Speech therapy album of games and exercises for stuttering

A few more exercises: rhythm for logoneurosis

  1. Pump. Legs shoulder-width apart, stretch straight arms all the way to the floor and take a loud breath, rounding your back.
  2. Watch. Legs are shoulder width apart. We tilt our head to the right, pressing our ear to our shoulder and taking a loud breath through our nose. Then we straighten up and exhale, shaking our heads back and forth. Repeat with the left shoulder.
  3. Pendulum. We lower our heads and exhale sharply. Then we lift it, look at the ceiling and inhale noisily. Next, we exhale lightly and imperceptibly.
  4. Rifles. We put our left leg forward and roll from the right (from the toe) to the left. Then we squat down and, inhaling loudly, transfer our weight to our right leg.
  5. Hugs. We lower our hands down, take a loud breath, then hug ourselves by the shoulders and exhale calmly.

Execution Rules

Gymnastics for stuttering in children must be performed according to certain rules in order to prevent the young patient’s condition from worsening.

Below is a list of requirements:

  1. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary, this is especially important for children who have concomitant pathologies. Before starting classes, you need to regulate the load, or identify contraindications, if any;
  2. The child should study with pleasure, which is possible when he is in a good mood, he is well-fed and has strength. A tired, hungry child will be capricious, and such gymnastics will do nothing but harm;
  3. Start with short sessions, no more than 10 minutes. Monitor your child’s reaction: if he becomes uncomfortable, it is better to postpone the lesson;
  4. Gradually increase the duration, but classes should last no more than 30 minutes;
  5. If it becomes difficult for your baby to breathe, his breathing rhythm has become disrupted, or he begins to panic, interrupt the activity;
  6. If desired, use music - this will help maintain the rhythm of movements;
  7. The inhalation is always sharp, noisy, through the nose, the exhalation is calm, effortless, through the mouth.

Foods that help improve a child’s speech - food that helps in the treatment of logoneurosis

Yes, there are some. Of course, they are not magic pills that instantly act on a speech defect, but their action is based on the supply/transportation of “building material” for nerve cells, as well as brain cells, etc.

That is, this is not a treatment, but auxiliary products that will enhance the effect of the main therapy.

  1. Cottage cheese, sour cream, natural yoghurts.
  2. Linseed oil. You can spread it on bread or take it by the spoonful.
  3. Sauerkraut with vegetable oil.
  4. Fish fat. It can be taken in capsules or as cooked oily sea fish. For example, halibut, herring, salmon, etc. This fish, in addition to the “building material” for various cells, also contains Omega 3 fats.

As for sweets, their dosage for a child with logoneurosis should be greatly reduced. Sugar increases hyperactivity, which in this case is completely useless.


  • Herbs are a burden for a child’s body. If there is no urgent need for herbs (they were not prescribed by a doctor), then it is better to refuse such self-medication.
  • Carefully study the properties of the plants that you brew to treat any disease in general.
  • Do not prescribe herbal decoctions yourself, especially for a child: take any medicine only after consulting a doctor!
  • Do not rely entirely on information from sites on the Internet - even specific medical ones: consult specialists!
  • In itself, herbal treatment without complex therapy is a pointless exercise.

And most importantly, while you are trying to cure your child of logoneurosis at home, with herbs, the disease enters a stage at which even real treatment will become difficult and lengthy.

A child stutters - what are the reasons and how to help?

The main thing you need to know when choosing games for a child with logoneurosis:

  1. Too emotionally vivid, active games only aggravate the problem.
  2. The fewer participants, the better.
  3. It is better to play at home and outdoors. Participation in public events should be temporarily postponed.
  4. Don't forget about useful computer simulators that were designed specifically for stuttering treatment. Just don't abuse the computer.
  5. You should play special games, the purpose of which is to treat logoneurosis, every day, for at least 15 minutes. In the evening - only relaxing games, in the morning - breathing games, in the afternoon - for a sense of rhythm.

So what to play?

Articulation exercises

  • We snort like a horse so that our lips vibrate.
  • Sticking the tongue to the palate, we click with it, as if on a horse ride.
  • We inflate our cheeks and deflate them one by one.
  • Gently bite the upper lip with our teeth, then the lower lip.
  • We depict a watch by throwing the pendulum tongue from one corner of the mouth to the other.
  • We talk like fish - we pretend to speak by moving our lips, but we remain “mute.”
  • We inflate our cheeks and pull them in as much as possible.
  • We stretch our lips into a tube - as far as possible, then stretch them as wide as possible into a smile.
  • Opening your mouth, lick the imaginary jam first from the upper lip - in a circle, then from the lower.
  • “We brush our teeth” by stroking the inner row of lower teeth with a tongue, then the upper ones.
  • We puff out our cheeks and alternately poke our tongue into one cheek, then into the other.
  • We “yawn” heavily with our mouth open 5-6 times in a row, and then, without closing our mouth, we cough the same number of times.

For each exercise – at least 3-4 minutes.

Training your sense of rhythm

We choose our favorite poem and “clap” it like drummers together with the child. We do not clap on every syllable - the emphasis is on the strong beat of the poem.

We look for poems for rhythmic training from Marshak, Barto and Chukovsky.

What folk remedies can help a child get rid of stuttering?

What folk remedies can cure stuttering?

In fact, treating stuttering with “grandmother’s” remedies is an illusion. It is impossible to get rid of this disease with the help of herbs.

Numerous tips distributed on the Internet on this topic are based on the sedative effect of herbs. Yes, there are plants that have a mild calming effect, but most of the recommended “super remedies for stuttering” at a minimum do not bring any results and have a completely different effect, and some can even harm the child.

Breathing exercises

  • We lie down on our backs and place our favorite book on our stomachs. Next, inhale through your nose and breathe with your stomach, watching how the book rises and falls. Almost a boat on the waves. Exhale smoothly, slowly, through closed lips.
  • Develop a long exhalation. For training, we use soap bubbles, spinning toys, airball games, etc. We blow through a straw and blow bubbles in the water, blow on dandelions and boats in the water, inflate balloons, and so on.

Let's look at specific examples:

  1. Nettle juice. According to the authors of this recipe, nettle has anticonvulsant properties. But considering that the substances in nettle juice do not actually “reach” the brain, the anticonvulsant effect of the plant remains very doubtful. In addition, it is unlikely that logoneurosis, which has psychosocial roots, can go away or even become less intense from exposure to nettles. It is also important to note that nettle has many other side effects.
  2. A decoction based on white ash. Another popular recipe replicated by many sites. The authors promise to mix the plant with other herbs and then keep this decoction in your mouth and spit it out. Alas, a bitter decoction that the child will have to keep in his mouth for several minutes will not give any effect. But poisoning, if swallowed, is easy. This plant contains specific alkaloids that have a toxic effect on nervous tissue when they penetrate the brain. And these substances, unlike nettle, penetrate the brain quite easily.
  3. Honey. The product is contraindicated for children with allergies. It will not be harmful for everyone else, in complex therapy, but it will not bring any special results in the treatment of stuttering.
  4. Kalina. A fruit drink made from these berries is really healthy, and in combination with light honey it can provide a mild sedative effect. Naturally, fruit juice will be useless as the main means of treatment.
  5. Chamomile decoction . A plant with undeniable healing properties and a mild sedative effect, which is noticeable in children under 2 years of age. For older children, a “cosmic” dosage is needed to get the desired result. And such dosages threaten poisoning. In small doses recommended by a doctor, chamomile will slightly activate the immune system, if required at all.
  6. Goose cinquefoil . If you need an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, the plant will be useful. As for logoneurosis, this remedy will in no way bring any benefit, even in medicinal preparations.
  7. Heather with hops. As for the properties of these two plants, it is indisputable: both have sedative/hypnotic properties, and the effect is enhanced when they are combined. But when brewing them for your child, remember that the child does not need a highly concentrated decoction, nor does he need excessive drowsiness. In addition, do not forget about individual allergies .
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