Automation of sound p
How to teach a child to say “r”. Sound Automation
According to speech standards, by the age of six, a preschooler’s vocabulary should number more than 2,000 words.
Part of the Astrologer in the opera “The Golden Cockerel”
What are the types of opera voices and how do they differ?
There are several classifications of singing voices according to various characteristics: voice strength, mobility,
Mom gives the child a dandelion
A child's first word - when do children start speaking?
Article: All parents, without exception, wait for the moment when the child begins to say mom and dad.
Tongue twisters for schoolchildren starting with the letter “R” -
A ruff grew in the river, grew, grew, became a ruff, but did not grow. Cancer letter P
Speech therapy massage for dysarthria
Speech therapy massage of the tongue and cheeks - what is it and why is it needed?
Speech therapy massage is one of the main elements of the rehabilitation program for patients suffering from dysarthria. Rehabilitologists Yusupovskaya
Games for developing phonemic awareness
“How to teach a child to speak.” Consultation for parents
Delayed speech development in 3 year old children: causes Before you start worrying and
Making the sound “R”: how to teach a child to pronounce a naughty sound
What prevents you from pronouncing the letter “r” correctly The main reasons why this sound is not pronounced are
Main features, characteristics, genres and examples of conversational style of speech
A conversational style of speech is on the agenda. If you take and record our everyday conversation, it will turn out
Tongue twisters contain many similar sounds
Tongue twisters are the most difficult in the world. 200 tongue twisters for developing diction
We are in a hurry to tell the news or reproduce a thought, without even thinking about what we are “swallowing”
Scientific style of speech
Features, characteristics, genres and examples of scientific style of speech
In the modern Russian literary language, there are 5 functional styles of speech: colloquial, journalistic, official business, artistic
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