Features of interaction between the speaker and his audience

Every occasion you give a speech is unique. If this is a work report at a meeting, you will be listened to by default. But it also happens when you need to fight for the audience’s attention, try to convey your views to them, and get support. The success of not only a specific performance, but also the realization of your global goal may depend on this.

Remember how in the movie “Wall Street” the young broker, played by Ch. Sheen, had only 5 minutes to convince the “shark” of the stock market (M. Douglas) to take him on his team? And in fact, no matter how competently the speech is composed, no matter what artistic means and techniques are used, no matter what the preparation, the final success depends largely on how interested you are in the audience in perceiving what is said.

Undoubtedly, the speech should be appropriate, but there are times when apathy, or even unfavorability, needs to be overcome not only by relevance or beautiful words. You need a strategy for working with the audience that will increase the significance of the speech, convey its message and turn the listener into a follower of your views. We want to talk about some mechanisms and tricks of interaction with the audience in this lesson.


Establishing contact with the audience begins with the formation of eye contact. I will give the most primitive example, which will immediately clarify why it carries such great significance. Tell your loved one "I love you." Do this three times. The first time - looking straight into the eyes, the second time - looking somewhere to the side, the third time - looking at another person. After each such confession, pay attention to what this person’s reaction will be to your words. Just try it and you will see how much eye contact increases the significance of your words in the eyes and mind of the interlocutor.

The same approach applies to public speaking, and all for one simple reason: the optic nerve is about 50 times thicker than the auditory nerve. It is through visual images, that is, with the help of our eyes, that we absorb about 90% of all information about the world around us. It is your view of the public that determines how they perceive you. Often, a speaker's eyes reveal more information about him than his speech.

ADVICE. This material is a logical continuation of the articles “Fear of Public Speaking”, “Preparation for Public Speaking” and “Structure of Public Speaking”. For a more complete and in-depth understanding of the topic, I recommend that you also read it.

Polish your meaning gradually

The lack of a formed semantic core, the main idea, is also a barrier. Of course, they talk about it differently: “I’m not ready yet,” “Everyone has already said it before me,” “What if it’s not interesting.”

Of course, you need to work with your meaning and content - no hired specialist will do this for you. However, you obviously shouldn’t wait for a perfectly polished meaning—you just might not get it. The idea is honed and crystallized during performances and working with one’s texts, and with each performance it approaches the desired level. And then new themes and meanings arise that go through the same path of maturation.

You can only check your interest to the public experimentally by analyzing the response and taking into account the feedback.

Where does the performance begin?

As I discussed in the previous article, “The Structure of Public Speaking,” the initial phase of any such event is establishing contact with the audience. Here we will figure out how to achieve the same effect, but almost without words. To do this, it is necessary to give your face a friendly look with a slight smile when going out to the audience. As usual, it is important not to overdo it, not to squeeze it out of yourself and not to stretch your mouth to your ears, otherwise your falsehood will be extremely obvious. Be natural and sincere in expressing your feelings.

Once in front of the public, take your time to look at everyone present. Take a quick look at the faces and try to look into the eyes of literally each of them. If you catch a glance from someone sitting in the hall, nod slightly in response to emphasize that you noticed it. Even if you see everyone present for the first time and none of them is familiar to you, noting their eyes with your quick glance, you thereby establish subconscious contact with them. Then, during the entire event, this contact will remain quite firmly. This is exactly how the initial contact with the audience should be.

Work off the negative

Posts with reviews and testimonials are a common genre for any social network. Users regularly tell subscribers about trips to restaurants, fitness clubs and beauty salons. For most, this has become an occasion to share their impressions, no less than going on vacation or going to a concert, so people do not expect an inevitable reaction to a neutral or positive review. Rather, it becomes a pleasant bonus.

Important! Negative reviews hit the image very hard, and silence on the part of the company only aggravates the situation. Special services that “catch” mentions will help you avoid missing anything: YouScan, Babkee, IQBuzz.

It’s almost impossible to build a business without encountering negative reviews, so you shouldn’t get upset and take them to heart. Many conflicts can be smoothed out if you are attentive and caring.

To professionally deal with negativity on social networks, you need to remember the following:

1. Never delete negative reviews

It's difficult to hide anything on the Internet. Other subscribers can see the comment before you, and the author can take a screenshot. A company that pretends that bad reviews never existed looks immature, like a child who erased a D in his diary.

2. Be calm

To avoid escalating the conflict even further in the heat of the moment, cope with your emotions and take a short pause before responding. The person on the other side of the screen is also upset and angry; he expects help and attention from you, not mutual insults.

3. Be mindful of other users

Any conflict on the Internet is public, which means that along with the victim of bad service, the rest of the audience follows its development. Show them that you care and are responsive.

4. Don't start a war

If the client accuses you fairly, admit guilt. If he exaggerates, politely explain the situation and apologize for the misunderstanding. Under no circumstances should you start a war with personal attacks and a vindictive desire to prove that your opponent is a scoundrel.

5. Solve the problem

Polite apologies without specific action can be annoying, so you need to publicly share how you are solving the problem and report back on the results. In some cases, it would be useful to offer a conciliatory bonus: a discount, free delivery, a souvenir.

Establishing contact with the audience

As we have already found out, establishing eye contact, speaking in the language of analogies, is not chaotic bombing, but targeted missile strikes. It is useless to try to establish contact with the entire audience, because this is simply impossible. Instead, make eye contact with everyone in the audience. You may think that this may take quite a lot of time and will distract you from the main task, but in practice, everything is much simpler. Our eyes can move at incredible speeds, allowing you to change direction in just a split second. Give literally a split second to every glance you meet from the audience, so you can establish contact and reach a large number of listeners in a short period of time. Your task is to glide over your eyes, but not to linger on them.

In the first seconds of your speech, when you instantly skim across faces and establish contact with the audience, namely with those listeners who are already looking at you. Then those who usually fiddle with their phones or tablets during such events also raise their eyes. The moment you begin your speech, they will raise their eyes and you will meet them with yours. After such eye contact, when a person sees your oncoming gaze, he will subconsciously conclude that you see him among the entire crowd and may even be following him. This will encourage him to listen to you more attentively and no longer lower his eyes back to the gadget. Next, during the speech, wait for the moment when those listeners who are not accustomed to looking at the speaker at all raise their eyes. No matter what they do while listening to you, sooner or later they will raise their eyes and, having discovered your oncoming gaze, they will not lower them for a long time.


"Speaker" is a word with many meanings. The word can be defined as:

  1. a person who gives a public speech;
  2. a person who has the gift of eloquence.

For a lecturer speaking in front of an audience, there are a number of important criteria, without which the speech may be ineffective.

Requirements for a speaker

For a speaker to be successful with his audience, firstly, he must be neat and well dressed. It is advisable that the clothes do not contain bright details and are not variegated colors or unusual styles. You should always keep things clean.

Secondly, the personal and behavioral qualities of the speaker are important. The lecturer should not make unnecessary movements of a mechanical nature, as this distracts the audience. The speaker's posture matters: the lecturer must stand confidently. Uncertainty or unnecessary swaying can negatively affect the audience's attitude.

Thirdly, you need to maintain eye contact with the audience: during the report, do not be distracted by extraneous things, do not look back, do not look out the window. The main thing is that you need to look at the audience with interest, since lecturers who look at their listeners with an absent look are usually more difficult to perceive. There is no need to take in the entire hall at once; it is enough to move your gaze from one part of the hall to another.

It is advisable that the speaker does not read the material from a piece of paper, but reproduces it from memory, since then the public’s perception of the material improves noticeably.

Establishing contact between the speaker and the audience

The most important factor in any public speech is establishing contact with the audience. If it is not there, the effectiveness of the performance is practically non-existent.

Feedback from the speaker to the audience represents the commonality of the emotional state of the audience with the lecturer. Mutual understanding and intellectual empathy are also important - the unity of the speaker’s thoughts with the public’s thinking.

The thought process must develop simultaneously in the speaker and the audience: only then will the listeners be able to fully comprehend what the speaker is saying.

It is also necessary that the speech evokes similar feelings in the speaker and the listeners. This is a consequence of the attitude of the speaker himself to the subject of speech. An emotional response from the audience will be present if the speaker:

  • genuinely interested in the subject of the story;
  • presents the material in an accessible way;
  • convinced of the reliability and importance of the information presented;
  • respects listeners and recognizes them as partners.

You can easily establish the degree of contact - how much the speaker and his audience interact. Usually during a performance the hall is quiet. However, this silence is polite or working.

In one audience, people react to the words of the speaker, express their attitude towards the words of the speaker, and are afraid to miss every word. This is evidenced by their emotional responses to jokes, addresses, as well as their posture (usually it is concentrated).

In another room, people may not listen to the speaker, even if outwardly it is also quiet. In such a community, listeners do not want to disturb the speaker, thinking about their concerns and affairs.

Therefore, silence is not a criterion for assessing the degree of contact between the speaker and the audience.

How to achieve mutual understanding with listeners

The main factors of mutual understanding include:

  • reaction of listeners to the speaker’s speech (laughter, exclamations, applause);
  • the speaker's confidence in his own speech (a person who knows how to build contact with listeners speaks clearly and confidently);
  • relevance of the information presented (its novelty, understandability, importance, interest);
  • the personality of the speaker (the reputation of the speaker, the degree of his erudition and attractiveness matter, it is also important whether he is principled).

Often the speaker manages to establish contact only with a fraction of the audience. This attention of people becomes constant or variable, stable or unstable. It all depends on the specifics of the issue being discussed, the degree of its relevance and the level of preparation of the public.

To establish rapport with the audience (when the speaker and the audience are one), the speaker must take into account the social status and level of development of the audience.

Mistakes in working with the audience

The most common mistake you can make when connecting with your audience is overlooking parts of it. Often these are the back and side rows, that is, the extreme seats at the end of the hall and along its flanks. As a rule, it is from these places that the most sensitive or provocative questions are often asked. It is in these rows that people rustle, click, whisper, nervously cough and even giggle mischievously all the time. What is the reason for this? As a rule, the fact is that these places are usually not given enough attention, which is also explained by the level of your professionalism, that is, the ability to cover and captivate everyone present with the topic.

As you know, the viewing angle of a beginner in public speaking is about 35 degrees, while that of an experienced speaker is up to 45 degrees. In other words, one of the popular mistakes in working with the public is establishing contact with the audience exclusively within your own viewing angle, which allows you to work only with its middle. It is with those listeners who are in the central part of the audience that good eye contact is often formed from the very beginning to the end of the speech. Representatives of these particular places listen carefully, nod their heads and demonstrate interest in every possible way.

Share news

Everyday life is full of officialdom: when communicating with clients, partners and superiors, people are forced to follow a lot of rules. Against this background, social networks become a kind of resting place: here you can show your true colors, complain about life, or share jokes.

People expect much the same from companies that have established accounts on social networks. Clerical language, “polished posts” and standard marketing phrases are unlikely to arouse interest. They subscribed to you to see the company from an unusual side and get to know the internal kitchen. Try to show what is hidden - involvement in this secret will make the audience more loyal.

Work on mistakes

First of all, you should start by choosing a place in front of the audience that best provides the speaker with a favorable and successful contact with the audience, literally with everyone present. Since the rooms in which the speaker speaks every now and then are almost always different from each other, choosing a place solely based on their size is a thankless task. For this reason, among both beginners and more experienced speakers, an unspoken rule has come into use, the essence of which boils down to the fact that in the optimal position the speaker stands so that the distance between him and the side seats (left and right) of the first row of the audience forms equilateral triangle. Moreover, it is equilateral, but not isosceles. This position of the speaker relative to the audience is considered optimal.

This rule can be applied to both square and rectangular and other hall configurations. Thanks to it, you can easily determine what point is best for you to be in order to establish contact with the audience as smoothly as possible. Moreover, this rule is of particular importance for the initial phase of the speech, since throughout its entire duration the speaker needs to move around the audience from one end to the other. Particular attention should be paid to the so-called “signals of loss of attention.” We are talking about those places from which you can hear a quiet conversation, the rustling of candies, smartphone alerts, etc. As soon as you focus your gaze on these rows, their attention is restored almost instantly. Experience has shown that your most loyal allies are those who initially considered themselves deprived of eye contact. During the event, approach different sides of the audience and direct your questions to different parts of the room. This can be done both with the help of gaze, and with the help of gestures and words directly.

What questions to ask?

What kind of questions are there? Everyone probably knows the difference between open and closed questions, right? Oh, sorry, this is a book, we can't hear your answer here. Closed questions are questions to which the answers are in a closed list: “yes or no”, “left or right”. It may be a choice from more options than two. This could be some kind of test. One way or another, in a group the answer to a closed question can be given by voting. “Raise your hand if you are for the first option,” etc.

Open questions are questions that require a detailed answer. These are questions that begin with the words “why”, “why”, “how”, etc. The answers to such questions will be more subjective, but you can also ask about facts in this way.


Closed Fact Question: "Raise your hand who agrees that the Battle of Waterloo took place in 1814?" (actually in 1815).

Closed-ended opinion question: "Raise your hands if you think that if it had not been for the Prussian army, the British would have lost at Waterloo."

Open-ended factual question: “What major European battles of the 19th century do you know?”

Open question about opinions: "Why did Napoleon lose at Waterloo?"

What do you think is better to start a conversation with, open-ended or closed-ended? Which ones are easier to answer? Closed ones, of course. Raising your hand or simply nodding is much easier than formulating some kind of long tirade. Start with closed questions.

Open questions provoke discussion; you need to be able to manage the discussion. Some people can take the floor and not let anyone speak for a long time. Others may begin to argue with you, because when you have already formulated a detailed opinion, you are much more willing to defend it. If you are not yet very confident on stage, do not ask open questions to the audience.

In addition to questions about the content, you can ask questions about the process. They can relate both to general comfort: “Aren’t you cold?”, and to the process of learning the material: “Are you still holding on, do you need a break?” Both are good ideas because they show you care about your audience.

Select winning methods of communication

Barriers caused by a lack of writing or speaking skills can be easily overcome with the right tools. Skills are developed through trainings and courses.

Here’s a typical complaint: “I write clumsily, with errors, it’s unclear,” says the specialist. I look at the text: writing two paragraphs took three hours, but still the text requires significant improvement. We are looking at suitable solutions: entrust the texts to a copywriter; give up written communication in favor of short videos on Reels and Youtube, but it would be good to learn how to behave in front of the camera; We decide to start with podcasts: the person has an expressive voice, great energy, a sense of humor and competent speech. We will supplement the posts with high-quality photos.

Here is another doubt: “The fear of being inaccurate prevents me from writing, and in the pursuit of accuracy I lose lightness and bury my humor.” The author of the quote speaks brilliantly in public.

If you perform poorly, limit yourself to texts. If you make mistakes, invite a proofreader. If you don't know how to work visually, hire an assistant. The information field is so diverse that there will always be a suitable budget solution. The main thing is not to demand from yourself to be a champion in all types of communication. After all, we did not study to become professional actors and journalists.

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