Corrective tasks in speech therapy work article on the topic

What kind of education should a speech therapist have?

For the position of speech therapist teacher, hire a specialist who has a higher professional education in the field of defectology. There are no requirements for length of service (section III of the EKS for educators).

Check that the candidate’s diploma indicates that he studied in the field of training 44.03.03 “Special (defectological) education.” The specialty can be any. The law makes no demands on it.

The Institute of New Technologies in Education offers distance learning programs for professional retraining and advanced training:

  • Speech therapy
  • Defectology
  • Oligophrenopedagogy
  • Deaf pedagogy and deaf psychology. Development and education of children with hearing impairment in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • The use of art therapy in working with children with disabilities
  • Consultant (coordinator) on inclusive education
  • Lekoteka as a new form of socialization, early assistance and education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities
  • Mediation in the field of inclusive education
  • Methodological recommendations for overcoming general speech underdevelopment in children over 3 years old
  • Methodological recommendations of a speech therapist teacher for automating the differentiation of whistling sounds
  • Methodological recommendations of a speech therapist teacher for automating the differentiation of hissing sounds
  • Methodological recommendations of a speech therapist teacher for automating the differentiation of sonorous sounds
  • Organization of correctional and pedagogical work in the context of the introduction of the new generation Federal State Educational Standards
  • Organization and content of speech therapy work in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
  • Development of an adaptive basic educational program for children with disabilities
  • Typhlopedagogy. Raising and teaching children with visual impairments in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

View the full list of programs here

What to pay attention to

When should you start sounding the alarm? So, this is necessary in cases where:

  • The babbling chains of children are homogeneous, rare, and do not turn into words.
  • By the age of 1.5 years, the intonation-rhythmic organization of speech in the baby is not formed.
  • At 2-3 years old, a child does not understand speech addressed to him, even if an adult uses monosyllabic sentences and simple words.
  • The child understands, but does not speak, or uses only a few words in communication. There is no phrasal, and especially coherent, speech.
  • Physiological hearing impairment (deafness, hearing loss) was detected.
  • The baby “speaks” in some kind of his own (bird) language, which no one understands.

What salary should I set?

The salary of a speech therapist teacher depends on the amount of work and consists of three parts: salary (rate), compensation and incentive payments.


Calculate the salary of a speech therapist teacher taking into account the workload for the salary. The standard hours of teaching work for the salary of a speech therapist teacher is 20 hours per week (clause 2.3 of Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601). Calculate the load in astronomical hours without taking into account breaks, changes and dynamic pauses.

Fix the salary amount in the organization's remuneration system. Indicate that the position of a speech therapist teacher belongs to the 4th qualification level of the PKG for teaching positions. Enter the salary amount into the employment contract with the employee.

If the organization has many children who need the help of a speech therapist, and the specialist wants to increase his workload, then draw up an additional agreement. Pay for teaching work in excess of the standard hours in proportion to the actual time worked. Take the rate as a basis (note 4 to Appendix No. 1 to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated December 22, 2014 No. 1601). For example, if a speech therapist agrees to work not 20, but 25 hours a week, then divide the salary for the rate by 4 and pay this amount in addition to the basic salary.

Legal regulation of labor relations and personnel document flow in an educational organization

Compensation payments

Be sure to pay compensation payments established by law:

  • for harmful conditions in the workplace based on the results of the special assessment;
  • work in areas with special climatic conditions;
  • working overtime, at night and on non-working days;
  • industry specifics

Examples of industry specific features are given by the Ministry of Education and Science in letter No. VP-1992/02 dated December 29, 2017. For example, pay a speech therapist extra for managing a speech clinic, working with students and pupils with disabilities or those in need of long-term treatment, and working in an institution located in a rural area.

In the collective agreement and remuneration system, you can establish additional compensation payments - in addition to those established by law. Set the amounts of bonuses yourself in specific amounts or as a percentage of the rates and official salaries of teaching staff.

Incentive payments

Assign additional payments and incentive bonuses to the speech therapist in the form of one-time bonuses or regular payments. In the regulations on the remuneration system, establish indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a teacher’s activities.

Forecasting and corrective measures

The sooner the work begins, the greater the chance of compensating for speech impairment in children with mild or moderate forms of underdevelopment of certain mental functions. The task of corrective influence on children with severe forms of pathology is to support and develop as much as possible communication and self-care skills, so that in the future special children have the opportunity to socialize in society.

The most important condition when starting a speech is the timeliness of correctional work and an integrated approach. In parallel with pedagogical classes, for any speech disorder that has a biological cause, a course of treatment with medications corresponding to the established diagnosis is prescribed. If the cause of mild RRD in a child with intact intelligence is found to be weak innervation of the organs of the speech apparatus, it is recommended to include speech therapy massage and articulation gymnastics in the complex of classes as a preventive measure.

If already at the age of 2-3 years the child was diagnosed with sensory alalia, and the baby’s parents turned to a speech therapist for help only at the age of 5-6, then you need to understand that the underdevelopment of speech has progressed over all this time. At this age, sensorimotor alalia is already established in all children.

Non-verbal children with disabilities are often homeschooled. Their parents are required to take a direct part in the speech therapy process.

What kind of vacation to provide

Provide the speech therapist with extended annual leave. Its duration depends on the type of educational organization and the population with which the speech therapist works. See the table for details.

Duration of leave for a speech therapist

Type of organization Who does the speech therapist conduct classes with? Number of vacation days per year
Kindergarten Ordinary children 42
Children with disabilities (together with or without ordinary children) 56
School Doesn't matter 56

The legislation does not determine how to calculate leave for a speech therapist in a kindergarten if he does not always work with children with disabilities. Calculate vacation time for each year of work. If during this period the speech therapist worked with a child with disabilities, then provide the employee with 56 days of leave. There is no need to isolate the time of direct work with a student with disabilities and calculate vacation in proportion to this time. Otherwise, the State Tax Inspectorate may consider that you are worsening conditions for the employee.

Please note that a kindergarten speech therapist can increase his leave if he works with students who have a PMPK conclusion. Only in this case can they be considered children with disabilities.

Situation: does a speech therapist have the right to early retirement?

Yes, it has.

A speech therapist teacher is included in the list of positions in which work is counted toward the length of service for early retirement (Government Decree No. 781 of October 29, 2002). In this case, the position does not necessarily have to be called “teacher-speech therapist”; the employee can also work in the position of “speech therapist”. The main thing is that the speech therapist has worked for at least 25 years in institutions for children, then he will have the right to an old-age pension before he reaches retirement age (clause 19, part 1, article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ) .

Who absolutely cannot do this job?

An irritable person, gloomy, self-righteous, a person prone to violence (including psychological violence) will not be able to work as a speech therapist.

You must be able to quickly respond to a constantly changing situation, adapt your methods to the child, and not the child to the methods. There are no universal methods and techniques, no master keys that fit all locks. We need flexibility.

You need artistry, you need playfulness. Although no one will give you an Oscar for this.

When you sit one-on-one with a student, you must be able to be “here and now” and put aside everything that is not related to this communication. If you are not ready to peer and listen closely to your students, nothing will work.

How does a speech therapist carry out correctional work?

A speech therapist can work as an individual specialist or as part of a structural unit, for example, a speech center. He conducts classes with children with disabilities and other children who have not completed the PMPK, but have deviations in speech development.

Most often, in a state or municipal assignment of an educational organization, the founder finances the activities of specialists only for children with disabilities. In this case, the school and kindergarten have the right to provide speech therapy services for a fee to children who do not have a PMPK conclusion. This is also possible if the commission did not recommend a speech therapist for the child, but the parent wants the organization to conduct speech therapy classes with him.

The speech therapist organizes work on the basis of his methodological developments, uses the manuals of his colleagues, for example, the instructional and methodological letter of A.V. Yastrebova and T.P. Bessonova. To create a training regimen, the speech therapist uses the letter of the Ministry of Education dated December 14, 2000 No. 2.

For subject teachers at Anna Muratova's School (College), a unique theoretical collection has been collected in the form of electronic lessons from grades 1 to 11, developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Select the desired item for a specific class. This will allow you to quickly recall the necessary information in your memory. In the future, electronic lessons can diversify teaching methods.

Before starting work with a child, the speech therapist obtains consent from the parents to provide speech therapy assistance. This is necessary because the services of a speech therapist are part of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance (Article 42 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ).

The correctional work of a speech therapist includes diagnostics, correctional and developmental classes and evaluation of results. The speech therapist interacts with the child and his parents so that they can help increase the effect of correctional classes.

Exercises that are easy to do at home

School classes are currently unavailable. Do you have homework from the speech therapist? If not, we'll give you some tips.

Exercises on sounds and vocabulary can be easily combined with household chores or will come in handy on the way to the dacha. Elements of competition increase interest, you don’t have to think about where to start a speech therapy session, just invite your child to play:

  1. In tongue twisters: who will repeat it cleaner and faster?
  2. In all honesty: who can come up with a funnier idea?
  3. In words with one letter or one syllable: who will remember more? What is around with this letter?
  4. In hide-and-seek words (where given sounds are hidden): who will make up more?

For dyslexia and dysgraphia, puzzles, lotto with syllables and words, the game “Word Maker”, fillwords (find words in a square filled with letters) will help - there are many ideas in this direction.

To develop coherent speech, make up stories based on pictures. It is recommended to listen to melodies and tell each other what you imagine when you hear a particular composition. Learn short poems and discuss their meaning.

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