How to respond to an insult funny and with sarcasm: witty phrases

  • August 21, 2019
  • Psychology of communication
  • Thais Ktf

Unfortunately, we all periodically have to deal with such an unpleasant manifestation of human character as excessive rudeness. Alas, not all people are polite towards their interlocutor. Rudeness and rudeness can be found everywhere: in public transport and in stores, at work and school. An employee at the passport office, a waitress, or a random passer-by can be rude. There are frequent cases of rudeness from clients. People can be rude both when meeting in person and over the phone.

Of course, you don’t have to listen to the boor and hang up. You can remain silent in response to insults. These options are the most correct. But sometimes you really want to stop the upstart and fight back!

“Why be rude?”, or What are the reasons for rudeness

Faced with rudeness early in the morning, you can forget about a good mood for the whole day. Those who perceive other people’s negativity with a smile and know how to abstract themselves are very lucky. Boorish communication inevitably leaves its mark on the subconscious of most people.

For what reason are people rude? Of course, there are a lot of reasons, and very different ones.

Here are the main ones:

  • the desire to hook a stranger in order to raise self-esteem;
  • dissatisfaction with one's own life;
  • low intellectual level;
  • lack of proper education;
  • Bad mood;
  • egocentrism, inferiority complex, arrogance;
  • aggressive character.

Another reason for rudeness may be simple resentment. This is especially true for close people. After a while, the one who was offended may remember this and try to take revenge. We can talk about the senselessness of such behavior for a very long time, but the fact remains a fact. It also happens that when someone insults you, you really want revenge.

Often those who have been insulted before are rude. The boss yelled - it is quite possible that the upset husband will take the grudge home and yell at his wife. It is very important not to bring your grievances into the house. First of all, for this you need to learn to calmly react to various types of attacks. In the end, it is important not to forget that you should value your dear people and avoid stupid insults and unpleasant words.

Any person, deep down in his soul, wants his interlocutor to respect him. But not everyone is able to respect another. If you know how to respond to an insult funny and with sarcasm, then unpleasant dialogues will bring much less negativity, and in some cases will even cheer up those around you and you.

How to calm down a boor

There is one fail-safe method, described in psychology, with which you can easily avoid continuing the conflict. Those who have read literature on the psychology of communication probably know about it.

If your interlocutor suddenly calls you a fool, you should not answer him in the same way. Let's imagine the dialogue:

- You're a fool!

- You're a fool!

- Idiot!

- You're the idiot! Boor and no education!

- Yes, I’ve seen education! You idiot!

This kind of dialogue is endless. Yes, it is difficult, but it is easier to agree with your opponent.

You will be surprised, but when you hear in response to “Fool!” the phrase “Yes, I’m a fool,” few boors have anything to answer. His first reaction will be surprise, and even if the insolent person continues to attack, but is met with the same calm answers, he will calm down, realizing that he cannot develop a conflict, because you agree with everything!

There are other answer options that can not only calm the upstart, but also beautifully put him in his place.

Example phrases

If you nevertheless decide to get involved in a skirmish, then I offer you ready-made original, killer and even threatening phrases for all occasions. With their help, you will always have something to answer the offender:

  1. Don't worry, someday you will definitely say something smart and funny.
  2. Do not make me angry! I have nowhere to hide the corpses anymore. Come on, I'm kidding! There's still room!
  3. Are you paying so much attention to my life because yours isn't going well?
  4. I beg you, at least use bone marrow.
  5. If I need advice, I will definitely seek you out.
  6. Do you always have such a poor imagination or is it just a bad day?

What are the options for responding to a boor?

When communicating with a person who is aggressively opposed to you, you must first pull yourself together and not give in to emotions. The best answer, of course, would be to ignore direct attacks, but, alas, it is not always possible to remain silent in such a dialogue.

Options for responding to rudeness and insults:

  • Silence and ignoring.
  • A calm parrying response and further silence.
  • Rough answer.
  • A cheeky answer.
  • Repartee.
  • The answer is a quote.
  • The answer is poetic, in the form of a verse.


Yes, silence, as we all know, can be equated in value to a precious metal, and the saying about gold has more than once proven its truth. However, in some situations you really want to find smart answers to insults and put the upstart in his place!

If an unpleasant remark addressed to you comes from, for example, someone on public transport, it is best not to pay attention to the challenge. What's the point of spoiling the mood for yourself and your fellow travelers? It is best to remain silent and calmly wait for your stop. Don’t forget, the person’s dissatisfaction will only intensify after your rude answer, and in this case the passengers will witness a boorish dialogue, because there is a very high probability that the boor or boor will continue his attacks.

Rough but soft. Should I respond rudely?

In some disputes, the thought inevitably comes that it would be nice to quickly figure out how to rudely respond to an insult and immediately put down the boor.

A mild version of a short answer to a direct insult: “Can I give you a mirror?” In response to rudeness, the phrase: “Talk to your wife in a similar tone at home in the kitchen.” The phrase “Didn’t your mother hug you enough when you were a child?” is also good against ill-mannered interlocutors.

By responding to rudeness with rudeness, it is most likely impossible to avoid continuing the unpleasant dialogue. But it’s quite possible that the boor, realizing that he’s communicating with a person who won’t mince words, will calm down.

Rude answers are primitive, and, of course, they will not make you look better in the eyes of others.

What to say goodbye to a cheating man, show by example.

Every woman who has caught her man in the act needs to be able to leave gracefully, saying goodbye to her now ex-man with some parting words, so that he too suffers, so that he understands that he made a mistake that he will never correct, or such a mistake that is very difficult to correct.

Among the sample phrases that can be said to a traitor are the following:

  • “Well, everything that’s done is done! I'm leaving. I won’t accuse you of anything, I won’t talk to you, because you’re not worth it. I just ask you to disappear from my life forever!”
  • “On the day of our first meeting, you simply captivated me... If I had known then that I would have to go through such pain with you, I would never have told you “Yes.” Goodbye! It’s a pity that you weren’t who I imagined you to be.”
  • “You know, I want to thank you for what happened in my life with you. It was wonderful. I won't forget this. But now it suddenly lost its meaning! Farewell, and never remind me of yourself again!”
  • “I don’t know how you will continue to live without the woman who gave you the meaning of life... If you managed to give up on me so easily, then everything will work out for you again! Goodbye!"
  • “It’s a pity that I won’t be able to stop loving you today, tomorrow and in the near future. But that doesn't mean that I can forgive you. With the same intensity as I love you, I will continue to hate you. You better never come into my sight again.”
  • “This is not how our story should have ended. But from this moment on, our lives will never intersect again. I hope that you will be happy with the one you traded me for.”
  • “I hope God will forgive me for renouncing the person I love! But I can’t get over the pain you caused me! Live happily if you can...Although soon you will understand what you did and will greatly regret it.”

“Why are you so impudent?!”, or how to impudently respond to a boorish opponent

It is, of course, possible to respond rudely in response to rudeness, but as a rule, daring responses have a greater effect. Before boldly responding to insults, you should assess the situation. Don't forget, a bold response will most likely be seen as a challenge. Such a parry allows you to show that you are not only capable of responding to the offender in kind, but also are not afraid to challenge yourself.

There are quite a lot of options for how to boldly respond to an insult from an ill-mannered interlocutor, and among them there are quite a lot of witty ones.

In continuation of the dialogue with the arrogant boor, you can use the following phrases:

  • The enema must know where it belongs.
  • When God was giving away brains, did you go out for a smoke?
  • I would like to send it, but it’s clear that you’ve been there more than once.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to boldly respond to insults. Your answer should be calm, confident, but at the same time challenging.

Ask a counter question: “Why are you behaving this way?”

In order not to get involved in aggression and not stoop to the level of the insulter, it is enough to calmly look into his eyes and ask: “ Why are you behaving this way?” Why are you screaming? "

This must be said absolutely calmly, without raising intonation, in your normal voice.

Ask this question to an insulter , and he will understand the following things:

  • The insulter will understand that you do not need to throw dirt on each other and you are not interested in empty verbal skirmishes.
  • The offender realizes that it is much more important for you to understand the reason for his anger and rage . The aggressor will understand that you see no reason to shout or quarrel. You don’t understand the reason for his such emotional behavior, which has no place here.
  • Usually the person calling names begins to think about what he said , considers the correctness of his behavior and his words, and begins to delve into his head.

For example:

The person yells at you and somehow behaves emotionally and negatively towards you.

Me: What happened to you, why are you reacting this way? You're probably tired and worried about something. Let's solve this together.

Wit: we joke with taste

Many people admire the ability of some people to easily and quickly find witty answers to rudeness and rudeness. But learning to respond to rude people with humor is not so difficult.

First of all, you should learn to calmly perceive conflict situations. Well, the man is not in good spirits, and he didn’t manage to get an education, so why waste your nerves and time on him now? Of course, people with higher education are also rude. But don’t forget: an intelligent person will not stoop to banal rudeness and insults.

If you think in advance about how to respond to an insult funny and with sarcasm, then ending such dialogues will be much easier. And you will cheer up those around you.

If someone suddenly starts bullying you, you can simply say the phrase: “Quiet! What are these sounds? Oh, no, it seemed. The wind, probably." At the same time, calmly continue to do your business. The impudent guy will cool down. And if suddenly such a “dialogue” takes place in front of witnesses, we can safely say that they will admire your calmness and sense of humor.

If you are wondering how to respond to insults wittily in any situation, it would be useful to remember a couple of standard expressions, for example:

  • The lower the intelligence, the louder the insults.
  • Yes, they say that beauty will save the world. But this is not about you.
  • There is no need to make a fool out of you. Ready-made material.
  • In addition to a higher education, it is a good idea to have a secondary consideration.


How to respond to rudeness: responses to offensive phrases Each of us encounters rudeness from time to time. Some people observe its manifestation from the outside, while others constantly have to listen to rude and offensive words addressed to them. It’s not as offensive to forget something you need at home as it is to hear rude, unjustified words addressed to you. It is not as hard to complete a new task as it is to work in a scandalous atmosphere where everyone is shouting and being rude to each other. It is known that someone else’s aggression is always transformed into self-aggression, hence the bad mood, decreased self-esteem, performance, etc. How to protect yourself from foreign aggression and react correctly to rudeness?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the reasons for rudeness. There are several of them, and for each of them you can offer different response options. So let's start with the first reason. Weak psychological constitution of a person Have you probably noticed that almost no one is rude to some people, while others constantly fall under the “distribution”? Many boors have remarkable intuition and observation skills. They choose their victims according to the principle of strength and weakness: “This one has a sharp tongue, it’s better not to mess with him, but you can have some fun with this one. He’ll probably say something absurd in response.” The last category includes people with low self-esteem, overly cultured and educated people, people with an increased sense of guilt, who are afraid of accidentally offending another, as well as people who avoid conflicts and conflict situations. How to react correctly? Before getting into fights with offenders, you need to work on your self-esteem, self-confidence and inner strength. After all, it is almost impossible for a strong person to be rude. “Calm” method When dealing with such offenders, never show that you are confused. Express your point of view honestly, firmly and openly. Don't be defensive or defensive! Speak calmly and relaxed. Boors are cowards, they are not used to frankness and calmness. They need to piss you off in order to feed off your energy. Don't give them such joy. How to respond to rudeness: responses to offensive phrases Example: Conductor on a bus: “Why are you giving me 500 rubles? I don't have any change! I’ll drop you off now!” The opponent, in a serious but calm tone: “What, excuse me?” Conductor: “No change!” Opponent: “I have a long way to go. I would be very grateful if you manage to change the bill.” Method “Psychological Aikido” It consists of using the enemy’s energy against himself. It is necessary to agree with the “criticism” of the enemy (sometimes this needs to be done several times), as a result of which the situation is brought to the point of absurdity or becomes very funny. And don’t forget to praise the boor – it will pay off in spades! Example: A nervous patient (NP) in the clinic to a second patient (VP): “What, no eyes? Don't you see, there's a queue! Where are you going? The smartest one?" VP: “I really don’t have eyes. How attentive you are. And I, being the smartest one, jumped in without waiting in line.” NP (taken aback): “I’m standing like everyone else...” VP: “Yes, you’re standing like everyone else. It’s not like me – I jump in line.” Usually two or three evasions from an attack are enough. Ham falls into a state of psychological grogginess - he is confused and disoriented. If by this time the audience is already dying of laughter, it will be easier for you. The boor retreats faster and will no longer take risks. The peculiarity of the method is that it requires a lot of practice and effort, as it requires breaking one’s own patterns of behavior. “Humor” method When a person wants to say something bad, he takes in air into his lungs. If you make him laugh at this moment, he will relax. Accompany your joke with a smile, you can even praise your opponent. Example: The secretary came to the director during a meeting to bring tea. But she failed. Her heel caught on the carpet and she slammed to the floor, knocking over all the cups. Seeing the director’s face turning purple with anger, the secretary blurted out: “You are so stunning!” Everyone in the room immediately laughed. Method “Statement” Sometimes a simple statement of the fact “You are a boor” is enough to silence the interlocutor. But you can approach the situation creatively. Example: Buyer: “Please give me some vitamins... I forgot what they are called. These are these,” he points to the display case. Seller: “Do you, by any chance, need memory pills?” Buyer: “What about you? From rudeness? The Sneezing Method It is suitable as a response to a long, rude monologue. If your opponent is letting off steam on you for a long time and tediously and cannot stop, help him with this. Listen to him with a calm look until the boor is convinced that he is the master of the situation, and you will remain silent. And then sneeze loudly and demonstratively. And into the pause that arises, insert the phrase: “Sorry, I’m allergic to nonsense.” And with an extremely polite look, ask: “So where did you stop?” Other effective responses to offensive phrases: “Is that all?” or “So what?” “I had a better opinion of you” “Rudeness suits no one, least of all you” “Should I answer politely or should I tell the truth?” “I thought that artistry doesn’t suit you.” “Why do you always try to look worse than you really are?” “I have absolutely no time to cherish your complexes” “What, excuse me? You probably misspoke?” This is another common reason for rudeness and rudeness. Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, many people prefer communication that is not typical for a civilized person. Such people are accustomed to constantly being rude, and other models of behavior are of little interest to them. How to react correctly? Method “Persistent politeness and angelic patience” The main rule of dealing with such boors is politeness, goodwill and patience. You cannot be provocative, be charged with the energy of a boor, or become a follower. Do not forget that a rude person is waiting for retaliatory aggression, and when he does not receive it, he falls into a trance. Politeness and a smile unsettle him, force him to communicate in a different, unusual scenario for him. This gives you the opportunity to control the situation. Sometimes a boor is fixated on the negative, then you can speak to him just as politely, but louder than usual. The non-standard nature of the situation will also silence the boor. Example: Seller: “Man, why are you digging around for so long? Will you take it or not? Buyer: “Please show me that mug over there.” Seller: “You’ve been standing here for half an hour already. I’m not your errand girl!” Customer louder than usual: “Please show me that mug.” The “Boringness” method This is suitable for administrators of forums, groups on social networks, etc. It is known that many community members, knowing the general rules very well, deliberately violate them, and then blow up the administrators’ personal accounts, expressing sincere disagreement with the fact that they were banned. When the arguments end, the rudeness begins. Of course, you can ban a dissatisfied person in a personal message, but if you need to defend what’s right, try, without emotion, to describe in detail all the flaws of the offender. At first the interlocutor will let off steam in the hope of having fun, but when faced with dry official language, he will get bored and fall behind. Example: Participant: “Why was I banned? This is arbitrariness! Then write on the page: “We do what we want, we ban whoever we want!” Administrator: “You violated paragraph 2 of such and such’s rules. According to the forum rules, you have been banned for 2 weeks.” Participant: “I didn’t violate anything and my photos are normal! You’re the one nitpicking there, you don’t understand anything about photographs, so don’t interfere!” Administrator: “For insulting the administration, your ban will be extended for another 2 weeks.” The “Shocking” method (for an amateur) To combat stereotypical rudeness, the method of breaking patterns is well suited, or, in simple terms, shocking. You can prepare a couple of phrases in advance that are completely irrelevant to the matter. And in order to shock the interlocutor, in response to the question “Will you buy or not?” you can ask: “Can you tell me how the series ended yesterday?” The methods described above are also good: “Psychological Aikido”, “Humor” and “Statement”. Other effective responses to offensive phrases: “It’s a pity that you can’t respond to this with originality” “For some reason I don’t want to talk to you” “I don’t like the people you’re trying to portray” “I appreciated the depth of your thought. Thank you" "Appreciated your joke. Thank you” “Thank you for being so attentive to my personality” “Not quite witty, but something” “Witty and funny” (after moving on to another topic of conversation, getting distracted by something or someone, leaving the room ) The offender's fear of you Most boors are weak people with low self-esteem and pronounced envy. As soon as they realize that you have achieved more in life than them, their fear of competition immediately awakens in them. They mask this fear with an excellent ability to be rude. How to react correctly? Method “Caring for a Hedgehog” Imagine a hedgehog that has released its thorns out of fear. On the one hand, the hedgehog is angry and prickly, and on the other, small and scared. As soon as you take care of it, it will soften, hide its thorns and puff contentedly, drinking milk from a saucer. So it is with the offender. Take a condescending and compassionate position. Praise him, give him a friendly pat on the shoulder, give in, let him win a game or two, wish him all the most beautiful things that exist in this world. After all, it’s not at all difficult to do. Having calmed down, the offender will no longer be afraid of you and, most likely, will understand that in addition to hostile competition, there is peaceful coexistence and partnership. The “Psychological Aikido” and “Calm” methods also help well. We do not recommend the following methods: “Humor”, since envious people do not understand jokes well; “Sneezing”, since envious people have increased sensitivity, and this can only aggravate aggression. Other effective responses to offensive phrases: “It happens that life doesn’t work out. But you will succeed” “Of course, of course. Come on in. May you be lucky today” (this helps when someone is pushing, pushing, out of turn) “Rudeness suits no one, least of all you.” “It looks like this is not your role. What do you really need? “Thank you for being so attentive to my person.” “Do you want to offend me? What's the point? "This is all?"

Method “Ignoring” And the general method for all causes of rudeness is “Ignoring”. After all, sometimes being silent is good, safe and... beautiful. If you do not need anything from the offender, you are not psychologically ready to engage in a fight with him, or your offender, as it seems to you, is psychologically unhealthy, dangerous to life and health - use the “Ignoring” method. It is not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “A fool shouts, but a wise man is silent,” “Of two arguing, the one who is smarter is wrong.” Boors always strive to win your attention, but they need to somehow feed on your energy. That’s why simply being ignored is one of the worst punishments for them. It is important to note : ignoring must be correct. Without an offensive look or sad sighs. A boor should not mistake your ignorance for swallowing an insult, inability to respond or forgiveness. There shouldn't be any emotions. The offender is an empty place for you. You are a happy, successful person who has no time to notice such nonsense.

How to react to rudeness?

Rudeness and demagoguery begin the moment the opponent runs out of arguments in his favor. Or when he begins to understand that he initially took the wrong position, but pride or lack of culture does not allow him to retreat. Rudeness is an admission of defeat, burdened by an unwillingness to admit it. In order to somehow console their wounded pride, many begin to attack. Often we cannot eliminate the source of rudeness, and in this sense, rudeness is invincible. We can always change our individual way of responding to it. Method one. It's a pity for such people... Respond to rudeness with tolerant arrogance, raising an eyebrow! Often rudeness is a person’s defensive reaction to his complexes. And since this is a boor’s problem, treat him as wretched. This dramatically changes the plans of the rude person. Rudeness can be easily cured by politeness. They are rude to you, and you say to him: “You see, my dear, I do not intend to talk to you in such a tone,” or “Dear, you probably made a mistake and confused me with someone.” Usually, when treated politely, boors become confused, become dumbfounded, and are frightened to make contact. Boors strive for retaliatory rudeness - they are fueled by the energy of the conflict. A friendly smile and a calm look in the eyes unsettles them from the intended rut. Thus, you yourself begin to control the situation. Dialogue is possible only with civilized, mentally healthy opponents. And when, when communicating with someone, you hear rudeness in response, this is no longer a dialogue, but banal abuse. Do you need to get on your nerves? Wish the rude person all the best. Method two. Reciprocal rudeness (will not stand up for us) It is only good that must be answered with kindness. Evil must be met with justice. (Confucius) In some cases, it is more beneficial for the psyche to respond with rudeness. Because if you remain silent, you will then think about how you could answer: this way, and this way, and this way. You will begin to beat yourself up, and, as a result, you will throw out all the negativity on someone close to you. As one smart person said: “there is no temple for a boor.” That’s why sometimes it’s useful to “put them in their place.” At least so that others don’t spoil their mood. Boors need to be educated. Silence convinces them of impunity. The more often a boor responds to rudeness, the less often he has the desire to be rude. Especially if they respond well. Disadvantage of this method: retaliatory rudeness will not help you maintain your dignity, but will only equate you with the rude one. “An eye for an eye” is the shortest way to descend to the level of a boor and a scoundrel. Method three. With humor (this is aerobatics) You must respond to rudeness with a smile with a facial expression of “damn, what a moron you are!” Or laughter. This will cause a storm of emotions in the boor, which may make you laugh even more. You can answer something like this: “Eh, you’re being rude... Why? Do you want to offend me? And why?" Try to answer so beautifully that your word remains the last and greatly suppresses the person who is rude to you. Method four. Completely ignored! There is so much rudeness in the world that you just need to ignore it. The best response to rudeness is indifference. Try to avoid such types - it is much easier to carry them from afar, and you always feel sorry for them - they must have come to such a life in order to have such a blast with everyone! Show the boor that you don’t see or hear him! There is such a wonderful exercise: “I am a leaf on the side of the road... Everything passes by and does not touch me.” Always smile - it's terribly annoying! source

Learn to be rude beautifully

1.You will open your mouth at the dentist.:D 2. Mind like a shell. 3.What do you give a damn about life? Or can we run fast? 4.ONE MORE BEEZ FROM YOUR PLATFORM AND YOUR TEETH WILL BE SETTLED. :)) 5. Dry the herbarium! 6. So that you celebrate your wedding at McDonalds. 7. Don’t make me angry, I have nowhere to hide the corpses! Come on, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, there's still room. 8. Shut up, victim of a drunken midwife!:o :)) 9. Yes, you won’t save the world with beauty. 10.The light of a floor lamp can overshadow your mind. ;D 11.Can we switch to you? Otherwise it’s not convenient for me to punch you in the face. 12.Talk, talk... I always yawn when I'm interested! 13.Ciao, ripen the peach! :)) :)) 14. When the stork brought you to your parents, they laughed for a long time and wanted to take the stork first. 15.Hey you five! Yes, yes, you four! Come here, you three! Once again I see you two together - I'll fuck you! You understood me?!? 16.Go to the kitchen and chop the veins with an axe. 17. So that you could cover yourself with a teaspoon in the bathhouse!:D 18.Baby, I’m not scaring you, I’m not a mirror. 19. Didn’t you scare Babayka as a child? 20.- And your legs are like those of a gazelle!- Why are they so slender?- No, covered with fur... :)) 21.- What long legs you have... Especially the left one. :)) :)) 22. One more “Vyak” in my direction……..and your dad sweated in vain…. 23. VKontakte is a site for normal people, but for such frostbitten brakes as you, it’s high time to create a new site - VTanke. 24. Pushkin finished his appointment, Gagarin arrived, And you are {censored} right now!© 25.- go to hell! - don’t worry, I’ll finish with an orgasm! 26.-thank you.-you’ll work 27.-Girl, are you bored?-Not that much... 28.What are you standing for? Do you run fast or do you have a spare jaw in your pocket? 29. Enema, know your place. 30. There is one good thing about you, it divides your ass in half. 31.Yeah...not everyone was spared by Chernobyl. 32. Go, lie down, preferably on the rails. 33. You’re doing the right thing; you don’t laugh with teeth like that. :)) :)) 34.Tell me who I am, and I will tell you how much you underestimated me. 35. I would send you, but I see that you are from there. 36. I bet you were conceived on a bet!

Series of messages “Our surroundings - 4 -“:
Part 1 - secrets of a good mood Part 2 - Don’t forget how to love each other ... Part 23 - Happy people. Part 24 - The most important thing in life, all its mysteries... Part 25 - How to react to rudeness and rudeness. Answers to offensive phrases. Let's learn to be rude beautifully. Part 26 - Postures and gestures to avoid Part 27 - “Herd mentality” or “the law of 5 percent” ... Part 44 - Protect the reputation of the person who is being talked about in his absence. Part 45 - Don't share your plans! Part 46 - Yourself in Wonderful Company

Series of messages “Human Problems.
Lives -2- «: Part 1 - here and now Part 2 - ..two directions of development of Humanity... ... Part 9 - How to get out of the most dangerous situations Part 10 - ..outdated:( Part 11 - How to react to rudeness, rudeness. Answers to offensive phrases. Learning to be rude beautifully. Part 12 - It's time to get out. It's time to get out a long time ago. Part 13 - How to kill the consumer in yourself: the experience of a person with money... Part 48 - How.. to learn to always do only what you want? Part 49 - If you go looking for happiness, you will lose it.. Part 50 - Why are you constantly drinking?

TV series to help. How to respond to an insult with a beautiful movie quote

Movies and TV series will help teach you how to respond wittily in various conflict situations. Surely you have favorite characters who deftly put offenders in their place with a couple of phrases, or even one sentence. Such expressions are both beautiful and unusual. By responding to an impudent person with such a quote, you will surprise both him and those around him. At the same time, it is quite possible that no one present during the conflict will know that this is not your expression at all.

Examples of how to respond to an insult to a boor with humor, taken from films and TV series:

  • Did I tell you that you are stupid? So, I take back my words... You are simply the goddess of idiocy.
  • Congratulations, you must have worked really hard to become such an asshole so quickly.
  • Everything is fine. I understand. You're an idiot.

Here are a few more examples taken from cinema, clearly illustrating how to respond to an insult with funny and sarcasm, but at the same time unusual:


- Oh, you... female dog!

- My God! You'll have to put ten cents in the piggy bank for a bad word.


- What did you call me? - Excuse me, what do you want to be called this week?

There are a lot of examples of how to respond to an insult funny and with sarcasm, both in cinema and in literature.

A beautiful quote, the authorship of which is attributed to Marilyn Monroe herself: “Only a man humiliated by fate can insult a woman.” We can safely say that such a lady’s answer will definitely make a boorish man think twice.

The article provides enough examples of how to respond to an insult in a funny and sarcasm, original and unusual way. Having answered offenders so beautifully a couple of times, you will notice that beautiful answers are more effective than banal rudeness.

Only a man humiliated by fate can insult a woman.

Marilyn Monroe

How to respond to attacks from a loved one

It is very useful to know how to respond to insults funny and with sarcasm for people in a relationship. After all, even a small quarrel can flare up into a real scandal with shouting and insults.

At the moment of such a showdown, one of the parties needs to be able to pull themselves together, cool down and not respond with rudeness. After all, after a quarrel, as a rule, both are ashamed of what was said. But, alas, the word is not a sparrow...

In any situation, and especially during quarrels with people close and dear to you, try to respond to offensive words in a balanced way. A loved one can become rude out of resentment or out of emotion. If this is not a deliberate direct insult, try to smooth over the conflict and reduce it to a joke. After all, you see, it’s better to laugh and forget than to sort things out further in a raised voice. A scandal is a battle in which both sides will not give up until the last moment, but there are certainly no winners in this battle.

“When a person is hungry, he becomes angry and aggressive”

Maria Prokhorova

psychologist, accredited gestalt therapist

– This type of behavior, such as rudeness, is typical for people who are bitter, embittered and offended by the whole world. Most often, they grew up in a deficit of parental love and conditions of emotional hunger. And, having matured, such people act from the same deficit state, see the surrounding reality distorted and react very sharply to it.

A person in a state of completeness is happy with everything. He has no desire to notice the bad, to defend himself from the outside world and to be rude to passers-by - this is the lot of unhappy people.

A trivial example: when a person is hungry, he becomes angry and aggressive. And after physical hunger is satisfied, a person becomes kinder, softer, more accommodating. And in the case of emotional hunger, everything is the same.

What's the best way to respond to insolent people?

There are a lot of options for responding to impudence and insult. Depending on the situation, you can remain silent or respond witty. Rudeness is not always appropriate, and the chances that after a rude answer the offender will calm down are much less.

Any conflict has unpleasant consequences. But even if you are rude, you can avoid a spoiled mood and save face. To do this, you should not give in to momentary emotions and respond calmly, even indifferently. A witty answer will make you a winner in such an unpleasant dialogue.

When communicating with a boor, you should remember that with his remarks he is egging you on and trying to develop a conflict. There are many reasons for this behavior. By remaining silent or answering in monosyllables and calmly, you will reduce the likelihood of the conversation continuing to a minimum.

A witty response to rudeness is one of the most effective and beautiful options for conducting a dialogue of this kind. For some, the ability to find beautiful and immediately confusing answers appears on its own, while others can learn this.

The most important thing when dealing with an upstart and a boor is to remain calm and balanced.

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