Clarify the words: Russian language! The mailing list is closed. When closed, subscribers were transferred to the “Your” mailing list.
Dysarthria is a disorder of the pronunciation side of speech, caused by insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus, as a result of which
Dyslexia is a disorder of the ability to read, and dysgraphia is a disorder of writing (in reference books you will find more extensive
Article: Emphasizing the importance of words, we pronounce them slowly, and something secondary and insignificant -
Rhinolalia With open organic rhinolalia caused by congenital facial clefts, from the first days of life in
Didactic games for preschoolers 4-6 years old on the topic: Fruits, vegetables, berries Didactic games for
Paintings on the theme “Fruit” Ilya Efimovich Repin “Apples and Leaves” We all know Ilya
Nowadays, many people show interest in their past, including
The accumulated experience is not only about adults who are wise in life. A four-year-old child too
Features of the organization of correctional and speech therapy work in school Organization of speech therapy and correctional programs in schools