Summary of the frontal lesson “Animals of hot countries”
Animals of hot and cold countries - Charushin E.I. Small interesting stories about animals living
Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”
Abstract of the GCD “The Enchanted Forest. Sound {l *}". Literacy training, senior group. Title: Abstract
Requirements for a speech therapy room and equipment in accordance with SANPIN requirements
I. Cabinet equipment: Wall mirror (at least 1.5 - 0.5 m). Children's table mirrors
Interaction between parents and speech therapist teacher in the system of correctional assistance to children with speech disorders
Areas of joint activity: establishing partnerships and creating an atmosphere of mutual support; formation of a motivated attitude of parents
Automation of the sound Ш in game exercises, Album of a preschooler, Komarova L.A., 2009
LiveInternetLiveInternet Quote from Jolochka Read in full To your quote book or community! Komarova. Automation of sound C
Poems about letters of the alphabet - for preschoolers, for 1st grade: the best selection
Project “City of Letters” - all about the letter “H” for 1st grade Project goal: To get acquainted
From Sumerians to Emojis: How Pictograms Help People Communicate
Pictogram (from Latin pictus - “drawn” and Greek gramma - “record”, “written sign”) -
Card index of games for the development of phonemic processes in preschoolers with speech disorders card index on speech development on the topic
Automation of sound Tskartoteka on speech therapy on the topic
Collocations (174) Swan Princess Princess Nesmeyana Tsaregrad bedryanka Tsaregrad pod queen of the seas Queen of Heaven
Notes on teaching literacy “Sound T. Letter T” (school preparatory group)
“Games with letters” Prepared by V.V. Minakova, teacher-defectologist. "Circle the letter." The adult invites the child to carefully examine and find out
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