Tongue twisters are the most difficult in the world. 200 tongue twisters for developing diction

We rush to tell the news or reproduce a thought, without even thinking about the fact that we “swallow” a lot of sounds and turn speech into an inarticulate stream of words. The interlocutor may quickly lose interest in communication, and the story will not sound convincing. To avoid awkward situations, you should work on your diction. The best simulators for this purpose will be the most complex tongue twisters in the world.

Mastering complex tongue twisters is a useful and fun activity. From time immemorial, peoples specially invented phrases so that the combination of certain sounds would be difficult to pronounce. Regular repetition of the most difficult tongue twisters will make your speech clear and improve articulation. This type of speech training will also help you pass the time with friends, since mistakes in the pronunciation of large and complex tongue twisters will cause a lot of smiles and laughter.

Why is it so hard to pronounce

Linguists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology tried to understand what happens to the speech areas of the brain during the pronunciation of tongue twisters. And they came to the conclusion that difficulties arise when a person tries to pronounce two sounds at once almost simultaneously. This double attack creates a “delay” in brain function. Groups of neurons responsible for the pronunciation of sounds that alternate in tongue twisters, at this moment approach each other at a critical distance. And in fact, they begin to interfere with each other by sending signals.

The most difficult proverb in the English language was recognized as: “pad kid poured curd pulled cod.” One of the volunteers tried to pronounce it, then could not utter a word for some time.

And among the linguists in Russian there are many that are difficult to pronounce. It is difficult for them to share the palm. Perhaps everyone can remember their own saying that is difficult for them.

Foreign tongue twisters

The benefits of tongue twisters in a foreign language are obvious. With their help, pronunciation is improved. The words in English tongue twisters are chosen in such a way as to speak not only quickly and clearly, but also with the correct accent. This is a great addition for language learning. Working on such tongue twisters is necessary not only for people learning a foreign language, but also for those who speak it at a good level and speak to the public at international conferences and symposiums. Tongue twisters exist in different foreign languages.

  • English tongue twisters:

“Betty Botta bought some butter, “But, she said, this butter's bitter, But a bit of better butter will make my batter better.” So, she bought a bit of butter better than the bitter butter, And it made her batter better. So, it was Betty Botta’s batter bought a bit of better butter.”


“How many cans can a cannibal nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans? As many cans as a cannibal can nibble if a cannibal can nibble cans.”

  • Spanish tongue twisters:

Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. Con cuantas planchas Pancha plancha? (Pancho irons with four irons. How many irons does Pancho iron with?)


Del pelo al codo y del codo al pelo, del codo al pelo y del pelo al codo. (From hair to elbow and from elbow to hair, from elbow to hair and from hair to elbow).

Macaque and koala

The infrequently used tongue twister about Macaque is sure to please children. Here is a difficult to pronounce alternation of the sounds “M”, “L” and “K”:

A macaque met a koala in a cafe. Macaque koala dipped in cocoa, Koala lazily lapped cocoa, Macaque dipped, koala ikala.

Such a clean phrase is designed to emphasize the pronunciation of “L”, which not all children succeed in, there is no clarity. But so that parents themselves do not feel ashamed in front of their child, it is worth learning to pronounce without mistakes themselves. In case of a fiasco, you can laugh together.

The latest tongue twisters for children and adults

It is worth sharing tongue twisters that have not yet found widespread use due to their complexity. Let's try to say it right now:

  • Nadezhda does not want old clothes, as before, but hope for new clothes attracts Nadezhda.
  • Prokol Polukarpenko told the general about Prokolukarpenko from Pokrov.
  • The courteous Chukchi honors the feelings of others; learn from the Chukchi to feel more sensitively.
  • In the port of Madras, where the longboat arrived, the albatrosses tore the sailor's mattress.
  • The beggar rustles in thousands and fifty thousandths.
  • Deftly maneuvering in laryngology, the laryngologist easily cured laryngitis.

It’s interesting that some people have no difficulty pronouncing such phrases, while others cannot repeat them either the first or the second time.

How to work with the text of the tongue twister “Liguria”

If you decide to download “Liguria” and work on the text, then you should organize your work correctly. It is believed that with desire, some effort and systematic work, you can memorize the text about the Ligurian traffic controller in just 7 days. Here's a little plan:

  1. Read the text slowly for 15 minutes, trying to understand the essence. Read each word clearly and correctly, placing all accents correctly.
  2. Read again using the same principle, but increase the pace a little.
  3. Work for at least 15-30 minutes. Learn the first 15 lines by heart. Read everything else quickly.
  4. Repeat what you have learned. Add 15 more lines. Quickly read everything else within half an hour.
  5. Speak out everything you have learned by heart. Add the next 15 lines. Then work according to the principle of the previous days.
  6. Repeat 45 lines. Complete the remaining text. Repeat all phrases from memory for 30 minutes.
  7. Speak the entire memorized text from the tongue twisters by heart several times. The pace should be fast and the pronunciation should be clear. Don't forget about the correct placement of accents.

We recommend reading: Tongue twisters for adults

Speech apparatus training

Television announcers, event hosts, speakers - they all must speak clearly, clearly and confidently. Therefore, before a performance, they like to practice their speech apparatus with tongue twisters. Frequently used and difficult to pronounce:

  • “Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never tacked.” A short saying, but how difficult it is not to immediately get confused in the letters and sounds. This phrase is designed not so much for purity of pronunciation as for attentiveness. Mistakes by announcers and TV presenters are most often associated with a lack of concentration. Tacking ships just help you concentrate. By the way, this is only part of the tongue twister, which in the original is twice as long.
  • “Just as you can’t ring all the bells, you can’t beat them again, so you can’t talk all the tongue twisters too quickly.” Another tongue twister for developing concentration. To pronounce these words accurately requires attention and more attention. And the speech apparatus becomes more mobile. Diction improves.

When pronouncing linguists, not only the speech apparatus works, but also the brain. Our brain “recognizes” the familiar more often and more easily. It is enough to hear the first sounds or see the first letters written on a piece of paper, the rest is instantly “conjectured” by the brain automatically. And in tongue twisters there are unfamiliar phrases about which the brain “comes into confusion.” This awakens him from his lazy slumber and contributes to his training and development. Like morning exercises for the body in the morning.

Tongue twisters for training diction for a journalist

A journalist speaking on radio and television is simply obliged to speak clearly and understandably. To do this, it is especially important for him, more than anyone else, to train his speech with the help of tongue twisters. By the way, when you master the suggested ones, I recommend practicing in Liguria.

A team of repairmen repaired the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line.

Beauty Sarah combed the hussar's hair. Sarah combed the mustachioed hussar's hair.

Borya cooked the borscht, but undercooked it. Borya salted the borscht, but didn’t salt it enough. Tolya cooked the borscht, but overcooked it. Tolya salted the borscht and over-salted it.

Corey Kirill: “Don’t tease the gorilla!” They reproached the gorilla: “Don’t tease Kirill!”

Cipollone looked at Cipollino and sighed: “Woe to the onion!”

The trainer trained the otter. Trained, trained and trained!

In April the children painted with watercolors. Watercolor in April melts from the drops.

Varvara picked grass in a ravine, but lied and said she didn’t pick it.

An upset tuner was tuning an out-of-tune piano. I configured it, configured it, but didn’t reconfigure it, because I was upset.

In the shallows we lazily caught burbot. They caught a tench for me.

Tongue twisters for children

Tongueworms are not usually divided into adults and children. However, there are still differences. For a child, these complex interweavings of sounds are needed in order to mint a specific sound. For example, more often difficulties arise with pronouncing a clear “R”, as well as with “Sh” and “Shch” and “S”. Some of the complex but effective sayings for children:

  • “Red grapes grow on Mount Ararat, but Fedora has only turnips and tomatoes in her garden.” More often than not, the strong sound “P” in the combination of the letters “ra” is easier to pronounce than the weak sound in the combination “re”. Which indicates the underdevelopment of the speech apparatus.
  • “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.” Excellent training for practicing clear pronunciation of “S” and “Sh”.
  • “The beaver has a good coat, but the beavers have a kinder coat.” The text is short but effective. If a child burrs, then by pronouncing similar phrases over and over again, he will begin to pronounce “R” much more clearly. And the more often you do this, the faster the result will come.

It is better not to let children memorize long texts of pure proverbs. They do not make speech richer at all, like, for example, poems or stories. Their role is different - to improve pronunciation and stop burring. This is hard, long, but necessary training. And so that it does not become a burden to the child, it is better to select funny texts that are clear in meaning.

The most difficult tongue twisters

Home / Children's section / Collections of tongue twisters / Complex tongue twisters

A large collection of difficult-to-pronounce and difficult-to-pronounce tongue twisters that can break your tongue. There are tongue twisters whose purpose is exclusively speech therapy, when a problematic letter is practiced. However, few people can pronounce complex tongue twisters, even if the person’s diction is fine. And if you try to do this, as expected, quickly and 3 times in a row, then 80% of people will have “porridge” in their mouths.

Just as an athlete needs a warm-up before a competition, people need a language warm-up before any performance, be it creative work or a report at a scientific conference. Are you sure your diction is okay? Forward!

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All tongue twisters Tongue twisters by letter Russian folk tongue twisters Modern tongue twisters for adult audiences

A fox in the forest licked a puddle, the puddle was frozen into ice. © Construct a parallelogram using opposite angles. © Valerie mittens, Varya felt boots. © Bril Barmaleya is a barber, shaven Bramaleya is kinder. © Grunya sadly collected milk mushrooms, The caterpillars gnawed the milk mushrooms. ©

Escalator down, Excavator up. © Karl put the onion on the chest, Clara stole the onion from the chest. In the depths of the tundra, otters in gaiters poke cedar kernels into buckets. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, We lazily exchanged burbot for tench. Be kind, cheerful and brave. The water truck was carrying water from the water supply. Tell us about your shopping! — What kind of shopping? About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases. The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack. The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead. The cap is sewn, not in the Kolpakov style. It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap. The eagle is king - the eagle is king. The queen invited the gentleman into the caravel. Pike have scales, pigs have bristles. A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves. Whip the cream, pour off the whippings. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer. The Chukchi in the chum cleans the chuni, the Chukchi have cleanliness in the chum. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field. Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves. The one who is not bankrupt has an ATM full of banknotes. The Moor flaunts his bachelor's laurels. The balls of the ball bearing move around the bearing. I broke my tongue, I broke it, while I was grinding it, I was grinding it with my tongue. Jacket with a collar. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse. He doesn’t want to mow with a scythe, he says, scythe is a scythe. Sasha hit a bump with his hat. Buy a pile of spades. A sorcerer performed magic in a stable with the wise men. Coconut cookers boil coconut juice in coconut cookers. Popcorn bag. In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria. Magpie with a juicer. Watermelons were being reloaded from truck to truck. During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons. Beavers wander into the cheese forests. Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers. All the bells cannot be re-belled, all the bells cannot be re-belled. Your sexton cannot out-sex our sexton. Pankrat Kondratov forgot his jack, and Pankrat couldn’t lift the tractor on the road without a jack. I am a helicopter. I can spin out, I can spin out. The interviewer interviewed the interventionist. The bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded. There is no point in conceiving meaning with unintelligible thoughts. And I have no time for feeling unwell. Thirty-three deputies lobbied for the law, lobbied, but did not lobby. The crisis was overcome, prolonged, but not overcome. The salary was only enough for the patches, but the iPhone was not prepaid. Whip the cream, pour off the whippings. Dima gives Dina melons, Dina fixes Dima's hole. The digger weeded the dill, weeded and weeded. The balls of the ball bearing move around the bearing. Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat. There was a white-winged ram, which killed all the rams. A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle. The casing is heavy on the beetle. Malanya the chatterbox chattered milk, blurted it out, but didn’t blurt it out. The weather in our courtyard has become wet. Re-examine the witness for evidence. © Construct a parallelogram using opposite angles. © Paradoxical paranoid syndrome. © Students spent a whole year studying the cyclopentaneperhydrophenanthrene series. The crayfish fed the fish with worms, and the crayfish held the worms with its claws. © Beautiful christening at Christina’s, Christina baptized her son.© The crow missed the little crow. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift. Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse. The messenger from the galleys burned to death. Borya threw his trousers into the rutabaga. © Two puppies nibble a brush in the corner, cheek to cheek. Brother Klim is brit, brother Ignat is brit, and brother Pankrat is bearded. A woodpecker treats an ancient oak tree, A good woodpecker loves the oak tree. Zakhar stored sugar. I filled the bins with it. Zakharov's granaries are completely covered with sugar. Goats climb into the vine during a thunderstorm - goats gnaw the vine during a thunderstorm. The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with my snout, dug, dug. A quarter of a pea without a wormhole. The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream. Nowadays the wolf cubs are making noise like jackdaw cubs, And like wolf cubs, the jackdaw cubs are silent. The Greek was driving across the river, he saw the Greek - there was a cancer in the river. He put the Greek's hand in the river, and the crayfish grabbed the Greek's hand - wow! From under a hillock, from under a tuck, the bunny turned upside down. The core consumers of piastres are pirates, and pirates are piranhas. Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka. It's easier than ever to just stop using it. The Staffordshire Terrier is zealous, and the black-haired Giant Schnauzer is playful. He reported, but didn’t finish his report; I completed my report, and I did. Is this colonialism? - No, this is not colonialism, but neocolonialism. Jasper in suede. Rake mushrooms with a mushroom picker. Have the lilies been watered, or have the lilies withered? Daisy collected daisies on the mountain, Daisy lost daisies on the grass. Exquisite script has a very powerful effect on us. The guns were being lowered from the hills and rocks. The pharaonic favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade. The Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria. The guru's inauguration went off with a bang. In the yard, four Sashas were playing checkers on the grass. Mongols from Mongolia do not live in Angola, Angolan magnolias do not grow in Mongolia. De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and further de-ideologized. Papa swaddled and swaddled Pavlushka and unswaddled him. Our head has out-headed your head, out-headed. The strip about carpets was replaced by two half-strips about vacuum cleaners. The Bureau of Technical Inventory inventoried inventory by inventory workers. A person who is poorly coordinated has a poorly coordinated gait. Advertising for grips has seams with coverage, but potholders without coverage have been snatched up. The modifier modified, modified, but did not demodify. The merchandisers lied - samovar sampling was ruined! To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg. Underqualified. X-ray electrocardiography. Incident with the quartermaster. Precedent with the applicant. Konstantin stated. You can’t over-earn all the money, you can’t over-earn. The highest echelons marched towards their sponsored people along the highway, drunk. The Turk is smoking a pipe, the trigger is pecking at a grain. Don't smoke, Turkish, pipe; don't peck the trigger or the grain. The workers privatized the enterprise, privatized it, but did not privatize it. The nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in Constantinople. The gravitational paradox impartially reflects natural common sense, opening up new horizons. On the screw, you can see a well-worn Windows. Existential existence examines the existentialist. I'm a vertical climber. I can twist my stump, I can twist my stump. The parallelepiped parallelism was polished. Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour, and if you sift the flour, bake some rolls in the oven and the swords will be hot on the table. A cap on a cap, And under a cap there is a cap. Mow, mow, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home. He lied so bad that the meter exploded. Slava Vlas ate all the lard. My spoon is curved and grooved. A mop with a subcut. Smooth planed white oak tables. The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with my snout, dug, dug. The guy got some beans, the guy finished the bottle, the guy forgot his crutch. The quail hid the quails from the boys. To interpret clearly, but to no avail to re-interpret. The biceps on a bodybuilder’s cityboard are small. A cloned crocodile was crowned at the carnival. Margarita came to the bartender and asked for a Margarita. The bartender says to Margarita: “There is no Margarita in the bar.” While comprehending thoughts about the meaning of thought, the thought came to me to think about the meaning of meaning about the unthinkable! The tongue twister spoke quickly, the tongue twisters spoke quickly. You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters. The tongue twister quickly spoke quickly, That you can’t quickly pronounce all tongue twisters. But, having quickly spoken, he quickly said that all tongue twisters can be spoken quickly, but not too quickly. Four men walked from near the Kostroma region; They talked about auctions and purchases, about cereals and reinforcements. The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, the sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks. Eniki-beniki ate dumplings, Draniki, dates, muffins and gingerbread. The impudent Agnia is far from an angel. Agnia from England has a mania for magic. Like a magnet to magnesium, Agnia attracts to magic. Where does the millet come from in the clearing? We simply spilled millet here. We found out about millet. Without asking, they pecked up all the millet. Once there was a case in distant Macau: Macaca koala dipped in cocoa, Koala lazily lapped cocoa, Macaque dipped, koala ikala. The longboat arrived at the port of Madras. The sailor brought a mattress on board. In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress was torn apart in a fight by albatrosses. Once upon a time there lived three Chinese: Yak, Yak-tsedrak, Yak-tsedrak-tsedrak-tsedroni. Once upon a time there were three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-drypa, Tsypa-drypa-drympamponi. They all got married: Yak to Tsypa, Yak-tsedrak to Tsypa-drypa, Yak-tsedrac-tsedrac-tsedroni to Tsypa-drypa-drympamponi. And they had children. For Yak and Tsypa - Shah, for Yak-tsedrak with Tsypa-drypa ​​- Shah-sharah, for Yak-tsedrak-tsedrak-tsedroni with Tsypa-drypa-drympamponi - Shah-sharah-sharah-shironi.

Tongue twisters help shape speech and diction. The ability to clearly pronounce words is useful not only for children and representatives of creative, television professions, and the blogosphere. Throughout our lives we communicate with people, at home and at work, clear speech helps to convey information to others and encourage constructive dialogue. If, due to the nature of your activity, you need to speak in front of large audiences, tongue twisters are where you should start preparing for each speech.

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Tongue rollers for adults

For adults, tongue twisters are different. Some words may be incomprehensible to young children, but quite understandable to teenagers. And more, after all, they are aimed at concentrating attention, as well as warming up the speech apparatus. For example:

  • “The interviewer of the intervert interviewed about the intervention.”
  • “I am a helicopter. I can spin out, I can spin out.”
  • “The rhododendrons from the arboretum are real, but the tree-like dendroids were not discovered by the radio-controlled drone.”
  • "In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria."

The Russian language can have such tricky phrases. Difficult to pronounce, they are not even easy to read. Here's another example:

  • “A sorcerer practiced magic in a stable with the wise men.”
  • “The queen invited the gentleman into the caravel: gentleman, gentleman, the rug was burnt.”

Some phrases will be difficult for a preschooler to understand, and there is no point in understanding them. That's why such tongue twisters are for artists, announcers and presenters. And also for those who just want to surprise their friends.

How to pronounce difficult to pronounce phrases

In order to practice pronunciation of lingual tongues both humorously and usefully, you should follow the rules:

  1. At first, just read to visually remember the words.
  2. Repeat slowly twice and remember.
  3. Speak faster, trying not to make mistakes in the correct sounds. Don’t confuse where the hard sound “M” is and where the soft sound is – “mom washed Mila with soap...”. Do not confuse the sounds, so as not to end up with an indecent word - “There is a hill with sacks near the road. If I go out onto the hill, I’ll straighten the sack.” “I drive through potholes, I can’t get out of potholes.”

The brain will persistently rearrange sounds, forcing you to pronounce not quite decent phrases. And now you need to repeat it quickly and so several times. If it works, great! You have reached your goal. But it didn’t work out, they made everyone laugh, and that’s great too!

Complex tongue twisters starting with “R”

A defect in the pronunciation of the letter “R” is the most common among children and even adults. If you want to say “fish” instead of “herring,” then here are some of the most difficult tongue twisters in the world starting with “R”:

  1. Three hundred tourists cracked cod three hundred and thirty times around the fire. In the fire pit, after the tourists, cod scales cracked three hundred and thirty times.
  2. In the hail, swallowing grapes, the abbot wandered along the Arbat. Hail fell on the grapes, and the abbot fell on the Arbat.
  3. The speaker-demonstrator was not allowed into the transport with banners. The speaker-demonstrator with banners set off on the road on an excavator.
  4. The chlorine conductor and chromolithograph characterize rickets by fragility of cartilage and chronic chromosomal hara-kiri.
  5. The rat Larisa ate enough rice, and the rabbit Kondrat conquered Ararat.
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