Varieties of lambdacism
Violations of the pronunciation of sounds [L], [L']. Staging methods
Speaking is a skill whose importance is difficult to overestimate. People communicate with each other automatically and
Characteristics of efferent
Speech restoration program for afferent motor aphasia
Aphasia is a systemic speech disorder that occurs with organic brain lesions and covers various
Letter "y": hard or soft? Phonetic analysis of the word
General information Before we talk about what type of letter “th” is (soft or hard),
Neuropsychologist in rehabilitation and education
Aphasiology: stages of development and current issues Key words: speech therapy, aphasia, recovery, speech Aphasia –
Dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren photo
Dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren: prevention, analysis, correction, exercises
Dysgraphia is a pathology associated with writing, which is characterized by the same type of regularly repeated errors in writing.
DEFECTOLOGY AS A SCIENCEmethodological development on the topic
The first mentions of children with mental retardation appeared during the Ancient
Rhinolalia: types, causes, signs, symptoms, treatment
Article: Rhinolalia is a speech disorder manifested in distorted pronunciation of sounds associated with defects
Part of the Astrologer in the opera “The Golden Cockerel”
What are the types of opera voices and how do they differ?
There are several classifications of singing voices according to various characteristics: voice strength, mobility,
Speech therapy massage for dysarthria
Speech therapy massage of the tongue and cheeks - what is it and why is it needed?
Speech therapy massage is one of the main elements of the rehabilitation program for patients suffering from dysarthria. Rehabilitologists Yusupovskaya
Games for developing phonemic awareness
“How to teach a child to speak.” Consultation for parents
Delayed speech development in 3 year old children: causes Before you start worrying and
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