Examples of words with a separating soft sign and a hard sign

Today the letter Y is with us.

An interesting analogy: a person who wants to isolate himself (put himself first), as a rule, says left and right: “I did this…. I am so and so... I... I... I...".

And those listening to him with a grin (well, or with indignation) snapped: “I am the last letter in the alphabet .

What do they mean by this?

But they want to say that you should not stick your head out with your omnipresent “I”, because you need to be quicker in life.

And I decided to get to know “I” better. I learned a lot of interesting things about her, so I decided to introduce you to her.

When did the removal of letters from the alphabet begin?

During the period of Soviet power, it was decided to move the letter “Ya” to the last place, since “Izhitsa” was practically no longer used by that time.

Only in church texts could one see it. It is interesting that the Bolsheviks did not react to the removal of Izhitsa from the alphabet; then it seemed to everyone that the authorities had decided to simply abandon one of the sacraments - confirmation.

After all, Izhitsa was used in the word “mirro”. And having abandoned the letter that is part of this word, it seemed to many that the very giving of the gifts of the Holy Spirit was abolished as a means of strengthening his spiritual life.

The removal of “Izhitsa” was not documented, but the elimination of “fita” became the final appointment of the letter Ya as the final letter of the Russian alphabet.

Study Materials


* * * To prevent O from rolling away, I’ll nail it tightly to the post. Oh, look, what happened: It turned out... the letter Y.

Poems about the letter "I"


* * * We took the “H” and the leg on the right. We stretched it a little, and folded it into the letter “O” - Well, what happened?

Riddles about the letter "I"

Tongue Twisters

* * * I bought the letter Yu Yulu so that Yulia would not be sad. Yulenka took the spinning top, and the spinning top began to spin in an instant.

Tongue twisters starting with the letter “I”

Fairy tales

Pronunciation and spelling of "I"

If we listen to the sound of the letter and pronounce it for a long time, we will hear the following sounds [y-a-a-a-a-a-a].

If a letter stretches when sounded, it is a vowel.

The letter I consists of two sounds, a short consonant sound [th] and a vowel sound [a], and it can be sung. This sound feature is called iotation.

I = [й′] [a] - this is how the sounds included in the letter I are designated in transcription.

We see that there is one letter, and there are two sounds in it, one of which Yot is a consonant. In writing it is designated as Y, which is why it is called iotized.

At the beginning of a word or after vowels and separators, we hear the consonant J, and then the vowel sound A.

After consonants, I often softens them: blunder. Here L is pronounced softly thanks to Ya.

But this is only if “I” is in the position of a stressed syllable.

In the unstressed position, “I” seems to repeat the sounds E and I: fields - field.

If I is heard after hissing (ch, sch, sh, zh), guttural (x, g, k), after c, this does not mean that it is written after them. Not at all. We write “a” in these cases.

This rule does not apply only to foreign words, such as: Siauliai, Djakovitsa, Mkrtchyan, etc. Here we write “I” even after sibilants.

The letter “I” in a word is a separate syllable, in a sentence it is an independent word. In some cases, the letter I appears as a whole sentence, for example:

— Who will go to the museum next week?

- I!

Collocations (307)

  • I'm against
  • I would not say
  • I would say
  • I would have said
  • I quickly
  • I'm out
  • I am delighted
  • I know
  • I'm in a trance
  • I'm shocked
  • I'm lying around
  • I deeply sympathize with you
  • I am listening really carefully
  • I'm listening to you
  • I am begging you
  • I know
  • I'm back
  • I have all your attention
  • I lust
  • I'm delighted
  • I guarantee
  • I'm in charge
  • I deeply admire
  • I was ready to fall through the ground
  • I'm happy
  • I am pleased
  • I think
  • I'll punish him
  • I wish
  • I'm for him
  • I'm stuck
  • I'm busy
  • I'm here
  • I know
  • me and the princess ball
  • I know without you
  • me and people like me
  • me and her
  • I'm not involved in this
  • I'm extremely surprised
  • I love
  • I love you
  • I love you
  • I'm dreaming
  • I'll instantly
  • I can
  • I think, that means I exist
  • I don't believe
  • I am not lying
  • I don't know
  • I can not believe
  • I don't have to answer
  • I did not expect
  • I'm not responsible
  • I'm not busy
  • I have nothing to do with it
  • I can not
  • I didn't do it on purpose
  • I'm not like that, I'm waiting for the tram
  • I'm not sure
  • I don't recognize you in makeup
  • I did not want
  • I don't fumble
  • I'm not myself
  • I won't I will
  • I'm not me and the house is not mine
  • I don't mind at all
  • I don't understand anything about this
  • I did not do anything
  • I'm discouraged
  • I really love
  • I'm shocked by you
  • I answer
  • I'm stunned
  • I passed
  • I told
  • I am under the table
  • I understand
  • I'm shocked
  • I'm kidding
  • I'm glad
  • I'm glad about this
  • I'm glad
  • I'm happy
  • I did it
  • I'm now
  • I said
  • I'm happy
  • I'm happy
  • I think
  • I'm trudged
  • I'm trembling, dear editors
  • I tell you
  • I love you
  • I assure you
  • I'm here
  • I'm at the machine
  • I'm my mother's fool
  • I'm my mother's fool
  • I'm dad's fool
  • I'm daddy's fool
  • I am surprised
  • I am satisfied
  • I fell off a dump truck
  • I fell off a dump truck and braked with my head
  • I'm tired of doing nothing
  • I want
  • I'm having tea
  • apple from apple tree
  • apple of discord
  • there's nowhere for the apple to fall
  • there's nowhere for the apple to fall
  • Apple Spas
  • show God's mercy
  • show mercy
  • uninvited
  • unsolicited
  • appeared before the eye
  • appeared in a dream
  • appeared to the eyes
  • which was the source
  • appearing for preliminary examination
  • born
  • appeared on stage
  • caused
  • resulting from
  • resulting from
  • showed up - didn’t get dusty
  • show God's mercy
  • be a source
  • cause
  • phenomenon of reality
  • who was
  • which was a symbol
  • which was
  • appeared before the eye
  • appeared in a dream
  • appeared to the eyes
  • was the source
  • was a candidate
  • personal property
  • was a carrier
  • which was the basis
  • was a nuisance
  • being a guarantee
  • preoccupied
  • was the subject of interest
  • which was a sign
  • was the cause
  • resulting from
  • appearing with unfounded claims
  • resulting from
  • was a member
  • is probable
  • is necessary
  • is an explanation
  • is fundamental
  • is a representative
  • is the reason
  • is a consequence
  • is similar
  • is that
  • is a part
  • was
  • was
  • would be
  • were
  • would be
  • be a source
  • be a reason
  • cause
  • cause the appearance
  • are a support
  • are the reason
  • are a bunch
  • being
  • visible
  • appearing to the eyes
  • exceptional
  • exceptional
  • exceptional
  • unhappiness
  • being a criterion
  • personal property
  • being a generalization
  • being a model for others
  • burdensome
  • being original
  • being obvious
  • controversial
  • being a sign of important
  • disease spreader
  • being a scandal
  • being perfection
  • being a supporter
  • unique
  • fictional
  • being a miracle
  • obviously for everyone
  • safe house
  • in person
  • berry heather
  • bee venom
  • nuclear medicine
  • nuclear physics
  • nuclear disarmament
  • poisonous substance
  • vigorous louse
  • Yadrena Matryona
  • vigorous mother
  • tongue without bones
  • sign language
  • tongue tied
  • tongue stuck to throat
  • tongue stuck to larynx
  • tongue like a razor
  • The cow chewed her tongue
  • tongue on shoulder
  • tongue didn't turn
  • tongue won't turn
  • tongue lost
  • poor tongue
  • tongue turned
  • tongue hanging
  • tongue stuck to throat
  • tongue stuck to larynx
  • tongue stuck to the larynx
  • swallowed his tongue
  • you'll swallow your tongue
  • programming language
  • tongue loosened
  • Russian language
  • you'll break your tongue
  • tongue hangs well
  • tongue hangs well
  • tongue itches
  • linguistic unit
  • linguistic interpretation of the text
  • language system
  • language means
  • barely moves his tongue
  • doesn't move his tongue
  • not worth a jigger
  • witch egg
  • poached egg
  • like naked, like good
  • like naked, like good like there is nothing
  • like a thief in the night
  • rescue anchor
  • amber berry
  • amber grain
  • amber bunches
  • amber region
  • Japanese islands
  • Japanese Bobtail
  • Japanese policeman
  • Japanese nightjar
  • Japanese Spitz
  • bright personality
  • bright emotions
  • bright in tone
  • bright in color
  • shining example
  • a shining example
  • pronounced
  • pronounced
  • brightly colored
  • bright sky color
  • bright filling
  • brightness of colors
  • trade fair
  • Vanity Fair
  • spring field
  • the stump is clear
  • pepper is clear
  • clear weather
  • Yasnaya Polyana
  • couldn't be clearer
  • clearer than ever
  • clearly visible
  • clearly expressed
  • express a thought clearly
  • clear and understandable
  • clear as an orange
  • clear as day
  • as clear as two and two is four
  • clear as day
  • clear as day
  • of course
  • clear sky
  • clear idea
  • Yasnaya Polyana sage
  • clarity of consciousness
  • clear gaze
  • clear day
  • clear to understand
  • clear pepper
  • clear path
  • clear light
  • Yakhont blue
  • Yakhont yellow
  • yakhont red
  • unit of society
  • barley porridge
  • idiot box
  • Pandora's Box
  • case of beer

On this page you can find the most popular words starting with "I" (at the beginning of the word - I). The list is sorted alphabetically. You can add your options in the comments. If you click on a word, its synonyms and meanings will open.

See also: words containing I.

Open page 2 of words on I →

  • The search took 0.007 seconds. Remember how often you look for something to replace a word with? Bookmark sinonim.org to quickly search for synonyms, antonyms, associations and sentences (press Ctrl+D).

Poems about the letter I

This letter is clear, bright, beautiful. My letter loves all the words where the letter I is.

Both at the beginning and at the end: Both on the Yacht and in the Egg. In the fields - here in the middle. Ali has it, Nina doesn’t.

Look carefully - the letter is interesting!


The letter I lived in an egg. At the beginning of the word, not at the end. And then, such a thief, multiplied in the word “Lala”.

All vowels survived. And there are consonants nearby. In “lyalya” I got used to it, I became friends with the consonant L.


Audio poem about the letter I

Examples of words with a soft separator

At the root of words

  • curious
  • serious
  • pedestal
  • computer
  • interior
  • barrier
  • monkey
  • clerk
  • shatterproof
  • arsenic
  • weeds
  • bindweed
  • load
  • studio
  • junk dealer
  • gun
  • all-around
  • view
  • interview
  • interview
  • curtain
  • protodeacon
  • play.

After the root words before the letters “e”, “e”, “yu”, “ya”, “i”

A soft separator is written for possessive adjectives:

  • frog skin;
  • bird's Nest;
  • monkey antics;
  • girlish dreams;
  • robber's treasures;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • hunting equipment;
  • Foxy burrow;
  • wolf's lair;
  • Bear Den.

At the root of borrowed words

  • medallion
  • battalion
  • bouillon
  • pavilion
  • cotillion
  • canyon
  • champignon
  • papillottes
  • guillotine
  • companion
  • chignon
  • senor
  • Carmagnole.

Sound automation

Exercises for automating the sound Y: isolated, in syllables, words and sentences.

Automation of the sound Y, starts with the easiest tasks.

  1. Say the sound Y repeatedly.

  2. Automation in combinations with vowels:

Ya, yo, yo, ya.

  1. Repeat:

ah, oh, hey, oh.

  1. Say pairs and chains:

a – I, I – La, I – I – La

o - e, e - le, le - le - e

u - yu, yu - lyu, yu - lyu - yu

e-e, e-le, le-e-le

  1. Automation in words:

Y at the beginning of a word

Yo-yo, iodine, iodoform, yot, iota, Yemen, Yemeni, yogurt, yogurt, Yorkshire.

Ya (Ya)

I, lizard, appear, obvious, sycamore, appear, appear, reality, reindeer moss, moss moss, berry, buttock, berry, poison, nuclear, nuclear scientist, core, sneak, sneak, sneak, apple, apple tree, apple, ide, supposedly, barren, pit, Yankee, bright, bright, brightness, rage, furious, tier, ardent, ash, manger, clear, clarity, clear, hawk, yacht.

Yo (Yo)

Hedgehog, hedgehog, shiver, yoke, tree, herringbone, capacious, capacity, fidget, yornik, squirm, ruff.

Ye (E)

Food, Jew, European, huntsman, Egypt, Egyptian, Europe, his, fidget, fidget, food, barely, unit, unicorn, unity, single, eater, her, blackberry, annual, caustic, if, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog, ride.

Yu (Yu)

Southerner, yuz, yukola, yula, bustle, humor, humoresque, humorist, cabin boy, youth, junior, cadet, yunnat, youth, young man, young, jupiter, lawyer, yurk, nimble, yurknut, holy fool, foolishness, yurok, yurt.

Y in the middle of a word

Alpine, English, anxiety, eat into, entrance, drive in, drive in, abscess, devil, travel, expression, reveal, flaw, explain, interview, bloodhound, border, watering can, ruler, T-shirt, seagull, flock, whaling, brand, sticky, combine, kopeck, superstructure, find, find, combine, detour, go around.

Y end of the word


Active, silent, homeless, carefree, selfless, toothless, defenseless, unresponsive, joyless, rootless, mongrel, windy, vertical, cheerful, platoon.


armless, great, Hungarian, evening, prophetic, weighty, future, bull, spring, third, flexible, tall, genius, rattling, Greek, Greek, graphic, distant, ladies', Danish.


My, yours, spring, riding, windy, gross, second, sixth, seventh, hero, deaf, bay, rotten, blue, lip, home, trashy, living, evil, heat, dry, dear, private, fatal, residential, groovy, golden, what, indigenous, stingy, structure, stand, dumb, stuffed, naked, male, young, sea, world, passenger, oblique, crooked.

to her

pigeons, frost, glue, stream, children, babies, shorties, kings, mice, sparrows, sons, daughters, wheatgrass, nightingales, horses, bears, notebooks, nails.


conjure, lackey, blow, march, risk, draw, pass, pamper, dance, steal, yearn, prance, pass, interpret, current, strike, pack, worry, coo, chop, chic, believe, I can, I know, I bathe, I moan, I lift, I read, I sneeze, I save, I shave, I wash, I sing, I stand.

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