Plans for individual speech correction work with children with special needs; methodological development on speech therapy on the topic
Plan of individual correctional and developmental classes of a teacher-defectologist Logical connections and relationships: establishes with errors (extra subject
Characteristics-presentation for compliance with the position of a teacher-speech therapist methodological development on the topic
“Characteristics of a speech therapist teacher for certification” CHARACTERISTICS of Ekaterina Pavlovna Rynchak, speech therapist teacher of a speech therapy group of senior preschool age
Examination of sound pronunciation in preschool children
Speech therapy diagnostics of preschool children Speech therapy diagnostics consists of the following: Filling out an anamnesis card by the teacher and parents;
Indications, conduct and disadvantages of speech therapy massage with probes
Speech therapy probes are stainless steel wire probes and are used to influence
Hard and soft consonants. Designating them in writing
Selective dictations on the topic: Indication of softness and hardness of consonants in writing. Dictation 1.Task: Write down
How to make a presentation to a speech therapist for a parent meeting
How to make a presentation to a speech therapist for a parent meeting At the beginning of the school year, the school speech therapist meets
Educational games with voice to develop singing skills.
As you know, the power of the voice serves as an excellent aid in the activities of professional artists who earn their living
Question 1. Concept, subject and method of legal rhetoric
The concept of legal rhetoric Definition 1 Legal rhetoric is a set of skills and abilities of a lawyer
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group "Pets" outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic
Notes on the development of speech in the senior group with mental retardation Notes on the lesson “Pets”
Creative work “Tongue twisters for all letters of the alphabet”
Funny tongue twisters The mouse crawled under the lid To gnaw the crumbs under the lid The mouse is probably under the lid
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