How to write an informational note in a journalistic style: note structure, types and examples of note texts

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This article will talk about how to write informational notes for a newspaper, and we will also give examples of good and bad texts to make it easier to understand this difficult matter.

It is important to be able to express your thoughts in journalism, because sometimes everyone has to speak in front of the public, write a press release or letter. At the same time, you must adhere to a certain structure and remember how to correctly work through each point. And even blogging often requires proper skills. Let's talk about how to use this to write in a similar style yourself.

What is a note in journalism?

This is the name of a special information genre in which a short message is conveyed. Its content is a specific fact or specific question that is being answered. There is no subjective assessment here, everything is described as neutrally as possible.

Such an entry contains fewer details and comments compared to the news. No additional information is provided. Everything is short, succinct and to the point. This is a very small work.

The purpose of the text is to concisely tell about the event so that the reader finds what he was looking for from the first lines.

How to determine that this is a note:

  • Usually no more than 2000 characters.
  • Information is provided as answers to implied but not stated questions. Reading it, it is not difficult to see three key queries between the lines - what, where and when happened. This is what we should talk about. But it is worth remembering that this is not asking why this happened. And no one is waiting to hear about the consequences. We recommend focusing on the main idea.
  • It reports what happened. Without value judgments, conclusions, thoughts of the author.
  • If you really need to cover the situation in more detail, then you need to choose a different genre. An article or report is good

The appearance and design of the note is noticeable and easy to identify. Let's look at her skeleton.

Words and terms

In the newspaper there are special words, terms, and established expressions. What cliches can a newspaper article have? Example of some:

  • Public sector workers.
  • Commercial structures.
  • According to informed sources.
  • Law enforcement agencies.
  • Rotorcraft.
  • In this period of time.
  • Taken under control.

There are emotional clichés:

  • Energetic start.
  • Firm position.
  • All as one.
  • The most severe crisis.

How to Write an Information Note

Of course, the title comes first. This is an important component, because the user looks at it and decides whether to read the rest of the text or not. It usually contains up to 8 words, often a question, but does not have a question mark at the end. After all, the author does not ask people, he gives them answers, so a symbol is not required.

Next comes the subtitle. It is not always used. But when it is there, it illuminates the problem or idea more broadly. It makes it easier to understand what will be discussed. And if a person is interested in this idea or is interested in an emotional proposal, then he will read everything.

If something general or global is included in the topic, then it is better to take the opportunity and write down what the conversation will be about - a person, event, incident or figure.

You also need to pay close attention to what will be revealed next. The lead cannot be ignored or written at random. This is the first paragraph of the story, according to which the reader makes a decision whether to study further or close the newspaper. Determines how close the idea proposed here is to him. It is important to provide specific answers to all questions that are raised or suggested.

Large portals like Yandex also publish their notes in search engines. They often put the main points right in the title. When you click on this news, the full, detailed text opens along with sources. Then you can open any one that interests you.

The subsequent story must answer the main questions: what, who, where and when. Causes and consequences are not involved here. There is no need to look for answers to the eternal why and how.

There is no need to scatter a person's attention. The purpose of such news items is to briefly convey information to the reader who is in a hurry. He will not read long articles, so it is important to keep it to a minimum number of words.

If you can visually divide the work into the indicated blocks, then everything has been done correctly.

What is newspaper style

The note is a newspaper creation. She was born for the newspaper and with its help she developed her own style. To express the most necessary things in a short article of two or three paragraphs, chopped phrases, pathetic language, slogans and calls to action are used. Clichés have emerged - established expressions often used in the press. Gradually, the language of the newspaper moved away from colloquial speech and literary prose. It has become a tool for transmitting information, devoid of philosophical reflection.

Therefore, television and radio, which came later, formed a different style of communication. At first, radio correspondents, commenting on events on the air, began to describe what they saw. They say about good sports commentators that a picture is not needed for such a report. Later, with the advent of television, the ability to see details and draw the viewer’s attention to a certain moment became an important ability of the presenter. Calls: “Do you hear?”, “Take a closer look!” - a distinctive feature of these performances.

But the desire to present information briefly and concisely is similar to all three types of messages. The text of the note is announced on the radio in the news, running as a running line under the video image. Therefore, a newspaper article is considered the foundation of journalism.


The authors use 3 types:

  • Informational is a standard type that involves only information and facts. Usually applicable in the event genre.
  • Chronicle – important for describing a variety of stories. Everything that happens should be described in sequence. Popular in the subtype of mini-stories.
  • Advanced - it provides more data than the previous two varieties. For example, they simply dilute it with additional facts as the news progresses. Others may add a mini-conclusion or a short interview with an expert.

Now let's see what subgenres are popular and look at examples of how to write a note in a newspaper. For each we provide descriptions and explanations.


This is news, the subject of which is some event or a certain state of affairs. It necessarily implies a strict answer to all standard questions.

Such a news note is most like a small information message. In an ordinary case, the volume rarely exceeds 4-5 sentences. All this should be written in an official style.

The opening lines must answer what the story is about. There is no need to expand, insert terminology or personal attitude. Proper names are also not welcome. It is permissible to use no more than 2 digits, but remember - if we are talking about victims, then their number cannot be rounded.

At the very end, you can briefly talk about other past or future events.

Announcement note

This is a short message about upcoming concerts, exhibitions and other events. The essence is presented concisely, without exaggeration or speculation. No comparisons with other similar processes. It is permissible to talk a little about what will happen. The time, date, and location must be indicated.

Annotation note

This is the first main and most important source that tells about the object. The subject may be information events that have already taken place. Most often these are books, articles and films. The more competently it is written, the higher the chances that someone will want to study the object completely. It is necessary to present the content in the most interesting way possible to attract readers.

You can spend a lot of time studying what is being described and know it perfectly. But there is a risk that no one will read the text if you leave only general sentences. We advise you to write in such a way that you want to re-familiarize yourself with the work. To notify people about the existence of the play, it is worth indicating not only the title, but also the main qualities, characteristics, and interesting points.

It definitely fits in what is new about this item compared to others. The structure is something like this:

  • title;
  • subject;
  • Problems;
  • goals;
  • methods of achievement;
  • results;
  • conclusions.

In the case of a story about artistic material, do not confuse a brief summary with a retelling of the content. The volume rarely exceeds 250 words; everything should be original, structured and compact. References are not used, abbreviations and abbreviations are also not recommended. As a last resort, if you can’t get by, their meaning will certainly be revealed.

It is worth remembering that this genre can only be applied to completed projects. You cannot write a note if the work on the book is not completed.

Mini review

This is more of an evaluative and sometimes advertising construction. The subject of discussion is a play, movie or other phenomenon. Unlike the previous subgenre, the author’s point of view is present here, and the entire narrative is built on it. The goal is to talk about the impression made by what you saw, heard or read.

A nuance - the opinion should not be supported by any evidence, these are simply stated emotions for those who want to see them. No analysis or other complex tools required. This is just the attitude and assessment of the writer. Written in first person.

Blitz portrait

Another example of writing text in the short note genre. Here you can find information about the hero. It talks about the impression a person makes.

Usually this is not a separate species, but part of a large volume of material. For example, a story about what a person did and where he was born.

Mini review

Another small subgenre in which a collection of different events is compared. A common feature is used as a criterion. If several incidents happened at the same time, then they can be studied as a whole. For example, the class wrote a test, and the resulting marks are the subject of review. This also includes objects related to the same topic.

Mini story

It is based on some kind of intrigue. Women's magazines that tell historical and romance short stories often work this way. They talk about relationships, professional or other adventures.


The main idea is program information. An algorithm is laid down that a person must follow in order to achieve the desired result. If you follow everything step by step, it will be easy.

If you need to learn how to correctly compose any type of text, we recommend that you start taking courses on the website of the International School of Professions. During the classes you can learn a lot of different information and easily explore new specialties and directions. And for those who are no longer new to this business, programs have been prepared to study in-depth courses and improve their skills.

Journalistic style

Newspaper style is not the way people talk. That is, not conversational. And not the one that writers use. They use an artistic style. The purpose of a newspaper is to communicate facts, identify problems, and motivate action. The newspaper reflects the life of society, therefore its topics are politics, economics, and culture.

Specialized publications dedicated to healthcare, education, and other departments contain professional terms. In this case, some of them will be explained for the general reader. A legal article, since it affects large numbers of people, can not just quote regulations and laws, but give examples from practice. A journalist who not only creates a text about accomplished facts, but puts his own attitude towards them, resonates with readers. Such articles are more interesting to read than dry listings of events.

What a journalistic note in a newspaper might look like. An example of a message about the opening of a new library in a school wall newspaper:

  • For about a year, the children were unable to get help from the library. And last Sunday was marked by the revival of the local temple of knowledge. The premises were in need of renovation for a long time. Readers remember drafts and dampness, bundled-up librarians and weak internet. All in the past! New windows, beautiful modern lighting with LED lamps, high-speed wireless Internet - all this pleases readers. At ten o’clock the grand opening ceremony began: the anthem “There’s a Library Next Door” is played, balloons and happy faces are everywhere. Anna Ivanovna Petrova, who also gave out books to their grandparents, addressed the children with the parting words “A book is a best friend.” The celebration lasted all day. When it was time to go home, the parents and their children sang the song “It’s great that we are gathered here.” More good news like this!

Rules for writing a good note in a newspaper: sample

We suggest looking at what this will look like using a specific example.

  1. Title. 145,790 people fell ill with coronavirus.
  2. Subtitle. The virus is developing in Italy and France. Countries are closing their borders.
  3. Lead. Due to the growing epidemic, people continue to get sick. As of March 15, 2021, this number has exceeded 145,790 citizens. European states are closing borders to entry and exit from the territory. Residents have 3 days to leave foreign cities and return home.
  4. Main part. The coronavirus has developed not only in China, where it originated. Infected people left the Chinese provinces and returned to their homeland, creating outbreaks there too. At the moment, the borders are closed: France, Italy, Belarus, USA, Poland, Ukraine, Russia. Entry is restricted for foreigners. Citizens who will return to the country after the introduction of quarantine will undergo observation.

The information in the header is presented in as much detail as possible. It indicates what is happening, where, and the number of victims. The subtitle reveals the idea of ​​what the authorities are going to do, which countries will restrict entry.

The lead gives brief information and explains what is happening. If the reader has no time, then he can go through the first two paragraphs with his eyes, everything will become clear to him.

The main part describes what is happening in more detail, identifies specific countries, and states what residents and non-residents should do.

How the cat was rescued

On March 26, a cat was discovered on a tall pine tree near the Computer Center of Akademgorodok. Clutching the top of the tree, he swung at a 30-meter height. The next day, rescuers' attempts to climb the tree were unsuccessful. The trunk was slippery; it was possible to overcome only half of it. At four o'clock, Igor Anatolyevich, the leader of the circle of young climbers, arrived at the place with two assistants, Alexey and Dmitry. They secured the belay in the middle of the trunk, and with its help Alexey reached the top and removed the frightened cat, placing it in his backpack. At eight o'clock, to the applause of the frozen spectators, he was given into good hands. He hung in the cold wind for at least two days, but now he has nothing to fear.

Bad examples of news stories in journalism

Now let's look at the second sample, this time not the most successful. We suggest you look for errors here.

  1. Title. A Sochi resident was fined for smoking.
  2. Subtitle. Every year thousands of people die from smoking in Russia. The fight against smokers has begun in Sochi.
  3. Lead. A city resident was fined 500 rubles for smoking at a bus stop. A new law has come into force, which concerns the restriction of tobacco consumption in public places. The offender himself does not believe that he did anything illegal; he did not admit guilt.
  4. Main text. We asked allergist Victoria Moshiyan to comment on what happened: “Unfortunately, Russia is among the leading countries in the use of tobacco products. But I hope that new legislation will help us control this number and force people to reconsider their attitude towards smoking, especially in public places. Let's hope this serves as a lesson to all of us."

The title shows the main idea of ​​the entire story, but it is not specified. It is not clear whether this fine is for cigarettes, for a fire or a fire in the yard. The subtitle seems to reveal the idea, but remains abstract. This is not a specific figure, but a banal statement. If it was written that 2,715 people die every day, then this could be a good example, backed up by statistics. The second sentence is more tied to the theme of the story, but this is not what will interest and force you to read.

The lead should contain all the detailed information, but it is so generalized that it is not useful. It is not clear what the law is, when it appeared, and what changes it brings. If the reader is in a hurry, he may skim the first two paragraphs and nothing will be clear to him.

The main part is a commentary from a supposed expert. But it is completely inappropriate. Moreover, it is not clear what relation the allergist has to the hero or the adoption of the law. If it were a responsible person who would monitor the implementation of changes, that would be a different matter. It would also be possible to include here the opinion of the head of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory. But in this case, it’s just a specialist who has a medical diploma.

The comment itself has no meaning. It doesn't give anything new to the audience.

Types of notes

Let's look at the main types of notes:

  1. An information note
    is a standard type of this genre, which presents only facts and information about the event. Often used in the event subgenre.
  2. Chronicle note
    - used to describe various stories. The chronology of all events is given in a certain sequence. For example, in the mini-story subgenre, this type can often be used by the author.
  3. Extended note
    - quite more information is provided here than in other types. For example, if this is an event subgenre, then there will be quite a lot more facts and information on this news. If we talk about other subgenres, then there may additionally be some kind of small interview or mini-conclusion.

Techniques that help organize information

It is quite difficult to make a short note from voluminous material. Write a draft first, then remove everything unnecessary from it. We offer several actions that will clear the text of unnecessary garbage:

  • Introductory structures. They will not help the reader solve his problem.
  • Evaluative expressions. If this is not a review, then they are of no use. Excellent forms and comparisons are also removed - the latest, super practical and others are not needed in the note.
  • Household stamps. Anything that does not provide useful information is not required in this genre. Therefore, feel free to remove all sorts of “magically”, “like clockwork” and others.
  • Iro-bureaucratism. Anything that is too difficult to read is replaced or removed. You should not write “implementation of tasks for planting green spaces.” It’s better to say “trees and shrubs will be planted.” This will make it easier to read and understand.
  • Formalisms. Everything should be beneficial to the one who reads this. Therefore, not only interfering structures are removed, but also those that are not clear. Instead of “the hot water supply will be turned off,” it is recommended to say that without regular repairs, the pipes will fail and then the repair work will last indefinitely.

We have given an example of correct and unsuccessful writing and now you know how to write notes correctly. It is worth distinguishing between newspaper style and being able to adjust messages in accordance with it, because throughout life everyone has to deal with journalism and the need to write letters or petitions. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to correctly apply the acquired knowledge.

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Where to begin

Many people are afraid of the beginning. There is even such a saying - “bad trouble is the beginning.” But if you start with a description of the facts, the note will be written quickly. First, form the body of the article, and only then choose an intriguing title and an effective conclusion - this is the key to success. It happens that, having started from afar, the author is still unable to turn the text onto the chosen topic. The result is a discrepancy with the task. Therefore, it is recommended to draw up a plan according to which the text of the note in the newspaper will be written. Example:

  • Introduction.
  • Description of the performance of amateur artists.
  • Awards and certificates.
  • Reviews from viewers.
  • Creative plans of the winners.
  • Conclusion.

The introduction and conclusion are not included in the body of the article. The plan can be as detailed as possible, including quotes and indications of sources of information. But it can also be expressed in two or three words that outline paragraphs. For each item, a text is written that answers the questions in the plan.

But now the body of the note is ready, all that remains is to come up with an interesting introduction. If the reader does not find anything interesting in the first words, he is unlikely to want to read further. This is not about exaggerating the importance of the information presented in the note. This may be of interest, but the reader will soon realize that the author has made a mountain out of a molehill and his reputation as a correspondent will suffer.

It is better to use a rhetorical question in the introduction, give an interesting quote or impressive statistics.


In conclusion of the above, I would like to once again emphasize the importance of journalism for modern people. Thanks to her, you feel the spirit of the time, you are always at the center of events, you feel involved in what is happening in the country, the world, and you are formed as a person. In addition, by listening to news, reports, interviews, reading articles, essays in periodicals, on a subconscious level you assimilate the linguistic means of expressiveness of the journalistic style, which helps to increase the level of speech culture.

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