Development of fine motor skills in children with general speech underdevelopment
The topic of our article is quite relevant since the motor skills of the fingers are closely interconnected with all
General parent meeting “Interaction between teachers and speech therapists with parents”
Sensorimotor alalia: how to recognize the problem and what to do?
Physiotherapy Physiotherapy methods are aimed at strengthening the body and stimulating the nervous system. To them
Dyslalia: definition, causes, work plan. “The child is burring and does not speak the sounds R, L, S, Sh...”
Dyslalia: definition, causes, work plan. “The child is burring and does not speak the sounds R, L, S, Sh...”
Speech therapy plan for a child with speech delay
Plan of speech therapy sessions for a child with speech delay 1) Development of non-verbal dialogue: -
Speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard
Article: The purpose of this article is to introduce defectologists to the work of consultation, as well as to provide some
“Speech card for diagnosing alalia (with possible answers for various speech indicators)
Speech therapy card for diagnosing dysarthria Larisa Ermakova Speech therapy card for diagnosing dysarthria Speech therapy card
Speech disorders in preschool children material on speech therapy on the topic
Speech disorders in preschool children Natalya Sosnovskikh Speech disorders in preschool children
Dyslalia (sound pronunciation problems)
12/03/2013 How to correctly assess the state of your child’s speech? How and when should a child speak?
Integrated lesson of a speech therapist and educational psychologist in the senior group of the first year of education for children with general speech underdevelopment.
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