Verbal and didactic games on the lexical topic “Autumn”
Card index of didactic and verbal games on the theme “Autumn” Card index of didactic and verbal games on
Integrated lesson of a speech therapist and educational psychologist in the senior group of the first year of education for children with general speech underdevelopment.
Summary of speech therapy organized educational activities in the preparatory group “Seeing off migratory birds”
Article: Purpose: consolidation of students’ knowledge about spring, spring signs. Objectives: Educational: continue to teach students
Report from a teacher-speech therapist on the work done for the year; methodological development on speech therapy on the topic
Gymnasium s.p. Ali-yurt of Nazran district Annual report on the work done by teacher-speech therapist Evloev
Speech therapy program for mixed dysgraphia for grades 2-4 at the school speech center
Article by speech therapist-psychologist T.B. Zukor Dysgraphia is a complex of specific disorders of writing function in humans.
Notes “Journey to the land of hats” for children with mental retardation
Sewing lesson summary “Hats. Making a baseball cap" Regional state government special (correctional)
Alalia and aphasia
Causes of occurrence Alalia develops as a speech disorder of a neurological nature, the causes of its occurrence are:
Review of methods for diagnosing and correcting written speech disorders in primary schoolchildren
Today, more and more children are experiencing difficulties in working with school
Summary of the final GCD for the Rhetoric circle “You, little word, me, little word”
What online learning program We teach children aged approximately 10 to 16 years.
Speech and its role in the development of a child; educational and methodological material on the topic
Speech and its role in the development of a child; educational and methodological material on the topic Speech and its role
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