Manual for speech therapists. Part 2. Forms of aphasia and methods of speech restoration
What is dynamic aphasia? Dynamic aphasia is a local absence or disruption of an already formed
Protocol for speech therapy examination of a child. Universal scheme for all types of speech disorders 1013
Methodological development “Correction of optical dysgraphia using the example of differentiating the letters b-d using the technique of sculpting letters from plasticine based on game methods”
In the methodological development “Correction of optical dysgraphia using the example of differentiating the letters b-d using technology
Development of phonemic awareness and sound analysis skills.
Article: A frequent speech disorder in children is phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment - a violation of the processes of formation of pronunciation
“Differentiation v-f” outline of a speech therapy lesson (2nd grade) on the topic
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic. Differentiation of sounds [V-F] Topic: Differentiation of sounds [V-F] Purpose: to teach
Games and play exercises with children with mental retardation
How to stimulate speech activity in children with mental retardation. Games and exercises Authors: Irina Gorelova,
Grammar games for sound automation [p] card index (senior group) on the topic
Automation of the sound R is necessary so that the baby learns to pronounce it correctly in all
Automation of sound pronunciation - when can you stop practicing?
Home - About speech therapy - Automation of sound pronunciation - when can you stop practicing? Our
Distinguishing oppositional phonemes by ear based on words
Features of the dynamic side of speech 1. Tempo (normal, fast, slow)_________________________________________________ 2. Rhythm_________________________________________________________________ 3. Correct use
Summary of individual lesson “Automation of sound [L] in syllables, words”
Summary of the lesson “Automation of sound [L]” Author: Musalimenova Aliya Amanzholovna teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 11 “Rainbow”
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