“Speech card for diagnosing alalia (with possible answers for various speech indicators)

Speech therapy card for diagnosing dysarthria

Larisa Ermakova

Speech therapy card for diagnosing dysarthria

Speech therapy card for the diagnosis of dysarthria

Full Name ___

Age ___

Pronunciation side of speech

1. Degree of speech intelligibility: (speech is slurred, difficult to understand for others • speech intelligibility is somewhat reduced, speech is blurred • speech intelligibility is not impaired) ___

2. Rate of speech (normal, tachylalia, bradyllalia, hesitation, stuttering)


3. Rhythm of speech (normal, drawn out, chanted, depends on the manifestation: hyperkinesis)___

Breathing (free, labored, shallow, shallow, uneven)

• Physiological breath (deep, insufficient, short, intermittent)

• physiological exhalation
(long, shortened, presence of hyperkinesis: rigidity)
• Differentiation of nasal and oral exhalation • Presence of lower diaphragmatic breathing • Speech exhalation
(short, intermittent, sufficient, presence of hyperkinesis, rigidity)



• N (strong, voiced)

• Insufficient voice strength, weak, quiet, depleting as one speaks • Deviations in voice timbre (dull, constricted, hoarse, tense, intermittent, trembling, hyponasalized, hypernasalized, nasal emission)_ • Weak expression or absence of voice modulations (lowly modulated
or unmodulated voice , monotonous)

Synchronicity of breathing, voice production and articulation (N, violation)


Structure and mobility of articulation organs

Neurological syndrome due to disorder of the muscles of the speech apparatus (spastic steam, rigidity, hyperkinesis, ataxia, apraxia)


Facial muscles

• Hypomimia • Impaired muscle tone (hypertonicity, hypotonicity, dystonia, N)

• Smoothness of nasolabial folds • Oral synkinesis • Tremor of the chin • Asymmetries • Hyperkinesis • Rigidity ___

Lips (thick, thin, M)

___• Tone
(hypertonicity, hypotonicity, dystonia, N)
___• Mobility
(sedentary, mobile)
___• Presence of clefts or postoperative scars___


• Large, small, rare, frequent, presence of extra teeth, dentition, dentures, N ___

• Bite (anterior open, lateral open, prognathia, progenia, correct)


Hard palate (gothic, low, presence of cleft or postoperative scars, N)


Soft palate (mobile, fixed, long, short, cleft or postoperative scars, submycotic cleft, uvula)___

Tongue (thick, small, wide, narrow, forked, shortened hyoid ligament)___• Muscle tone (spasticity, hypotonia, dystonia, N)

___• Hyperkinesis, tremor___• Deviation
of the tongue to the right/left___• Blue tip of the tongue___

Volume of articulatory movements of the tongue (strictly limited, incomplete, complete)

___• The tongue does not move out of the mouth___• Upper elevation___• Lateral abductions
(turns to the right/left)

• Clicking ___• Licking lips___• Ability to maintain articulatory posture___• Ability to switch___


Chewing (does not chew solid food, difficulty, N)


Swallowing (choking, not impaired)


Impaired sound pronunciation (Not impaired. In isolation, all sounds are pronounced correctly, but with increasing speech load, general blurred speech is observed)___


Recommendations ___

Logo correction diary : ___

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