Lesson on the development of phonetic perception and lexico-grammatical structuring of speech based on the topic “Fruits”

Summary of educational activities with children of the senior speech therapy group on the topic: Fruits

Program objectives: 1. Enrich and improve children's knowledge about fruits and where they grow 2. Develop the ability to recognize fruit by taste 3. Practice clearly pronouncing words and sentences 4. Develop the ability to form and name adjectives 5. Develop auditory attention 6. Develop articulation apparatus 7. Cultivate interest in fruits Progress.
Organizational moment The teacher brings into the group a basket covered with a handkerchief . Teacher: Guys, today I came to you with a treat, just guess what kind of treat it is. Game “Find out the taste” Children: banana, pear, apple, orange, etc. . Educator: That's right, guys, how can all this be called in one word? Children: Fruits Educator: That's right, these are fruits, but what kind of fruits are they? Game “Which, which, which” (children name adjectives related to this or that fruit. For example: Banana is sweet, tasty, yellow, light, ripe) Educator: Tell me, where do fruits grow? Children: In the garden, on a tree, on a palm tree Educator: I suggest you play the game Game “What is a lot?” (Children speak in full sentences. For example: There are a lot of ... apples growing in the garden, a lot of bananas on the palm tree, etc.) Educator: Great! Tell me, are fruits healthy? Children: Yes! Educator: you can prepare many different dishes and drinks from fruits, let's be a little cook Game “Cooking from fruits” (children say in full sentences. For example: I will make jam from pears, compote from plums, etc.) Educator: Well done! I see that you help your mommy cook, and do your moms make jam from various fruits? Children: Yes Educator: Let us remember what kind of jam mom makes. Game “Fruit Jam” (children are asked to take turns naming the fruit and the jam made from it. For example: Plum jam - plum jam, peach jam - peach jam, etc. ) Educator: Okay, but do you know how to distinguish fruits from vegetables Children: yes (no) Educator: What is the difference between fruits and vegetables? Children: Fruits grow in the garden, on a tree or palm tree, and vegetables grow in beds Educator: let's play a game where you need to collect vegetables in one basket and fruits in another Game - “Collector” relay race (Children are divided into 2 teams. In the middle group there is a table on which there are models of fruits and vegetables. Each team is given a basket. One team collects vegetables, the other team collects fruits) Educator: In order to find fruits, you need to be very careful, look at the pictures, are the fruits collected correctly? Find the extra one Game “Fourth Extra” (children are offered pictures from which they need to choose an extra product that is not a fruit)

Educator: Guys, do you like to eat fruit? Children: Yes Educator: What can you call them affectionately? Game “Name it affectionately” (the teacher shows the children pictures of fruits, the children take turns calling them affectionately. For example: apple - apple, banana - banana, etc.) Educator: Well done, guys. Let's prepare our tongue for speaking tongue twisters Articulation gymnastics Exercise “Fence”

Exercise "Pancake"

Exercise "Cup"

Educator: let’s say the tongue twister “In that garden there lives a gardener, he watches the plums” (Children say) Educator: We did a good job today, and now we’ll treat each other to fruit Training “Help yourself” (each child invites another child to treat himself to fruit. For example: Masha, help yourself to an apple or Vitya, this pear is for you.) Children say thank you to each other!

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Lesson summary on speech development

in the middle group on the topic “Description of fruits.”

Educational field Speech development

The topic of the lesson is “Description of fruits.”

Implementation of the program content in educational areas : “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”.

Types of children's activities : gaming, communicative, cognitive and research.

Objectives: learn to compare and describe fruits.

Program tasks:

Educational: continue learning about fruits by solving riddles; learn to describe fruits by color, shape, size; learn to use adjectives in speech, forming them from nouns.

Developing: develop, knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view, logical thinking, attention.

Educational: To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which has generously endowed us with its riches; develop the ability to listen to each other;

Vocabulary work: fruit, fruity, orange, lemon, cherry, plum, peach,

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of fruits, the game “What grows where”, conversation on the topic “Fruits”, “Fruit preparations”.

Materials and equipment : Hedgehog and Little Fox, envelope, pictures of fruits, ball, sheets of paper with images of ovals and circles; two pictures of fruits to find the differences, replicas of fruits, fresh fruits.

Contents of organized children's activities

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Good afternoon! Happy hour!

I'm very glad to see you.

You turn to each other and smile.

And sit down quietly.

Educator: Guys, who came to us? (Hedgehog and Little Fox are sitting on chairs near the board, holding an envelope)

Children: Hedgehog and little fox

Educator: Yes, these are our friends. Guys, look, they are unusual today, Hedgehog has prepared something for us in an envelope. Let's open it and read it. (Takes the envelope and opens it)

Guys, our friends invite us to play and solve riddles.

Children: stand in a semicircle and look at the board.

2. Guessing riddles. Description of fruits by color and shape.

1.Round, ruddy

It grows on a branch

Adults love him

And little children (apple)

(hang a picture of an apple on the board and the children must talk about it).

Educator: What is this? What color is the apple? What shape? What size is an apple?

Children: The apple is red, round in shape. The apple is big.

2.With orange skin,

Looks like a ball

But the center is not empty,

And juicy and tasty. (Orange)

(There is a picture of an orange on the board).

Educator: What is this? What color is the orange? What shape? What size? Do you think an orange is sweet or sour?

Children: Orange, round in shape...

3.It's almost like an orange

Thick skinned, juicy,

There is only one drawback -

Very, very sour (lemon)

(there is a picture of a lemon on the board).

Educator: What is this? What color is lemon? What shape is it? What size is a lemon?

Children: answer questions

4.Blue uniform, white lining,

It's sweet in the middle. (Plum.)

(on the board there is a picture of a plum).

Educator: What is this? What color is plum? What shape? What size is the plum?

Children: answer questions

5. A whole herd of horses on one leash. (Grape.)

Educator: What is this? What color are grapes? What shape? What size are the grapes?

Children: answer questions

Educator: I’m sitting on a tree, round like a ball,

Red as blood, sweet as honey. (Cherry.)

Educator: What is this? What color are cherries? What shape? What size is the cherry?

Children: Cherry is red, round in shape. Small cherry.

Educator: Well done, guys. All the riddles were solved.

Educator: Guys, how can you call an apple, orange, lemon in one word? What is this? Children: fruit.

Educator: Guys, where do fruits grow?

Children: in the trees

Educator: What are the names of the trees on which fruits grow?

Children: fruit

Educator: Where do fruit trees grow?

Children: in the garden.

Educator: What is the name of a garden in which there are many fruit trees?

Children: orchard

Educator: Well done! The Hedgehog and the Little Fox are also happy with you.

Physical school

Educator: Let's rest a little. Leave the tables and come to me. Stand in a circle. And we will put the Hedgehog and the Little Fox in the center of the circle.

Children: Go out to the teacher’s carpet and stand in a circle.

“Yesterday we walked in the garden, They walk in a circle, holding hands.

We planted currants. They depict how they dig a hole and plant a bush in it.

We whitened the apple tree with lime and whitewash. Move your right hand up and down.

We fixed the fence. Simulates hitting with a hammer.

We started a conversation: They stand facing in a circle

- Tell me, our gardener,

What will you give us as a reward? One finger is bent for each name.

I will give you lilac plums and honey pears as a reward,

The largest ripe apples, They stretch their hands forward.

A whole kilogram of cherries

This is what I will give you as a reward.

A whole kilogram of cherries, that's what I'll give you as a reward.

3. Game “Which one? Which?".

Educator: And now we will sit down on the palace. The Hedgehog and the Little Fox will roll the ball for you and name the color and object in the singular, for example, yellow pear, and you must say how it will be in the plural - yellow pears..

Educator on behalf of the Hedgehog and the Little Fox: orange orange

Child: orange oranges

4. Coloring.

Teacher: gives each child a sheet of paper on which ovals and circles are depicted.

Children: according to the teacher’s instructions, paint the figures, then determine what the painted figure looks like.

Instructions: Color the shape in the first lower right corner green (apple); in the upper left corner - yellow (lemon), in the middle - orange (orange).

5. Game " Treats".

Educator: Guys, but E. and L. don’t know why people grow so many fruits. After all, if you don’t eat them all at once, what will they do?

Children: they will spoil, they will not taste good

Educator: Let's tell our friends how to store fruit.

Children: boil, dry, freeze

Educator: What can you cook from fruits?

Children: jam, compote, juice, marmalade

Educator: I am the presenter, I give you a piece of fruit and ask: “What kind of orange juice?”

Child: orange

Educator: “What kind of peach juice?”

Child: peach

Educator: “What kind of apple juice?”

Child: apple

Educator: “What kind of pear juice?”, “What kind of banana juice?”, “What kind of lemon juice?” (you need to play with each child)).

6. Comparison of images.

Teacher: shows a picture on the board

Children compare two pictures, find and name the differences.

7. Game “Forgetful buyer”.

A “seller” and a “buyer” are selected. Models or pictures of fruits are laid out on the table. The “buyer” says that he forgot the name of the item he wants to buy. The “seller” asks to describe the item: color, shape, taste, what it feels like, what it’s like inside. Based on the description, the “seller” guesses the fruit that the “buyer” wants to buy.

8. Reflection. Game "Define the taste."

Educator: Hedgehog and Little Fox brought us treats. Now you and I will put blindfolds on our eyes, go up to the table and taste what kind of fruit it is? Well, the Hedgehog and the Little Fox will see if you complete the task correctly or not. Children: close their eyes and take the prepared fruits into their mouths and guess what they ate.

Educator: Well done! It's time for the Hedgehog and the Little Fox to return to the forest, let's say goodbye to them. Goodbye, guys..

Children: Goodbye

Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic “Vegetables and fruits”

Summary of a frontal speech therapy lesson on the topic “Fruits and Vegetables” (in the senior group for children with OHP)

Goals: Educational: consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, their places of growth; clarify and expand knowledge about vitamins and their benefits for the body; consolidate children's knowledge of the basic characteristics of vegetables and fruits (color, shape, sensation, what can be cooked from them). learn to compose a descriptive story about fruits according to the proposed scheme. Educational: develop a culture of verbal communication between children and each other, the teacher. Correctional and developmental: strengthening the ability to form relative adjectives; development of coherent speech; development of visual and auditory attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination; development of phonemic hearing; development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement; development of tactile sensations; development of smooth speech exhalation. Health-saving: creating emotional comfort. Progress of the lesson. 1. Organizational moment. We woke up, stretched and smiled at our neighbor. 2. Conversation about vitamins. Guys, a letter arrived at our kindergarten. Let's read it. “There is a magical country, There is a mountain of vitamins there. To be healthy and strong, you need to hurry there! In that country, the foods they eat are vegetables and fruits. Everything contains vitamins: Tomatoes, tangerines, Pears, plums, pineapple. In general, we are waiting for you guys! Come quickly and improve your health! “This letter was sent to you by Vitamins from the magical land of Vegetables and Fruits. Vitamins reminded you of how important they are to you. Why do we all need vitamins? (In order for our body to be nourished, and for children to grow strong and healthy). Guys, do you want to go to Vitamins in the magical land of Vegetables and Fruits? We have a long way to go, and we don’t have cars. Let's dream a little and come up with something! Let's turn our chairs into cars! 3. Speech exercises. We turn chairs into cars (waving your arms - “casting spells”). Let's pump up the tires together (s - s - s - s ....). Let's start the engine loudly, Here, friends, we need skill! (r – r – r – r) . Let's add a little more gasoline (glug-glug-glug). We can hit the road! (Music sounds). 4. Development of auditory attention, logical thinking. Guys, while we are going to the land of Vegetables and Fruits, let's remember what you know about them. Where do fruits grow? (In the garden in the trees). Where do vegetables grow? (In the garden on the beds). To help you remember vegetables and fruits, I will ask you riddles, and you listen carefully and answer! D/I “Say a word.” 1. We collect very large ... (potatoes) in a basket. 2. In the spring the beds were empty, then... (cabbage) grew. 3. From the ground by the forelock we pull a juicy... (carrot). 4. The ground is wet from the rain - get out, fatty... (beets). 5. For Andryusha and Katyusha, we will collect ... (pears) in a basket. 6. I don’t upset anyone, but I make everyone cry (bow) Well done! Now I’ll give you a more difficult task: Name a fruit that is larger than a plum, but smaller than a pineapple. (Apple, pear, orange). Which vegetables have a red nose? (radish, beets). Which vegetable has eyes? (potato) . Okay, you completed all my tasks! Well, here we are in a magical land! Getting to the country of Vegetables and Fruits is not easy. But I’ll tell you one secret: In that country you need tickets - Multi-colored stickers. These are not simple stickers, but magical ones! You should wish your children that they can become everyone in the world! Turn around yourself, quickly turn into fruit! Tell me guys, what kind of fruit have you become? (Children name the fruit, select several signs). You have become a fruit, now you can come in! Finally we are in the magical land of Vegetables and Fruits. Now we are in the garden. Why? (There are fruit trees around). Name what trees you see. (Apple tree, pear tree). Guys, what fruits are brought to us from hot countries? (Bananas, kiwi, pineapples). 5. Development of fine motor skills, prevention of visual impairment. Since oranges don't grow in our city, let's draw them. But we will draw in an unusual way. First, let's draw with our fingers in the air. (Children “draw” a circle in the air with dots to the left, then to the right). Now let's draw with the eyes. (Children roll their eyes, the head should be in place). 6. Development of coherent speech. Let's look at the diagram and make up a story. Recently Dunno came to the garden. He heard that fruits were very healthy, so he picked apples, pears, and plums and ate his fill. But for some reason he fell ill - he was poisoned. What fruit could have poisoned Dunno? (Dirty, unwashed, spoiled). Do you always wash fruits before eating? Now let's become trees for a moment. 7. Exercise for coordination of movements and balance “Tree”. Exercise "Tree". 1. Stretch up, palms closed. 2. Rock your body forward and backward, maintaining balance. 3. Rise up on your toes and sway left and right again, like a tree in the wind. 8. Differentiation of the concepts “vegetables” - “fruits”. And now Vitamins invites you to the garden. What's growing in the garden? (Vegetables). Therefore, you need to quickly turn into vegetables: Turn around yourself, Quickly turn into a vegetable! (Children say what kind of vegetable they have become). Some vegetables grow on the ground, while other vegetables grow underground. Let's play the game "Tops and Roots." D/I “Tops and Roots”. I will call vegetables. If a vegetable grows on the ground, you should jump up, and if a vegetable grows underground, you should sit down. (Carrots, cabbage, potatoes, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes). Guys, why do people grow so many vegetables and fruits? After all, if you don’t eat them right away, they can go bad. How can you prepare vegetables and fruits for the winter? (They can be canned, boiled, frozen, pickled, dried). What is compote made from - vegetables or fruits? (From fruit). 10. Formation of relative adjectives. Look what juices Vitaminki has prepared for the winter. (Children name juices: apple, plum, pear). 11. Summing up. Did you like our trip to the magical land of Vegetables and Fruits? (Yes). Now you know that all vegetables and fruits are very healthy and necessary for you. To be healthy and strong, you must love fruits and vegetables. All without exception, There is no doubt about it! And now it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. The people of this country really liked you. They decided to give a magic orange as a souvenir. Here he is. We need to divide it among everyone. Finger game "Orange". We shared an orange, There were many of us, and he was one. This slice is for the hedgehog. This slice is for the swift. This slice is for ducklings. This slice is for kittens. This slice is for the beaver, And for the wolf it is the peel!

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