Olesya Pukhova - Let's unravel everything around. Speech therapy riddles

Riddles about men's professions

He lays bricks in a row, Builds a kindergarten for the children. Not a miner or a driver, He will build a house for us... (Answer - Builder)


He is a very good craftsman. He made a wardrobe for our hallway. He is not a carpenter, not a painter. Furniture makes... (Answer - Joiner)


He is not an artist, but he always smells like paint, He is not a master of paintings - He is a master of walls! (Answer - Painter)


He creates from wood, carves, crafts. (Answer: Carpenter)


With a fiery needle the tailor sews a steel suit for the ship. (Answer - Electric Welder)


Exactly he lays a brick, and builds a wall from scratch. (Answer - Bricklayer)


At work, day after day, He commands with his hand. That hand raises a hundred pounds under the clouds. (Answer - Crane Operator)


This professional worker sharpens the parts on the machine. Without his skillful hands, neither a tank nor a plow could be assembled. (Answer - Turner)


The furnace hums like a samovar, Steel cooks in it... (Answer - Steelmaker)


The flame is bursting with heat, sweat pours from the face, the Hammer hits the steel loudly... (Answer - Blacksmith)


Builds factories, cars, houses, Workers and craftsmen approach. He will tell you what to do, What is the size here, He will make a drawing - a drawing... (Answer - Engineer)


It took him a long time to create the plane, How many times did the outline change! Soon the pilot will sit at the helm, His work will end with a test. (Answer - Constructor)


With a heavy bag he walks around the area, putting letters in our box... (Answer - Postman)


They gave him a package in his hands, They sent it to him to deliver it to the address, So that he could deliver the package. Who is he, give me a quick answer. (Answer - Courier)


Uncle will get up at dawn and clear the snow in the yard. He will remove all the garbage and sprinkle sand on the ice. (Answer - Janitor)


He kneaded the “dough” in a tub. But his goal is not rolls. He made a flower pot, then fired it in the oven. (Answer - Gonchar)


In a snow-white robe, he treats all the patients in the ward. If suddenly trouble happens, then he will rush to the ambulance. (Answer - Doctor, doctor)


We are suffering from a cold again, we are calling a doctor at home. He will give us a sick leave certificate. Who is he as a specialist? (Answer: Therapist, pediatrician)


This doctor will easily remove appendicitis. The scalpel is his best friend, He is a skilled doctor...? (Answer - Surgeon)


This doctor is not just a doctor, he treats people's eyes, even if you see poorly, you can see everything with glasses. (Answer - Oculist)


So that you are healthy, Make all the sounds, Who cares about you? Tell me now. (Answer: Speech therapist)


Tell me, how can you look through a wall? With glasses and in the light, you won’t be able to do that. And meanwhile he saw through it Not only me, but also my heart. (Answer: Radiologist)


He is the head of the department, all students know this. If you go to a university to study, you will find him there. (Answer - Dean)


Doctor, but not for children, but for birds and animals. He has a special gift, This doctor is... (Answer - Veterinarian)


He studied science. It’s as if he has tamed the earth, He knows when to plant, How to sow and how to harvest. He knows everything in his native land. He is called... (Answer - Agronomist)


He looks after the cows, and when he is angry with them, he cracks his whip loudly. So who is the mystery about? (Answer - Shepherd)


Any shepherd in America is called... (Answer - Cowboy)


Under the spring bird whistle Plows the ground... (Answer - Tractor driver)


A choir is heard in the field of combines, The grain ship is leading... (Answer - Combiner)


Pike, perch, pike perch - The catch was brought to us... (Answer - Fisherman)


The earth awaits his work, As soon as the dawn lights its rays. In the spring he will comb the fields, When autumn comes he will cut the hair. (Answer - Farmer)


His every creation is just a fairy tale, a delight, thoughts, a flight of creativity. Anyone who has tried it will understand. (Answer - Cook)


We will get up while you are sleeping, And sift the flour in a sieve, Heat the oven red-hot, To bake the bread by morning. (Answer: Bakers)


I will find them in the restaurant - These people in caps are working magic over the pots With ladle in their hands. (Answer - Cook)


He will bring us menus and serve us food. "What do you want? Pizza, porridge... Soup, kefir or compote? (Answer - Waiter)


He bakes from dough, he knows a lot of recipes. (Answer - Baker, confectioner)


He worked all day in the sweet shop, The result was dessert - Eclairs, cupcake, “Napoleon”. Now think about who he is? (Answer - Confectioner)


An assistant to the boots of the lame, He will nail the heels... (Answer - Shoemaker)


All feathered creatures haunt his consciousness. A friend of rooks, crows, tits, He studies all birds. (Answer: Ornithologist)


He protects nature, drives away poachers, and in winter, at the feeders, forest animals are waiting for a visit. (Answer: Forester, huntsman)


His path is hard and long, Looking for deposits... (Answer - Geologist)


He cannot sleep at night, He must count the stars And through a telescope see the light of all the unknown planets. (Answer - Astronomer)


He is a recognized expert on four-legged friends, The teacher is very strict, He holds the leash tightly. He teaches at the dog school how to follow commands. All boxers, mastiffs, and collies should know them by heart. (Answer - Dog handler)


What kind of watchman is there at the factory entrance? He knows all the workers and doesn’t let outsiders in. (Answer - Watchman)


All the roads are familiar to me, I feel like I’m at home in the cabin. The traffic light is flashing for me, He knows that I am... (Answer - Driver)


With a book in hand, who is the reader, Who writes books - ... (Answer - Writer)


Children's songs verses are written for us... (Answer - Poets)


He works while playing (There is such a profession). He's been on stage for a long time. That profession... (Answer - Actor)


Last time I was a teacher, the day after tomorrow I was a machinist. He must know a lot, Because he... (Answer - Artist)


He runs the show, knows all the scenes by heart. He teaches how to play a role. What should we call him, friends? (Answer - Director)


Maybe he will fall off his horse and not get hurt at all. He performs all the stunts, and replaces the actors. (Answer - Stuntman)


He does not play a role in the play, He watches the actor. Someone will barely forget the role - He will tell you the right words. (Answer - Prompter)


He's sitting somewhere in the studio and reading his text into the microphone. And only those who turn on the radio hear what he says. (Answer - Announcer)


He knows how to make everyone laugh, causing loud laughter. (Answer - Clown)


He knows everything about the artists and announces them from the stage. (Answer - Entertainer)


The entire page is covered in quick handwriting - He writes an essay for the newspaper... (Answer - Journalist)


On a dark night, on a clear day, He fights with fire. In a helmet, like a glorious warrior, He hurries to the fire... (Answer - Firefighter)


He is a real hero! Walks in uniform, with a holster! In the middle of the night, is there a theft or a fight somewhere? Call immediately on “02”, and call him quickly! (Answer - Policeman)


Fun job, enviable from the heart! Whistle when you're hunting, and wave your wand! But this is only at first glance. They keep an eye on the order of the road. (Answer - Traffic police officer)


No one in the world can do this with one movement of the hand. Stop the flow of passers-by and let trucks pass. (Answer - Traffic Policeman)


He is the boss on the road. He is important as a director. And look with a stern look at everyone... (Answer - Traffic inspector)


He is very attentive and inquisitive, looking for clues everywhere... (Answer - Detective)


Who is sailing on a ship to an unknown land? He is cheerful and kind. What's his name? (Answer - Sailor)


The young sailor loves the sea dearly. He can only dream of standing at the helm for now! (Answer: Jung)


He leads ships to sea far from all his relatives. Our brave man has seen many countries... (Answer - Captain)


He stands on the bridge and looks menacing, steering the ship. And he always has binoculars with him. (Answer - Captain)


He lives in a seaside town, he meets ships at the port, gives them gangplanks on board and places cargo in the holds. (Answer - Docker)


Walks along the seabed, disturbing the depths. He will find everything under the silt, He will weld the bottom of the ship, If there is a leak, trouble will strike - Water is not an obstacle either. (Answer - Diver)


He swims through the thickness of the waves, To breathe like a fish. There is a balloon behind my back, it moves beautifully. (Answer - Scuba Diver)


The bravest on the planet, He works in a rocket. What weightlessness is is not news to him at all! (Answer - Cosmonaut)


He is not a pilot, not a pilot, He is not flying a plane, But a huge rocket. Children, who say this? (Answer - Cosmonaut)


Spare parts for the TV will be selected for us... (Answer - Telemaster)


You are probably familiar with him. He knows about all the laws. Not a judge, not a journalist. He gives advice to everyone... (Answer - Lawyer)


Our skillful... (Answer - Lawyer) is happy to defend everyone in court.


There is such a lawyer who defends the accused. Can you guess or not, what is the name of the lawyer? (Answer - Lawyer)


Knowing the laws by heart, explaining all rights to us, resolving our disputes, and condemning the guilty. (Answer - Judge)


If he waves a thin stick, the choir on stage will sing. Not a wizard, not a juggler. Who is this? (Answer - Conductor)


Guitar strings, patience, talent Plus inspiration equals... (Answer - Musician)


He sang with his soul, well done! Maybe it will grow.. (Answer - Singer)


Sleep and rest are forgotten: A song is written by... (Answer - Composer)


If he waves a thin stick, the choir on stage will sing. Not a wizard, not a juggler. Who is this? (Answer - Conductor)


He waves a thin stick and tells the orchestra how to play. (Answer - Conductor)


He teaches how to achieve goals, how to fight for an Olympic prize, how to win in competitions, and how to not lose spirit... (Answer - Coach)


He heals and inserts teeth, and the smile sparkles. (Answer: Dentist)


Knows many languages, ready to translate them all. (Answer - Translator)


He will take profile and full-face shots, and create a portrait for you. (Answer - Photographer)


In the full stands Screams and whistles - Rushing towards the goal With the ball... (Answer - Football player)


He knows the traffic rules without a doubt. He instantly starts the engine, rushes off in the car... (Answer - Driver)


Anyone at anyone's address will take you straight to your house and he will rush right into the car. Answer, children, at once! (Answer - Taxi Driver)


A knock flies from under the wheels, an electric locomotive rushes into the distance. The train is driven not by a taxi driver, not by a pilot, but... (Answer - Driver)


He is polite, kind, but strict - a railway worker. He meets us on the platform and rides with us in the carriage. (Answer - Explorer)


You will give him your weighty luggage at the station. He will put the load on the cart, he will help you get into the carriage. (Answer - Porter)


In reality, and not in a dream, He flies on high. Flying a plane in the sky. Who is he, tell me? (Answer - Pilot)


What are the pilots called on the same team of an airplane? (Answer - Crew)


He jumped down - hung on a flower, touched the ground - the flower curled up. (Answer - Parachutist)


On the mountain he is barely noticeable Up to the top Meter by meter Climbing with difficulty - Carrying his home on his back. (Answer: Climber)


The men brought two ropes and hooks. They climb up a steep wall, like big spiders. (Answer: Climbers)

*** ***

He is ready for fire and battle, Protecting you and me. He goes on patrol and in the city, He will not leave his post... (Answer - Soldier)


Who, guys, is guarding our land at the border, so that our people can work and study in peace? (Answer - Border Guard)


In training every day he tries to hit the target. What is the name of the shooter who was eventually able to become an ace? (Answer - Sniper)


Here is a word made up of dashes and dots. Who knows all this? Who goes on air most often and spends days and nights there? (Answer - Radio operator)


His car is all armored, like a turtle. After all, in war as in war, there should be no fear here! Gun barrel in front: Danger! Enemy, don't come near! (Answer - Tankman)


A detachment is in a hurry when called, ready to find the shell And in the wheat field, And in transport, and in school. The squad member was very brave - he managed to defuse three mines. (Answer - Minesweeper)


If there is a flood somewhere, a volcanic eruption, an explosion, a collapse, an earthquake, - He is on the spot tirelessly, He will help everyone out and help them in trouble. (Answer - Rescuer)


Now, my friend, the question is this: Tell me what they call the Worker who mines coal for us underground. (Answer - Shakhtar)


His job is to protect, to be nearby and to protect. (Answer - Security guard, bodyguard)


Entirely passionate about science, he carries out experiments... (Answer - Scientist)


He sits in the laboratory and looks at the microscope all day. (Answer: Laboratory assistant)


He knows everything about the computer, will set everything up, fix everything. (Answer - System Administrator)


A precious souvenir will be made by... (Answer - Jeweler)


He takes the money from the cash register and guards it all the way to the bank. (Answer - Collector)


He can sell the house, exchange it, buy it and rent it out. (Answer - Realtor)


He will certify the documents, draw them up and check them. (Answer - Notary)


He writes articles for websites, By order... (Answer - Copywriter)


He edits texts for errors and defects. (Answer - Proofreader)


He is a financial fakir, he is waiting for you at the bank... (Answer - Banker)


In the treacherous sea of ​​goods and prices, the business ship is leading... (Answer - Businessman)


To make the city more beautiful, He took a hundred measures, the Father and head of the City - ... (Answer - Mayor)


I am glad to compose laws in our Duma... (Answer - Deputy)


The government must solve problems clearly and quickly... (Answer - Ministers)

Riddles about women's professions

She does her hair, trims her bangs. Hair dryers, scissors, combs are on her shelf. (Answer - Hairdresser)


This sorceress, this artist, has not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors. She has a Mysterious power: Whoever she touches will become beautiful. (Answer - Hairdresser)


He will instantly prepare soup for kids from different groups, deftly mold cutlets and cut vinaigrettes. (Answer - Cook)


Tell me, who cooks cabbage soup so deliciously, Smelly cutlets, Salads, vinaigrettes, All breakfasts, lunches? (Answer - Cook)


Teaches us politeness, Reads a story out loud. Not a teacher, not a writer. This is the best... (Answer - Educator)


Tear-nose-wiper In your group - ... (Answer - Educator)


He teaches everyone how to add letters, count, how to grow flowers and catch butterflies, how to look at everything and remember everything, how to love your homeland for everything that is dear to you. (Answer - Educator)


It's lunchtime in the kindergarten. The cook takes samples from the dishes. But mom is not around, who sets the table for us? (Answer - Nanny)


Who is the most useful in the days of illness and heals us from all illnesses? (Answer - Doctor, doctor)


Today, tomorrow and yesterday Injections are given... (Answer - Nurse)


A jack of all trades will sew us a jacket and trousers. Not a cutter, not a weaver. Who is she, tell me? (Answer - Dressmaker)


He knows the composition of all medications, and will advise and sell. (Answer - Pharmacist)


She has Dolls, balls, pins on the counter, Shoes on the right, fabrics on the left, Cups on the display. She's like a queen in every store! (Answer - Seller)


She sells goods and always gives a receipt with them. (Answer - Cashier)


She sits on the bus and carefully watches so that everyone has tickets, so that they don’t forget to buy them. (Answer - Conductor)


She is in the endless sea of ​​books, a real captain. Find any book Helps us quickly! (Answer - Librarian)


Stretched canvas, Brushes, paints, tripod - Paints a picture from life... (Answer - Artist)


She writes and draws with chalk, And fights with mistakes, Teaches her to think, to reflect, What is her name, guys? (Answer - Teacher)


We teach children to read and write, to love nature, to respect the elderly. (Answer - Teacher)


Her work is on the plane, Helps us in flight, Like an air princess, In flight uniform... (Answer - Stewardess)


He can understand people and solve their problems. She will calm and support, she is ready to help everyone. (Answer - Psychologist)


For mixing components, She knows all the percentages, deftly makes lotions, sprays, perfumes, colognes. (Answer: Perfumer)


She creates her own models, so that we can put them on later, she will create Dresses in any style, lady... (Answer - Fashion Designer)


I've been sewing all day today. I dressed the whole family. Wait a little, cat, - There will be clothes for you too. (Answer - Seamstress, dressmaker)


She will do your makeup, a new look and make-up. (Answer: Makeup Artist)


Renews your face and body using various creams. (Answer: Cosmetologist)


Her job is a fashion show, showing clothes on herself. (Answer - Fashion model, model)


Tall, slender, like a spruce, In a fashionable top dress... (Answer - Model)


She put on her tutu and her pointe shoes beautifully, and fluttered onto the stage easily... (Answer - Ballerina)


I always draw everyone’s faces and eyelashes. My palette is different faces. I help them quickly turn into a villain, into a beauty, into a blue bird, who they need to be instantly, the actor will appear, behind the stage he creates Above the face like this... (Answer - Make-up artist)


She grows roses, tulips and mimosas, plants them exactly in a row, not work - a wonderful garden! (Answer - Florist)


All the cows know her, they always greet her with a moo, and for her hard work they give her all the milk. (Answer: Milkmaid)


Even children know this: Who works at the newspaper? In five minutes this lady will write down the sheet.. (Answer - Journalist)


Here is an athlete on skates practicing jumping. And the ice sparkles. Spins the Salchow... (Answer - Figure skater)


She talks clearly, She leads excursions. Here it becomes clear to everyone that she is... (Answer - Tour Guide)


The company counts profits and pays everyone's salaries. With a calculator all day and doesn’t know the word “laziness.” (Answer - Accountant)

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