Pedagogical characteristics for a child to be submitted to the PMPK commission
Pedagogical characteristics for a child for submission to the PMPK commission Pedagogical characteristics for a preschool child
Individual work program for correcting sound pronunciation “Speaking Correctly”
Semantic aphasia. Examination and rehabilitation of patients
Methodology for screening examination of patients with aphasia The invention relates to the field of medicine and pedagogy, and
COLLECTION “Speech therapy tasks for the summer for younger schoolchildren”
Stuttering, incorrect sound pronunciation, reading and writing problems prevent children from adapting to school and achieving success.
Literacy lesson “Sounds (G), (G”). Letter G, g. Lesson plan for reading (grade 1) on the topic
Lesson summary on the topic “Sounds [g], [g'] and letters G g, Gg” Purpose of the lessons:
Project “Correction of oral speech disorders in primary schoolchildren”
How can dysgraphia be expressed at an early age? What you need to pay attention to already
Speech therapy lesson summary Topic: “Proposal. Word".
Speech therapy lesson summary Topic: “Proposal. Word". Speech therapy lesson summary Topic. Offer. Word. Goals: consolidate
Consultation with a speech therapist “Nasal tone of voice and methods for its elimination in preschool children”
Compiled by: teacher - speech therapist MADOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 50 of the city of Tyumen S.S.
Differential diagnosis and integrated approach to the correction of motor alalia
Diagnostics: pitfalls The first task when diagnosing sensory alalia is to exclude significant hearing loss
Features of speech therapy work with autistic children
Features of speech therapy work with autistic children Elena Safonova Features of speech therapy work with autistic children
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