important for determined mothers who are determined to do most of the work on their child’s speech development on their own and only need periodic counseling.
  4. Your time is saved , since you don’t have to spend it on exhaustingly standing in traffic jams and moving around the city.
  5. Sometimes it is difficult to find a specialist “on your own” with whom you will feel comfortable. In this case, a speech therapist via Skype is a lifesaver in terms of difficult personnel selection ( choose as many speech therapists as you want , including highly qualified ones who practice working methods that suit you!).
  6. Maintaining confidentiality is a good reason for some to start studying on Skype.
  7. Availability of electronic materials for self-study . Lessons on the Internet, as a rule, require the presence of electronic aids for homework (they are selected or compiled by a speech therapist, which is more ergonomic than numerous paper printouts with exercises.
  8. For too busy people or people with specific characteristics of sleep (night owls) or work (night and round-the-clock shifts), it is easier via Skype to find a teacher for a convenient free time , including at 2 o’clock in the morning, since there is always a choice of a speech therapist from another hour belts
  9. The comfort of time and place when conducting classes via Skype is also important. You can solve speech problems at a time convenient for you and in a convenient place - at home, on vacation, at work.

  10. Stability (regularity) during classes . This is a significant factor for parents, for example, of sick children. When taking classes via Skype, the problem of delivering a child to a specialist during epidemics (flu), in bad (rainy, frosty) weather, or in case of “incomprehensible” semi-painful conditions of the child, when the parent is afraid of giving his child an additional cold, and skipping classes with a speech therapist, as is known, disappears not recommended (disintegration of acquired skills occurs).

  11. Computer classes are interesting for children , as they differ from traditional (ordinary) classes and resemble computer games or performing tasks together with the characters of educational cartoons such as “Dasha the Explorer” or “Go, Diego, Go.”

In conclusion, I will once again list as briefly as possible all the undeniable advantages of classes with a speech therapist via Skype.

  • Reasonable price
  • Save time
  • Confidentiality
  • Comfort
  • Efficiency
  • Convenient schedule
  • Wide selection of specialists
  • Stability/regularity
  • Interesting forms of presenting material

I think that even if there is no urgent need for classes with a speech therapist via Skype, taking into account all the advantages of this type of classes, it is worth considering a similar option for solving your problem, for example here - on the website of the online speech therapist - Olga Anatolyevna Gubareva.


Our achievements

As professional achievements based on the results of many years of private practice, I will indicate many clients with whom speech therapy work to eliminate speech deficiencies was completed and children, adolescents and adults who previously worked with me now successfully use their newfound speech skills in personal, social and professional life. I am grateful to those people who pass on my contacts from family to family, recommending me as a good specialist in the field of speech correction.

Working in state educational structures (Center for Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Vladivostok Pedagogical College), she became a specialist of the highest category and received a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Speech therapist online. Benefits of training

Online consultation with a speech therapist is a very unusual innovation, but it has a number of advantages. Children are not bored in class, because it is very interesting and exciting to learn from the “auntie on TV”!

  • There is no need to waste time on the road, and the class time is chosen independently;
  • Kids will willingly communicate with the teacher through the monitor screen, since all new technologies are very interesting to children;
  • There is no connection to a specific place of study, the child can study both at home and in the country, for example, the main condition is the availability of high-speed Internet;
  • If desired, you can maintain the confidentiality of classes;
  • A good speech therapist via Skype, who has positive reviews, will always create a comfortable environment in the lesson, the student will carefully complete all tasks, and consolidation will occur outside of class time:
  • The price of training with a speech therapist via Skype is lower than face-to-face consultations.

Speech therapist online: classes for children and adults in speech therapy clinics remotely

Hello, our dear guests!

Since you are on this page, it means you want to solve speech problems online, without weekly trips/going to classes with a speech therapist. Online speech therapist lessons have both pros and cons, which we want to warn you about right away, because... We are used to always treating our clients honestly. Evaluate carefully which of these is more important for you and then you will be able to make the right and informed decision for your situation!

If you don’t have the time/desire to read, or maybe you already know all the nuances of online classes, our prices and conditions are listed at the very end of this page.

WhatsApp, Viber, Skype: +7 901 519 8178.

Let's start with the fact that for many years we were extremely opposed to the speech therapist teacher working remotely, for reasons of the disadvantages of online classes for children and adults, which are described below. But coronavirus, work in quarantine and general isolation in the spring of 2021. forced our clients to switch to remote classes with a speech therapist. And such examples as telemedicine or online training indicate that the availability of quality services from anywhere on our planet is in great demand, but we will not be able to open our center near everyone. But even after our clients switched to remote classes with speech therapists and defectologists, we did not immediately decide to open such a service to everyone else, but first studied in detail the features, disadvantages and advantages of such work. Now we are ready to provide the pros and cons of online classes with a speech therapist for your assessment, so that you can understand how interesting a speech therapist is for you via Skype or other instant messengers. At the same time, the fact remains unchanged that face-to-face individual sessions with a speech therapist remain the most effective . Therefore, if you have the opportunity to attend such classes in ours or other large network companies, do it without a doubt!

Disadvantages and features of online classes with a speech therapist:

1. A speech therapist cannot help remotely with all problems (diagnoses), because... some of them require direct contact between a speech pathologist and a child (tongue massage, hand placement when writing, etc.). Therefore, look carefully to see if your problem is on the list of diagnoses with which we work remotely: dyslalia, dysarthria (diagnosis only with the head of the direction), FFNR, ONR, ZPRR, ZPR (diagnosis only with the head of the direction), intellectual - pedagogical neglect (diagnosis only from the head of the department, since they need to be distinguished from dysgraphia and dyslexia, which we cannot correct remotely), difficulties in mastering the Russian language in elementary school (diagnosis only from the head of the department).

If you do not know the diagnosis or suspect that our colleagues may have made a mistake when making it, sign up for a consultation with us for a child or adult. In any case, a diagnosis of children (adults) by a speech therapist will tell you whether there is a problem, how serious it is, what to do and how to solve it .

2. It is much more difficult to produce sounds than during personal contact, so the time required to produce sounds will be longer than during face-to-face classes. The time limit can be reduced in only one way - your close personal participation in solving the problem: presence in classes, doing homework, constant monitoring of speech and correction of errors. And yes, to the favorite question of our clients: “How many distance sessions with a speech therapist will be needed to correct it?” Let’s answer right away honestly: “We don’t know.” All people are different, some classes come easily and naturally, while others require a lot of persuasion; Some parents monitor their children’s speech, others think that this does not concern them since they work with a speech therapist, etc. Therefore, we record all your successes on video: it was/was. You clearly see what you are paying for and what the results are.

3. During online classes with a speech therapist (speech pathologist), it is impossible to use additional means of influencing the articulatory apparatus (tongue massage; facial massage, if necessary, we teach free of charge as part of distance learning) and some types of aids. This is why there is a limitation on the diagnoses with which our speech therapists work remotely.

4. It is difficult to keep a child’s attention throughout an online lesson, especially if he is restless. Therefore, for such children, the presence of parents during classes is mandatory. You must become the “hands” of a speech therapist for the duration of the distance lesson. A child’s readiness for learning activities is a key point in online classes. If it is not there, there will be no significant effect from distance learning, especially for children, because The speech therapist will not have the opportunity to interest the child in play activities with the help of manuals. Moreover, here it is impossible to clearly limit the minimum age, we had a girl who, at 1.8 years old, diligently sat and completed the speech therapist’s tasks throughout the entire lesson, and many tomboys of 5-6 years old who could not concentrate their attention on anything for more than a couple of years minutes. And yet we will announce the approximate age - from 4 years, although here everything is determined individually based on the diagnostic results. Of course, if you have authority with the child and attend classes, this will significantly increase their effectiveness at any age.

5. For high-quality communication, you must have on your side:

— Internet at a speed of at least 2-3 Megabytes per second;

- a good camera with a resolution of 2 Megapixels and higher, otherwise the connection will be poor, the sound or image will be delayed;

— for the first online classes with a speech therapist, a smartphone will do, but later on you need a computer with a large screen (the image on the phone will be too small, and you must clearly see the speech therapist’s articulatory apparatus). Moreover, the computer will need: a microphone, camera, speakers. The laptop has it all;

- You must have Skype, WhatsApp or Viber installed.

The main disadvantages of distance learning with a speech therapist are all. Some of them can be smoothed out, but some cannot be avoided. For example, if your communication channel is weak, the option of online speech therapist lessons is clearly not for you.

Advantages of distance learning with a speech therapist in

1. The price is significantly lower than for face-to-face classes - only 600 rubles. in 40 minutes. At the same time, you will be treated by specialists of the highest level, who conduct face-to-face consultations at several times the cost.

2. If there is no speech therapist near your home at all or his level raises strong doubts in you. All our specialists not only undergo the most stringent selection (practice, probationary period, standards) by the heads of the department (who themselves are professional speech therapists-defectologists with honors diplomas and quickly determine who has a diploma and qualifications (and diplomas of advanced training courses are now given to everyone who bought and attended the course) does not correspond to real knowledge), but they are also constantly monitored by them (the correctness of the diagnosis, the conduct of classes, the use of benefits, etc.). Who and how checks the speech therapist you have chosen or are going to choose? Is he conducting his classes correctly or did he barely get a diploma with only “C” grades in his core subjects? By choosing our large network speech therapy clinic, you receive a guarantee of the quality of the services provided!

3. When a speech therapist conducts online classes, you don’t need to go anywhere (especially nice in rain, snow and slush), or host anyone at home (put things in order). Choose a time convenient for you and sit in front of the computer.

4. Our company understands that for many it is easier to pay for 1-2 sessions with a speech therapist, rather than immediately for a whole month in advance. That's why we don't have a mandatory subscription. And if for any reason the lesson could not be held, you can reschedule it for up to 10 days from the original date.

5. An individual correction plan is created for each child or adult, according to which all classes with a speech therapist are conducted. Changing one of our centers to another of our centers or replacing a speech therapist will not in any way affect the quality of classes. In the case of changing your regular speech therapist, you would have to start all over again with another specialist.

6. If there is no one and no time to take the child to face-to-face classes with a speech therapist. For example, when both parents work, the child is in kindergarten or school. Or, after work, adults have very little time left for personal chores around the house and relaxation. You will spend exactly 40 minutes on an online lesson with our speech therapist, and if you need to go/go somewhere - 2-3 times more time for preparation, travel there and back.

7. We work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 Moscow time without breaks, holidays and weekends. It is simply impossible to find a more flexible schedule. This means you can choose the most convenient time for classes at a single and very low price!

So, if you consider the advantages of online classes with a speech therapist to be more significant than the disadvantages, it’s time to check the most important thing - whether there is a Sonor center within reach of your place of residence. If there is, do not hesitate to contact them, because... the benefits of classes in our centers unconditionally cover almost all the advantages of classes with a speech therapist remotely. If our speech therapy center is not nearby, it’s time to read about the features and proceed to sign up for a diagnosis by a speech therapist-defectologist.

Features of distance learning with a speech therapist in

All conditions of cooperation with our centers are described in detail in the sections “Prices and Rules”, “Rules of Provision [anchor href=”www.xn--m1abbib.xn--p1ai/oferta.html”]Public Offer Agreement”. Online distance speech therapy classes have several significant differences:

1. Diagnostics by a speech therapist is FREE . Call or sign up for a diagnosis with a speech therapist through the website at. If we can't help you online, don't be upset; We'll tell you how to fix everything.

2. The cost of consultation, regardless of time, day of the week, age or diagnosis - 600 rubles . Our speech therapists work daily from 9.00 to 21.00 Moscow time (weekends until 18.20).

3. The price includes speech therapy massage if it is prescribed by our speech therapist.

If you have any questions, call or request a call back on the website. We will be glad to hear and see you!

WhatsApp, Viber, Skype: +7 901 519 8178.

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