Festival of correct speech (joint event for children 5-6 years old and parents)
Organization and conduct of speech festivals and entertainment in preschool educational institutions Category: Golubeva O.V. Published: 19.02.:
ECD “Wintering Birds” (preparatory group) outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic
Thematic week on the topic “Let's help birds survive the winter” in the preparatory group. find? Goal: summarize knowledge
PRESENTATION OF WORK EXPERIENCE of teacher-speech therapist Yulia Yuryevna Kraevaya teacher-speech therapist Yulia Yuryevna Kraeva State budgetary educational institution. - presentation
Choosing a profession is a life choice. And all choices in life are part of the same
Tests for educators in the section “Speech development of preschool children” test on the topic
Diagnostics of speech development of children 2-4 years old. Formation of a dictionary. To conduct a diagnostic examination of younger preschoolers
Individual plan of work with a child with ODD levels 1–2, motor alalia
Work program to overcome OPD for 1st grade Municipal educational institution “Dubkovo Secondary School”
Article: Many children mistakenly pronounce the difficult sound C and other whistling sounds
Speech disorders in preschool children material on speech therapy on the topic
Speech disorders in preschool children Natalya Sosnovskikh Speech disorders in preschool children
Children's speech therapist: how can they help and in what cases should you contact them?
Article: Most parents believe that it is enough to teach their child the letters, and he will become literate
Dyslalia (sound pronunciation problems)
12/03/2013 How to correctly assess the state of your child’s speech? How and when should a child speak?
Picture material for mastering syllabic structure. Album No. 3. Monosyllabic words made from closed syllables.
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