Breathing exercises for stuttering: why is it needed and how to do it?

Physiological features of stuttering

What is the basis of the physiology of stuttering? The disorder is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • muscle spasms occur in organs involved in articulation, for example, in the larynx, lips, pectoral and diaphragmatic muscles;
  • the face acquires an expression of strong tension and stiffness;
  • the muscles of the mouth are convulsively tense and trembling;
  • due to muscle tremors and spasms, individual letters or syllables cannot move into the next ones, words lengthen, and “get stuck” in the same place.

A person with a stutter begins to get nervous, worried, and upset. Therefore, such people are often characterized by increased emotionality and imbalance.

How breathing exercises help

Systematic implementation of breathing exercises for stuttering leads to the following results:

  • the relationship between the rhythm and tempo of spoken speech is restored;
  • in the process of exercises, a person (child or adult) learns to independently control breathing, shape it during a conversation, regulating the volume of air entering the lungs;
  • muscle tone of the abdominal wall increases;
  • The muscles of the diaphragm are strengthened, diaphragmatic breathing is formed.

Over time, the person feels more confident and stops stuttering.

Treating stuttering with breathing exercises can take a long time (perhaps even years). However, regular, persistent exercise can eliminate even the most advanced disorder.

Stage V. Development of speech breathing during the implementation of complex speech tasks.

The task of this stage is to train speech exhalation when pronouncing a prose text. The stage lasts 5 weeks.

Example exercise: The speech task consists of pronouncing two phrases of a prose text that are not united by rhythm and rhyme: THIS IS AN ORANGE. IT'S ROUND AND ORANGE. A diagram of these two phrases is drawn on the board. Instructions: “Look what I have in my hands.” Correlating each word with the diagram, the experimenter pronounces two phrases, quickly raising his hand and inhaling between them, “Now let’s say it together.”

Further, the speech task becomes more complicated. The two phrases of the previous exercise are joined by a third phrase: THIS IS AN ORANGE. IT'S ROUND AND ORANGE. IT'S ALSO JUICY AND SWEET. Instructions: “And now we will further tell you about the orange. Correlating each word with the diagram, the experimenter pronounces three phrases, quickly raising his hand and inhaling between them. “Now let’s say it together.”

So, for clarity, the main stages, their duration and tasks are reflected in the table.

Execution Rules

In order for breathing exercises to have a therapeutic effect, you must follow some rules:

  • Execution must be regular: at least twice a day. Each lesson takes about a quarter of an hour.
  • Many breathing exercises can cause dizziness. If there is a tendency to such a disorder, you should practice while sitting, and in some cases it is allowed to lie down.
  • Breathing is combined with movements. In this case, you need to move only while inhaling.
  • The inhalation should be sharp, with noise, through the nostrils, and the exhalation should be calm, without noise or sounds, using the mouth.
  • As a rule, at the very beginning of treatment, gymnastics is performed without pronouncing sounds and words. In the future, speech elements will be included in it. Each subsequent stage begins only after a person has completely mastered the previous one.
  • When pronouncing sounds, be sure to monitor the muscle tone of the face - relax the muscles when tense.
  • You should inhale the air before speaking, and pronounce the words as you exhale. In this case, there should be no more than 4 words per exhalation.

Stage I. Formation of the thoraco-abdominal type of breathing.

In order to consolidate the skill of thoraco-abdominal breathing, breathing exercises are carried out 2-3 times a day for 2-4 minutes and repeated for four weeks.

An example of an exercise at this stage: “Hippopotamus”: a child in a lying position places a toy (then his palm) on the diaphragm area. The instructions are aimed at activating the child’s voluntary attention to the proprioceptive sensations that arise during the thoraco-abdominal type of breathing. Instructions: “Remember how your stomach breathes and rocks the toy.” The exercise lasts no more than two to three minutes.

Who should not do breathing exercises?

Breathing exercises, regardless of what disease it is aimed at treating, have contraindications:

  • Any pain or discomfort while performing.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Severe heart disease.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Recent head injury.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Feverish condition.
  • Hypertension.

In some cases, the attending physician excludes only some elements of the respiratory complex, leaving others. For example, if you have stones in the kidneys or bladder, it is not recommended to perform the “Pump” exercise so as not to cause a worsening of the condition.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova A. N.

The system of breathing exercises developed by A. N. Strelnikova is particularly popular and recognized in medical circles. It is aimed at eliminating many diseases, including being actively used for stuttering in children and adults. Simplicity and efficiency are its distinctive features. Strelnikova’s gymnastics for stuttering is a combination of sharp breaths with movement of all parts of the body.

Exercise "Palms"

You can perform it in any position, but if dizziness is present, you should sit or lie down. The idea is to clench your palms into a fist. During compression, you need to inhale air 8 times - short, quickly, noisily. Inhalation is done with the mouth slightly closed. You need to exhale through your mouth in a relaxed state without making noise. It is not necessary to hold back your exhalations; they should happen on their own.

The exercise is repeated 32 times. During the execution, you need to keep your shoulder girdle under control - your shoulders should be lowered and relaxed.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders"

In a standing or sitting position (with a straight spine), extend your arms in front of you, palms down, at shoulder level. Bend them at the elbow joint so that one forearm rests on the other. Imagine sitting at a desk with your hands crossed; the position is the same, only they are raised to shoulder level.

Take a sharp and noisy breath, during which you quickly “hug” yourself by the shoulders. The hands should slide along each other, and a triangle should form in front of the face. Next, spread your arms back to their original state (receiving a square), making an involuntary exhalation (the air will come out passively, on its own).

The maximum number of inhalations and exhalations is 32, but it is recommended to start with 8.

This exercise is not recommended to be performed at the initial stage of mastering the Strelnikova system. You need to start it 14-20 days after working on other elements.

Exercise "Epaulettes"

It is performed in a standing position, with your arms down and slightly extended in front of you, clenched into fists. Taking a sharp breath, just as sharply pull your shoulders down, throw your arms as low as possible, straightening your palms. When returning to the starting position, passive exhalation occurs. Fists should be lower than waist level.

It is necessary to take 8 quick breaths without pausing, then rest for 2-3 seconds and repeat. In total, you should get 4 sets of 8 inhalations and exhalations.

Exercise "Pump"

Stand straight, legs slightly apart, tilt your body forward. You need to bend over so that your palms do not reach the level of your knee joints. Lower your head in front of you. The back should be rounded and the arms should hang freely in front of the body.

Taking a quick short breath, you need to lean forward a little more, as if throwing your arms down. Then just as quickly return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times in a row without pauses. 4 similar approaches need to be made.

Independent website about stuttering

The most important conditions for correct speech

- this is a smooth, long exhalation, clear and relaxed articulation.

Speech breathing

different from ordinary vital breathing. Speech breathing is a controlled process. The amount of air exhaled and the force of exhalation depend on the purpose and conditions of communication.

It has been established that the most correct and convenient for speech is diaphragmatic-costal breathing, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with the participation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The lower, most capacious part of the lungs is active. The upper chest, as well as the shoulders, remain practically motionless.

Control correct speech breathing

Your own palm will help if you place it on the area of ​​the diaphragm, that is, between the chest and abdomen. When you inhale, the abdominal wall rises and the lower part of the chest expands. When you exhale, the abdominal and chest muscles contract. The inhale when speaking is short and light. Exhalation is long, smooth (in a ratio of 1:10; 1:15).

During speech, the functional significance of the exhalation phase increases significantly. Before speaking, a quick and deeper breath is usually taken than at rest. Speech inhalation is carried out through the mouth and nose, and in the process of speech exhalation, the air flow goes only through the mouth. A rational way of using the air stream is of great importance for voicing a statement. The exhalation time is extended as much as the sound of the voice is necessary during the continuous pronunciation of an intonation-logically completed segment of the utterance (that is, a syntagm).

Correct speech breathing

, clear, relaxed articulation are the basis for the sound of the voice. Improper breathing leads to forced and unstable voice.

For people who stutter

at the moment of emotional arousal, speech breathing and clarity of speech are usually impaired.
Breathing becomes shallow and arrhythmic. The volume of exhaled air decreases so much that it is not enough to pronounce a whole phrase, speech is sometimes unexpectedly interrupted, and a convulsive breath is taken in the middle of a word. People who stutter
often speak while inhaling or holding their breath. There is an “air leak” - a speech inhalation is made through the nose, an exhalation immediately follows, and the speech becomes “stifled”, since only the residual air is used. The most common mistake is the predominant use of upper costal or chest breathing during speech, accompanied by a strong rise of the shoulder girdle, chest, and tension of the neck muscles, as a result of which breathing becomes noisy and tense. Therefore, when eliminating stuttering, there is a need to specially organize and develop speech breathing.

Speech breathing is considered incorrect if the following errors are detected: • raising the chest upward and drawing in the abdomen while inhaling; • inhale too much; • increased breathing; • shortened exhalation; • inability to add air unnoticed by others; • incorrect posture.

Povarova I.A. Correction of stuttering in games and trainings

This is interesting:

Manifestations of stuttering

In its manifestations, stuttering is a very heterogeneous disorder. It is naive to believe that it concerns only speech function. In the manifestations of stuttering, attention is drawn to disorders of the nervous system of stutterers, their physical health, general and speech motor skills, speech function itself, and the presence of psychological characteristics. The listed deviations in the psychophysical state of children who stutter manifest themselves differently in different cases. Nevertheless, one is closely connected with the other, feeds each other, and the complication of one of the listed deviations inevitably aggravates the other. Therefore, when eliminating stuttering, it is necessary to influence not only the speech of the stutterer, but also his personality and motor skills, nervous system and the body as a whole. In our country, influencing different aspects of the body, speech and personality of a stutterer using different means is called a comprehensive therapeutic and pedagogical approach to overcoming stuttering.

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Psychological characteristics of people who stutter

According to R.E. Levina, there is no speech disorder in itself; it always presupposes the personality and psyche of a particular individual with all its inherent characteristics. The role of speech deficiency in the development and fate of a child depends on the nature of the defect, its degree, and also on how the child relates to his defect. Understanding their speech defect, unsuccessful attempts to get rid of it on their own, or at least to disguise it, often give rise to certain psychological characteristics in people who stutter: shyness to the point of timidity, a desire for solitude, fear of speech, a feeling of oppression and constant worries about their speech. Sometimes it’s the other way around: disinhibition, ostentatious looseness and harshness.

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System and technologies of correctional work to overcome stuttering: Formation of phonation (speech) breathing

Speech breathing is voluntary and differs significantly from breathing at rest - physiological breathing outside of speech. The most favorable conditions for the functioning of the vocal apparatus are created with lower costal breathing, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with the participation of the diaphragm. Your own palm will help you control correct speech breathing if you place it on the area of ​​the diaphragm, that is, between the chest and abdomen. When you inhale, the abdominal wall rises and the lower part of the chest expands. When you exhale, the abdominal and chest muscles contract. Diaphragmatic breathing is performed against the background of muscle relaxation. Exercises begin in a lying position. In the future, it is advisable to train the diaphragmatic type of breathing when performing physical exercises (walking, bending the body, etc.). Paradoxical breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova, where attention is paid to short inhalations, are used quite successfully in working with people who stutter. At the same time, when working with people who stutter on speech breathing, their main attention and instructions should concern exhalation. read more >>

System and technologies of correctional work to overcome stuttering: Regulation of emotional and muscular state

Teaching relaxation skills begins with exercises that allow the child to feel the difference between tension and relaxation. It is easier to feel the tension of the muscles in the arms and legs, so before relaxing children are asked to strongly and briefly clench their hands into a fist, tense the muscles of the legs, etc. Such exercises are given in the following sequence: for the muscles of the arms, legs, the entire torso, then for the upper shoulder girdle and neck, articulatory apparatus.


Muscle relaxation

Most people who stutter experience feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and fear in the process of verbal communication. They are characterized by an imbalance and mobility between the processes of excitation and inhibition, and increased emotionality. Any, even minor, stressful situations become excessive for their nervous system, cause nervous tension and intensify the external manifestations of stuttering. Many people who stutter are known to speak freely when they are calm. A state of calm is mainly ensured by general muscle relaxation. And vice versa, the more relaxed the muscles, the deeper the state of general peace. Emotional arousal weakens with sufficiently complete muscle relaxation.


‹ Breathing exercises Up The importance of intonation for the formation of expressive speech ›

Why are breathing movements necessary?

The influence of movement on the development of other body functions is studied by the science of kinesiology. Scientists have long noted that during exercise, brain activity increases, interneural connections between the hemispheres are restored, and information is absorbed faster and better.

Today, many speech therapists recommend paying great attention to physical activity during the treatment of stuttering. This is especially true for pediatric patients. As a result, muscle spasms are eliminated, the child relaxes, becomes more attentive, and learns better.

The gymnastic complex aimed at eliminating stuttering includes exercises for stretching, breathing and the development of visual perception. Most of them have a playful element that requires imagination. For example, the “Snowman” exercise involves imagining yourself as a melting snow woman, starting from a standing position and ending with a “puddle” (on the floor).

Another example is the “Candle” breathing exercise. The point is to imagine a candle in front of you and “blow out” it with one exhalation. If you imagine several candles, then you need to “put them out” with several short exhalations.

Exercises aimed at developing the visual apparatus involve the eye muscles. These are any eye movements, alternating tension and relaxation.

Stage III. Development of phonation breathing.

This stage lasts 6 weeks and includes a set of exercises to develop phonation exhalation.

For example: the exercise consists of quickly inhaling through the mouth while simultaneously quickly raising the arms up and exhaling, during which the sound A is sung and the arms are slowly lowered down. Starting position: standing, legs slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, arms down, chin slightly raised. Instructions: “Now we will be quietly surprised, quickly inhale and quickly raise our hands up, and then slowly lower our hands and sing the sound A. Look and listen to how I sing. Now let’s sing together.” The speech therapist draws active attention to the slow lowering of the arms and the prolonged singing of the sound: “We lower our arms slowly, even more slowly and sing beautifully.”

Learning to sing the subsequent sounds O, U, I, E takes place in a similar way, only the movements of the hands change, which, after quickly raising up, slowly fall straight in front of you, then across the sides, then bending at the elbows.

Another example of exercises at this stage consists of performing a quick inhalation through the mouth and exhalation, during which a completed series of vowels is sung with different intonations (question, surprise, joy, etc.)

Starting position: the same as in the previous exercise. Instructions: “Now I will sing the magic word, and you listen (the speech therapist inhales with a half-open mouth along with an upward movement of his hand and, as he exhales, sings a series of vowels together: A O U and slowly lowers his hand). And now together." The adult sings a series of vowels together with the children. “Now let’s ask, the magic word “How are you?” (the speech therapist inhales with a half-open mouth and, as he exhales, sings a series of vowels together: A O U? with a questioning intonation). A number of vowels are sung similarly with other intonations.

How to increase the effectiveness of gymnastics

Some recommendations will help you achieve maximum results in getting rid of stuttering.

  • The room in which classes are held must be clean and ventilated. High air humidity should be avoided, but too dry is also not advisable.
  • It is advisable that the break between the lesson and the last meal be at least two hours.
  • During treatment, it is necessary to ensure sufficient sleep, proper rest, and avoid nervous and physical overload.
  • An excellent addition to the therapeutic respiratory complex will be sports activities, especially in the fresh air. Activities such as running, skiing, cycling, swimming not only strengthen muscles, but also have a positive effect on the rhythm of breathing, cardiac activity, and the state of the nervous system.
  • You should pay enough attention to your diet: adjust your diet, include more foods rich in vitamins.
  • In case of any ailment, especially related to the respiratory system or oral cavity, gymnastics should be interrupted until the disorder is eliminated.

It is necessary to understand that, despite the high effectiveness of breathing exercises for overcoming stuttering, it is possible to completely get rid of the pathology only through an integrated approach. In addition to breathing exercises, therapy for speech disorders includes medications, physiotherapy, psychotherapeutic and other methods.

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