Types of rhotacism and pararotacism
Card index "Differentiation of sounds R-Рь" Cards with tasks
Forms of rotacism and pararotacism There are separate independent forms of rotacism. They differ in location and mechanism
Dividing soft sign
Examples of words with a separating soft sign and a hard sign
Today the letter Y is with us. An interesting analogy: a person who wants to isolate himself (put himself on
The child does not pronounce words correctly
Sound pronunciation disorders in preschool children.
Article: Violation of sound pronunciation is a relatively common pathology among preschoolers and schoolchildren. The reasons for it may
Degrees of systemic speech underdevelopment and their characteristics
Causes, signs and correction of systemic speech underdevelopment
Under the condition of normal speech development, a five-year-old child has full command of developed speech, skillfully wields a variety of
Development of manual praxis in preschool children
Formation of praxis and dyspraxia in children Developmental dyspraxia in children is the immaturity of arbitrary subject
Optical dysgraphia: how to identify and correct?
Optical dysgraphia - symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment
The modern education system places increasingly high demands on the quality of education. Number of students who
Articulatory sound profile L
Card index of tasks for differentiating sounds [L] - [L] card index for speech therapy on the topic
Summary of individual - subgroup speech therapy lesson Type of lesson: discovery of new knowledge. Group of children
Methodological development for the development of speech on the lexical topic "Utensils"
Didactic game “Dishes” Didactic game “Number. Sign. Subject" on the lexical topic "Utensils" The game is intended
Semantic aphasia. Examination and rehabilitation of patients
Aphasia after a stroke and not only Aphasia occurs most often in older people who have suffered
5. Poems for automation and differentiation of sounds L, L
Poems about the letter L Like a bow, “L” was broken, and set off to fly like an arrow. Laconic and
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