Summary of a lesson on speech development using mnemonics in the preparatory group “How well we know fairy tales!”

Mnemotables “Favorite Tales”

Good day! I really love doing theatrical activities with my students. In addition to performing at holidays and in theater productions, it is very important that group rooms have the necessary conditions for the development of children's creative potential. I present to you cards - mnemonic tables.

A mnemonic table is one of the most popular and effective techniques (mnemonics) that can be used to facilitate the process of memorizing and reproducing information by preschoolers, developing thinking and speech. In my mnemonic tables, there are sequential images in which the content of fairy tales is encrypted. When an adult listens to a fairy tale, the child remembers it not only by ear, but also by visual perception. He can retell a familiar fairy tale.

On the back of the cards I placed the fairy tale itself in the form of text. It is intended for a teacher, if suddenly he is not familiar with this fairy tale or has forgotten some details.

I took pictures of fairy tales from the Internet, but mainly from this site:

Next, I want to offer my colleagues the opportunity to use my work.
Wolf and 7 kids. Table DOCX / 2.8 MB Wolf and 7 kids. Text DOCX / 14.18 KB Zayushkina's hut. Text DOCX / 14.93 Kb Zayushkina's hut. Table DOCX / 2.8 MB Kolobok. Table DOCX / 4.27 MB Kolobok. Text DOCX / 19.28 Kb Who said meow. Suteev. Table DOCX / 22.51 KB Who said meow. Suteev. Text DOCX / 753.89 Kb Chicken Ryaba. DOCX table / 3.65 MB Chicken Ryaba. Text DOCX / 12.63 Kb Chanterelle with a rolling pin. Table DOCX / 796.68 KB Chanterelle with a rolling pin. Text DOCX / 17.42 KB Little fox-sister. Table DOCX / 542.95 KB Little fox-sister. Text DOCX / 16.21 KB Masha and the Bear. Table DOCX / 687.65 Kb Masha and the Bear. Text DOCX / 17.88 KB Comb cockerel. Table DOCX / 774.23 Kb Comb cockerel. Text DOCX / 18.04 Kb Under the mushroom. Suteev. Text DOCX / 17.19 Kb Under the mushroom. DOCX table / 1.01 MB Turnip. DOCX table / 5.51 MB Turnip. Text DOCX / 14.51 KB Teremok. Table DOCX / 605.37 KB Teremok. Text DOCX / 16.55 Kb Three kittens. Suteev. Text DOCX / 18.4 Kb Three kittens. Table DOCX / 539.71 Kb Three bears. Table DOCX / 706.85 Kb Three bears. Text DOCX / 16.98 Kb The Three Little Pigs. Table DOCX / 1.1 MB Three Little Pigs. Text DOCX / 24.51 Kb Chicken and duckling. Suteev. Text DOCX / 17 Kb Chicken and duckling. DOCX table / 577.2 KB

Lesson on speech development in the middle group using mnemonics and model diagrams

A lesson on speech development in the middle group using mnemonics and model diagrams based on the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Program content:

  • learn to name the distinctive features of wild animals (wolf, hare) using a mnemonic table;
  • activate words and expressions in speech that allow you to begin and end a fairy tale;
  • teach children to pronounce words clearly and distinctly, develop intonation expressiveness.
  • continue to develop mental processes: memory, attention, visual and effective thinking;
  • develop the ability to correlate sound symbols with images.
  • cultivate a kind attitude towards animals;
  • to accustom children to follow the basic rules of cultural behavior.

Visual material:

  • mnemonic tables (for the fairy tale “Teremok”);
  • characters from the tabletop theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok”
  • caps of heroes based on the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Progress of the lesson.


Hello guys!
Guys, did guests come to us from the fairy tale “Teremok”?
Who is this? Children:
Bunny and wolf.
Do you think the hare and the wolf are wild or domestic animals?
These are wild animals because they live in the forest.
That's right, well done! How about I turn into a bunny and tell you about him using a table like this?

Storytelling using the mnemonic table “Hare”


- This is not a domestic animal, but a wild one. He lives in the forest. He has four legs. The body is covered with white wool in winter, and gray in summer. He has a small, short tail. There are two long ears on the head. The mother hare feeds her cubs with milk. When it grows up, the hare eats carrots, grass, cabbage, and in winter it eats tree bark or twigs.


Did the bunny have an interesting story? And who will try to tell about the wolf, how angry and angry he is? Go... tell me about the wolf.

Storytelling using the mnemonic table “Wolf”


wild animal. He lives in the forest. He has four legs. The body is covered with thick gray fur. The wolf has a long tail and very good hearing and scent. The she-wolf feeds her cubs with milk. The wolf is a predator, it has sharp teeth.


Now let’s play a game called
I will show you the movements, and you must guess what animal I depicted and repeat the movements after me.
(Rooster, Bear, Sparrow, Ram) After the game, the children sit down in their places.

Guys, remember what heroes are in the fairy tale “Teremok” and what nicknames each animal has: Mouse... (Norushka), Frog... (Wahakushka), Bunny... (Runner), Fox... (Sister), Top (Grey Barrel), Bear ( Toptyshka).


Come on, you guys turn into our heroes from a fairy tale and tell us about yourself using the table.
I distribute hats upon request.

A small mouse ran and said:


A small wild animal that sometimes lives next to humans. In nature, a mouse lives in a hole. She has short fur and a long tail. The mouse feeds on grain or beans.


Thank you little mouse.


A frog-frog jumped up and croaked.


Lives in swamps or ponds. She has big eyes and a long tongue, with which she gets food. The frog feeds on mosquitoes and midges.


Thank you frog!


The little fox-sister came running, wagging her tail and saying.


This is a wild animal that lives in the forest and steppe. She has red fur and a very beautiful long tail. Mother feeds her cubs with milk. But the fox is a predator. It feeds on small animals and birds.


Thank you little fox-sister.


An awakened teddy bear wandered towards us and roared in his loud voice:


Wild animal lives in the forest. In winter, the bear sleeps in a den. He has four paws, the skin of a bear is brown, brown in color. He is a predator and is very good at climbing trees. A mother bear feeds her cubs milk. He loves sweets, fish, meat, berries. The animal is omnivorous.


Thank you, teddy bear!
Well done guys, you know how to talk about yourself and show yourself.
Now we will all play with the ball.
The game is called “Question and Answer”. (Stand in a circle, I throw the ball from the center and ask a question, and you throw the ball back to me and say the answer) Educator:
Where does the mouse live?
- In a hole,
where does the frog live?
- In the swamp.
The bunny lives -
Under a bush
Where does the fox live? - In the hole.
What is the name of the wolf's house?
- Lair.
What is the name of the bear's house?
- Den.
Which animal is a predator?
Wolf, Fox, Bear
What a great fellow you are, you told and answered everything correctly.
Who can tell me the name of the fairy tale in which all these animals lived together in one house? Children:
What words does the fairy tale “Teremok” begin with?
There is a tower in a field, it is neither low nor high... Then the teacher offers to play a fairy tale with the help of tabletop theater characters.

Colored mnemonic tables with descriptions of outdoor games are my assistants in working with kids

Caring for the health and physical education of the child is the sphere of activity of the teacher,


Analyzing the results of the real situation in terms of the speech development of modern preschoolers, teachers observe an alarming trend:

-Limited children's vocabulary

-Children do not master speech genres

-Many children lack a reflective attitude towards their speech and the speech of others.

This cannot but worry educators and parents, since speech development is the holistic development of the child’s entire personality.

Observing our pupils, we note that nowadays preschoolers are increasingly experiencing problems such as: a poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence, impaired sound pronunciation and attention. According to the results of monitoring conducted at the beginning of the school year, 51% of children in the second youngest group find it difficult to name generalizing words, conduct a dialogue with the teacher, incorrectly use singular and plural nouns in speech, and do not agree adjectives with nouns in gender and case. Often, when children come to kindergarten, they report that they were given a toy. When the teacher asks to talk about her, the child describes her very confusingly and tongue-tied. The description fails because the children find it difficult to build a chain of stories. They have difficulty dramatizing fairy tales and use mostly simple sentences of 2-3 words. Teachers and parents need to develop in children the ability to coherently, consistently, and grammatically correctly express their thoughts, talk about various events, and retell works of art. And another problem for a modern preschooler is the huge flow of information and the inability to cope with its processing on their own. This is the reality in which our children find themselves. In this regard, the need to improve modern methods and techniques and use more effective science-based ways of speech development in preschool children becomes urgent One of these methods is the mnemonic method. To prepare children for educational activities, develop the skill of competent information processing, master complex material, develop their speech without mental and nervous stress, this technology is used. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and the development of coherent speech.

The purpose of this methodological development: the use of mnemonics technology in the educational process for the development of speech in children of primary preschool age.


1. Promote the development of coherent speech.

2. Expand and enrich children's vocabulary.

4. Improve children’s ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number, and case.

5. To promote the development of children’s perception, reproduction, and ability to use technology.

1. Folk. Since ancient times, every person has developed his own memory system throughout his life.

2. Classic. The first works date back to 86 BC. This date is considered the date of the emergence of classical mnemonics. Cicero perfectly mastered the technique of memorization using figurative encoding.

4. The circus movement uses the principles of classical mnemonics.

5. Sports, when competitions in the art of memorization are held regularly. In Cambridge since 1997.

6. Modern (Gordano system, etc.)

My emphasis in working with mnemonic tables is the development of speech in preschool children. They can be effectively used to enrich vocabulary, when learning to compose stories, when retelling, guessing and composing riddles, and when memorizing poems.

Mnemonic tracks

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A child in preschool age develops his vocabulary, his vocabulary, throughout his entire life. He learns to structure his speech, express his thoughts, and speak beautifully.

You can read more about this method and its benefits in the article on our website MNEMOTECHNIKA

Using this method, the child will be able to express his thoughts colorfully.

In this article we will dwell in detail on Mnemonic Tracks.

What are mnemonic tracks?

A mnemonic track is a sequence of images that are arranged in a row.

The seemingly unrelated images are connected by one plot. Each picture carries visual and auditory information. One word, phrase, or a simple sentence can be encrypted into the image.

Looking at the pictures, the child reproduces the information encrypted in them, tells stories, poems, and tongue twisters. Thanks to mnemonic tracks, a child can learn a poem in just a few minutes, as it is easier for him to comprehend and structure the material.

With this method, the child will learn to easily compose stories and stories.

"Card index of mnemonic tables for fairy tales"

art therapy specialist







Winter is coming and it’s time to collect mnemonic tables for memorizing winter poems.

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