Methodology for eliminating stuttering according to Harutunyan teaching and methodological material on speech therapy (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic

The name of Liliya Zinovievna Harutyunyan (Andronova) is well known to everyone who has in one way or another encountered problems with stuttering: speech therapists, teachers, doctors, as well as people suffering from speech disorders. Today she is called a legend of Russian speech therapy.

Liliya Zinovievna received her education at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. Lenina: graduated from the defectology faculty in 1952, and postgraduate school in 1974 (prepared and defended her Ph.D. thesis). Many years of work with people who stutter allowed her not only to study the features of this speech disorder, but also to develop an innovative method of treating it. This is the method of “Sustainable normalization of speech for people who stutter.”

Liliya Zinovievna always combined scientific activity with active practical work: she headed a specialized Speech Center and headed the Department of Speech Therapy at the Samara Pedagogical Institute, worked for many years in Poland as a practicing speech therapist, and in 2007 she began teaching as a professor at the Department of Speech Therapy at Moscow State University for the Humanities. Sholokhov. And now, continuing her scientific work, Liliya Zinovievna works with people who stutter in our Speech, which is named in her honor. Thanks to the technique of L.Z. Harutyunyan, we achieve unprecedentedly high results in our work, but the methodology continues to improve to this day.

Features of L.Z.’s technique Harutyunyan (Andronova)

Stuttering is one of the most common speech disorders, the signs of which are noticeable even to a person without special knowledge. Stuttering comes in varying degrees of severity and sometimes manifests itself so strongly that it deprives a person of the opportunity to fully communicate, express his thoughts, etc. as a result, it does not allow you to choose a profession to your liking, interferes with your personal life, and does not allow a person to feel happy. And it happens that repetitions of individual syllables and pauses during speech seem quite harmless, but even such minor manifestations can cause deep feelings. prevent you from fully opening up and realizing yourself, and achieving success in life. That is why today no one has any doubt that this speech disorder needs to be gotten rid of, preferably in childhood and irrevocably.

While developing her method of treating stuttering, L.Z. Harutyunyan (Andronova), as a practicing speech therapist, had the opportunity to observe hundreds of different cases of stuttering, which helped systematize symptoms and identify their causes. The “triad of components” of stuttering that she identified forms a vicious circle that must be “broken” in order to cope with the disease.

  • Spasmodic delays (the jaw is clenched, the teeth are clenched and sounds are literally pushed through the lips, tongue, larynx).
  • Spasmodic delays, in turn, lead to fear of difficult sounds and the appearance of obsessive thoughts (“I won’t be able to pronounce this word,” “I won’t be able to talk to this person”) and a feeling of excitement and anxiety during speech.
  • Sooner or later (usually already at primary school age), a natural desire appears to hide a speech defect, so the person who stutters begins to simplify statements, postpone or completely avoid communication...

The need to speak creates fear, and fear aggravates the manifestations of stuttering. A “vicious circle” of symptoms arises, which is constantly repeated. Treatment according to the method of L.Z. Arutyunyan (Andronova) is aimed at forming an equally stable habit of speaking smoothly instead of a stable pathological state of stuttering speech,

The know-how of the technique is the synchronization of speech with finger movements: the leading hand, “trained” in a special way, supports a new stereotype of speech and speech behavior. It is consolidated during functional training and subsequently acts at the subconscious level. The technique is patented (see patents on the website) and is effective for patients with different degrees and causes of stuttering, adapted for all ages: from preschool children to adults.

Treatment of stuttering (logoneurosis)

Stuttering (logoneurosis)

Reviews about the treatment of logoneurosis at the Medical-Psychological Center for Individuality
For treatment in Moscow

– the most common
type of stuttering
In most cases, it occurs between the ages of 3 and 5 years and is associated with a traumatic situation
Later, throughout life, in the absence of competent treatment, logoneurosis proceeds in different ways, most often in waves, sometimes intensifying, sometimes weakening. It is very difficult for a person who has not encountered this disease in loved ones or has not experienced it himself to understand the full painful severity of this disorder. The most painful
painful things
in logoneurosis are not fear, resentment, annoyance or confusion from
unsuccessful oral speech
and the negative reaction of others.
Over time, one partially gets used to this and develops a kind of protective anesthesia, like any other constant physical or mental pain. The most acute and depressing feeling is the inability to realize one's abilities
Exactly what you want most in life turns out to be unattainable. Oral speech is the main means of social communication, and to successfully implement one’s life plans, it is almost impossible to do without normal oral speech. And logoneurotic hesitations, sometimes reaching the point of complete inability to continue speaking, appear precisely when a person really, really needs clear oral speech. And, as if mocking a person, logoneurotic hesitations disappear in situations where the significance of his speech is negligible. It’s impossible to explain this to others, they don’t understand. At best, they begin to feel sorry or give advice, which only intensifies irritation and increases mental confusion from the awareness of the uncontrollability of their behavior. Despair, hopelessness, bitterness, resentment, anger and other acute negative feelings hit a person mercilessly and beyond measure. And unsuccessful attempts to treat logoneurosis only aggravate the situation and reduce one’s own self-esteem. With invisible shackles, logoneurosis forces a talented and responsible person to occupy a narrow and cramped social niche for him, forces him to abandon his goals and, with the sword of Damocles, limits all his direct social contacts. “Now, for the first time in more than 15 years, I feel pleasure from my speech and from communicating with people.
And this is an amazing feeling that opened up completely previously inaccessible opportunities for me. Neurosis has generally disappeared from my life, and now I almost always feel calm and confident. Sometimes I simply don’t recognize the new me, remembering the old me.” More details Logoneurosis occupies a special place among other speech disorders. It has long been noted that logoneurosis

occurs in especially
people (other speech disorders, including residual organic stuttering, are much less common among them).
A small part of these people, experiencing great difficulties in social adaptation, still managed to “declare” their abilities in science, politics and art. Demosthenes, Virgil, Napoleon, Moliere, Dickens, Bismarck, Churchill, Newton, Darwin... The list of these big names goes on and on. Logoneurosis is a sign of high intellectual
This is evidenced by its high prevalence in developed countries, especially in their densely populated megacities. In non-urbanized countries or regions (even if they have a large population) logoneurosis is rare. Logoneurosis predominantly occurs in people engaged in intellectual work
, and is especially characteristic of people with
a high level of
. According to various sources, an average of 2.5% of the population suffers from logoneurosis. The ratio of men and women is approximately 4 to 1. Manifestations of logoneurosis are especially strong and exert their destructive influence in young and middle age, precisely when a person needs to realize his creative and scientific potential, solve professional, social and personal issues of his life. And it is very important that the implementation of these most important tasks is not blocked by the stone grip of logoneurosis.

I wanted to say that he helped me get rid of my fear before speaking.
I lost the thought that “now I need to say exactly, without hesitation.” The very feeling that speech is a problem and brings inconvenience has disappeared! I am very glad that these feelings have disappeared!
Read more
MBST (Method of balance of force and precision) offers a way to eliminate

logoneurosis, based on a deep understanding of the foundations of human movement in general and speech movement in particular. The basics of neuromotor speech movements can be easily understood using numerous everyday examples from the phenomena and events around us. The world is full of simple, direct and understandable analogies. Knowing the essence, it is easy to understand the mechanism of painful speech disorder. Only based on this knowledge can we begin to eliminate logoneurosis. The neuromotor mechanisms of oral speech are restored, and not formed anew, so speech has previously lost balance. Essentially, re-gaining balanced oral language requires the restoration of only a small number of skills and knowledge of their role and place in the structure of speech. A person regains the ability to speak without hesitation in any situation, under any psychogenic load, just as he speaks alone with himself, voicing his thoughts out loud. And a deep understanding of the essence of the mechanism for correcting speech gives an unshakable conviction in the irreversibility of the newly acquired ability for balanced oral speech.

We invite you to a consultation with a specialist


Cost of consultation – 6000 rub. /at one o'clock.

What does the consultation cost include:

  • Individual approach to your problem.
  • An appointment time convenient for you.
  • Maintaining confidentiality.
  • Comfortable conditions for consultation.
  • The specialist's work experience has been since 1983.
  • If necessary, provide supporting documents (certificates, opinions)

What you will receive during the consultation:

  • An objective assessment of your condition by an experienced specialist.
  • A clear action plan and number of sessions.
  • Selection of psychotherapeutic techniques, including original techniques
  • Individual recommendations from a specialist

In our Center

you are in good hands!

We will be happy to take care of your health!

Work of the Center

Under the guidance of the author of the method, Liliya Zinovievna Harutyunyan (Andronova), highly qualified professionals who have received special education from the author and have significant practical experience work at Arlilia.

By contacting the Speech Center, you will learn at the first consultation how to achieve sustainable normalization of speech. Specialists will give you not only general, but also individual recommendations, depending on the patient’s age, “experience” and the causes of the illness. Treatment is carried out according to one of the developed programs, individually or in a mini-group. For descriptions of programs, see our website. The main course is 11 days of classes of 8 hours each for adults or 15 classes of 1.5–2.5 hours each for children (depending on age), during which the formation of correct speech skills accompanied by the fingers. At this stage, patients can already speak without stuttering, but spontaneous speech is temporarily limited. Gradually, time restrictions are being lifted. Subsequent microcourses allow you to consolidate what you have achieved and achieve expressive, normal-paced speech in any communication situation without using your fingers.

No matter how serious the problem, Arlilia will help you solve it. The center's specialists are confident that stuttering can be corrected completely and forever.

To schedule a consultation, please fill out our form and we will contact you. If there is our branch in your city, then a specialist from the branch will answer the questionnaire.

Causes and mechanisms of development of pathology

The pathogenesis of the development of stuttering is associated with the occurrence of convulsive contractions of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, accompanied by impaired breathing. Over time, psychological discomfort joins organic pathologies - the patient is embarrassed to speak, he develops verbophobia, which further aggravates the disorder.

The main reasons leading to the formation of stuttering:

  • intrauterine pathologies of the development of the central nervous system of the fetus;
  • hypoxia, asphyxia or brain damage during childbirth;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • complications of infectious diseases (chickenpox, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus infection, encephalitis, meningitis);
  • severe somatic diseases that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • physical and mental violence against a child or adolescent;
  • nervous overstrain due to frequent stressful situations;
  • chronic or acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • impaired mental function.

Also, doctors identify other factors that can provoke the occurrence of speech pathology - hereditary predisposition, fear, anger and other strong feelings, male gender, negative atmosphere in the family, psychosomatic diseases, etc.

Clinical manifestations

Frequent symptoms of stuttering include long pauses between syllables or words, stretching out words, the inability to pronounce certain sounds, hesitation in pronunciation, and obsessive repetition of the same words. These signs include: anxiety, avoidance of one’s own speech, withdrawal from society, isolation, shyness, sweating of the palms, redness of the face, etc. Despite the fact that in adulthood people who stutter are treated tolerantly, patients still prefer to have less contact with others.

Suspiciousness, anxiety, excitement and other negative emotions about the disease lead to the patient’s refusal of treatment, which can cause the progression of the pathology. In such a situation, patients are advised to work with a psychotherapist.

Prevention and prognosis

In order to prevent the return of the disease or the appearance of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician. Preventive actions:

  • attending speech therapy classes, doing home exercises - reading aloud, singing, reading poems, audio training;
  • taking B vitamins in courses;
  • adherence to drug treatment without attempts at self-medication;
  • personal psychotherapy, many patients neglect psychotherapeutic treatment, whereas it can help find out the cause of stuttering and reduce stress levels;
  • active lifestyle (sports, yoga, etc.);
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • breathing exercises;
  • good sleep;
  • balanced diet.

The prognosis for a person with stuttering depends on the stage of the disease, its form and type. With early access to specialists and the use of comprehensive speech therapy assistance, the patient can cope with the disease forever and return to their usual lifestyle. In such a situation, it is extremely important to trust your doctor, speech therapist and psychotherapist.

Stuttering is a common speech disorder that develops in people of all ages. In adults, the disease develops against the background of prolonged stress, a history of nervous system diseases and other negative factors. If you consult your doctor in a timely manner and receive complex therapy (psychotherapy, logotherapy, correction of neurological diseases and modern techniques), it is possible to eliminate stuttering and combat its relapses in the future.

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