Summary of the lesson “Migratory Birds” for the senior group


Quote from Tatyana57

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CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: rook, starling, swallow, swift, cuckoo, crane, geese, swans, lark, thrush, nest, birdhouse, male, female, chicks, eggs, singer, insects, larvae, plumage, flock, countries, legs , neck, wing, eyes, tail, beak, head, stork, heron. VERBS: fly, fly away, arrive, return, build, clean, set aside, curl, hatch, hatch, feed, grow up, get stronger, squeak, sing, curl, leave, say goodbye, gather, eat, peck, destroy, curl, nip, glue, blind. ADJECTIVES: big, small, singing, black, warm (edges), white, striped, caring, busy, spring, strangers, fluffy, ringing, field, distant, beautiful, long-legged, waterfowl, agile, vociferous. LET'S TELL ABOUT BIRDS. Migratory birds are birds that fly from us in the fall to warmer regions. These birds are insectivores (eat insects) and feed on insects.

In the fall, insects hide, the birds have nothing to eat, so they fly away. Ducks, geese and swans fly away in a line - a string.

Swallows and starlings fly away in a flock.

Cranes fly away in a wedge - an angle.

And the cuckoos fly away one by one. In spring, migratory birds return to us. Birds have a head with a beak, a body with two wings, two legs with claws, a tail and plumage.

CHILDREN SHOULD BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY EXCESS AND EXPLAIN: WHY? Magpie, crow, tit, swallow (swallow is a migratory bird, the rest are wintering). Lark, sparrow, rook, starling. Crow, duck, dove, sparrow. Rook, tit, swallow, cuckoo. Magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, swift. Dove, swan, heron, crane. Beetle, butterfly, chick, mosquito (chick is a bird, other insects). CORRECTLY NAME CHICKENS: Cranes are crane babies. Rooks - rooks. Geese are goslings. Starlings are starlings. Ducks -…. Cuckoos - ... . Swifts - ... . CORRECTLY ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: WHOSE? WHOSE? WHOSE? WHOSE? Whose beak? The crane has a crane-like appearance. The goose has goose. The duck has…. The cuckoo has…. The rook has…. ONE IS MANY. Cuckoo - cuckoos. Crane - cranes. Starling - starlings. Nightingale - nightingales. Lark - larks. Swan - swans. Rook - rooks. Duck - ducks. Swallow - swallows. Rook - rooks. Stork - storks. Gosling - goslings. WHO VOICES: The cuckoo cuckoos. The swallow is chirping. The starling sings. The crane is cooing. The duck quacks. The goose cackles. DESCRIBE AND COMPARE BIRDS ACCORDING TO PLAN: Wintering or migratory bird? Why are they called that? Appearance (tail, head, wings, body, beak, feathers, colors...) What does it eat? Where it lives - a hollow, a birdhouse, a nest... COMPILATION OF A DESCRIPTIVE STORY. The rook is a black bird with a white beak. The rook has a head, body, wings, tail, and paws. The bird's entire body is covered with feathers. In the spring, rooks fly from warm countries, build nests and hatch chicks - rooks. Rooks feed on insects, worms and plant seeds. In the fall, when it gets cold, rooks gather in flocks and fly away to warm countries until spring. Rooks help humans; they destroy insects and caterpillars - pests of fields and vegetable gardens.

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the Swallow is flying towards us in the canopy in the spring. With her, the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter... Say hello to us from the road as soon as possible. I’ll give you grains, and you sing a song that you brought with you from distant lands. (A. Pleshcheev) GIVE A WORD. There is a palace on the pole, in the palace there is a singer, and his name is ... (starling). CALL IT TENDINGLY: Nightingale - nightingale. Crane - crane. Swan - swan... WHO has WHO? The cuckoo has a cuckoo, cuckoo. The crane has a baby crane, crane babies. The starling has a little birdling, starlings. The swan has a baby, swans. The rook has a rook, rooks. The duck has a duckling, ducklings. The stork has a baby stork, baby storks. The goose has a gosling, goslings. END THE SENTENCE WITH THE WORDS “LONG-LEGGED CRANE”: In the field I saw ... (long-legged crane). I watched for a long time... (long-legged crane). I really liked this beautiful and slender... (long-legged crane). I wanted to approach... (long-legged crane). But he got scared and flew away. He flew beautifully, spreading his wings and circling in the sky... (long-legged crane). I told my mother about... (long-legged crane). Mom said that you shouldn’t come up and scare... (the long-legged crane). I promised my mother not to approach... (the long-legged crane) anymore. Now I will only watch from afar... (long-legged crane). CHOOSE THE PREPOSITION RIGHT BY MEANING (FROM, IN, TO, OVER, ON, ON): The rook flew out... nest. The rook has arrived... nest. The rook flew up... to the nest. The rook is circling... with his nest. The rook sat down... on a branch. The rook walks ... arable land. WE IMPROVE THE ABILITY TO RELL. RETELL THE STORY ACCORDING TO THE QUESTIONS: The rooks have arrived. The rooks arrive first. There is still snow all around, but they are already here. The rooks will rest and begin to build nests. Rooks build nests on the top of a tall tree. Rooks hatch their chicks earlier than other birds. Which birds arrive first in spring? What do the rooks immediately begin to do? Where do they build their nests? When do they hatch their chicks? Harbingers of spring. The cold winter has passed. Spring is coming. The sun is rising higher. It heats up more. The rooks have arrived. The children saw them and shouted: “The rooks have arrived! The Rooks Have Arrived!" What was the winter like? What comes after winter? How does the sun warm in spring? Who has arrived? Who did the children see? What did they shout? RETELL THE STORY IN THE FIRST PERSON: Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took boards, a saw, and sawed the planks. From them he put together a birdhouse. The birdhouse was hung on a tree. May the starlings have a good home. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE: There is a nest on the tree, and on the trees... (nests). There are branches on the branch, and on the branches... . There is a chick in the nest, and in the nests - .... There is a tree in the yard, and in the forest - .... GUESS THE RIDDLES: Without hands, without an axe. A hut has been built. (Nest.) Appeared in a yellow fur coat, Goodbye, two shells. (Chick.) There is a palace on a pole, There is a singer in the yard, And his name is... (Starling.) White-billed, black-eyed, He walks importantly behind the plow, Finds worms and beetles. A faithful watchman, a friend of the fields. The first harbinger of warm days. (Rook.) READ THE POEMS ABOUT BIRDS, LEARN ONE OF THEM BY MONEY. Starlings. We even got up at night and looked out of the window into the garden: Well, when, well, when will our guests arrive? And today we looked - a starling was sitting on an alder tree. They arrived, they arrived, they finally arrived!

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