Automation of sound [Ш] in pure sayings, words, phrases, sentences, poems and riddles. card index
Pure sayings starting with the letter Sh Sha-sha-sha-sha - our Tanya is good. Sho-sho-sho-sho, he sings well. Shu-shu-shu-shu
Didactic game "Logocube"
Card file of didactic games on speech development in a speech therapy group. Card file on speech development (senior group) on the topic
Speech therapy games made by teachers and educators aimed at developing breathing abilities include
Books and apple
How to write popular science texts so that the reader understands what is being said
Scientific style: Freepick The teacher or supervisor sent the report back for revision because of the style.
Homemade didactic game on sound automation
Didactic aids for individual speech therapy sessions
So that the child attends speech therapy classes with pleasure and completes the tasks offered to him with interest,
words starting with the letter a for children at the beginning of a word
Sound and letter [A]. methodological development in speech therapy (senior group)
Why is the letter A with pictures in front of the word better remembered? For a child, letters are an abstraction,
“Pictogram” or how to study mediated memory and associative thinking in people with mental illness
Description of the test Pictogram according to the A.R. method Luria Alexander Romanovich Luria is a follower of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky,
Interactive manual for preschoolers. Automation of sound [l] in words
Interactive manual for preschoolers. Automation of sound [l] in words Multimedia presentation for sound automation
Mom plays with baby
Sensitive periods of child development (according to L.S. Vygotsky)
It turns out that a child at different periods of life is especially “sensitive”, receptive to a certain type of activity.
Forms of dyslalia
Dysarthric speech disorders in children of early and preschool age
Speech therapist.No Dyslalia (FNR) Phonetic speech disorder is a group of speech disorders represented by disorders in which
Pronounce (read) the syllables AL__, OL__, UL__, YIL__, EL__, IL__, EL__, YOL__, YUL__, YAL__
Individual work on speech development of preschoolers “Differentiation of sounds [l] - [l']”
Automation of sound [L'] Speech therapist.No Automation of sounds Automation of sound L' Soft sound [L`] (or [L])
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