Speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard


The purpose of this article is to introduce defectologists to the work of consultation, as well as to provide some practical assistance to doctors and speech therapists conducting consultations with children with various speech disorders in institutions of various types.
Medical and pedagogical consultation is a scientific, practical and educational link in the work of the department. Reception is conducted by department employees: psychoneurologists, as well as speech therapists and employees of other departments of the defectology faculty - sign language and oligophrenopedagogy. If necessary, additional examinations of children are sometimes carried out in the laboratories of the faculty, the Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR and other special institutions.

Consultation is of great importance for the preparation of speech therapist students. From those examined, children are selected for laboratory classes of third- and fourth-year students, and children with various pathologies are selected for demonstration at lectures and practical classes. Students of all courses are present during the examination, at first only observing the progress of the examination, and then becoming more and more actively involved in the work.

This equips future speech therapists with examination techniques, develops communication skills with children and their parents, and helps them understand the diagnosis of various disorders.

Children come to the consultation on referrals from doctors, speech therapists from kindergartens, schools and other institutions. Teachers from public and special schools often seek advice. The examination is carried out in their presence, and further measures to help the child are determined. Children are accepted without referrals at the request of parents.

As a result of the examination, a medical diagnosis, a speech therapy report is determined, and pedagogical data on the child’s condition and capabilities are summarized. In some cases, children are enrolled in speech therapy classes, which are conducted by students under the guidance of methodologists. If necessary, a recommendation is issued for the child or for placing him in a special school or kindergarten. The doctor prescribes appropriate treatment, and the speech therapist gives parents and teachers advice on how to help the child in his communication and speech development.

Many children are not limited to a one-time consultation visit, but remain under supervision. Periodic examinations over a number of years make it possible to track the dynamics of the general and speech development of children and clarify the effectiveness of the use of a particular drug in cases of speech pathology.

To correctly assess the existing disorder, a careful examination of the child’s development and condition is carried out. The examination includes the collection of anamnestic information (conditions of early development, previous diseases, etc.), the study of medical and pedagogical documentation for the child and objective data from a comprehensive comprehensive examination. The child’s speech is examined in connection with the identification of his personal and somatic characteristics.

A correctly collected general and speech history helps to establish a diagnosis and outline a plan for correcting the defect. During the conversation, the child’s mother can provide more complete anamnestic information. The age and health status of the parents, their use of alcohol and drugs, and the presence of chronic diseases and speech disorders in close relatives are specified. All this information has a certain significance in relation to the etiological aspects of existing disorders.

It turns out how many pregnancies the mother had, how they ended, how the pregnancy with this child and the birth proceeded, the absence or presence of asphyxia is clarified (whether the child immediately cried), its duration, and the nature of the measures taken.

Data on the child’s physical development, features of the formation of static and dynamic functions (when the child began to hold his head, sit, pick up toys, walk, etc.), the dynamics of the development of mental activity, character traits and behavior are determined.

Information about the child’s speech development is collected in more detail. The time of appearance, character is determined

For example, in children with impaired hearing, as a rule, there is babbling, but not babbling. The absence of babbling or its late appearance and paucity may also indicate alalia or

It is found out when the child’s period of independent pronunciation of the first words began and how it proceeded: how quickly the vocabulary grew, when phrasal speech appeared, how its grammatical design developed, and how the phonetic aspect of speech was formed.

When examining a student, the degree of development of his speech by the time he enters school, his level of preparation for school is clarified, and his learning history is recorded.

During the growth of a child, various diseases may occur, which sometimes have a pathological effect on the entire further course of general and speech development. Sometimes, after general infectious diseases that occur in a severe form, somatic intoxication of the nervous system occurs, and secondary encephalitis develops. All this can lead to disruption of speech formation.

In some cases, the causes of speech deviations are eating and sleeping disorders in early childhood, insufficient speech environment, inattention of adults to the child or excessive attention (the latter often leads to overload of the speech system), etc.

The living conditions and upbringing of a child cannot but affect his speech development (housing conditions, material security, regime, cultural level and profession of parents, etc.). The relationship between parents and their attitude towards the child and his speech defect are also important. Often, incorrect upbringing of a child: one of the parents forbids something, and the other allows it, one punishes, and the other regrets, sudden transitions from affection to scolding, quarrels in the presence of the child, intimidation, etc. - all the ground for speech disorders

It is found out whether there is bilingualism in the family, because in some cases this causes delayed speech development and even stuttering.

During the examination, attention is paid to studying the child’s documentation - extracts from the medical history, if the child is a child, expert opinions on the state of hearing, vision, characteristics from a kindergarten or school, which usually indicate learning difficulties, characteristics of the child’s behavior, personality, speech, speech therapist’s conclusions , if the child was engaged in training before the examination, the duration and effectiveness of speech therapy classes and the treatment provided are clarified.

During a joint examination of a child, the doctor and speech therapist pay attention to understanding, clarity, accuracy, pace and other qualitative aspects of completing tasks. It is important for the doctor to know how the speech therapist assesses the possibilities of the child’s general and speech condition in order to prescribe this or that treatment. The speech therapist must know what the doctor discovered during the examination in order to understand the child’s condition and determine an effective method of intervention in further speech therapy work. For example, a doctor, taking into account the physical condition of a child with a speech disorder, recommends the necessary regimen and restorative treatment. When working with a physically weakened, tired child, a speech therapist should diversify activities more, pause more often, giving the child rest while working. Only the correct dosage ensures effective work.

One of the main points of examining a child with a speech disorder is the study of the state of the central nervous system, which includes certain stages: study of the cranial nerves, motor sphere, sensory sphere, reflexes and their disorders, speech, mental state.

I. Study of cranial nerves Despite the fact that all XII pairs of cranial nerves do not participate equally in speech function, it is advisable to examine their condition in the generally accepted manner. Let us dwell in more detail only on those that are important in the function of speech.

The first pair is the olfactory nerve, through which odors are perceived.

A disorder of smell is expressed either by a complete lack of ability to distinguish odors, or by decreased perception, but sometimes there is increased sensitivity to certain odorous substances. More often, smell disorders depend on diseases of the nasal mucosa, less often associated with damage to the nervous system. When the cortical olfactory centers are damaged, olfactory hallucinations occur.

II pair – optic nerve. Currently, the importance of visual gnosis in the process of speech development is considered to have already been proven. A small child observes the movements of the speech organs and the facial expressions of the person speaking. The visual analyzer takes a special part in the formation of more complex speech functions: writing, reading, counting. The visual analyzer provides not only visual acuity and field of vision, color perception, but, mainly, object recognition.

When the visual analyzer is damaged, blindness and low vision occur. Through special studies, ophthalmologists identify these defects and partially compensate for them by selecting the necessary glasses that improve vision correction.

Impaired color perception (color agnosia) is relatively rare; the study is carried out using a set of special tables. There are cases when the visual disorder is more complex, for example, optical agnosia - the ability to see is preserved, but recognition of objects and actions is impaired. This is based on a violation of the analytical and synthetic functions of the brain, and hence difficulties arise in teaching children to write, read, and count. When irritated in the occipital lobe, visual hallucinations and

III-IV-VI pairs - a group of nerves with the help of which movements of the eyeballs and fixation of gaze are made; together with the branches of the sympathetic nervous system, it maintains its shape and regulates the size of the pupils and the width of the palpebral fissure.

When they are affected, paralysis or paresis of the corresponding muscles is observed, which leads to strabismus, limitation of movements of the eyeballs, gaze paralysis, and changes in the size of the pupil. Sometimes nystagmus is observed. Damage to these nerves makes it difficult to develop active attention and reading and writing skills.

V pair - trigeminal nerve, a mixed type nerve containing sensory, motor and secretory fibers. Sensitive nerve fibers approach the skin of the face, mucous membrane of the nose, and tongue (front part). The sensitivity of the facial skin and pain points (the exit points of the branches of this nerve), and conjunctival reflexes are examined.

The motor part innervates the masticatory muscles of the face; it is examined by tension in the masticatory muscles. As a result of contraction of the masticatory muscles, movements of the lower jaw occur.

When the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve are damaged, sensitivity on the face is impaired, there are acute attacks of pain (neuralgia), and sometimes paralysis or paresis of muscles occurs, as a result of which chewing is impaired and sound pronunciation is difficult (especially vowels).

Bilateral damage causes the lower jaw to sag, and irritation causes sharp muscle tension.

Perov's secretory sympathetic fibers regulate the production of saliva, etc. Irritation of this portion causes salivation, decreased taste of the front part of the tongue, lacrimation, redness of the face, etc. There are also no conjunctival reflexes.

VII pair - the facial nerve, which performs a motor function and innervates all facial muscles. The study pays attention to the quality of execution and symmetry of facial exercises. Most often the defeat is unilateral. On the affected side, the palpebral fissure is wider, the nasolabial fold is smoothed, and the corner of the mouth sags. But the weakness of the nerve is especially evident during exercise. On the affected side, it is impossible to raise the eyebrow upward, frown or move the eyebrows, close the eyes tightly, bare teeth or smile, puff out the cheeks, stretch out the lips in a tube, whistle, etc. All of the above symptoms are characteristic of peripheral paralysis. With central paralysis, only the lower branch of the nerve is affected and, therefore, there is a smoothness of the nasolabial fold, and with a smile or teeth, there is a noticeable reduction in the healthy side and a lag in the patient. There is a violation of the sound pronunciation of labial sounds.

VIII pair – auditory nerve. Speech develops on the basis of hearing, so damage to the auditory analyzer always affects the state of speech. Deaf children do not develop speech without special classes. In the hard of hearing, speech develops, but speech defects are noted, the severity of which depends on the degree and nature of the hearing disorder, on the time of onset of the disorder (with earlier and more severe hearing loss, speech suffers more), on living conditions and upbringing, on the mental and intellectual characteristics of the child. When hearing is impaired, the entire speech system suffers: vocabulary, grammatical structure, sound pronunciation.

Hearing acuity is examined in several ways. The simplest way is to test hearing with speech. This is an insufficiently accurate, subjective test, but in practice it is widely used. The study begins with whispered speech, then, if necessary, switches to voice speech, and if the child does not hear normal spoken speech at a distance of 6-8 meters, then this distance is gradually reduced. Hearing function is tested in isolation, in each ear separately. More precisely, the state of hearing is examined with a set of tuning forks and electrical equipment - audiometers. Air and bone conduction are studied. The location of the lesion is determined (sound-conducting or sound-receiving apparatus). In some cases, when the auditory analyzer is damaged, severe hearing impairment is not noted, but the recognition of sounds is impaired, the sounds do not correlate with their sources (auditory agnosia). In more severe cases, children with this disorder do not respond to speech and treat it like any other noise. These complex disorders of analytical and synthetic activity are associated with pathological features of the cerebral cortex.

Damage to the vestibular nerve is manifested by dizziness, nausea (or vomiting), imbalance, and nystagmus.

IX-X pairs - glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. They contain sensory, motor and autonomic fibers, innervate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the muscles of the pharynx and soft palate.

With paralysis, the soft palate hangs down and does not contract during phonation. With bilateral damage, there is a violation of swallowing, and liquid food is thrown into the nose (the entrance to the nasopharynx is open). The reflex from the soft palate is reduced, breathing is impaired. Articulation of sounds is difficult.

Sensory nerve fibers supply the tongue, soft palate, and pharynx and contain taste fibers. The vagus nerve is associated with autonomic function, its damage affects the activity of the heart, breathing, and intestines.

XI pair - accessory nerve, motor, innervates the muscles of the neck. When the nerve is damaged, range of motion is limited

XII pair - hypoglossal nerve, motor nerve of the tongue. During the examination, the position of the tongue in the oral cavity is determined (whether there are any deviations from the midline). Then it is proposed to stick out the tongue, the possibility of lateral movements of the tongue, the ability to lift it, lick the lips, making circular movements are checked.

When affected, the tongue usually deviates towards the affected side, as the healthy nerve pushes the tongue out more strongly. Movement restrictions are observed and their nature changes: movements become difficult, slow, and awkward. All this affects the processes of chewing, swallowing and especially speech. Difficulties are noted, since the muscles of the tongue do not provide sufficient tension and motor coordination. The pronunciation of sounds is blurry and unclear.

The movements of the articulatory apparatus are checked not only in terms of dynamics, but also statics: the ability to maintain certain articulatory poses. Attention is paid to the presence of movements and the quality of their execution (speed, accuracy, clarity). The presence and nature of additional movements accompanying the main movement are taken into account.

Disturbances in the activity of the articulatory apparatus can be expressed by paralysis, paresis (with, dysarthria) and more complex disorders in the form of oral apraxia (with alalia, aphasia), when in the absence of muscles there is an inability to perform an articulatory movement or action. For example, a child can perform an involuntary movement (lick the jam on the upper lip, stick out his tongue towards the candy), but cannot perform the same movements in a voluntary manner, according to the instructions.

An examination may reveal hyperkinesis - involuntary, violent movements of the lips, tongue and facial muscles of various origins. The nature and features of the manifestation of hyperkinesis are studied.

II. Motor function testing Children with speech disorders often suffer from gross motor skills. Studying it in some cases helps to clarify the nature and location of the lesion. The volume of passive and active movements in the joints and muscle tone are revealed. Movement disorders may be associated with joint diseases. Changes in muscle tone occur due to damage to the nervous system. There are two types of paresis and paralysis: the central one is characterized by an increase in muscle tone, the revival of tendon reflexes and the presence of pathological reflexes*; the peripheral one is characterized by a decrease in muscle tone, a decrease or absence of tendon reflexes, atrophy and a decrease in muscle strength.

Sometimes an increase in muscle tone is associated with damage to the subcortical nodes, which is expressed by rigidity; occur in a jerky manner (gear wheel phenomenon).

Each movement involves a specific group of muscles, the order of their contraction is regulated by the central nervous system.

Coordination of movements is a complex system of motor and sensory connections of the cortex, subcortex, brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord. In pathology, there may be a violation of coordination such as ataxia, which occurs when the pathways of deep sensitivity are disrupted, when the vestibular or cerebellar system is damaged, as well as when the frontal lobe is damaged. A distinction is made between dynamic, or locomotor, ataxia, which manifests itself during movements, and static, which is expressed by difficulties in maintaining a given position.

When the subcortical nodes are damaged, poverty and slowness of movements occur; hyperkinesis may occur in the form of convulsions, tics, athetosis, etc.

In some cases, when examining the motor sphere, disorders are noted. The child finds it difficult to act with real and imaginary objects (salt bread, pour water, comb his hair, etc.); he cannot perform simple actions according to instructions (close his eyes, spread his fingers, etc.), and cannot imitate actions. In more severe cases, the child becomes completely helpless, does not master the skills necessary in everyday life: he cannot dress, wash himself, and does not know how to feed himself. The speech of such children is usually impaired.

III. Sensitivity study. Sensitivity testing is possible with the active participation of the person being examined, so this study is difficult in children. Superficial sensitivity is tested: pain, temperature, tactile and deep (muscular-articular sensation). Violation of surface sensitivity is expressed in the form of a decrease, absence, distortion or increase in the perception and discrimination of irritations. When deep sensitivity is impaired, coordination disorder (ataxia) occurs. In some cases, complex types of sensitivity are studied (sense of localization, position of the body and its parts, etc.).

IV. Study of reflexes and their disordersReflexes are divided into cutaneous, mucous membrane, tendon and periosteal. The state of reflexes and their disorders are judged by the response and the presence of asymmetry. When the central nervous system is damaged, reflexes from the skin, mucous membranes, and tendons may be absent or reduced, or high, brisk reflexes or their unevenness may be observed. The appearance of pathological reflexes is mainly associated with damage to the pyramidal and corticonuclear tracts. The inhibitory effect of the cortex on the underlying formations is disrupted. Pathological reflexes are caused in the arms and legs - these are reflexes and others.

In case of speech impairment, the so-called reflexes of oral automatism are of particular importance: sucking or proboscis reflex and palmar-chin reflex (Marinesko-Rodovich). These reflexes can be evoked in newborn children, because the formation of the pyramidal tract and the myelination of its fibers have not yet occurred; in this case, the reflexes are physiological (temporary) and disappear as the child develops.

V. Speech research. During the examination, the state of perception (understanding of speech) and reproduction (own speech) is established.

To clarify the understanding of addressed speech, the child is asked to show named pictures or objects, follow some instructions, etc. Understanding of grammatical forms is checked with special attention to complex constructions: “show the pen with a pencil, the pencil with a pen,” understanding of tenses, prepositional and other constructions: “ put it in, on, under the table, show what they eat, what they eat from, what they eat with, etc., what do they use to lock the door?, what color is the grass?, what is a plant? Who is an astronaut? etc.). In the course of completing such tasks, it is possible to find out the child’s passive vocabulary and establish the level of understanding. If present, its degree and nature are specified. Attention is paid to testing phonetic hearing and sound analysis, i.e., the child’s ability to distinguish speech sounds in their sequence in words and the ability to differentiate phonemes that are similar in sound are determined. For example: the child is offered paired pictures where the words are different.

As a result of an indicative conversation with the child, a conclusion is made about the vocabulary, its quantitative and qualitative composition. In some cases, the vocabulary is poor, and the structure of the word may be distorted (paraphasia, elision, contamination). The child’s speech is checked for the presence of generalizing words (furniture, dishes, clothes, etc.) and automated speech skills (days of the week, months, poems, songs). If forgetting of words is noted, then attention is paid to compensating for this defect: he remembers himself or needs a hint of a sound, syllable, remembers or says another word, etc.

During a conversation and a story based on pictures, the child’s ability to use phrasal speech and its quality, the use of various parts of speech and the nature of existing agrammatisms are clarified. You can invite the child to compose a phrase with words, explain the meaning of the word, highlight groups of words, name the action being demonstrated, or demonstrate the action for the task (climb, climb, jump, etc.).

Definitions for the word, contrasting words according to the main parts of speech are selected: good - bad, big - small, etc. Sometimes the child is asked to correctly arrange the words of a deformed sentence, finish what he started or reconstruct a certain phrase, insert words in the required grammatical form into the proposed story and other exercises.

Reading and writing are tested for literate children. In a number of cases, when formally oral speech can be called correct, difficulties are revealed in written speech. Knowledge of letters is checked, the degree of mastery of reading skills is established (letter by letter, , whole words), the pace of reading and the nature of the distortions encountered (reading by erroneous guess, substitution of sounds, words, etc.) are determined. Attention is paid to expressiveness and adherence to punctuation marks when reading.

The student's written work is analyzed. There may be errors in sound substitutions, distortion of word structure, etc. Sometimes dysgraphia reflects defects in oral speech, but more often the interaction between oral and written speech is more complex.

Graphic errors and specularity may occur, which is usually associated with spatial disturbances. Grammar errors often occur due to ignorance of the rules or inability to apply them. In some cases, writing errors are associated with a student’s performance impairment.

When looking through math notebooks, pay attention to writing numbers, performing actions, and formulating questions when solving problems, since sometimes, due to difficulties in grammatical formatting, the questions are meaningless (“Allocate the area of ​​the garden in the length of all its sides?”, “How much flour is needed?” brought the most of all days each?”).

Students are asked to write a dictation, depending on the degree of mastery of literacy - a dictation of letters, syllables, words, text. Material for writing and reading is usually taken below the child’s capabilities (for half a year, a grade), so that it is quite accessible in terms of difficulty. It is better if during the examination the child is offered not school textbooks known to him, but some equivalent aids. Knowledge in various subjects within the school curriculum is tested.

When examining a stutterer, it is noted in what type of speech hesitations occur (conjugate speech, reflected speech, answers to questions, automated, spontaneous), what type of convulsions (tonic, mixed) and their localization (articulatory, vocal, respiratory apparatus).

Attention is drawn to the presence of general and speech “tricks”, Na (fear of speech). The rate of speech, voice volume, etc. are noted.

VI. Mental state examination During the examination, the doctor and speech therapist study not only speech, but also the child as a whole; When examining speech, the psychological characteristics of the child, the characteristic features of his personality, and the state of his intellect are inevitably revealed. When working with manuals, it is revealed how the child establishes an internal logical connection between events, how he comprehends a series of plot and sequential pictures, what is his stock of concepts, information, and orientation in the environment. During the examination, the child’s attitude towards the examination, criticality towards himself and, in particular, towards the state of speech are clarified. The child’s contact, behavior, ability to organize play, its quality and duration are taken into account. If necessary, special techniques are used to check attention, performance and memory.

The doctor and speech therapist not only observe and evaluate the results of certain tasks, but also help the child, taking into account the process of activity itself, the interests of the child, his attitude towards success, failure, the nature of difficulties and ways to overcome them, and the ability to use help.

The correctness or incorrectness of speech and actions, the nature of the child’s mistakes are judged not on the basis of one answer, which may turn out to be random, but on a number of similar tasks on identical material.

To interest the child, visual material and games are widely used during examination. Even K.D. Ushinsky considered showing pictures and telling stories based on them as a means of making children talk. In addition to various pictures (subject, phrase, plot, serial), environmental material is also used for clarity purposes, actions are performed according to verbal instructions, and actions with one object in relation to others are played out.

The examination material is strictly dosed to avoid fatigue of the child, types of activities are alternated, and rest is provided during work.

During the examination, it is necessary to be sensitive to the child and parents who come to the consultation with a desire to receive appropriate help, with faith in the improvement of the child’s condition.

The examination is carried out in the presence of parents so that they can see the child’s capabilities and difficulties so that they can correctly evaluate the advice of specialists.

Examination techniques cannot be standardized; they are always individually targeted. This allows for a better examination with minimal loss of time. During a conversation about home, favorite activities, toys, friends, the level of speech and general development of the child is revealed, and depending on this, the entire course of the examination is built, relevant material is presented, and certain tasks are proposed.

Depending on the nature and severity of the speech disorder, the entire examination scheme or some of its sections is used, the specifics of the approach to the child are determined, and the selection of techniques and methods necessary for the examination is determined.

Examination of children with speech disorders requires a lot of patience, attention, and effort. In some cases, a one-time examination is not enough; a repeat examination or long-term systematic observation of the child during classes, during play activities, and at home is necessary. Then the child’s characteristics can be identified that go unnoticed during a one-time examination.

A properly organized comprehensive examination allows more accurate speech disorders, which is very important for choosing appropriate methods of speech therapy and general pedagogical work, as well as for adequate treatment.

Speech examination of preschool children

Lyubov Alekseevna Aksenovskaya

Speech examination of preschool children

Speech examination of preschool children

Prepared by teacher-speech therapist MADOU d/s No. 55 “Fairy Tale”

combined type GOSH

Aksenovskaya L. A.

Examination of children's speech by group teachers.

Before starting work on teaching correct pronunciation, the teacher gets acquainted with the speech of each child in his group. The survey is carried out twice : in the fall, to properly plan the work for the year, and in the spring, to sum up the results.

When planning an examination , the teacher must clearly understand what he needs to identify in the child’s speech , know how to conduct the examination , what material to use, how to format the results and what conclusions to draw. When examining a child’s speech, the teacher pays attention to the state of sound pronunciation, vocabulary and phrasal speech . If there are dictionary violations (omissions, rearrangements of syllables, sounds)

and phrasal
speech (does not coordinate words in a sentence)
or serious deficiencies in sound pronunciation, you should get acquainted with the data on the child’s health, since the development
of speech is closely related to its psychophysical development.
Various infectious diseases in the first three years of a child’s life, especially diseases associated with nutritional disorders (dyspepsia, dysentery, etc., retard the growth and development of the entire organism, including speech . The success of working to educate correct pronunciation in the weakened and developmentally delayed children largely depend on strict adherence to the regimen prescribed by the doctor.

When developing correct sound pronunciation in children of the speech of surrounding adults plays an important role .

Therefore, the teacher must certainly know how the child’s family members speak in order to involve only those who speak correctly in sound pronunciation classes with the child at home.

First, the teacher studies the child’s speech in classes, in games with children, where he can identify his vocabulary, ability to construct a phrase, speech (very fast or slow, existing speech (stuttering, delayed speech development, etc. )

Then he conducts an individual examination , during which he identifies the child’s speech . the examination when there are few children (during their arrival and departure home)

Sometimes during an individual examination it is limited to asking the child to repeat individual words or sounds after the teacher. This does not give an idea of ​​children's independent speech . By imitating the teacher, the child often pronounces sounds better than in independent speech .

Experience has shown that it is also impossible to check sound pronunciation by limiting yourself to listening to a poem read by a child, since in a poem memorized from the words of an adult, he pronounces sounds better than in ordinary speech . In addition, the poem may be missing sounds that need to be checked. Therefore, the examination is carried out using special material, which should be in each group.

Material for examination .

The material is selected by the teacher and formatted correctly. To examine sound pronunciation, you need to have object pictures for certain sounds. Often this material is presented in the form of albums. On one page of such an album there are usually 6 – 9 pictures. But when they are offered to a child, his attention wanders. In addition, even if it is clear how the child pronounces a sound, all pictures are watched to the end, since it is interesting to him. In addition, pictures pasted in the album cannot be used in further work. Therefore, it is more advisable to put pictures in envelopes. The teacher selects pictures so that each of being examined is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word, since the sound is not pronounced the same in different positions. Pictures should be colorful and accessible both in content and execution.

Pictures are selected to test the following groups of sounds:

1 – voiced consonants V, B, D, G

2 – whistling S, S, Z, Z, C

3 – hissing Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch

4 – sonorous L, L, R, R

5 – sound Y at the end and beginning of a syllable

For each sound position in a word (beginning, middle, end)

The teacher selects at least three pictures in order to be able to hear and record how the child pronounces this sound. The size of the subject pictures is 10 x 10 cm. Smaller pictures can be pasted onto cardboard of the accepted size.

When selecting material, you need to remember that the voiced consonant sounds Z, Zh, V, B, D, G at the end of words and in the middle, if followed by a voiceless consonant, are deafened, i.e. they are pronounced as their corresponding paired voiceless sounds: Z like C (watermelon, birch tree, F like W (knife, spoon, V like F (carrot, bench, B like P (pillar, box), D like T (grandfather, boat, G like K (arc, claws)

Therefore, you should not take pictures where these sounds are at the end or middle of the sound, when they are followed by a voiceless consonant. It is necessary to select pictures so that these sounds are located between two vowels (knives, watermelons)
or before sonorant, voiced consonants

To check a child’s vocabulary, no special material is selected, since this is almost impossible to do. But when naming object pictures while checking sound pronunciation, you should also take into account the state of the dictionary, see if the child makes rearrangements in words, omissions of syllables, or abbreviations of words. Basically, the teacher finds out the state of vocabulary and phrasal speech in classes in different sections of the program. The teacher can clarify the construction of sentences, the correct use of prepositions, and the coordination of sentence members in gender, number, and case using plot pictures. The pictures are selected so that they can be used to make sentences of two, three, four or more words. They must be given in order of increasing difficulty .

Conducting an examination .

Having prepared the material, the teacher begins an examination of sound pronunciation . He notes not only the absence or replacement of sound, but also its distortion, any inaccuracy in pronunciation. When it is not possible to establish how the child pronounces a sound, but the auditory pronunciation differs from the correct one, the teacher notes that the sound is not pronounced clearly. Sometimes a child, naming pictures for a given sound, cannot pronounce it correctly in a word. In this case, the teacher invites the child to pronounce the sound by imitation. He says: “A mosquito flies and rings - z-z-z. Call too, like a mosquito"

. If a child, imitating a mosquito, pronounces the sound Z correctly, this means that isolated pronunciation of the sound is possible, although the child has not yet introduced it into speech. In this case, it is necessary to consolidate this sound, that is, gradually introduce it into words, phrases, nursery rhymes, etc. If the child replaces the sound with another or pronounces it distorted, it means that he does not yet have this sound. In this case, you must first evoke the correct sound and only then introduce it into speech.

When examining children's speech, the teacher pays attention to the pace of their speech , clarity, correct pronunciation of words, and sonority of the voice. If there are any shortcomings, they should be noted.

Children who have not yet developed phrasal speech or often have incorrect construction of sentences, violations in the agreement of words in gender, number, case, or control, are examined using plot pictures. With them

With the help of the teacher, he clarifies errors encountered in the child’s formation of phrases. During the examination, you must not repeat sounds, words, or phrases pronounced incorrectly by the child. This not only traumatizes him, but also helps to reinforce the incorrect pronunciation.

Registration of survey .

When conducting an individual examination , the teacher writes down all the children's in a notebook indicating the date of the examination . In the notebook, one to two pages are allocated for each child. During the examination, the teacher notes the presence of gross visible defects in the structure of the articulatory apparatus (cleft lip, palate, short hyoid frenulum, abnormal dentition structure, malocclusion, such children need consultation with an orthodontist

Then he writes down the state of sound pronunciation in a notebook:

• Sound skipping

• Sound replacement

• Sound distortion (there is sound, but it doesn’t sound right)

• Sound mixing (in one case the sound is used correctly, in another it is replaced)

The state of the dictionary is also noted:

• Is the vocabulary age

• Does the child pronounce words correctly or distort them (abbreviates them, skips syllables, sounds; rearranges syllables, sounds; names only individual syllables).

Checking the state of phrasal speech , the teacher notes:

• How the child speaks – in phrases or only words;

• Does he construct the phrase correctly - does he coordinate the members of the sentence in gender, number, case, does he use prepositions in his speech, etc. ? d.

• state of coherent speech – can the child talk about an event, compose a story based on a picture, etc.

The teacher writes down in a notebook other features encountered in the child’s speech : loud, too fast, choking, slurred speech, etc. The examination allows the teacher to clearly present the general picture of the state of speech of children of the entire age group .

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