Sensorimotor alalia: how to recognize the problem and what to do?


Physiotherapeutic methods are aimed at strengthening the body and stimulating the nervous system. These include water treatment (mechanical, temperature or other effects on the body), ultrasound treatment, magnetic field, weak electrical impulses, etc. In any case, regardless of the methods used, the correction must be comprehensive and systematic. Only a neurologist can prescribe these procedures. Since speech is an important and frequently used skill, parents should perform speech therapy exercises at home on their own as directed by a specialist.

Drug therapy

Taking medications is aimed at stimulating the development of speech centers of the brain. Only a neurologist can prescribe any medications to a child. The dosage and type of medication should also be selected by the doctor based on the results of the child’s examination. The initial doses are chosen very small, then they are increased. The standard course of treatment lasts from one to three months, after which an analysis of the child’s speech development is carried out. The medications taken have no side effects. Observation by a neurologist is required.

In addition, parents are instructed to carefully monitor the diet of their children. The diet should be varied and take into account the child’s needs for vitamins, minerals and nutrients that strengthen the immune system. For the “building” of tissues, foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins are recommended. Additionally, children are prescribed vitamins B12 and B15.

Sensory alalia.

The child speaks incoherently and his speech cannot be understood. At the same time, he hears what is said to him, repeats sounds, knows basic words, but cannot understand the essence of someone else’s speech. Symptoms of sensory alalia are expressed as follows: the child is very sensitive to sounds, since he does not understand words; his speech is incoherent and meaningless; Gestures are widely used; the child has very active facial expressions; a child can combine two words into one, put the wrong ending at the end, skip letters; the child practically does not remember new words; sudden changes in mood and activity.

Why does this help?

  1. We work with specific disorders in the child’s brain that are identified through objective diagnostics.
  2. Uses a combination of hardware and non-hardware methods
  3. A combination of drug and non-drug treatment is used
  4. The clinic’s specialists have extensive experience in helping children with alalia; we use the most effective methods that give quick results
  5. Doctors and teachers work as one team.

Regular sessions with a speech therapist are necessary, but a child can study for years and still remain an alalik.
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