How to respond to an insult beautifully: phrases for all occasions

How to respond to an insult beautifully? Assess the situation, psychotype and level of intellectual development of the opponent, and then select one of the pre-prepared phrases. The answer can be witty, simple and offensive, or complex with a veiled offensive meaning. In any case, it is important not to stoop to the level of your opponent, that is, not to resort to direct threats and personalities, and not to resort to obscene words and expressions. Today we will learn to respond to insults, rudeness and rudeness with dignity and grace.

Rude people: how to deal with them

This category of people is characterized by low self-esteem, a sick psyche and a lack of healthy energy. They try to assert themselves and replenish their energy supply at the expense of other people. In this case, wine does not play a role, but you just want to “break loose.” It seems that it is impossible to talk to such people. However, there is always a way out of the situation.

It’s amazing, but they can only be rude and rude to certain people. They bypass some. Why does this happen? There is an explanation for this. Does not allow you to fight back a rude person:

  • conflict-free nature;
  • guilt;
  • diffidence;
  • weak human biofield.

This is felt by rude people on a subconscious level, and such people become “easy prey.” But you shouldn’t silently endure insults or, conversely, answer something like “you’re a fool.” Therefore, we learn to be rude beautifully!

It is more effective and better for your own well-being. The main thing is not to stoop to the level of the offender, otherwise you will have to recognize a similar level of culture in yourself. Therefore, you need to come up with a non-standard answer. Which? Bold but beautiful.

Make the foul-mouthed person feel stupid and retreat. Thus, intelligence, intelligence and self-confidence overcome limitations and arrogance. The result will be a witticism, grounded in erudition, and hidden in a cultural phrase. This is where the techniques of beautiful rudeness lie. There seems to be no swearing, but at the same time the rude person is shown in a bad light. The phrase: “Oh, what a sharp joke, I cut myself” will show the bully and those around him the stupidity of the trick.

Rules of beautiful rudeness

You need to learn to respond to the witticisms of loved ones, friends and other people in the correct form. If you are provoked into a quarrel, then you can resort to psychological measures in response. So, let's learn to be rude beautifully!

  • Those who like to chat online are familiar with the term “trolling.” The trick is that in response to the rudeness of the foul speaker, he receives a set of intelligent abstruse phrases, like: “What do you think about the race of people, being an outsider?”
  • Another way is to answer in the form of a question. “Oh, sorry, I can’t talk now, I’m busy. In 20 years, where can I find you?”
  • A sense of humor helps under any circumstances. There are many phrases about this on the Internet. Here are examples. “Opposite my house there is a cemetery. If you get kicked out, you’ll live opposite,” or “Giggle, giggle. You can’t laugh with such and such teeth”, “Are we going yet? Why is it so leisurely?”, “You speak, speak. Maybe you’ll say something smart!”
  • The martial arts called “aikido” is based on the principle of “giveaways”. Techniques are also used in a dispute, agreeing with the opponent and disarming.
  • Disappointment can easily cool the ardor of a “hot head.” You can use, for example, the following phrases: “Come on, don’t worry. One day you’ll be able to say something funny,” or “Don’t be upset, many are deprived of talent”...
  • “Allergy” is used starting with a cough or yawning, after which they say: “Sorry, my allergy begins with verbal diarrhea.” “Speak, speak. I always yawn when I'm interested."

What it is

Conflict situations arise in the service sector, at work or in interpersonal relationships. What matters is how we react to a person in conflict and what the purpose of our response is. Conflict is a two-way problem or a verbal ping pong game.

The girl is rude
Conflict situations suggest different sources of their occurrence. A claim can come from a person who will then extinguish this conflict if it was objective with a non-objective reaction from the interlocutor. Or the offender will be able to end the conflict with a succinct phrase. The scenarios are varied. The main thing is to understand the essence of the bickering and its possible outcome.

Other interesting techniques for responding to rudeness

You can be polite and patient without being aggressive in return. Smile and respond politely to attacks. This will knock the offender out of his usual rut. Eventually he retreats.

  • The boring method also sometimes helps. It works on forums. At the same time, administrators can calmly describe the participant’s violations without emotion, deciding to ban the rude person.
  • Shock breaks stereotypes, confusing the offender. Phrases that are not related to the topic are suitable for this. It’s a good idea to stock up on a couple of three blanks so that, if necessary, you can put the brute in his place.

You should not mentally place the offender on a pedestal, imagining him as the embodiment of evil. It’s better to imagine a little hedgehog releasing its thorns out of fear. He is angry with long and sharp needles, but at the same time scared and small. You should treat him in a friendly manner, showing pity. Then, perhaps, he will change his hostility and move towards a peaceful direction.

  • Ignoring is a universal method of dealing with rudeness. Silence is not only a safe response, but also a beautiful one if you try hard enough. It is better to prefer this method in cases where the rude person is dangerous to health and life. Attention is important to him in order to be fueled with energy. But if they don’t receive one, it becomes a terrible punishment.

Ignoring must be correct, without accompanying unhappy glances and sighs. There should not be an impression that grievances are meekly swallowed due to the inability to respond and forgive. Emotions are turned off - this is the trick. The offender does not exist in nature, period. And you remain a happy person, not paying attention to trifles and nonsense.

How can a wife humiliate her mistress in the eyes of her husband? (actions and phrases)

A mistress is a rival, no matter how you look at it. She stole a man, destroyed a family, and you want the man who traded you to understand who he traded you for.

What can you do and tell your ex-man about his mistress:

  • “And you found yourself a noble maiden! Yesterday Pashka came from work to party with her, today you, and tomorrow someone else. Just a girl to be snapped up! Lucky you!"
  • If you know your husband’s mistress very well, then make sure that he also becomes a witness to the picture that you saw. The situation will be tense, but your husband will simply see how the one with whom he cheated on you will behave in front of her husband.
  • “Listen, I’m just from the hospital. I was told that I have gonorrhea. Now I understand where the legs grow from. Only now I have already started treatment, and you and your beauty have to figure out where she got gonorrhea from. You will continue to live together... Good luck"
  • “I see your chosen one has hair extensions and silicone breasts... Well, what can you do if nature is stingy with such insignificance.”
  • “Listen, what time do you take her to school? Tell the children’s doctor, otherwise he’ll suddenly start to mope.”

Of course, a wise person will not stoop to the level of an insulter. But in such sensitive situations, it is sometimes difficult to contain your emotions. We still recommend that you think carefully about all your words so as not to look stupid.

How to respond to opponents

There is a difference between beautiful rudeness towards friends and relatives or strangers on the street. Being rude to loved ones is low and mean. But, in life, it happens that at home we relax and break down. In such cases, it is important to be able to respond correctly to barbs. The best way is:

  • calm;
  • condescension;
  • sense of humor.

With strangers you should remain polite, intelligent and friendly.

  • It is better not to utter ironic phrases towards civil service employees. It is more useful to write a complaint about rude people to a higher-ranking person.
  • Many people prefer to endure insults from employers without reacting to them. This behavior is hardly correct. At the same time, self-esteem drops lower and lower. Maintain your dignity and your own opinion. Then you are guaranteed respect from your superiors.
  • It also happens that offensive words are heard from the person closest to you. In such cases, the best option is a sincere desire to understand the reason for the behavior and understand each other.

Learning to be rude beautifully: new and old

  • Yes, saving the world with beauty is not a mission for you.
  • What, wings have grown behind your back? You need to croak less.
  • Teeth are not hair; they will fall off and will not grow back.
  • Make-up suits you a la boxer.
  • To go crazy, first find your mind.
  • For some jokes, gaps appear between the teeth.
  • What, were you born with an extra chromosome?
  • Lose yourself in horror!
  • Stupid! - And you are sharp, I see!
  • If you don’t call today, I’ll call you myself. But not for you.
  • What can I say about you? Mom didn’t want to, dad didn’t try.
  • And you're awesome! - Yes? - No, I’m drunk, and you’re first on the contact list.
  • I'm sure you were conceived on a bet!
  • Here's an ice cream stick, I imagined it was a horse and galloped away from here.
  • The Rh factor is the only positive quality you have.
  • Can you pick up teeth from the floor with broken arms?
  • What a love you have for nature! It's a shame it's unanswered!
  • It’s okay, I’ll just have a couple more glasses of beer and you’ll become a beauty!
  • Are you here? Did you forget to close the zoo at night?
  • Don't look in your head. There's nothing there.
  • Well, it’s understandable that I was born stupid. But what is the reason for the relapse?
  • Are we running great or are we tired of living?
  • Have you already received a medal for idiocy?
  • What, a star? So sit on the Christmas tree and sparkle!
  • -Have you found someone? - Yes, instead of you. Are you worried? - No, I also eat sweeteners on a diet.
  • Yes, I'm polite. If I send it, I’ll call you back later to find out if I got there...
  • No need to ask me about life like that! After all, she is so interesting that you will be disappointed in yourself.
  • Look, no matter how you smile with your gums.

If a person learns to respond to attacks and barbs with ease, then after communicating with a rude person, the mood will not deteriorate.
But, self-esteem will steadily grow, and a new perception will improve life in general. Previous articlePreviousNext articleNext

The best behavior when meeting an insolent person

You can disarm an arrogant person like this: repeat the same phrase several times: “So what?”; "So, what is next?". Such a reaction will infuriate your interlocutor, and will help you maintain calm.

Just don’t get involved in mutual insults, because your opponent is just waiting for you to start getting annoyed. Don't give him pleasure.

If a coworker is constantly trying to get under your skin, be prepared to respond with sarcasm.

Sarcasm works like a cold shower.

  • You say everything correctly, but it’s boring.
  • You think you're insulting me, but you're just hiding your insecurities. I guessed?
  • How primitively you think, I don’t even want to answer.
  • Well, well, talk, talk, maybe something smart will come out.
  • And this is all your vocabulary? You don't even have to pretend to be stupid.

If you answer the insolent person competently, he will probably be taken aback and fall silent, because he is ready for a skirmish.

  • Should I answer you politely or tell you the truth?
  • How primitively do you speak, but you are no longer able to express yourself more intelligently?
  • What do you eat? Looks like carcinogens are destroying your brain.
  • Are you using your shortcomings to try to hurt my dignity?
  • If there is no intelligence, then insults begin.
  • To get on the same level as you, I will have to lie on the floor.

Sometimes a person understands only when he is told harshly and rudely.

  • Such a stinker can only communicate with flies.
  • Have you even washed yourself today?
  • You know, it would be better if they planted a tree instead of you!
  • You see, your head is big, but you don’t have enough brains in it.
  • Haven't you been sterilized yet? It is harmful to reproduce like this.

You can culturally reject the offender.

  • Are you trying to offend me? It’s a shame to hear from an intelligent person, but from you it’s funny.
  • Wow, how did you learn to speak smartly? Tell me where they teach this.
  • It’s a pity that you can’t save the world with your intelligence and beauty.
  • How interesting it is to watch you. I haven't been to the circus for so long.
  • You do not like me? And so do you.
  • Beware that fate will answer you in kind.
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