Echolalia, stuttering, stumbling, writer's cramp, logorrhea
Stuttering is a disorder in the rhythm, tempo, and fluency of speech. The disease often develops in childhood,
Speech breathing exercises
DIFFERENTIATION OF SOUNDS [P – Pb] card file for speech therapy
Article: At the age of 5-6 years, a child’s pronunciation practically reaches its language norm. Wherein
Tasks with the letter I
Sound and letter Methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Tasks for learning the letters I, J for preschoolers and 1st grade students. Let's start, perhaps
Speaker with charisma
How to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts correctly
From his lips flowed such competent, clear speech, such intelligent and deep thoughts that
Session with a speech therapist
Cards on the topic “Hard and soft consonant sounds” educational and methodological material (grade 2) on the topic
Article: A child’s first acquaintance with sounds and letters occurs in the elementary grades. TO
What are rotacism and pararotacism: causes, methods of correction
Rhoticism is considered to be a speech defect when the pronunciation of [r] is difficult or not possible at all.
Speech therapist teaches how to speak the sound Zh
Sound production [g]. methodological development on correctional pedagogy on the topic
Causes of incorrect pronunciation Incorrect pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds is called sigmatism. The reasons why he
Features of genres of journalistic speech style
Journalistic style: classification of popular genres
Genres of journalistic style of speech are certain compositional and stylistic types of works inherent in the means
Speech therapist works with a child
Methodological development “Automation of sound [V] in syllables, words, sentences”
Teaching children GEF GEF preschool education Preparing for school Fear of homework Problems
Using mnemonic tables in working with preschoolers.
Mnemotables “Favorite Fairy Tales” Good day! I really love doing theatrical activities with my
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