How to quickly learn a verse: ways you didn't know about

Many remember with a shudder the moments when during their school years they had to memorize poetic works. Some of them seemed like huge sheets, and sometimes it seemed impossible even to grasp them with your eyes, let alone remember it all. For adults, this nightmare returns, but not in a dream, but in reality, if there is a schoolchild in the family who, together with his parents, has to regularly undergo this execution. Life can be made much easier by knowing how to quickly learn poetry without losing nerve cells.

What useful information will you learn by reading this article:

  • How to learn poetry correctly
  • How to learn a verse with a child
  • How to learn a verse quickly
  • The most common mistakes
  • How to learn a very large poem
  • How to quickly learn a poem in English
  • Read the poem out loud
  • Write on paper
  • Hum
  • Use associations
  • Use the snowball method
  • Deal with unclear points

How to learn poetry correctly

There are some useful tips from psychologists that will make this process no longer seem like torture. Following these recommendations, you will be able to remember it easily, and you yourself will not notice how quickly your child managed to learn the verse. And you don’t even have to involve your neighbors.

  • You need to start doing this a few days in advance (at least 2-3). Most children are used to preparing homework for tomorrow. If you don’t wait until the last moment, you can learn even a long verse quickly and painlessly by starting to do it in advance;
  • The work needs to be read. Reading should be thoughtful, leisurely, in order to understand the essence, and from this follows the next, very important life hack;
  • The text should not be perceived as just a rhymed set of words. It is important to understand its meaning, and identifying the main and secondary characters and experiencing their feelings will also help to do this;
  • You need to mentally imagine the plot of the work. Children often find poems about nature and landscape the most difficult, but they should learn to see a plot even in them, because it is necessarily present. Children have a rich imagination, they form associations that help not only create pictures in their imagination, but also, thanks to them, remember the text. There should be no problem with how easy it is to learn a poem by heart, regardless of its plot;
  • Rewrite the work to include visual memory in the process;
  • Then you should re-read it again, more than once, and you can even read the version that was copied by hand. At the same time, be sure to continue to live the plot of the poem, and not just put letters into words;
  • You can’t do without memorizing - first the first line, then adding the second to it, etc.;
  • Prepare something like a cheat sheet in which the first words of each verse will be written. During the process of memorization, it will help to remember passages that are forgotten in the process of repetition, and when the poem is memorized “by heart,” these words will become a kind of “beacon” reminding of the transition from one stanza to another.

learn a verse quickly

These tips cover both how to quickly learn a large verse by heart and how to memorize a small piece.

TOP 5 best applications for memorizing poems and texts

How can you help me learn poetry if my mother doesn’t have time to study at the moment? Use special services that present the material in a playful way. Here are some of them.


You can upload any poem to the free online service To completely memorize you need to go through 6 levels, each of which is more difficult than the previous one. The program shuffles the text, and the child must assemble the correct “puzzle”.

Learn poetry!

Application for memorizing poems and texts Learn poems!
Google Play app. The most popular poems are loaded into it, but you can enter any text yourself. Memorization is based on “shading in” individual letters and words as they are learned.

Poems for children from 3 to 5

A free application with a ready-made set of interesting thematic rhymes. Works offline. Audio broadcasts are accompanied by colorful pictures. It is possible to set a timer. The disadvantages of mom include the inability to download additional poems.

Learning poetry

application for memorizing poetry
A new Russian online application on the website, which requires registration. Each poem is accompanied by a professional audio track, divided into semantic fragments . There is a selection and explanation of difficult words. Several learning algorithms. An annual subscription costs 149 rubles.

Poems playfully

Google Play app. Memorizing poetry is based on moving words in the text. Students are asked to restore the disturbed order. The program is designed to train not only memory, but concentration.

How to learn a verse with a child

Note to caring parents! In an effort to alleviate the suffering of a child, we often do not notice how we give him a “bear crib” - this is something that he must do himself.

In the matter of how to easily and quickly learn a verse, the environment in which this happens is extremely important. Discomfort is the worst companion to memorization. If a child is used to doing important things in silence, then it is necessary to provide it, and if, for example, he likes to do it with music, let there be music.

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How to learn a verse quickly

Ways to quickly learn a poem:

  1. First you need to read the work several times (at least 3). This should be done loudly, with expression, slowly, thoughtfully - as they say, with feeling, with sense, with arrangement;
  2. It doesn’t hurt to depict the plot - draw it or at least outline it schematically. It would be useful to take several images that reveal the dynamics of the plot;
  3. Divide the work into parts consisting, for example, of two lines each, memorizing them sequentially;
  4. Speak the lines you have learned, combining them into one poem.

How quickly you will be able to learn a poem from literature depends on how much you are imbued with its plot. This is why it is important to depict it, think it through, and recite it with expression.

And one more secret - during the memorization process, take short breaks - at least 10-15 minutes. And at this time, try to completely abstract yourself, think about something else. The information that our memory perceives is recorded in the subcortex, and if you give it a little time, it will record it verbatim.

An excellent method of how to learn a verse very quickly is to record it on a voice recorder and listen to this recording constantly. Even while doing other things while listening, you will remember it. The dictated text must be clear and expressive. Thanks to this method, you can even cope with such a task as learning a poem in 5 minutes. Of course, we are talking about small texts, but this can be done, even if they seem difficult to remember.

how to quickly learn a long poem

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Step-by-step scheme for learning a verse by heart

A small step-by-step instruction helps in the process of memorizing the poem and shows how to learn poetry correctly:

  1. The first thing you need to do is read the poem twice, always out loud, try to understand the meaning of the written text and highlight important intonation points.
  2. Disassemble all complex words, lines, speech patterns and other difficulties that cause delays in understanding the essence of the work.
  3. While reading, build an associative series, connecting the emerging images with what is said in the poem.
  4. If visual memory is well developed, then you can copy each line of the poem onto a sheet of paper and learn from it.
  5. If your auditory memory is more developed, you can record your voice on a voice recorder so that you can later listen to your expressive reading and remember it. You can try to find an audio recording on the Internet.
  6. It is worth learning poems stanza by stanza. This way the picture and logical chain will form more clearly in your head.
  7. It is recommended to take breaks of 5-10 minutes between memorizing stanzas.
  8. Before going to bed, you need to read the poem very expressively, slowly. Already in the morning you can see a wonderful result - a learned piece that bounces off your teeth.

The most common mistakes

What can interfere?

  • I can't, but I have to. It happens that memory completely refuses to remember information or even perceive it. In this situation, memorization is practically impossible. It is better to postpone this activity for a while. Before this, you should just rest so that your “head clears” and memorization becomes possible. In this case, it is important to adequately and as fairly as possible, honestly assess the situation and not confuse “I can’t” with another common phenomenon – “I’m lazy”;
  • Mechanical memorization without comprehension. By simply trying to memorize without delving into the meaning of the work, you are making a mistake. Even if you succeed in doing this, the text will not be remembered for a long time, and the slightest hitch or obstacle will lead to the fact that it will hardly be possible to tell it to the end;
  • Memorization of individual stanzas. It is important to maintain consistency in memorizing the lines of a work of literature. In this way, it is not only remembered, but also the chronology of the plot is preserved, which is necessary for its further reproduction;
  • Not all at once. The ability to finish what you start, and only then take on the next task, will come in handy here too. That is, the task of how to quickly learn 2 verses will have to be divided into 2 parts - first quickly learn one verse, and then the second verse. Otherwise, there is a risk that during a recitation you will create a third one from two works;
  • First I’ll learn it, and then I’ll read it. This is the wrong algorithm - you need to do exactly the opposite. Reading it at least several times is the first thing to do;
  • Do not pry. Also wrong. If you forget a word or a line, you don’t need to try to remember it yourself at all costs, being afraid to look into the written text. Such pauses will result in a gap in the memorized text.

learn the verse quickly

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How to train your memory - 5 mega useful exercises for 5 minutes a day

Let's play memories

Every day, when talking to your children, ask them to recall the events of the day. Encourage them to describe people, actions, and objects in detail. Let the baby remember the weather, smells, clothes, number, gender and age of people, the sequence of events.

By devoting just a few minutes a day to such a conversation, you train your powers of observation, the ability to notice the peculiarities of people’s behavior and the qualities of objects. Analytical skills develop, the ability to speak coherently, and active vocabulary increases.

Count in your head

Mental arithmetic activates areas of the brain responsible for memory development. Encourage children to add, subtract, multiply and divide the cost of purchases, house numbers, passing cars, objects. Do it casually, in a playful way, at every opportunity.


An exercise for developing memory in the form of a game. You can do it verbally or reinforce the words with pictures. Variants of such games can be found in stores.

The principle is as follows:

  • The driver describes an object or animal.
  • The partner must guess what or who is meant.

The exercise trains memory, associative and figurative thinking, the ability to concentrate, and listen.

Do something with your hands

Appliqué, handicrafts, playing musical instruments, drawing or coloring - any type of activity that involves fine motor skills activates the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Memory, speech skills, and perseverance develop.

How to learn a very large poem

This can be considered aerobatics, but our memory is ready for such a challenge. Of course, this is not the case when you can quickly learn a verse in a minute (and this is possible if it is small and you use the tips given above). If the work is large, follow these important general recommendations:

  • How to quickly learn a long verse is a task in which you need to understand what quickly means and how long it is. If we are talking about memorizing a large poem, then even with a well-developed memory, one evening will not be enough for such a task. There will no longer be a question of how to quickly learn a verse in 10 minutes, because it is possible that this time will be required to read it once. Therefore, start memorizing at least a few days before the task is due to be completed;
  • Read the work every time before going to bed. During deep slow sleep, the memory records the information received for a long time and as accurately as possible;
  • Proceed to memorize the next fragment of text only after thoroughly memorizing the previous one, so that the sequence of playback is not disrupted later. As you master each new passage, reproduce the entire memorized part of the text;
  • Repeat the learned fragment several times a day. Be sure to do this in the morning.

quick learning of a verse by heart

Method number 4. Imagination

The fourth method allows you to give free rein to your imagination. To memorize, a verse must be turned into a series of pictures, into a story and combined with a rhyme.

Read the work several times, slowly, with expression. Parse each line or several lines, united by meaning, and present them in the form of vivid images and keywords. You can come up with a whole comic for each phrase.

Read the verse again, supporting the recitation with gestures and movements. Retell the resulting story in your own words, using keywords as a plan. Then you should alternate readings and retellings, each time the story will contain more and more rhymed lines and less and less prose. The main thing is to clearly imagine the essence of the story, not to get confused in your own thoughts, in the sequence of events.

For people who have a well-developed imagination, the method of mentally rewriting a text may be suitable. To do this, you need to present paper, a pen and start copying the verse line by line: read the line - mentally write it, writing out each letter, read it again - write it, and so on.

How to quickly learn a poem in English

Usually children's poems in English are not very complex and simple in phonetics. In this case, there is no need to pay special attention to grammar. First, translate the work with your child, write down all the new words and learn them. Then you just need to repeat the verse several times in English, then take a break for several hours, and so on 3-4 times.

You can also sing poems like a song; most often they easily fit to a simple melody. This will make learning more fun. Try to bring the poem to life even more. Invite your child to imagine the events that occur in the poem as vividly as possible, pronounce them out loud. If there are action verbs, then you can perform these actions yourself by repeating the corresponding lines. This will make memorization even easier.

Next time you will need less time, and soon it will not be difficult at all to quickly learn a poem in English.

Using various techniques will help you cope with the task of quickly learning a large verse. In this article we will look at them too.

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Ebbinghaus curve

German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus studied memory and identified the patterns by which we forget material. According to his data, often a person remembers only 60% of the information already half an hour after memorizing. After an hour, this proportion drops to 40%, but then forgetting progresses more slowly.

Using this curve, psychologists have determined how to quickly learn new information - you need to break memorization into several stages. If time is short, four repetitions are enough:

  • immediately after studying the text;
  • in 20 minutes;
  • 8 hours after the second repetition;
  • one day after the third repetition.

If you need to learn a large amount of information and remember it for a long time, you need to add more repetitions after 2-3 weeks and after 2-3 months. But it is much more important in this case to connect new information with your knowledge so that it becomes part of the experience.

Interesting fact!

The best time to repeat is the morning hours from 08:00 to 10:00, maximum until 12:00. During this period, the brain is tuned to remember new information and build logical connections. It was also found that sleep has a good effect on transferring information into long-term memory - repeat the text again in the evening and go to bed.

Read the poem out loud

This must be done with expression, you can even do it in front of a mirror, and always loudly, slowly, clearly, intelligibly. Don’t forget to place emotional and intonation accents. Correctly chosen rhythm is one of the keys to success.

People are divided into auditory and visual learners. The former remember information better by hearing, the latter - visually. But there are no pure types, so we all perceive text with both ears and eyes. Consequently, in the matter of memorizing a poem, all means are good, and reading aloud is one of the most effective.

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Write on paper

After the first readings of the work, it is advisable to rewrite it on paper. It would be useful to recite each line out loud. If a person is visual, it will be easier for him to memorize it when in the future he re-reads a poem written in his own hand. By the way, it will be very easy for a person with good visual memory to learn a short verse quickly in 5 minutes.

It is recommended to write down the material you have already learned. This approach is a study of how well you remember the text, and at the same time, an additional method of memorization, since motor memory is also included.


We always remember a song more easily and effortlessly than a poem. Why not turn it into a song? Choose any melody you like to match the text and sing.

By the way, even non-rap fans claim that recitative reading is the best way to promote memorization.

Many poems have already been set to music, and today finding any song on the Internet is not a problem. Look, maybe everything has already been done before you.

ways to quickly memorize a verse

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Use associations

Images associated with something already familiar and known to our brain are perceived and remembered best by it. For each line of the work, you can create your own associations. What's interesting is that if you discuss a poem with other people and they share the images that they have, you will hear as many different associations for the same line as there will be the interlocutors themselves.

This is the secret of such memorization - individual perception, one’s own images.

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Use the snowball method

This is memorization. Memorize the first line, followed by the second, then connect them and pronounce them. The entire text is learned in the same way. In this case, there is no need to talk about how to quickly learn a verse if it is long. But if it is small, then even this can be done using this method. This method is also very effective for memorizing large works.

It is important after each new line to recite the entire mastered passage from the very beginning. This is a mandatory condition that will help you remember the entire poem when playing it right after pronouncing the first line, so that it “bounces off your teeth.”

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Tips for adults

If the previous paragraphs of the article contained advice on how to memorize poetry in literature, that is, for school, then this one will talk about voluntary self-sacrifice in the name of the fair sex, as a rule. There is nothing more graceful than declaring a poem on a date so that the girl understands your attitude towards her without further ado. Or vice versa, who knows? How to learn a good verse for such an occasion?

  • You need to choose the text that is most suitable for you to memorize, so that it is simple and concise, without difficult to pronounce or complex lexical combinations. All words in the poem should be clear to you.
  • Avoid poems from the school curriculum in order to create an effect at least through phenomenal, atypical knowledge.
  • The poem you choose should clearly reflect your feelings: no more, no less. This will make the text easier to remember, because you will mentally associate it with the image of a loved one or someone you like.

You probably already know which memory you have the most developed: auditory (hearing perception), motor (when writing a text) or visual (came, saw, remembered). If you perceive better by ear, then listen to the selected poem instead of the usual track list. If you are used to taking down everything important in shorthand, then write a love letter on paper (and send it by Russian post, you will definitely surprise). If just a glance is enough for you, then visualize the poem and imagine it as a series of visual images, a clip, a gallery of paintings, anything to form a curious spectacle for the brain. In general, a pinch of firewood - and the poem is ready.

Deal with unclear points

The poetic style can be florid and sometimes incomprehensible. The text may contain outdated, unfamiliar words, phrases, and entire grammatical structures. You definitely need to know what they mean. The work may even describe events that will be unfamiliar and therefore incomprehensible to the reader. And you also need to familiarize yourself with them in order to thoroughly understand what is at stake.

Whether you want to learn a short poem in 10 minutes or a long poem in a few days, there should be no gaps or incomprehensible passages in the text. Otherwise they will be difficult to remember.

We are accustomed to the fact that children usually learn poems, and only because the school curriculum requires it. But this process perfectly develops memory, thinking, and erudition, so adults should not neglect it either. From poetic works we acquire not only the knowledge we need in practice, but also the ability to express ourselves competently and beautifully.

You need to quickly learn 2 small verses or large poems, the tips listed above will help you with this, and you will understand that nothing is impossible for a person’s memory.

Additional recommendations

To make memorization faster and easier, use these tips.

  1. Create a positive environment. If you find it easier to concentrate in silence, study when no one is home. If you are used to background noise, turn on soft music. Exercise where you feel comfortable and where there are no distractions.
  2. Ask someone else to help. Read him the poem you learned. You can use the echo method: a person tells you a line, you repeat it, and then try to reproduce the entire passage. Or he says the first line - you say the second, he says the third - you say the fourth. And then vice versa.
  3. Make a cheat sheet. Write down key words from the poem that will help you quickly remember the content. If you teach using the association method, you can draw a schematic comic: associations for places that cannot always be reproduced correctly.
  4. Take breaks and repeat the poem before bed. This will help you relax and sort out new information.
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