Innovative technologies in speech therapy practice
Methodological literature of a speech therapist teacher Diagnostic material Inshakova O.B. Album for a speech therapist. — M.: Humanite. ed.
Card index of games and exercises on the lexical topic FISH card index (senior, preparatory group)
Dictionary on the topic “Fish” In the life of a modern person, fish is an important element of the diet
Functions and structure of the peripheral part of the speech apparatus.
Functions and structure of the peripheral part of the speech apparatus. Peripheral part of the speech apparatus. Respiratory Respiratory department
Interactive educational model of speech therapy examination: formation of a working hypothesis
Speech therapy examination In a speech therapy examination of a child of the 2nd and 3rd year of life, only the main
Sample characteristics of students with mental retardation
Classification of mental retardation according to the epigenetic principle. Causes of mental retardation 75% of cases of mental retardation are delays
Texts for reading by syllables (for preschoolers and first graders)
Modern children, for the most part, go to school already prepared: they know how to read, write, count,
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Differentiation of the letters Ш – Ш”.
Otroshko G.V., teacher-speech therapist of mixed orphanage No. 1, Yaroslavl Mixing the letters sh and
“Methods of speech therapy and principles of speech therapy influence”
“Methods of speech therapy and principles of speech therapy” Methods of speech therapy and principles of speech therapy. Principles of analysis
Oratory for beginners: exercises and rules
Rhetoric and oratory Oratory is not just the ability to do a lot and beautifully
If the child does not pronounce the sounds K, G, X, Y and others
Increasing originality Test questions 1. Explain the essence of the phenomenon of viscous friction. What is the nature of the forces of internal
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