Summary + self-analysis of a logorhythmics lesson with preschoolers

Features of the organization of logorhythmic classes

Let us list the main means of logorhythmic classes used in the practice of a speech therapist:

  • walking;
  • marching;
  • breathing exercises;
  • voice development exercises;
  • articulation exercises;
  • exercises to maintain muscle tone;
  • exercises for concentration;
  • counting exercises;
  • speech exercises without music;
  • exercises to develop a sense of tact and musical meter;
  • exercises to develop a sense of tempo;
  • rhythm exercises;
  • singing exercises;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • just games with speech elements accompanied by music;
  • exercises to develop creative abilities.

When working with children suffering from ODD, the above-mentioned means of logorhythmic exercises make it possible to influence the processes of inhibition, help develop coordination, form the accuracy of movements, and teach the child to confidently navigate and move in space.

With the help of speech therapy rhythms, you can help a preschooler develop a reflex of concentration, and in the future, form his voluntary attention.

Logorhythmic techniques

Logorhythmic methods and means of logorhythmic classes allow the formation of various speech skills, including breathing, its tempo, and expressiveness of speech, in a form that is interesting for children and accessible to their understanding. During musical games, children further develop their facial abilities, work with their voice and articulation.

Speech therapy rhythm allows you to achieve many goals that are part of speech therapy. Children expand their active vocabulary, memorize grammatical structures, bring the pronunciation of complex sounds to automation, and expand their perception of phonetics. The only difference is that music and movement are used to reinforce the acquired skills.

Thanks to this, children are happy to immerse themselves in the playful atmosphere of correctional classes. A favorable atmosphere is formed, which helps to accelerate the formation of speech skills and creative activity. Children easily learn new knowledge. And since new material is transmitted in combination with music and movements, this involves all types of the child’s memory.

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Logorhythmics as an effective method for solving correctional, health and musical problems.

What is this? Speech therapy rhythm is a unique form of active therapy. This concept is based on the combination of words, music and movement. The relationships between these components can be varied, with the predominance of one of them or the connection between them.


The issue of a child’s speech development is very acute at the present time, because Every year the number of children with various speech pathologies increases. For example, there are more and more non-speaking children, children with illegible, slurred speech, who by the age of 5 cannot master the clear pronunciation of all sounds. Children with speech pathology are characterized by impaired gross and fine motor skills, and their breathing is often shallow. Some children are hyperactive, others are passive, which is due to weakness of the nervous system. Along with this, the majority of children with speech disorders have increased exhaustion and attention deficit; memory and performance are reduced.

At the beginning of the year, at a parent meeting, many questions were received regarding the development of children's speech. A diagnosis was carried out, which showed a low level of development of such components of speech as sound pronunciation, syllable structure of words, and phonemic hearing.

One of the reasons for sound pronunciation disorders in early preschool age is the lack of early preventive work to strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus. Therefore, there is a need to find means of early prevention of sound pronunciation disorders.

It is quite difficult to include all children in individual lessons, so it was decided to work together with the music director using a method such as logarithmics. After all, music is the most accessible form of art for children. It can not only attract attention and interest, but also enrich and emotionally color the child’s feelings and ideas about the world.

What is it for? The goal of logorhythmics: prevention and overcoming speech disorders in children from 3 to 5 years old through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music. As a result of logorhythmic exercises, the following tasks are realized:

  • clarification of articulation;
  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • development of auditory attention and motor memory;
  • improving gross and fine motor skills;
  • development of clear, coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;
  • development of melodic-intonation and prosodic components;
  • development of creative imagination and imagination.

These classes are very useful for the physical, mental, socio-communicative, speech and emotional development of the child. Muscles are trained and strengthened, a sense of balance, agility, strength, endurance, the ability to quickly switch from one type of activity to another, coordination of movements, and beautiful posture develop. The benefits for speech and general development are also great! Correct speech breathing develops, an understanding of tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of music, movements and speech is formed, the ability to transform and move expressively to music in accordance with the chosen image, thereby demonstrating and developing one’s creative abilities.

What does it consist of? The basis of the activities is very diverse: travel, message, hike, fairytale walk and much more.

Structure of a logorhythmic lesson:

Organizational stage: Positive emotional attitude. Literary word, riddle, dating and communication games, introductory exercises (walking, running, movements to music.

Main part:

  • dance, round dance

- acquaintance with the poem, accompanied by movements (mnemonic tables can be used)

  • song accompanied by gestures or movements
  • articulatory gymnastics
  • facial exercises
  • self-massage
  • finger game
  • breathing exercises
  • gymnastics for the eyes
  • active or communicative game
  • pure talk
  • speech or music games

- games to develop a sense of rhythm or attention.

Final part: Reflection. Depending on the plot, the lesson may include relaxation exercises accompanied by music (self-massage of biologically active points, low-mobility games for the development of mental processes).

Expected result:

  • developed skills to rhythmically perform movements in accordance with words, expressively conveying a given character or image;
  • the ability to correctly articulate sounds;
  • formation of correct speech and physiological breathing;
  • the ability to perform health exercises for the throat, to improve posture, breathing and finger exercises, self-massage of the face and body massage, studies for tension and relaxation of the body, gymnastics for the eyes;
  • the ability to navigate in space and move in a given direction;
  • improvement of auditory, visual and motor attention, memory;
  • the ability to coordinate movements in small muscle groups of the fingers and hands, to quickly respond to changes in movements;
  • improving diagnostic indicators of speech development.
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Directions of logorhythmic studies

Speech therapy rhythm contains two different directions for the correction of speech disorders in preschool children with ODD.

  1. The first direction is related to the formation of non-speech functions. The child develops motor skills, learns to coordinate his movements, navigate in space, his muscle tone develops, his sense of rhythm also becomes more perfect, the ability to sing develops, and all types of memory and attention begin to work better.
  2. The second direction is related to the formation of children’s speech and the correction of their speech defects. This includes exercises to develop breathing and voice, developing the tempo of speech and intonation of speech. Work is also underway on the articulatory component of speech and on facial motor skills. Children learn to coordinate their speech with their movements, pronounce sounds correctly and develop phonetic hearing.

In general, this area of ​​speech therapy, like all means of logorhythmic classes, allows you to work with children within speech therapy institutions, as well as in various neuropsychiatric institutions.

Logorhythm has a number of specific features regarding the perception of music and rhythm. The main feature is the combination of all types of activities with movements and music. Music has a powerful emotional impact on a person’s state and makes it possible to significantly diversify familiar tasks and exercises.

Another principle of using speech therapy rhythms in correctional classes is the use of speech materials. It is important to introduce a variety of forms of words into classes: these can be round dances, singing, lyrics, dramatizations, instructions from the director, commands from the team captain, and much more.

With the help of words, you can create new exercises that are based not on musical, but on poetic rhythms, which also allows you to work on the rhythm of movements.

The most suitable age for a child’s speech development is the preschool period. The content of classes at this age and the level of orthoepy at this age determines what kind of person the child will become when he grows up, and also shows the degree of his cultural formation.

The development of speech from a very early age is one of the main directions in a children's educational institution.


Goal: to increase the professional competence of preschool teachers in the use of logorhythmic exercises with preschool children in routine moments of the speech therapy group.
Consultation progress

  1. Logorhythmics. Basic concepts.

The number of children with various speech disorders is growing every year. It is necessary to look for new, more effective and interesting forms of speech correction for preschool children.

One of these forms is logorhythmics - a system of exercises, tasks, games based on a combination of music, movement, words, aimed at solving correctional, educational and health problems.

Logorhythmic exercises include health-saving technologies that promote:

  • increasing the level of sound pronunciation;
  • mastering the structure of words;
  • expanding the vocabulary of preschool children;
  • strengthening the child’s health (as a result, a restructuring of various systems occurs in his body, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, speech motor);
  • development of motor and sensory functions, sense of balance, posture and gait.

The goal of logorhythmic classes is to overcome speech, motor, movement, and phonemic disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with words and music.

The relationships between these components can be varied, with one of them predominant. Logorhythmics can be used as an independent method or as part of a lesson.

Basic pedagogical principles are followed in the classes:

  • subsequence;
  • gradual complication and repetition of the material;
  • practicing the rhythmic structure of a word;
  • clear pronunciation of age-appropriate sounds;
  • enriching children's vocabulary.

Musical and rhythmic exercises are aimed at training higher mental functions, including various aspects of attention, memory, observation, inhibitory reactions, and movement coordination. A special place is occupied by exercises that regulate muscle tone. The purpose of this type of exercise is to eliminate tension, stiffness, cultivate freedom of action, or, conversely, increase muscle tone, depending on the child’s condition.

To develop creative potential and effectively correct various speech disorders in children with speech disorders, you can use a huge number of exercises, games and trainings that promote the development of coherent speech in children.

  1. Tasks, directions and options for logorhythmic exercises and games.

Logorhythmic games and exercises allow you to solve a variety of problems:

  • development of auditory and visual attention;
  • development of phonemic hearing;
  • development of spatial organization of movements;
  • development of general and fine motor skills, facial expressions;
  • development of physiological and phonation breathing;
  • formation of an articulatory base of sounds;
  • development of a sense of rhythm;
  • development of switchability from one field of activity to another;
  • development of communication skills.

In logorhythmics there are two main directions in working with children

Table 1.

Development of non-speech processes Development of children's speech and correction of their speech disorders
  • improvement of general motor skills, coordination of movements, orientation in space;
  • regulation of muscle tone;
  • development of a sense of musical tempo and rhythm, singing abilities;
  • activation of all types of attention and memory.
  • development of breathing, voice;
  • development of a moderate tempo of speech and its intonation expressiveness;
  • development of articulatory and facial motor skills;
  • coordination of speech with movement;
  • education of correct sound pronunciation and the formation of phonemic hearing.

All types of logorhythmic games and exercises are offered to children in combination with a rhythmic basis:

  • to the music;
  • on account;
  • verbal and poetic accompaniment.

Forms of working with children:

  • group;
  • subgroup;
  • individual.

When conducting logorhythmic games and exercises, various types of activities are included:

  • finger games or finger massage;
  • exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation;
  • poems accompanied by movements;
  • exercises that regulate muscle tone;
  • speech exercises without musical accompaniment;
  • pure talk;
  • speech and musical games;
  • various types of walking and running to music;
  • rhythmic exercises, singing;
  • outdoor games, dramatizations;
  • facial exercises;
  • relaxation exercises to music.

In the process of correctional and educational work, it is important to pay great attention to speech-motor games and exercises, which include respiratory-articulation training, play massage and finger gymnastics, which involves the development of coordination and regulatory functions of speech and movement. They develop the respiratory system, all types of motor skills, and establish associations between expressive movements and characters in fairy tales, poems, and dramatizations.

Speech motor games and exercises

Table 2.

Types of exercises and trainings
Breathing-articulation training Play massage Finger gymnastics Theatrical games Creative training Dance - rhythmic exercises Emotional-volitional training
Target Formation of non-speech and speech breathing, articulatory base of sounds Relieving muscle tone, fatigue, mental stress Development of fine motor skills, coordination of hand and finger movements with speech Development of prosodic components of speech Development of fluency, flexibility and originality of thinking Development of a sense of rhythm and motor abilities Development of sensitive abilities (empathy, communication skills) and positive self-esteem
Features of application Exercises are performed under counting, with musical accompaniment, based on the conductor's gesture and the teacher's model Hand exercises using various objects Exercises turn the learning process into a fun game Connecting rhythmic, expressive speech with movement Based on musical impressions, children create graphic and verbal images Exercises to develop coordination, spatial orientation, and awareness of your own body diagram. Sketches for the development of facial expressions, pantomime, vocal facial expressions
  1. Logorhythmic games and exercises in special moments.

Options for using logorhythmic exercises in group routines:

  • morning exercises with speech onomatopoeia;
  • reciting nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings during routine processes - washing, dressing for a walk, preparing for GCD;
  • dynamic pauses between GCDs;
  • physical education plot forms of GCD using speech material;
  • logorhythmic physical education sessions during the educational process;
  • invigorating gymnastics with onomatopoeia;
  • outdoor games with recitation and movements;
  • logorhythmic leisure.

One of the necessary conditions for obtaining good results is interaction between teachers and parents. Pure sayings, finger games, dynamic pauses can be offered to parents as recommendations for consolidation at home. It is important to properly organize communication with children. A friendly, attentive attitude towards each child is the key to successful work. Speech therapy rhythm is very important for children who have problems developing speech function (alalia, delayed speech development, impaired sound pronunciation, stuttering, autistic disorders), since classes create a positive emotional attitude towards speech, motivation to perform speech therapy exercises, etc.

  1. Examples of logorhythmic exercises for preschoolers

Breathing and articulation training

"Wind, wind..."

Goal: development of non-speech and speech breathing, the ability to control the force and duration of exhalation.

Methodology: Children imitate the breeze blowing at different times of the year, using different phonemes. Spring has a gentle and gentle wind, warm - f-f-f-f. Summer is hot, warming - x-x-x. Autumn is cool - ssss. Winter has a cold, icy - v-v-v-v. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth - without tension. To create the image of a warm wind, children open their mouths wide and blow on their palm (from the hand to the fingertips). The cold wind is represented by a long exhalation through elongated lips. The wind communicates with us: it can be felt, heard, seen.

"Singing Ball"

Goal: education of smooth, long speech exhalation with the help of vowel sounds of a certain height specified by the teacher, development of coordination of sound and voice.

Game material: ball.

Methodology: Children sit in a circle on the floor. The teacher has a ball in his hands. Showing a certain vowel with the articulation of his lips, he directs the ball to one of the children sitting in a circle. While the ball is rolling, you need to sing the sound. The child who received the ball rolls it to the next participant, voicing it all the way. The musical director provides intonation support for the performer.

Play massage and finger exercises

"What do you mean where?"

Goal: formation of adequate self-esteem, relieving muscle tension with the help of play massage.

Method of implementation: the teacher reads a nursery rhyme and, as he reads, performs movements with both hands. Children repeat these movements.

Here are our eyes: Blue, blue, cover your eyes with your palms so that the light does not penetrate; blink quickly, then close and relax your eyes;
Our nose is like a button, Place your index finger on the tip of your nose and slowly bring your eyes closer to it;
Eyebrows - a thread near the eyes. Move your eyes upward to “see” the top of your head, stroke your right eyebrow with the pad of the index finger of your left hand, and stroke your left eyebrow with your right hand;
Ears are small Use your thumbs and forefingers to pluck your earlobes
Scarlet lips, We lick our lips clockwise;
Cheeks, Soft strokes on the cheeks;
Neck, Place your palms around your neck and slowly move along the cervical spine;
Lobik, Connect your fingers in the middle of your forehead and slowly, pressing lightly, move them in different directions;
Mouth Pull your mouth into a “tube” and stretch it into a smile;
And our plump belly! Stroking clockwise

Speech games and role-playing poems


Goal: development of memory, speech coordination and coordinated movements of the fingers.

Methodology: The teacher reads a poem, connecting the fingers of his hand with the child’s fingers. The child completes the teacher’s phrase with onomatopoeia of animal voices.

Two kittens met

- Meow meow!

Connect your little finger of your right hand with the little finger of your child’s right hand;
Two puppies - aw - aw! The ring fingers are connected;
Two foals - yoke! Connects middle fingers;
Two kids - meh! The index fingers are connected;
Two bulls - moo!

Look at the horns!

Thumbs together; With two fingers (index and little fingers) he makes a “goat” for the child.

"We voice fairy tales"

Goal: development of reaction speed, sense of tempo and rhythm, articulatory motor skills.

Methodology: The teacher reads the text, the children accompany the story with sounding gestures, onomatopoeia, and finish the phrases. To voice fragments of fairy tales and poems, you can also use musical instruments, choosing them in accordance with the content of the work and the nature of the game character.

An example of scoring the fairy tale “About the Naughty Goat.”

A goat lives with his grandmother - sharp horns and quick legs. Runs around the yard, chases birds, amuses grandma. Granny told him: “Don’t go for a walk in the forest, little goat, there’s a scary wolf there. Don’t go into the forest, little goat!” But the goat didn’t listen and ran away, all you could hear was the clatter of its hooves along the road children alternately clap their knees with their right and left hands
Jumped over the fence children raise their hands up, clap their hands, then hit their knees
and ran along the pavement children alternately banging their fists on their chests
runs and shouts: “I’m not afraid of anything, I’d rather keep running…”.
Teacher: “Oh, what is this?” Children: “Oh, what is this?”
Teacher: “Swamp! Can't you get around it? Children: “You can’t get around him!”
Teacher: “The road is straight!” “chap-chap-chap” - children rhythmically pull back their right and left cheeks at the same time
Kozlik: “I’m not afraid of anything, I’d rather rush on... children alternately clap their knees with their right and left hands
Teacher: “Oh, what is this?” Children: “Oh, what is this?”
Teacher: “River! Can't you get around it? Children: “Can’t get around!”
Teacher: “The road is straight!” Children: “Bul-bul-bul!”
Kozlik: “I’m not afraid of anything, I’d rather rush on…”
Teacher: “Oh, what is this?” Children: “Oh, what is this?”
Teacher: “Forest! Scary forest." Children: "Uh-oh."
Teacher: “Dense forest.” Children: “Shhh.”
The goat got scared and started running. Runs across the river children: “glug-glug-glug”
through the swamp children: “chap-chap-chap” - pull back the right and left cheeks
along the pavement fists alternately knock on the chest
over the fence children raise their hands up and hit their knees
around the yard alternately claps the right and left hands on the knees


“The guys have a strict order...”

Goal: developing the ability to navigate in space, performing collective, coordinated actions.

Methodology: Children march around the hall and say the words:

The guys have a strict order,

They know all their places

Come on, quickly repeat this,

How, I'll show you!

After the last line, the teacher shows how to line up: rounded arms in front of you - in a circle, arms to the sides at shoulder level - in a line, two arms extended in front of you - in a column.

Physical school

The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either their right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch your back.

- Stork, long-legged stork, show me the way home.

- Stomp with your right foot, stomp with your left foot, again with your right foot, again with your left foot. After - with the right foot, after - with the left foot. And then you will come home.


Goal: development of coordination of movements, plasticity, vocal range.

Game material: musical instruments (xylophone, metallophone, triangle), umbrella, silver threads.

Musical material: “Waltz” Music by D. Shostakovich, “Rain” music by A. Alexandrov

Methodology: The teacher invites children to hear and reproduce raindrops and sun rays in the following situations:

  • in move;
  • in playing musical instruments;
  • in vocal improvisations

The sun is shining through the window,

Don't get your feet wet,

Go out for a walk

Have fun and play!

To the first part of the music (waltz), children dance freely, accompanying the movements with vocal improvisation.

Over the trees and over the roofs

The rain came out for a walk!

The theme of Rain sounds. The teacher or child performs it on a metallophone, xylophone or triangle. Rain appears with silver threads on his wrists. He dances, approaches the umbrella from one side or the other, trying to “wet” the children.

Emotional-volitional training

"Beasts of the Forest"

Goal: development of the ability to express emotions through facial movements.

Methodology: Teacher: “You and I are in the forest. A breeze blew and woke up the animals. The bear didn’t like it, the fox was surprised, the hedgehog was scared, and the hare listened, who’s there?” Children perform a mimic sketch.


Goal: development of communication skills, initiative behavior, speed of reaction.

Methodology: Children enter the hall one after another, stand in a circle. Teacher: “Let’s say hello to each other.” Children extend their right hand to the center of the circle. The children's hands touch. Shaking them up and down, they say the words: “Hello, hello, don’t yawn and give me your palm!” With the end of the last phrase, you need to choose a partner and pull him by the hand towards you.

Creative training


Goal: creating images in the imagination based on the characteristic features of objects, encouraging proactive behavior, using various intonation structures.

Game material: multi-colored scraps of fabric according to the number of children.

Musical material: “Calm Walking” music by R. Ledeneev or any calm music.

Methodology: Each participant chooses a piece of paper and puts it on his head like a hat. Everyone begins to move around the hall to calm music, saying the words several times with different intonations: “Our hats are amazing, our hats are amazing!” Any of the participants can interrupt these words with the command: “One, two, three - shake it off!” Having heard the command, the children must throw the scraps off their heads without helping themselves with their hands.

Relaxation exercise

The vegetables got tired and sat down to rest.
The cabbage puffs: “Ah! Oh!" Fan your face with your palms.
Carrot: “Eh! Eh! Slap your knees.
Peas: “Oh-ho-hoh!” It's easy to hit your knees with your fingers.
Cucumber: “Wow! Wow! Clap
  1. Conclusion.

Under the influence of regular inclusion of logarithmic games and exercises, children can see positive dynamics in various areas:

  • restructuring of speech motor, cardiovascular, respiratory, motor, sensory and other systems;
  • the pronunciation of sounds improves, speech becomes clearer and more expressive;
  • a persistent interest and need for musical and motor activities appears;
  • it is easier to master the required range of dance movements;
  • the foundations of a culture of movement and correct posture are formed;
  • the ability to understand orientation towards oneself (right-left arm, leg) and away from oneself (right, left, forward, backward) is honed;
  • Personal qualities such as confidence, activity, determination, and the desire to show off one’s achievements appear.

The course of mental processes also changes: concentration, stability of attention, improved memorization and manifestation of creative imagination are noted.

Thus, logorhythmic classes help solve the main problem of developing all aspects of speech activity, improving all types of movements, developing memory, attention, and thinking. And the use of logorhythmic elements in correctional classes through musical-emotional, motor and speech influences helps to overcome speech pathology and ultimately the social rehabilitation of children.


  1. Voronova A.E. Logorhythmics for children 5-7 years old. Classes and exercises. -M.: TTSsfera, 2006.- 144 p.
  2. Gogoleva, M.Yu. Logorhythmics in kindergarten. Senior and preparatory groups. – M.: Academy of Development, 2006 – 120 p.
  3. Miklyaeva N.V., Polozova O.A., Radionova Yu.N. Phonetic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions: a manual for educators and speech therapists. – M.: Iris-press, 2005. – 112 p.
  4. Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment. - SPb: CHILDHOOD - PRESS, 2003. - 528 p.
  5. Savitskaya N.M. Logorhythmics for children 4-5 years old. –SPb.: KARO, 2009. – 128 p.

Educational process with children with special needs development

The educational process in kindergarten is structured in such a way that the child can comprehensively develop his personality by communicating with peers and adults.

Educators have a very responsible role: to teach children to use pure language in their everyday speech, to freely use literary language in dialogues and monologues, to accustom them to sound speech culture.

In order for a child to be able to successfully study at school in the future, he must develop full-fledged speech.

Naturally, young children who have just begun to develop their speech skills often make mistakes in sound pronunciation. The reason for this may be poorly developed phonemic hearing. That is, the child cannot fully perceive someone else’s speech and differentiate its sounds.

It is necessary to ensure that the child is surrounded by a full-fledged speech environment at all times. The development of clear, literate speech in preschoolers is an important social task. It is necessary that not only teachers, but also parents of children understand the seriousness of this.

Most healthy children are fully proficient in sound pronunciation by the age of four or five. But due to various reasons (individual, pathological or social), some children not only do not get rid of speech defects by this age, but also acquire persistent habits of incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds. These children also exhibit very specific musical development.

Preschoolers have difficulty developing fluent and calm speech. Therefore, music plays a huge role in this situation. Children perceive music very easily.

They are able to intuitively recognize the content of music and perceive it directly. Using this feature will help correct deficiencies in speech development.


The material is published in the All-Russian collection of practice-oriented materials “Preschool and primary education - modern methods and technologies of teaching and upbringing”, July - 2021

Doroshenko Natalya Ivanovna Khomyak Larisa Aleksandrovna teachers-speech therapists Tsurikhina Zinaida Vladimirovna music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 13" of the Alekseevsky urban district of the Belgorod region

Every year, according to the observations of speech therapists, the number of children with various deviations in speech development is growing. This is the result of insufficient attention from parents and lack of communication with children, troubles within families, poor physical health of children, and poor ecology. Deficiencies in sound pronunciation can cause deviations in the development of mental processes such as memory, thinking, imagination, and also form an inferiority complex, expressed in difficulties in communication.

Overcoming problems with sound pronunciation is of great importance in the child’s subsequent life. Timely elimination of pronunciation deficiencies will help prevent difficulties in mastering reading and writing skills.

In order to correct existing speech dysfunctions, interaction between a speech therapist and a music director is necessary. The purpose of this interaction is to overcome speech disorders by developing the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music.

Experience shows that, along with traditional methods of work in correcting speech disorders, speech therapy rhythms play a major positive role.

Logorhythmics is a set of motor exercises in which different movements are combined with the pronunciation of special language material. This is a form of active therapy, overcoming speech and related disorders through the development and correction of non-speech and speech mental processes.

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It is necessary to note the importance of music when performing logorhythmics. Music not only accompanies movement and speech, but is their organizing principle. Music can set a certain rhythm before the start of a lesson, or set the mood for deep rest during relaxation at the final stage of the lesson. Music evokes positive emotions in children, increases the tone of the cerebral cortex and tones the central nervous system, enhances attention, stimulates breathing, blood circulation, and improves metabolism.

Movement helps to comprehend and remember the word. Word and music organize and regulate the motor sphere of children, which activates their cognitive activity. Rhythm plays a significant role in words, movement, and music. Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm. The change of seasons, day, night, heart rate and much more are subject to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the human brain. Therefore, from early childhood it is recommended to develop a sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games. A sense of rhythm helps to quickly and easily assimilate poems and understand musical works. Therefore, it is simply necessary for children to conduct classes in logorhythmics. Logorhythmics is the most emotional part of speech therapy correction, combining the correction of speech disorders with the development of sensory and motor abilities of children. Under the influence of speech therapy rhythm classes, children experience significant changes in sound pronunciation, word formation, and the accumulation of active vocabulary. In addition, logorhythmics using health-saving technologies has a beneficial effect on the child’s health: a restructuring of various systems occurs in his body, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, and speech motor systems.

Objectives of logorhythmic influence: ⦁ Development of auditory attention. ⦁ Development of musical, sound, timbre, dynamic hearing. ⦁ Development of phonemic hearing. ⦁ Development of spatial organization of movements. ⦁ Development of general and fine motor skills, facial expressions, pantomime. ⦁ Formation and development of kinesthetic sensations. ⦁ Developing expressiveness of movements. ⦁ Fostering switchability from one type of activity to another. ⦁ Formation, development and correction of auditory-visual-motor coordination. ⦁ Development of physiological and phonation breathing. ⦁ Development of the singing range of the voice. ⦁ Development of a sense of rhythm. ⦁ Development of the ability to determine the nature of music and coordinate it with movements. ⦁ Formation of the ability to transform.

The close relationship between a speech therapist and a music director occupies a special place in the system of correctional work with preschoolers and serves the purpose of normalizing motor functions and speech, including breathing, voice, rhythm, and tempo. Both the speech therapist and the music director have the same requirements for conducting joint classes with children.

Logorhythmic classes are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively.

Each activity should present thematic and gaming integrity. The topics and goals of the lesson must correspond to the current stage of correctional speech therapy work. When preparing logorhythmic exercises, one should proceed from the need for a correct understanding of their essence and purpose. Logorhythmic classes include the following types of exercises: ⦁ Introductory walking and spatial orientation. ⦁ Dynamic exercises to regulate muscle tone develop the ability to relax and tense muscle groups. Thanks to these exercises, children have better control of their body, their movements become precise and dexterous. ⦁ Articulation exercises are useful at any age, since clear articulation is the basis of good diction. Articulation exercises for children with sound pronunciation disorders are a necessity. Clear sensations from the organs of the articulatory apparatus are the basis for mastering the skill of writing. Working on articulation allows you to clarify the correct sound pronunciation, develops the mobility of the tongue, jaws, lips, and strengthens the muscles of the pharynx. ⦁ Breathing exercises correct speech breathing disorders, help develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation.

Logorhythmic classes use: -exercises for the development of diaphragmatic-abdominal breathing, -development of prolonged speech exhalation, -training of the coordinated work of the respiratory, vocal and articulatory systems.

5. Phonopedic and health-improving exercises for the throat develop the basic qualities of the voice - strength and height, and strengthen the vocal apparatus. During the cold season, these exercises are performed daily as a preventive measure against colds. The classes use phonopedic exercises according to V. Emelyanov, which not only develop the vocal cords, but also develop the singing skills of preschoolers.

6. Exercises to develop attention and memory develop all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor. Children's attention and ability to quickly respond to changes in activity are activated.

7. Pure sayings are required in every lesson. With their help, sounds are automated, the tongue is trained to perform the correct movements, and clear, rhythmic pronunciation of phonemes and syllables is practiced. Children develop phonemic awareness and auditory attention.

8. Speech games can be presented in various forms: rhythmic recitations without musical accompaniment, games with sound, games with sounding gestures and playing music on children's musical instruments, theatrical sketches. The use of the simplest poetic text (Russian folk songs, nursery rhymes, jokes, counting rhymes, teasers) promotes quick memorization of the game and facilitates the completion of logorhythmic tasks.

9. Singing songs develops memory, attention, thinking, emotional responsiveness and musical ear; The child’s vocal apparatus is strengthened and helps to automate vowel sounds. The process of developing singing abilities in children with speech disorders is aimed not only at the formation of their artistic culture, but also at correcting their voice, articulation, and breathing.

10. Finger games and fairy tales. The development of finger mobility is directly related to speech development. Therefore, by developing fine motor skills of the fingers, we contribute to rapid speech development.

11. Communication games develop in children the ability to see their merits in another person, help deepen their awareness of the sphere of communication, and teach them the ability to cooperate. Such games are often played in a general circle.

12. Outdoor games, round dances, and dances train children in coordinating words and movements, develop attention, memory, and speed of reaction to changes in movements. These games foster a sense of collectivism, empathy, responsibility, and teach children to follow the rules of the game.

The construction of logorhythmics classes is based on a combination of different methods. Each method includes a variety of techniques. 1. Visual techniques, such as the teacher showing movement, imitation of images, using visual cues and visual aids. 2. Techniques for ensuring tactile-muscular visibility using various equipment. 3. Visual and auditory techniques for sound regulation of movement: instrumental music and songs, musical instruments, short poems. Verbal methods are used to help children understand the task at hand and consciously perform motor exercises. They include the following techniques: ⦁ explanation of new movements; ⦁ explanation of movement; ⦁ instructions for children to independently reproduce the movement shown by the teacher; ⦁ clarification of the meaning of motor actions, clarification of the plot of the game; ⦁ commands to emphasize attention and simultaneity of actions; For this purpose, counting rhymes and play songs are used; ⦁ figurative plot story for the development of expressive movements in children and better transformation into a playful image; ⦁ verbal instructions.

The game form of the lesson activates elements of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking, helps to improve a variety of motor skills, develops independence of movements, and speed of response. The competitive form is used as a means of improving already developed skills, fostering a sense of collectivism, and cultivating moral and volitional qualities.

Logorhythmics is useful for all children. This is a powerful aid for effective work in correcting various speech disorders. As a result of the use of logorhythmics, by the end of the school year, children show positive dynamics in speech development. Preschoolers' vocabulary, phonetic perception and coherent speech increase. According to the survey results, parents observe positive results in their children’s musical, speech and creative abilities.

List of sources: ⦁ Arsenevskaya O.N. “The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten” - Volgograd, 2010. ⦁ Alifanova E.A., Egorova N.E. Speech therapy rhymes and miniatures - M., 2001. ⦁ Boromykova O.S. Correction of speech and movement with musical accompaniment, a set of exercises to improve speech skills in preschool children with severe speech impairments - St. Petersburg, 1999. ⦁ Vlasova T.M., Pfafenrodt A.N. Phonetic rhythmics - M., 1997. ⦁ Voronova A.E. Logorhythmics in speech groups of preschool educational institutions - Moscow, 2006 ⦁ Gavrisheva L.B., Nishcheva N.V. Speech therapy chants - St. Petersburg, 2005. ⦁ Gogoleva M.Yu. Logorhythmics in kindergarten - Yaroslavl, 2006. ⦁ Gudimov V.P., Lusinyan A.A., Ananyeva O.P. Singing ABC - M., 1998. ⦁ Durova N.V. Phonematics - M., 2002. ⦁ Kartushina M.Yu. Summaries of logorhythmic classes with children aged 2-6 years (3 books) - Moscow, 2007. ⦁ Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy - speech, rhythm, movement - St. Petersburg, 1997. ⦁ Miklyaeva N.V., Polozova O.A., Rodionova Yu.N. Phonetic and speech therapy rhythms in preschool educational institutions - M., 2006. ⦁ Shcherbakova N.A. From music to movement and speech. Issues 1-4 – Moscow, 2000.

Research in Logorhythmic Exercises

Many researchers have devoted a lot of effort to studying the effects of logarithmics on preschoolers.

V.M. Bekhterev wrote that rhythmic exercises are important in order to identify existing rhythmic reflexes in a child, teach the child to unconsciously respond to certain stimuli (for example, auditory), and also help the child get rid of unnecessary or incorrect movements.

V.A. Gilyarovsky wrote that logorhythmics and the available means of logorhythmic exercises can have a positive effect on the overall physical tone of the body, improve mood, and form correct motor skills. Thanks to rhythm, you can train the mobility of processes occurring in the central nervous system.

G.A. Volkova wrote that during logorhythmic exercises it is necessary to apply the following approach: you need to gradually make the exercises more complex, use a variety of tasks and forms of work. But it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each child who has speech difficulties.

Principles of logorhythm training

When working on rhythm, it is important to achieve systematicity and regularity. Also, this work must be carried out in several stages. First you need to focus on motor activity. Next, you need to teach the child to perceive rhythm in non-speech material (for example, in music, in the sound of a clock, etc.).

At the next stage, we need to teach children to perceive rhythm in speech material. Next, the child learns to work with rhythm in movements. And the very last stage is rhythm retention. That is, it is important to teach children to retain the rhythm they have determined in their memory. This step is usually difficult for children suffering from speech impediments.

Speech therapy rhythm is a correctional methodological system that is aimed at developing competent and complete speech in children suffering from speech defects.

Means of logorhythmic exercises

In logorhythmic activities, it is necessary to use all means in such a way that the child’s movements are associated with music. It is also necessary to combine them with the use of speech.

Speech material should be varied. These could be words from a song, a dramatization of something, or speech accompaniments during joint games.

Exercises in which children perceive rhythm without a musical background are also actively used. In this case, the rhythm can be set by the poem. The main thing is to maintain the principle: the movement must be consistent with the rhythm.

Let's look at some types of activity during rhythmic exercises and their capabilities in more detail.

Marching and walking

These exercises are introductory in nature. From the very first lessons, these exercises are used to help children learn to change the pace of their own speech during movements. The marching tempo is adjusted by musical accompaniment.

It is necessary to include elements of walking in every logorhythmic activity. This is the most natural type of physical activity for humans. From the point of view of coordination, walking is a complex process. At the first lessons, children are taught to walk in a circle together or alone.

At the same time, you need to teach the children to constantly monitor the maintenance of distances between the participants in the exercise. This also includes exercises on building in ranks, columns, lines, etc. This is useful for developing spatial awareness during turns, movements toward the center, and marching backwards.

It is necessary to ensure that from the very first days preschoolers learn to work at different rates in speech and motor activity. We need to help them focus on the musical tempo while doing this. This principle is based on the fact that children very easily and instinctively perceive the form of music and its content.

Breathing exercises as a means of logorhythmic exercises

This type of activity helps children develop proper diaphragmatic breathing. We need to teach them to regulate the duration of exhalation, do it gradually and regulate the power.

In this case, breathing exercises must be performed with movements of different parts of the body. For example, at first you can pull out a certain sound for a long time and accompany it with some kind of movement. Then the sound changes to another, the movement is also selected differently.

When children pronounce this or that sound as they exhale, their work on their voice begins. It is important to teach children to regulate the pitch of their voice, its strength, expressiveness, timbre and other characteristics.

When developing children's voices, you need to use musical accompaniment. But sometimes you need to do without it. In order to teach how to regulate the strength of their voice, children are asked to pronounce vowel sounds either quietly or loudly, while increasing or weakening the background music.

How long the sound will be heard depends on the duration of the exhalation. You need to ask children to read the same poem with different intonations.

In order to form clear diction, it is necessary to carry out exercises to regulate breathing and improve voice, as well as articulation. For example, such tasks are often used. First, turn on music that clearly conveys the rhythm, and ask the children to use articulation to represent vowels. Then ask them to pronounce in a whisper to the rhythm of the music, and then in a full voice.

Instead of music, you can use a simple teacher score. Further, in the same mode, work is carried out on syllables and words that contain the consonants t, f, sh, p, s. Then you can move on to short poems, sayings or proverbs.

At the same time, you need to teach children to change the tempo of speech and work with stress. You can also include outdoor games in the exercises, which stimulate movement formation and also have a positive effect on children’s articulation and their voice.


Dramatizations are also used, and slow walking is used. And to establish rhythm, in addition to music, you can use counting, clapping or singing. You can also sing vocalises with your children. These are melodies in which vowel sounds are used instead of words. Next, you can learn scales with your children. Coherent singing is also learned, which affects the quality of the child’s voice.

In order to shape the breathing, you need to use the singing of interjections that show emotions. These can be a variety of feelings characteristic of a person. For example, joy or anger, as well as fear or pain. You can also embed these interjections into poems, coloring the sound in different ways.

Singing and dancing

Singing is a rather complex activity for the human brain associated with active sound production. Singing is based on a person's ability to coordinate his voice. Thanks to singing, the child’s breathing is actively regulated; these activities accelerate the development of the lungs and expand the thoracic diaphragm. Through singing, you can learn to speak fluently.

Dancing exercises and singing songs have a good effect on children with speech defects. The main component of singing is speech. The lyrics and music intertwine with each other in an organized manner.

To help children form sounds correctly and develop singing breathing, you need to use a melody that has a combination of short and long phrases. It is important to select songs that have a slow or medium tempo. These songs should have a cohesive sound.

Text content should be filled with many voiced and vowel sounds. If there is an abundance of voiceless consonants in a song, then this interferes with the development of sound formation and makes the process of learning singing more difficult to understand.

When choosing songs, you need to take into account the child’s age and correctional tasks. It is important that the melodies are simple and memorable. The accompaniment doesn't have to be complicated. It would also be nice if the lyrics could be dramatized.

Exercises without music

V.A. Griner was the first to propose this type of exercise. He suggested using them to work with children who stutter. These exercises can be included in morning exercises or exercise minutes. At the same time, children recite lines from poems and make movements.

There may be no movement. The main thing is to pronounce the words in poetic form. A word clothed in rhythm makes it easier for a child to speak.

It is important to choose material that is suitable for this type of activity:

  • speech material should help normalize the rhythm and tempo of speech of a stutterer;
  • he must develop speech in those who suffer from OHP;
  • it should help automate sound pronunciation in those who suffer from dysarthria;
  • poems should be such that the rhythm of speech can be easily correlated with the movements of body parts;
  • there is no need to choose verses with long or short line length;
  • the poem should contain many verbs, which will help correlate its pronunciation with movements;
  • the text of the poem must have a plot, a main character: this will avoid mechanical movements;
  • the poem must be selected so as to take into account age restrictions, as well as the child’s capabilities due to his speech and motor disabilities.

In order to properly organize the completion of tasks, you can also use counting exercises. Counting rhythm allows children to feel the rhythm of movement, which helps them use this in their speech.

Only if the child masters the rhythmic contour of words can he begin to speak correctly and without errors.

It is important to take into account the child’s ontogeny, exerting a logorhythmic effect on him.

When working with music, it is important to use only simple melodies. This will help children easily differentiate different rhythms and consciously subordinate their own movements to them. Gradually, such movements will be brought to automaticity. Thanks to automatism, the child gets rid of tension, this allows him to save his strength, easily perform the movement, and this has a positive effect on the quality of performance.

Rhythms can be used to imitate the movements of animals and birds, as well as to show the labor process.

Dramatization should be appropriate to the understanding of children due to their age characteristics, individual development and movement capabilities. For younger preschoolers, it would be correct to select easy movements, and for older preschoolers, it would be advisable to select more complex imitation movements.

Features of logorhythmic exercises

Currently, when working with children with speech impairments, various methods and techniques are used. Today, in addition to traditional speech therapy classes to correct sound pronunciation, correct violations in the lexico-grammatical design of speech utterances, and develop articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, it is proposed to use such an effective method of overcoming speech disorders as speech therapy rhythm. This is a form of active therapy, the goal of which is to overcome speech disorders by developing the child’s motor sphere in combination with words and music.

Why logorhythmics? Everything around us lives according to the laws of rhythm. The change of seasons, day and night, heart rate and much more are subject to a certain rhythm. Any rhythmic movements activate the activity of the human brain, contribute to the activation of various analytical systems, and the formation of integrative human activity. Therefore, from early childhood it is recommended to develop a sense of rhythm in a form accessible to preschoolers - rhythmic exercises and games.

Speech therapy rhythm is one of the links in correctional pedagogy. It links together the word (sound), music and movement.

Logorhythmic classes are aimed at the comprehensive development of the child, improving his speech, mastering motor skills, the ability to navigate the world around him, understanding the meaning of the proposed tasks, the ability to overcome difficulties, and express himself creatively. Under the influence of regular logorhythmic exercises, a restructuring of various systems occurs in the body, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory, speech-motor, cognitive, etc.

It should be noted that speech therapy rhythms are useful for all children, and especially those who have problems developing speech function, including children with Dysarthria, alalia, delayed speech development, with disorders of sound pronunciation, stuttering, autistic disorders, etc. Speech therapy rhythms are very important for children with such called speech negativism, since classes create a positive emotional mood towards speech, motivation to perform speech therapy exercises, etc. Children really like songs, rhymes and counting rhymes, accompanied by rhythmic movements.

Logorhythmics classes help normalize a child’s speech, regardless of the type of speech disorder, form a positive emotional mood, teach communication with peers, help clarify articulation, develop phonemic processes, expand vocabulary, improve general and fine motor skills; An ear for music is formed, the emotional sphere and creative abilities develop, and self-confidence appears.

Game classes are built taking into account the basic pedagogical principles - consistency, gradual complication and repetition of the material, the rhythmic structure of the word is worked out, and clear pronunciation of sounds that are accessible by age, the children's vocabulary is enriched.

Speech therapy rhythmics includes:

walking in different directions;

exercises to develop breathing, voice and articulation;

exercises that regulate muscle tone and activate attention;

speech exercises without musical accompaniment;

exercises that develop a sense of musical tempo;

rhythmic exercises;

finger, communication games;


exercises to develop fine motor skills.

The basic principle of constructing all of the above types of work is a close connection with music. Music, with its enormous emotional influence, allows you to endlessly diversify movement techniques and the nature of exercises. Speech material must be introduced into logorhythmic classes. The introduction of a word allows you to create a whole series of exercises built not on a musical rhythm, but on a poetic one, which contributes to the rhythm of movements. Pronunciation of poetic lines is combined with movement. The appendix provides examples of logorhythmic exercises.

In a playful way, children master and consolidate the concepts of size, shape and color of objects, master the movements of gross and fine motor skills, learn to find rhythmic organization in music and speech, and become familiar with basic self-massage techniques.

The plot-thematic organization of work allows each child to feel comfortable and confident, since the game maximizes the children’s potential.

The main task of the teacher is to create an atmosphere of joy in the classroom.

Therefore, logorhythmics becomes a holiday of beautiful speech for children.

Alalia is the absence or underdevelopment of speech due to organic damage to the cerebral cortex in the prenatal or early periods of a child’s development. Many scientists have noted the leading role in the occurrence of alalia of birth craniocerebral injuries and asphyxia of the newborn.

Moreover, in most cases, both injuries and asphyxia are a consequence of intrauterine pathology, causing chronic oxygen starvation of the fetus (intrauterine hypoxia). Among the etiological factors, there are also intrauterine encephalitis, meningitis, fetal intoxication, intrauterine or early intravital brain injuries, early childhood diseases with complications on the brain.

Some Western researchers emphasize the role of heredity and family predisposition in the etiology of alalia.

Alalia cannot be considered simply a temporary functional delay in speech development. With this disorder, the entire process of speech development occurs under conditions of a pathological state of the central nervous system. A child’s speech, which occurs late, is formed on a pathological basis. Alalia is characterized by late development of speech, slow accumulation of vocabulary, disruption of the syllabic structure of words, delayed formation of phrasal speech with pronounced agrammatisms, insufficient or complete absence of the communicative function of speech. The development of the linguistic system in a child with alalia is of a specific nature, and this is reflected not so much in the quantity as in the quality of speech. With alalia, all components of speech are disrupted: the phonetic-phonemic side, the lexical-grammatical structure. Non-verbal disorders include motor, sensory and mental symptoms.

Children with motor alalia are characterized by limited and unstable attention and perception. Children seem to glance at objects, objects, pictures, without catching essential details, so subject and plot pictures for classes with children should be simple, without distracting details, clear, bright.

The question of the intelligence of children with motor alalia is resolved ambiguously. Many researchers agree that the intelligence of such children is secondarily altered due to the state of speech, and we can talk about secondary mental retardation. It should be noted that the thinking of children with motor alalia is concrete.

In speech therapy practice, work with children suffering from various forms of alalia is carried out in four stages. In accordance with them, logorhythmic and musical-rhythmic education is carried out.

At the first stage, conditions are created for establishing contact with children, since, despite the individuality of each child, something common stands out in the behavior of children in the first lessons: lack of directed interest in toys, refusal to communicate, weakening of orientation activities, fear of a new environment. In this regard, non-verbal contact with the child is first established. This is explained by the fact that any instruction, assessment, including praise, is a limitation of spontaneous activity, since in this case a certain mode of behavior is imposed. In addition, attempts to immediately establish verbal contact with a child or imposing certain types of activities without taking into account the level of communication available to the child himself can immediately create an atmosphere of misunderstanding between the teacher and children. In the first lessons, facial, rhythmic, effective forms of interaction, a gentle, encouraging smile, and an encouraging nod of the head are used. Waiting tactics are used and non-verbal contacts are formed with each child. Therefore, the music director, as well as the speech therapist, with great endurance and patience, tact and attention to the child, reveals his motor and musical capabilities in the first few lessons.

First of all, children’s movements are formed and corrected, namely: basic movements, general developmental and motor complexes in outdoor games.

At the second stage of speech therapy work, logorhythmic classes also include tasks that train basic movements: running, walking, climbing, jumping, throwing balls, etc.

Various objects differing in size, shape and color are introduced into exercises and games. By naming them while moving, children activate their vocabulary. Exercises and games are conducted to develop expressiveness, rhythm and tempo of movements.

At the third stage, logorhythmic exercises help develop children’s memory. To develop visual and auditory memory, you can use exercises and games like “Do as I do”, “What has changed?” (for example, in the formation of children), “Remember and repeat” (movement, series of movements or movement for coordination).

Tasks are given in remembering the order of words in a sentence; games are played with a complex set of movements and with complex verbal instructions; outdoor and speech games; children singing songs and songs.

Performing songs develops children's vocal and choral skills and helps correct speech. In order to solve these problems more successfully, the music director, together with the speech therapist, finds out the individual characteristics of each child and selects interesting material that is accessible to children. Particular attention is paid to the development of speech breathing, mobility of the articulatory apparatus and work on diction. At first, only vowel sounds should be sung in isolation, then chains of 2 to 4 vowels and syllables that include consonants that do not cause difficulties for children. Then they start learning songs. The songs should be interesting and emotional, so that the most withdrawn and silent children will want to sing. The children's phonetic and vocabulary gradually becomes enriched, and their song repertoire expands in complexity. Since not all children master the phonetic and lexical aspects of speech equally, the vocabulary of songs should be varied. Role-playing songs meet this requirement. In them, speech roles are given to children with a richer vocabulary, and onomatopoeic roles are performed by those who are slowly accumulating and consolidating their vocabulary. It makes more sense to work on songs individually, so that each child can hear their own pronunciation. If in the first months, when singing songs, attention is paid to developing correct speech breathing and articulation in children, then in subsequent months attention switches to the rhythm of the song. The rhythm of children's songs is usually very simple. It is uniform, bilobed in size.

To make it easier for children to learn the rhythm of a song, dramatization should be used. Thanks to her, children master not only the rhythm, but also the content of the song. Each movement is performed according to the emphasis in the music and the emphasis in the words. In addition, staging a song fosters a feeling of a partner, strengthens inter-individual connections, and increases the positive emotional mood of the session. As the speech therapist moves from working on the rhythm of speech to working on logical stress, smoothness and intonation expressiveness of phrases, work on the song becomes more complicated. At this stage, it is important to select songs that are different in emotional intensity and expressiveness. The modal coloring of songs will help the child choose the correct intonation. Children sing marching songs cheerfully and cheerfully.

At the third stage, the plan of treatment and educational work should include the preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment. Children with alalia participate in them either passively as spectators, or in mass formations and round dances. Festive excitement, joyful anticipation of an unusual and bright event brings joy to children, puts them in a good mood, and causes emotional experiences. Preparing and holding the holiday contributes to the education of a friendly, cohesive children's team and the formation of positive character traits. At the same time, the holiday has educational significance. What they see at the holiday broadens the children’s horizons and remains in their memory for a long time. Children share their impressions with their parents and friends; these stories contribute to the development of speech, the ability to express their thoughts and feelings in words. Gradually, children with alalia are attracted to active participation in performances.

The matinee program is based on material that is well known to children, which is varied or presented in a new way. When selecting songs, dances, poems, stories, it is necessary to take into account how accessible and close they are to children in content and correspond to their speech abilities and skills. Matinee programs should be full of speech, but this does not exclude games, dances and songs. Each matinee ends with a performance of a fairy tale, a dramatized story or a play. Learning the material and training are carried out in all classes: speech therapy, educational, musical and rhythmic. All children must perform at the festival. A performance is prepared with each child. If, due to limited verbal communication capabilities, a child cannot present a story or participate in a dramatization, an accessible poem or riddle is selected for him. If a child does not have sufficiently automated sounds, then he can perform in choral reading and take part in playing out a non-speech role. A child’s involvement in performing occurs gradually: first he performs in a group or department, then he performs at a matinee organized for two groups. Here he needs to show courage, determination, and resourcefulness. For children who take a passive part in this holiday, it has a psychotherapeutic and encouraging meaning, and stimulates speech activity. They have a desire to imitate their comrades. At the graduation party, children perform in front of a large audience: parents, teachers, peers. After the matinee, the children express their impressions and evaluate the performances.

At the fourth stage, the improvement of the diverse speech activities of children continues. Particular attention is paid to analyzing words in a sentence and remembering the order of words. For this purpose, during logorhythmic classes, outdoor games, role-playing games, dramatizations of songs, poems, prose with and without musical accompaniment, holiday and graduation matinees are held, such types of independent activities of children as artistic and speech are stimulated and improved in and outside of classes , combined musical and visual, theatrical and gaming, musical.

Exercises and games combine music, movement, and words. When mastering independent activity and various forms of communication, music and movement precede speech. As all types of activities improve, music, movement and speech appear in different dependencies, voluntarily controlled by children. If at the beginning of this stage children are offered exercises for coordinating movements with speech, which contribute to the development of unity and expressiveness of phrases, they learn various dramatizations and games with musical accompaniment, then subsequently speaking, dialogues, monologues of children, complex verbal instructions.

At the fourth stage, work continues to improve artistic and speech activity. Its purpose: to develop children’s ability to quickly navigate a new speech (or non-speech) task, independently find the answer, and switch from one type of artistic speech activity to another. Having acquired methods of independent action in class, children then transfer them to activities outside of class.

or fables. Children independently organize to show a small concert to the dolls; to practice episodes of dramatization games under the guidance of the most active peers who took on the role of director and director. Such playful, spectacular entertainment helps to unite children into stable groups, their self-organization for collective activities.

Methods for guiding independent artistic and speech activity are as follows:

teaching artistic and speech skills that ensure both the child’s individual speech manifestations and collective ones (his participation in a conversation with an adult, conversation with children); learning the ability to listen to the speech of others, listen closely, concentrate;

extensive use of an adult speech sample (reading by a speech therapist, teacher, singing by a music director, storytelling, expressive performance of poetry, speech in conversation);

questions from an adult as supporting points in the child’s independent speech manifestations;

the use of visual aids and technical teaching aids (tape recorder, gramophone records, etc.);

creating specific situations that stimulate speech during the lesson, for example, the use of musical and didactic games.

When choosing methodological techniques, the following must be taken into account: children with alalia do not have a system of speech skills; their skills in different areas of speech development are at different levels. Some have a greater command of the phonetic side of speech, while at the same time their grammatical correctness is in its infancy (the child does not yet have developed forms of communication; the active participation of an adult plays a significant role in his speech act), others with a sufficiently developed lexico-grammatical side of speech have a significant lag in phonetic-phonemic processes, etc. Hence the need to combine techniques for activating speech as a whole, its different aspects (dictionary, grammatical structure, dialogue, monologue, improving the sound side of speech).

Independent theatrical and play activities serve the same purposes. Theatrical games of children include not only the action of children with puppet characters or their own actions in roles, but also artistic and speech activities (choosing a topic, conveying familiar content, writing, etc.), visual (design of characters and locations ), musical (performing songs on behalf of the characters, staging them, dancing, humming, etc.).

The complexity of the structure of theatrical and play activities determines the interaction of children with a speech therapist, teacher, and music director, since elements of the theatrical and play composition are practiced in various classes. Theatrical and play activities are carried out during musical and rhythmic classes and outside classes, in children’s independent activities. At the preparatory stage, they need the help and guidance of an adult. The teacher follows certain criteria that the independent theatrical activities of different age groups of children meet normally. There are three levels: the first level corresponding to the middle group, the second to the senior group, and the third to the preparatory group.

First level. Be able to pronounce small sentences and phrases on behalf of a character, then organizing his actions in space on a plane, calm movement (walking), somewhat accelerated movement (running, jumping, turning); be able to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partner (listen without interrupting; speak when addressing your partner); perform movements and actions in accordance with the logic of the characters’ actions and taking into account the location of the action.

Second level. Be able to perform short monologues and more detailed dialogues between characters, act out actions with characters using a variety of movements (turns of the body, head, hand movements); be able to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, not overshadow them, choose appropriate movements and actions, always feel your partners next to you, find expressive means of playing the role of your character; strive to decorate the scene of the characters' action with some decorative elements.

Third level. Be able to perform complete scenes and small plays based on roles, using the intonation expressiveness of the characters, voice changes according to the image of the character, his characteristic actions and movements; find appropriate actions of the characters in the playing space, their location on the stage; see and hear your partner, do not prolong actions and do not speed up to the point of fussiness, enter into the general course of action in a timely manner; strive to think about the design of the scene in advance and prepare everything necessary for this; organize into a group, distribute among themselves roles and other responsibilities related to the preparation and presentation of a theatrical performance (performance).

Naturally, the indicated levels of development of independent theatrical and play activities by children with alalia are achieved gradually, over a longer period of time, and not always successfully. The degree of adult participation in this activity throughout the entire correctional educational process is high and decreases somewhat only by the fourth period of work.

At the fourth stage of correctional speech therapy re-education of personality and speech development of children, their musical activity, or music-making, is actively stimulated. Playing music for children enriches their visual and auditory perceptions and improves their memory.

Basic basis of logorhythmic training tools

There are two basic principles that will help you organize rhythmic exercises correctly:

  • They should reflect disorder or order. That is, with their help you need to quickly move from an unorganized movement to an organized one, which is provided for in advance;
  • “The third wheel” makes it possible to carry out various constructions and transformations in the gameplay.

Rhythm activities should always use speech. It is necessary to carry out complex work on speech: this can be work on gestures, facial expressions and the sounds themselves. The material used as speech is divided into three conditional groups:

  1. Movements that dramatize words. Children express the meaning of the text, while taking different positions and performing different actions;
  2. Exercises in which you need to name the action. These exercises take place individually or in groups. It is important to use materials that are appropriate to the age and abilities of the children. Group activities help develop a sense of group rhythm.
  3. Dialogues. These can be different activities. For example, in some of them one speaks, and the other acts and is silent. Or the dialogue is conducted in the form of speech activity of both participants. Or it could even be a group dialogue.

For example, one participant in the dialogue expresses his request. The second silently reacts to this request, fulfilling it. Or refusing to do it. Other exercises involve speech activity of all participants in the process.

Lessons with musical instruments

A very effective method of working with rhythms with children. This involves simple musical toys that are easy for a child to learn. This provides an opportunity to get involved in the field of music and express your creative potential.

In order to help children develop pitch hearing, you can use bells, each of which has its own pitch. This way, children will learn to distinguish which bells sound higher and which lower.

If you place the metallophone at an angle, it will turn into a kind of musical ladder. Children will visually imagine the directions of the scale and the distance that is between different sounds.

In order to develop a sense of rhythm, you can use percussion instruments. Or they could be musical instruments that only have a sound that has a certain pitch.

In order to form a timbre ear, you can use instruments that are similar to each other in timbre.

For example, it could be a bell and a tambourine. Dynamic hearing develops through the use of all types of instruments, which allow children to arbitrarily weaken or strengthen the sound, depending on the current playing situation.

Musical instruments help children form finger movements, develop breathing, work on articulation, form a voice, develop hearing, and regulate the prosodic side of speech.

Independent music lessons

Independent music lessons are a very effective method of logorhythm. This helps children coordinate their voice and movements with the music being played. Children acquire developed senses of tone and rhythm. They acquire a love for singing. The emotional sphere of a child’s life is significantly enriched.

Children engage in musical activities during various musical play activities. They dance in circles, sing, dance, or play certain melodies on their toy instruments. Children enjoy dancing and singing. They also enjoy choosing different melodies on musical toys.

Children's performances, theatrical works, holidays, as full-fledged means of logorhythmic classes - all this allows children to fully immerse themselves in the musical environment. The children's matinee is a special report on the corrective speech therapy activities carried out.

In kindergartens, material must be selected so that it does not deviate from the requirements of the educational program. Within the school, the material must correspond to the literature and Russian language program. If the work is carried out with adults, then the material is selected according to the educational objectives of a particular institution.

Among other things, musical classes provide an opportunity to solve aesthetic problems, especially when the exercises affect musical activity or encourage a person to engage in visual or speech creativity. This also applies to organizing productions or theatrical exercises.

Among other things, rhythmic exercises are devoted to solving the general problems of the institution within which they are carried out. Depending on existing speech disorders and defects in other body systems, on the degree of disturbance of the sense of rhythm or tempo, defects in motor activity or mental disorders, certain correctional tasks are solved.

According to their structure, classes should provide an opportunity to simultaneously assimilate musical, motor, and speech materials. The program must take into account the age characteristics of the pupils, the type of their speech defects, and the stage of the correctional work being carried out.

In the first minutes, you can use introductory exercises. You can also start by singing a song together or listening to music. You can also learn a new song, learn a new movement or part of a piece.

It is important to maintain a free atmosphere during classes; children should feel at ease and enjoy engaging in musical activities, participating in games, engaging in visual arts and, naturally, showing speech activity.

Logorhythmic lesson summary

Author: Biryulya Yulia Borisovna

Summary of a logorhythmic lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Let’s help forest animals get dressed” (Clothes. Shoes. Hats)

Tasks of a speech therapist:

1. Development of coordination of movements with changes in tempo depending on the tempo of the music.

2. Clarification of the active and enrichment of the passive vocabulary on the topic: “Clothing. Shoes".

3. Formation of adjectives from nouns.

4. Formation of the form of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

5. Dividing words into syllables.

6. Development of the ability to coordinate a noun with a pronoun.

7. Work on improving coordination of speech with movement.

8. Development of strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

9. Development of auditory and visual attention, memory.

Tasks of the music director:

1. Teach various types of walking, running, jumping in accordance with the tempo and rhythm of the music.

2. Development of vocal and singing skills.

3. Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music of various types.

4. Learn to correlate speech with movement in accordance with music.

The teacher carries out preparatory work on the lexical topic on the instructions of the speech therapist, memorizes the speech material of poems for speech with movement. During physical education classes, he learns outdoor games, practices the accuracy of performing movements, which are performed to music in speech therapy rhythm.

I. _ Organizing time.

Speech therapist:

Guys, today I found a letter from a fox in my mailbox. Let's see what she wrote to us... (Speech therapist opens the letter)

“Dear children, girls and boys, it’s good for you in kindergarten, it’s warm, but in our forest it’s cold. The hare has a new coat, but I’m freezing, a moth has eaten my coat. Save, help! »

Speech therapist:

How can we help the fox? (to give a new fur coat) Oh, there’s something else written here in small handwriting, bunny, I think he added it.

“Dear guys, I have a new fur coat, warm, white and beautiful, and no one notices me in the snow, a fox runs past. But my paws are cold. Help me!"

Speech therapist:

What can we give to a bunny so that his paws don’t freeze? (Shoes).

This means we’ll have to go to the forest, but it’s cold in the forest, we need to get dressed! What are we wearing? What are we wearing? (Clothes, shoes, hats)

· Development of the ability to coordinate a noun with the pronoun “My, mine, mine.”

The speech therapist names the clothes and throws the ball. The child repeats the name of the clothing with the corresponding pronoun (T-shirt - my T-shirt, tights - my tights., returns the ball.

II . Introductory exercise:

Speech therapist:

We got dressed, put on our shoes - now we go into the forest.

We'll go to the forest to see the animals

And we'll save you from the cold

Normal walking
So as not to get stuck in the snow -

You need to raise your legs up.

Walking with a high hip lift

"Horses" of music. Kraseva M.

Let's kick the snowball with our heels

And we'll go faster.

Walking on your heels

music Russian traditional

We ran on our toes

And not at all tired.

Running on your toes
Oh, the paths are confused -

You won't get lost, legs.

Walking along landmarks with a cross step

III.Main part:

1. Development of motor skills. Coordination of speech with movement.

Speech therapist:

Our hands are frozen without gloves, we need to put them on quickly.

We put on our mittens "flashlights"
Look at us: point at each other and then at themselves
In our new mittens

We'll start a merry dance

hands on the belt, spinning
We'll clap our hands claps
We'll stomp a little floods
Let's shake off the mittens Sliding claps
And we'll start dancing again. "springs"

2. Development of strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles. (Breathing exercise “Breeze”)

Speech therapist:

Oh, and the cold wind is blowing.

3. Development of auditory attention, representation and memory. Fixing the names of items of clothing, shoes and hats. Game "Coat hanger"

Children move around the hall to the music. When the speech therapist names an item of clothing, they stop, spread their arms to the sides, when they hear the name of the headdress, they put their hands on the head, shoes - they stomp their feet (heels).

4. Listening to “Put on your felt boots” by Stepanov

5. Singing “Put on your felt boots” by Stepanov (in a round dance)

6. Consolidation and activation of vocabulary on a lexical topic. Dividing words into syllables (tapping with cubes) Game “Clap the words”

Speech therapist:

What did we want to give to the bunny (fox)? (Shoes (clothes))

Speech therapist:

What kind of shoes (clothes) do you know? Please remember that words are divided into parts. We will separate them with the help of claps. How many times we clap our hands - there are so many syllables in a word.

Children take turns naming items of footwear (clothing), clapping the words with their hands, syllable by syllable.

Children give gifts (a fur coat, shoes) to the fox and the hare and say goodbye to them.

IV . Final part


Speech therapist:

Guys, we helped the animals, took a walk, played, and now it’s time for us to return home.

Children lie on the carpet on their backs and listen to the music of “November” “On the Troika” album “Seasons” by Tchaikovsky.
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Stages of speech therapy work

Speech therapy work with preschoolers suffering from speech defects should be carried out in four stages. This is how children acquire adequate musical and rhythmic education.

The first stage is characterized by the need to create conditions under which it is possible to establish good contact with preschoolers, and then use the means of logorhythmic activities. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual personality traits of each of them. Usually, at first, children show common characteristics: they do not show interest in toys, communicate with reluctance, and their orientation activity is weakened.

All this happens because children are afraid of the new environment. The child must first make eye contact with the child. The fact is that any speech setting can initially interfere with the spontaneity of the child’s activity.

Even praise. Moreover, if you try to immediately establish verbal contact with a preschooler, without taking into account what level of communication is available to him, the result will be an atmosphere of misunderstanding between the adult and the child, which can leave an imprint on subsequent classes.

First, techniques such as smiling, head nodding, facial expressions and other non-verbal communication techniques are used. You also need to wait until the child is ready to establish contact.

Just like a speech therapist, a music teacher must very carefully and tactfully identify in the first lessons the capabilities of each student in terms of music and movements.

Next, the following movements of preschoolers begin to be formed and corrected. Firstly, there are basic movements such as running, walking and the like. They allow children to develop their physical health.

Their muscles are strengthened, the cardiovascular system begins to work more actively, the nervous system is strengthened, and the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain develop. As a result, the child acquires a favorable state of neuropsychic processes.

Exercises for general development allow the child’s body to move accurately, perform exercises in the desired rhythm and tempo, relying on the sound of musical accompaniment. These exercises affect different muscle groups, developing them. The muscles of the shoulders and arms, as well as the muscles of the legs and torso, are especially developed.

These exercises, as important means of logorhythmic exercises, can be used using only your own body. You can also use auxiliary objects - various sticks, balls, hoops, flags. All these exercises contribute to the harmonious formation of muscle groups and help develop correct posture.

You need to carefully observe and wait until the child begins to show at least a little spontaneous activity (begins to repeat movements, dance, create a story game, do something with toys - this can be something different for everyone).

As soon as this happens, we can assume that it is time for speech contact. To do this, you need to try to simply name the actions that the child performs. Or name the toys he plays with.

As a result, the preschooler acquires orientation in his activities, and his spontaneous activity intensifies. Thus, with the help of speech rewards, it is possible to develop the spontaneous activity of children and gradually strengthen speech contacts with them.

Next, you can organize a joint or individual game. You also need to make sure that during classes the teacher or speech therapist is also included in the gaming activities and performs exercises together with them.

As the child’s speech normalizes and the motor sphere acquires features characteristic of good development, more active games can be played, which include active running, throwing swords, jumping and climbing.

Logorhythmics also actively uses activities that develop children's creative initiative. Playing for any preschooler is the main activity. Therefore, games are actively being introduced into all speech therapy rhythmic classes with children.

Games in which children dramatize stories from poems and prose works on a variety of topics are very useful. With the help of facial expressions, speech, movements and pantomime, children try to convey to the audience the meaning of this text.

The final exercises are aimed at calming children down after the lessons and helping them switch to their usual wavelength. During these exercises, mental and physical stress is kept to a minimum.

They are carried out in different forms. For example, they use marching, changing formations, listening to a musical composition and then talking about their impressions.

In order for children to cope with this, it is necessary to choose musical compositions that, without a title or text, are easily understandable and are capable of giving birth to various images in the children’s minds.

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Specifics of conducting logorhythmic classes in preschool educational institutions

Features of conducting logorhythmic classes at the State Budgetary Educational Institution “KShI”. The use of orthobiotic elements in the correction of severe speech disorders in logorhythmic classes.

It is known that severe speech defects are most often combined with various pathologies of non-speech functions; these children may suffer in the emotional-volitional and motor spheres, they have unstable attention, a small amount of memory, and there are also neurological symptoms that aggravate the overall picture of mental development. Increased excitability, disinhibition, and instability of the emotional background in such children entail rapid fatigue, inability to focus on one task for a long time and, as a result, loss of interest in the task being performed. Individual classroom lessons with such children are not sufficient. The works of T.A. Vlasova and M.S. Pevzner indicate a lack of sensorimotor coordination, general motor clumsiness, impulsiveness, emotional instability, and increased fatigue. Many researchers (K.S. Lebedinskaya, E.M. Mastyukova, etc.) point to a close connection between psychomotor and motor development. This connection is so strong that the insufficiency of mental and psychomotor processes directly affects the formation of the motor sphere.

Using the complexes described in the literature completely in our work turned out to be impossible, because The groups turned out to be mixed: they contain children who are both slow, inert, and disinhibited, and have difficulty switching from one type of activity to another.

At the moment, there is quite a lot of literature devoted to this topic; to compile lesson notes, the recommendations of G.A. Volkova, M.Yu. Kartushina, O.V. Uzorova and E.A. Nefedova and other authors are used. Thus, the structure of the lesson was taken as a basis from printed sources and exercises and games were selected that were adapted for our children.

A set of exercises and games is selected taking into account the principles of orthobiotics. ORTHOBIOTICS is the science of self-preservation of health and a reasonable lifestyle. Orthobiotics is a new science about a rational lifestyle and work, harmonization of man and the environment. Considers recommendations for practical mastery of the principles of personal orthobiosis, which helps throughout life to maintain physical and mental health, active activity and a joyful attitude.

Orthobiosis considers the concept of “health” as the unity of three components: physical health, mental health, moral health.

The principles of orthobiotics allow us to achieve the following goals:

— activate higher mental activity through the development of all types of attention (visual, auditory, tactile);

— increase memory capacity;

- develop visual, auditory, tactile perception;

- develop the child’s tactile, kinesthetic and musculoskeletal sense of his own body;

— to develop motor skills (walking, jumping, running, turning the body left and right, forward and backward, dance movements, etc.).

Particular attention in logorhythmics classes is paid to the development of a sense of musical rhythm and auditory-motor coordination.

, because Many children, due to poor coordination, cannot coordinate their movements with musical accompaniment.

Musical and rhythmic exercises are aimed at:

- formation of a sense of musical tempo, size, perception of rhythmic pattern;

- coordination of movement with musical tempo and rhythm, rhythmicity of movements to music;

- changing the nature of movements in accordance with changes in sound contrasts (loud-quiet, fast-slow, high-low);

Logorhythmics classes are held once a week in the morning, mainly accompanied by a musical recording. Lesson duration – 25-30 minutes. The number of children in the group is from 5 to 10 people. All tasks offered to children within one lesson are united by one lexical topic.

As a result of practical work, the following structure of a logorhythmic lesson has developed, which is compiled taking into account the principles of orthobiosis:

1. Introductory part. Greetings, get ready for work.

2. Main part. "Magic Circle"

performed in a circle, because the circle itself is a basic figure, where everyone can work simultaneously and in concert with those standing next to them, creating a sense of community, belonging, developing intra-group unity and interpersonal relationships. Working in a circle is historically one of the earliest collective forms of communication (remember the round dances in Rus', the circular dances of the Sufis). They awaken the deepest experiences in our souls.

"Magic Hands" -

hand and finger gymnastics:

— training in the accuracy of finger movements;

- development of strength and dexterity of movements of the hands and fingers;

- development of voluntary regulation of muscle tone of the hands and fingers;

— improvement of dynamic praxis;

"Magic air in me" -

breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises are an important component of the lesson; it is necessary to constantly monitor the correct breathing of children.

The classes include breathing exercises that:

— help overcome internal emotional and muscular stiffness in children with developmental problems;

- strengthening the voice;

- developing the ability to change the strength and pitch of the voice while maintaining a normal timbre;

- normalization of speech breathing and the associated unity of speech;

— reproduction of speech material at a given pace;

- the ability to express one’s emotions using a variety of intonation means.

"Magic Moves" -

exercises for the development of facial expressions and articulatory motor skills, oculomotor gymnastics.

— development of static-dynamic sensations, clear articulatory kinesthesia;

— performing sets of articulation exercises for groups of whistling, hissing, sonorous sounds;

- improving the mobility and accuracy of movements of the tongue, lips, facial expressions.

3. Final part. "Magic transformations" -

exercises for the development of general motor skills.

This section of the lesson includes not only a set of exercises, but also movement and round dance games, and dancing. The role of play for children is great; it contributes to the development of voluntary movements and behavior, the development of thinking, and the child’s personal qualities. The competitive nature of outdoor play stimulates the child’s cognitive and personal activity. It makes you want to understand the rules of the game and makes it possible to feel your role in the overall game. To achieve success in it, a child needs to get involved in the activity on time and perform movements and actions correctly. The game also creates favorable conditions for the development of creative imagination in children.

"Magic rug"

— game relaxation complex.

To help children get rid of muscle tension that has accumulated during the lesson, to induce calm and balance, the “Magic Mat” relaxation game complex is used in the final part of the lesson. It developed as a result of the use of orthobiotic methods and techniques in classes.

Stages of implementation:

– preparatory,

– the main part of the complex,

– output formula.

The system of logorhythmics classes using elements of orthobiotics contributes to positive dynamics: in the majority of children, speech defects are overcome and deviations in the personal and behavioral sphere are corrected.

The ability to judge the effectiveness of the application of the described technology is provided by feedback from parents received as a result of conversations, parents’ answers to questionnaire questions, observations of children engaged in classes, which made it possible to find out the following: children willingly attend classes, some even try to “pass on” their experience to other members at home families. Parents note changes in their children’s health:

- a surge of vigor;

— cheerfulness felt after each lesson;

— improvement of the physical and emotional state of children.

A significant role in the work of creating a rhythmic structure of speech belongs to games created on the basis of a poetic text. These games teach children to coordinate movements with words, which primarily contributes to the speech development of children.

All exercises are carried out by imitation, because Not all children have sufficiently developed skills to understand spoken speech.

Speech material is not memorized. The main task is to create favorable conditions for communication, emotional stability and good mood in the classroom.

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