Ready-made performances for every taste, for any audience

Ready-made speeches with universal interesting topics

How to become a brilliant storyteller?

How to learn public speaking? This is written about in detail in my other articles, for example here:

  • Secrets of public speaking
  • Self-instruction manual on public speaking

And finished speeches . You can talk to them in any company.

For example, you find yourself in the company of your friends. And you wanted to tell them something. But you don't know where to start.

Then watch this video. In it I talk about this situation: an example, where to start and what to talk about:

A simple solution would be to ask a question. For example, this question:

—Have you ever eaten jellyfish chips?

After this you can take a good break.

Huge pause. After all, you have already caught everyone's attention. They are already waiting for you to continue. You may even hear “authoritative opinions” that this is impossible, that jellyfish are not edible...

However, no matter what they tell you in response, you already have something to talk about. After all, you have a ready-made performance that you have rehearsed:

  • Jellyfish chips

You need to read it now, and rehearse it several times in front of the mirror.

You can guess for yourself how many rehearsals are needed. Or read here:

  • How long should you train?
There are other interesting questions that you can ask your acquaintances (friends, colleagues).

A good conversationalist

For example, during the lunch break, many admired the delicious dishes. But we have already talked about this, the topic has exhausted itself. And so you introduce a new topic: “Today there were very tasty salads. Have you tried jellyfish salad?”

  • Jellyfish salad

Or, for example, someone bragged about their trip to the sea. But he mentioned that the jellyfish interfered with the pleasure of swimming. Here you can become the “center of the performance” by saying that there is a whole lake infested with jellyfish, but this is where you would like to swim!”

  • Jellyfish Lake

You can raise the issue of sports in any company. Among the unusual sports are:

  • Underwater chess. This topic can be discussed for a long time with any friends.

An interesting topic for discussion will be the colors of horses. Few people understand them, so they will only listen to you.

  • Do you know the colors of horses?

I have prepared these ready-made speeches for my students who are studying public speaking with us online :

  • Online training

Many thanked me for the fact that these stories are easy to tell in companies, that they can be used to practice public speaking.

These appearances will continue to grow. Visit our website again!

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