A collection of homework assignments on the lexical topic “Furniture. House"

Essay: My home

Maybe someone will think that I will describe the rooms of our house, tell how many there are and what furniture is in them. You could write your own essay about your home anyway. But our house is no different, like many others, with bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and even guest rooms. It would seem like an ordinary house, buried in trees. From spring to late autumn, he is surrounded by the scents of different flowers that his mother tends to, and there is a vegetable garden next to the back yard. But for me it’s not just a house, because my house is not only walls, rooms and furniture. For me, a home is an atmosphere, and ours is simply wonderful. In my home there is an atmosphere of love, warmth, comfort, trust and mutual understanding. I always want to come back here. And even when someone has offended you, or there are some problems at school, as soon as you cross the threshold, your mood immediately changes. Minor troubles become a thing of the past, because in my home they will always understand and support me.

Everyone who comes to my house says that we have a special atmosphere. And everyone here is interested. After all, throughout the house there are various paintings and a lot of photographs from our lives. And also, when you look at the general plan, it seems as if our house is alive. After all, it is filled with fresh flowers. These are also indoor plants that stand not only on window sills, but also on stands and shelves. These include freshly cut flowers that mom puts in vases. This is a huge aquarium with its colorful fish. Every detail gives the house breath and vitality.

For me, my home is like a magical fortress where you can hide from bad weather. Here I will always warm up in the bitter cold, and on a hot summer day I will hide from the heat.

To write the essay My House with ease, you should consider several samples for students of grades 3, 4, 5 and 6. This will make the job much easier.

Essay my home, version 2

I want to start my essay on the topic of my home by saying that I really love my home. Here I feel cozy and comfortable. After all, not only me, but my whole family lives here.

Our apartment is large. It has three rooms. True, each of our family members has a favorite place. I spend a lot of time in the nursery. My brother and I love to play there, do our homework and sleep.

Dad most often rests in the bedroom. He watches movies on the computer after work, reads books and newspapers. Mom spends most of her time in the kitchen. Here she cooks delicious food, does handicrafts and watches her favorite programs on TV.

There is, however, a place in my house where we gather with the whole family. This is the living room. In this room we set the table for the holidays, welcome guests and have fun. For example, in the evenings we play board games with our parents and read books. At these moments I feel absolutely happy.

This essay is suitable for grades 3 and 4.

Progress of the lesson:


We stomp our feet. We clap our hands, shake our heads, shake our heads. We raise our hands, We lower our hands. One-two, one-two. It's time for us to get busy!

Finger game “Building a house”

All day long - knock and knock, a ringing knock is heard. The hammers are knocking. We are building a house for baby squirrels. This house is for squirrels. This house is for bunnies. This house is for girls. This house is for boys. This is such a nice house. We will live happily in it. We will sing songs, have fun and dance.

Children bang toy hammers on the floor.

Didactic game "House on the Mountain"

The picture shows the sky and the earth. Show me the sky. Show me the land. Pick up the house and attach it to the picture. In which part of the picture did you attach the house, to the sky or to the ground? Why? Now put the sun and clouds on the picture. Where will you put the sun and clouds? On sky. And flowers grew around the house. Where will you place the flowers? On the ground around the house. How many houses do you have? One house. How many flowers? Many colors. How many suns? One sunshine. How many clouds? Two clouds.

Application "Windows"

Here are the new beautiful houses. But how to move residents into them? There are no windows! Let's make windows for these houses. Here are the windows - squares. Glue them in the right place.

Didactic exercise “High-low house”

There are houses in front of you. Let's count them. One two Three. How many houses? Three houses. Which house is the tallest? Which is the lowest? Count how many floors are there in the tallest house? How many floors are there in the lowest house?

Now I will cover the houses with handkerchiefs, and you will guess where which house is hidden. Under which scarf is the lowest house hidden? Highest?

Game with clothespins “Beautiful fence”

Here are the planks, and here are our clothespins. Now we will make a beautiful fence out of them for our houses.

Dynamic pause “At a construction site”

We need to transport building material to the construction site. Can you help? (Children carry large building materials from one place to another, overcoming obstacles. Stumps, “puddles”, etc. are used as obstacles).

Construction "Lay out the house"

The pictures show a diagram of a house that you will lay out and build yourself. Take the parts and place them in the right place on the diagram. Where the triangular roof is drawn, add a colored triangle there; where there is a square window, add a square.

Exercise “What sounds do you hear at home?”

How does the kettle whistle? Ssss. How does water drip from a tap? Drip-drip-drip. How does dad work with a drill? F-f-f. How does the vacuum cleaner hum? Oooh. How do guests knock on the door? Knock-Knock.

Finger painting “Light the lights in the windows of the houses”

So evening came, it became dark. Let's turn on the lights, let the windows in the houses light up with bright light. Dip your finger in yellow paint and paint over the windows on the house.

Modeling “The moon has risen”

And now the moon has risen in the sky. (On the same sheet where they painted lights in the windows of houses). Let's make it out of yellow plasticine. First, roll out a thin sausage. Then we bend it and apply it to the night sky. Press down the plasticine. The moon is ready!

Dynamic pause “The bear has a big house”

The bear has a big house, (Raise your hands up, stand on your toes)

And the hare's is small. (Squat down, lower your arms down)

Our bear went home, (Stepping from foot to foot)

And behind him comes the bunny. (Jumping)

We are seeing off the animals (Farewell waves)

We continue to study.

Essay my home, grades 5 - 6

When I was asked to write an essay, at first I had no idea what I could talk about. True, after thinking a little, it became clear to me exactly how to describe the place where I live.

My home is not just an apartment, it is a real kingdom, filled with warmth and bright feelings. There is complete mutual understanding in our family. Mom takes care of me and dad. Dad does repairs and helps me with my homework. I try to help my dad and mom in everything and I don’t want to upset them.

My house is always quiet and calm. That is why I always feel as comfortable as possible in it. I even have a private room in which I really enjoy spending time. I have a comfortable bed, a table, and a sports corner. Everything here is done exactly the way I like it.

In the parents' room there is a large massive bed, a couple of bedside tables and a chest of drawers with a TV. Parents say they don't need anything else in their room.

The kitchen always smells delicious. Mom bakes very often and prepares various aromatic and appetizing dishes. We spend a lot of time here, especially in the evenings. We talk about how our day went, share our impressions and make plans for the future.

Naturally, I am very pleased to be in such an environment. This is why I love my home so much and enjoy spending time in it. After all, the most important thing is what kind of furnishings are in the home, what kind of furniture and equipment is there. What matters is who lives next to you and what kind of atmosphere reigns around you. Even the most expensive, sophisticated interior would not be as cozy for me as our inexpensive, simple renovation. We did it ourselves and often remember how we changed the wallpaper, chose curtains and installed a stove. These memories are very pleasant and even after many years they will remind me of my home, as it is now.

This essay My House is suitable for 5th and 6th grade students.

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