Getting ready to go to school: what should a child be able to do at 7 years old?

Your child is 7 years old. In the near future, big changes await him - school and everything related to studies - and these changes significantly affect the development and behavior of the younger student.

Seven years is a very interesting age, when the child himself is already aware of the changes happening to him. He changes physiologically and psychologically, becoming more like an adult.

School life begins - children are ready to give up play as their main form of activity. And if first-graders are mainly concerned about the newness of school, then their parents are more worried about the question of what should a child of 7 years old be able to do in order for adaptation to school to be easy?


  • Age characteristics of children 6-7 years old Main age characteristics
  • Girls at 7 years old
  • Boys at 7 years old
  • Knowledge and skills of a seven-year-old child
  • Physical indicators and physical activity
  • Speech development
  • Reading
  • Intellectual development
  • Cognitive development
  • Emotional domain and social skills
  • Independence in everyday life
  • Psychology of a child at 7 years old
  • Daily and nutritional regimen
  • Signs of developmental delay
  • How to help a child's development?
      Preschooler preparation
  • Games
  • Test to determine the level of development
  • Norm of speech development in the period from 6 to 7 years

    Children of the seventh year of life can easily choose words that are similar in meaning and opposite in meaning. They make excellent use of the capabilities of their voice, they can give their statements different shades of intonation, speak in a whisper, louder and quieter, faster and slower. They easily describe objects, phenomena and features of their relationships with adults and peers.

    At this age, they can answer adults’ questions with a complete and detailed answer, putting their thoughts into a clear and precise form. They not only easily retell literary works, but they themselves can compose a fairy tale and story, and come up with a beginning and an end for them. When retelling, these children are consistent and logical, and do not deviate from the main storyline.

    In the speech of a 6-7 year old child there are almost no grammatical errors, all sounds are pronounced correctly, speech is clear, words are correctly stressed. Vocabulary allows you to create figurative and vivid statements using interjections and set expressions.

    Age characteristics of children 6-7 years old

    Age-related characteristics of a child by the age of 7 are associated with physical and mental changes, intellectual and emotional development. Seven-year-old children are well aware of their own gender: boys and girls at this age no longer differ only in their different clothes.

    Main age features

    The main features of the development of children at 7 years old include the following factors:

    • the child’s body becomes similar in structure to the body of an adult of the corresponding gender;
    • muscles are noticeably strengthened - seven-year-olds can engage in almost any kind of sport;
    • the younger student is well acquainted with the world around him and can tell a lot about it;
    • coherent speech, a fairly large vocabulary;
    • well developed self-control.

    Girls at 7 years old

    Seven-year-old girls have better oral language skills than their male peers. They easily cope with expressing thoughts using words, use complex sentences in speech, and appropriately use emotionally charged adjectives and adverbs.

    Typically, in the first grade, girls adapt better than boys: schoolgirls maintain discipline and follow established rules.

    Physically, seven-year-old girls are inferior to their peers, which is also taken into account by the school curriculum: already in the first grade, physical education standards for girls are set lower than for their classmates.

    Boys at 7 years old

    By the age of seven, boys' speech is quite well formed, but still slightly worse than that of girls. It can be difficult for seven-year-old boys to fully express a thought; their vocabulary is smaller than that of their peers.

    But already from the first grade, boys demonstrate excellent spatial perception, outperforming their classmates in solving problems with geometric shapes and performing better tasks on technology.

    Boys are more active than girls; it is difficult for them to be disciplined. But if seven-year-old boys are patiently reminded of the rules of behavior at school, they turn out to be quite diligent students.

    Features of speech of six-year-old children

    At this age, the level of children's speech is directly dependent on the speech culture of the adults who surround the preschooler. If the speech of close people is grammatically correct, it often contains vivid epithets, it is rich in content, if adults correct the child’s mistakes in a timely manner, we can say with complete confidence that the child’s speech will have similar qualities.


    Children during this period have from three to five thousand words in their active vocabulary. You should not assume that older preschoolers use all this vocabulary in everyday speech; most often, their everyday vocabulary is somewhat more modest. Children do not attach the correct meaning to all words; there are also erroneous interpretations of meanings. Sometimes their speech is clogged with colloquial or slang expressions and phrases.

    We must strive to ensure that six-year-old children use words with meaning, use vivid expressions, for example, “in a hurry”, “neither light nor dawn”, know that some words have figurative meanings, for example, “the sun has set”, “ The minutes are passing." The Russian language, despite the fact that it is considered one of the most difficult because of the many rules and exceptions to them, is extremely rich and beautiful. Helping a child master this wealth is the most important task of parents and teachers.

    Grammatical structure

    Although the speech of a six-year-old child is becoming more and more perfect, there are still errors in it. Children cannot always correctly inflect words by case and number: “no friends”, “many gloves”, “near the houses”. If the word is inflexible, difficulties may also arise with it, for example, “no coat”, “seen in the cinema”. Children's utterances consisting of simple sentences are replaced by complex sentences. For example, “We went for a walk yesterday and saw beautiful water lilies on the lake” or “Give me a car, but not a blue one, but a red one, because it goes faster.”

    Teachers working with children and caring parents can already tell which child has the most valuable quality - “a sense of the native language,” when children can spontaneously use new words, change them in accordance with already learned norms and rules, subconsciously focusing on the sound and word form. They enjoy puns when, instead of one meaning of a word, another, similar in sound, is used. Remember the immortal lines about an absent-minded person: “Dearly respected carriage, dear carriage dear! ...Can’t we stop at the tram station?”

    Connected speech

    This area of ​​children's speech blossoms wildly at the end of preschool childhood. It is not difficult for children to independently retell a work of art, the content of a film, describe an object, a toy, come up with a fairy tale, describe what he feels in different situations. A very useful quality that appears at this age is a sense of foresight, when children can talk about what is about to happen or could happen, but has not happened yet, or come up with a continuation of a story started by adults.

    Another achievement is explanatory speech, when it is necessary, for example, to explain to peers the rules of an outdoor game, to agree on roles in a story game or in a tabletop theater performance. This requires special precision of statements and a logical determination of the sequence of actions. For example, when explaining the rules of the game “Third Wheel,” you need to keep in mind the order in which the players are placed, how and under what conditions they change, who is considered the winner, and who is eliminated from the game.

    Phonetics of children's speech

    The sounds of the native language at this age stage are almost completely pronounced without errors. Children have mastered and clearly pronounce all words, in most cases in accordance with the norms of literary pronunciation. They can speak slowly and quickly (tongue twisters), loudly and quietly, have mastered whispered speech, and widely use intonation.

    Occasionally, the following phonetic problems may occur:

    • Blurred pronunciation of words and phrases, unclear endings. This defect is most often found in those who have recently mastered the pronunciation of all sounds, and in children with a fast speech rate;
    • Fuzzy differentiation of sounds by ear, when a child confuses pairs of sounds: [s]-[ts], [l]-[r], [z]-[zh], [s]-[sh], [ts]-[ h] and others when pronouncing syllable chains, for example, sa-za-sa, la-ra-la, za-za-zha, sa-sha-sa, cha-cha-tsa and others.
    • Incorrectly placed emphasis: chauffeur - chauffeur, calls - calls.

    At the stage from 6 to 7 years, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of phonemic hearing, the ability to do sound analysis: to isolate individual sounds from words, and words from sentences; consistently name sounds in words; determine the place of sound in a word, divide words into syllables. These skills are the basis for learning to read and write; they are more necessary for a child than knowing letters. Without these skills, the child does not read, but mechanically learns syllables and words.

    Knowledge and skills of a seven-year-old child

    At the age of seven, the child’s new knowledge and skills are not only a reason for mom and dad to be proud. Senior preschoolers will face their first exam in their lives—testing upon admission to first grade.

    What should a child know and be able to do according to the Federal State Educational Standard?

    According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, a child entering school must know:

    • your personal data: first and last name, address, first and last names of parents;
    • about changes in time periods: names of times of day, days of the week, months;
    • how the world around us works: name common professions, know several species of animals and plants.

    In addition to this basic knowledge, the child must also have some skills:

    • dress and undress independently;
    • hold a pen confidently, draw lines on paper without lifting your hand;
    • Draw simple geometric shapes on paper: square, triangle, circle.

    What do you need to know before school?

    The Federal State Educational Standards requirements are a list of only the basic knowledge and skills that every future student must possess. In schools, future first-graders are tested to determine the readiness of a particular child to study.

    Based on the test results, the intellectual, speech and psychological readiness of the child is revealed, and there are many more questions in the tests than within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards requirements.

    Possible tasks and questions for a child at an interview before entering first grade:

    • find differences in two pictures;
    • compose a short story based on the given picture;
    • recite any poem by heart;
    • find answers to the proposed riddles;
    • talk in detail about your ideas about school: about school rules and why school is needed in general;
    • name generalizing concepts for different objects: for example, a table, an armchair, a chair is furniture; lion, tiger, wolf are wild animals.


    According to the periodization of A. N. Gvozdev, at the age of five or six years, the third period of formation of the grammatical structure of the Russian language continues. At this age, children learn not only the typical forms of inflection and word formation, but also exceptions to the rules, morphemes also fall into place, and cases of word creation become fewer and fewer. Nevertheless, errors may remain in the use of forms with alternating sounds (want - want), in the use of plural forms of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases (tree - tree, pencils - no pencils), and so on. There are no or almost no participles in the speech of five-year-old children. If these forms appear in speech, they are often used incorrectly (cut, torn). There are errors in the use of prefixes with spatial meaning: morphemes that are close in meaning are mixed up, for example, entered - came, came - approached.

    Physical indicators and physical activity

    The weight and height standards for seven-year-old children are set by WHO standards: the average weight at 7 years is 23 kilograms, the average height is 121 centimeters . If your child weighs less than 20 kilograms or more than 27 kilograms, or is less than 115 centimeters tall, consult your pediatrician. If necessary, the pediatrician will give recommendations on changing your daily routine and diet.

    Read more about weight and height standards, as well as possible deviations and their causes here.

    By the age of seven, motor activity increases due to stronger muscles and joints. Skills that indicate the normal development of a seven-year-old:

    • can walk along a log while maintaining balance;
    • tumbles;
    • marks a target to hit with the ball, hits this target;
    • runs quickly, easily changes running trajectory if necessary;
    • jumps over obstacles that are not too high.

    Physiological development

    The physiological development of a child at 7 years old is already sufficient for a junior schoolchild to cope with the necessary loads. The musculoskeletal system of a seven-year-old can withstand both a heavy backpack and prolonged sitting. The muscles become stronger: at the beginning of the school year, a first-grader may still complain about arm fatigue from long hours of writing, but after a few months, the arm muscles become so strong that the child does not feel discomfort even when doing written assignments for a long time.

    Parts of the central nervous system are developing, but in general the nervous system is not fully formed, which is why seven-year-old children do not react quickly enough. Areas of the brain function like those of an adult, and any, even the most complex, emotions are available to a child.


    After five years, most children begin to develop a conscious orientation in the sound composition of a word. Previously, speech acted only as a means of communication; now it is becoming an object of awareness and study. In relation to younger preschoolers, L. S. Vygotsky said: “Initially, we encounter in the child a lack of awareness of verbal forms and verbal meanings and a lack of differentiation of both. The word and its sound structure are perceived by the child as part of a thing or as a property of it, inseparable from other properties.”

    The first attempts to consciously isolate a sound from a word, and then establish the exact location of a particular sound, are necessary prerequisites for learning to read and write. According to V.K. Orfinskaya, the isolation of sound from a word appears spontaneously in preschool children, but complex forms of sound analysis need to be taught specifically. At the age of five to six years, a child can, with appropriate training, master not only determining the position of a sound in a word - beginning, middle, end of a word - but also positional sound analysis, establishing the exact place of a sound in a word, naming sounds in the order in which they appear in the word .

    Speech development

    Speech development is directly related to the work of the fingers. First-graders who complete a lot of written assignments noticeably improve their speech, and some speech impairments may even disappear precisely due to the active work of their fingers.

    Normally, a child with well-developed speech at 7 years old should be able to:

    • compose a story based on a picture or a series of pictures, using 6–8 detailed sentences;
    • tell how the day went, without confusing the sequence of events and focusing on memorable details;
    • retell a short text in your own words;
    • correctly answer questions related to the text read;
    • understand the essence of the riddles, try to guess the correct answer.

    On average, a seven-year-old child knows about 5,000 words of his native language and actively uses 1,500–2,000 words in speech.

    Conscious reading is important for speech development. Even at school, when testing reading technique, they evaluate not only how many words the student has read, but also whether he understood what he read well enough.

    Speech development disorders in children and their prevention

    Children with delayed speech development at the age of 6 years are characterized by the following deficiencies in mastering their native language:

    • The absence of a large number of sounds or the replacement of some sounds with others, several sound groups may be missing: whistling, hissing, sonorant (r, l);
    • Words of 4–6 syllables are pronounced distortedly, they lack sounds and entire syllables, syllables can be rearranged, replaced by others (hammer - hammer, yogurt - post-water milk, traffic controller - allener);
    • The vocabulary is poor, there are not enough complex nouns, very few adjectives, a large number of substitutions are noted (cup - mug, stork - heron, strawberry - strawberry, skirt - dress, elk - deer, cooks - cooks, sews - embroiders, big - tall, wide - long);
    • Prepositions are often missing from sentences, statements are unclear, and children are unable to voice what they think.

    It is very important to limit the deficiencies in the pronunciation of individual sounds from such complex disorders as dysarthria, alalia, general speech underdevelopment, rhinolalia, stuttering, mental retardation. Only a speech therapist together with a neurologist, otolaryngologist, psychologist, and defectologist can determine this accurately. Timely correction of speech pathologies will help the child successfully study in school in the future.

    To prevent the speech lag of 6-year-old children from becoming a factor in their future academic failure, care must be taken in advance to stimulate speech development. Children are taught to pronounce proverbs, tongue twisters, sayings, recite poetry, retell works they have read, and dramatize fairy tales. They play various word games with them: “Say the opposite”, “Third is a wheel”, “Living-non-living”, “Say it differently” and others.

    If parents want their baby to have meaningful speech, they need to read to him as much as possible, selecting the best works of children's literature for this. Not a single work read should go unnoticed; we need to talk about its content, pay attention to vivid epithets, comparisons, metaphors, and explain the meaning of incomprehensible words. The child is given riddles, asked to make up a story based on the pictures, and to make up a sentence on his own. At the same time, parents carefully monitor their children’s speech, not ignoring any mistakes.

    All pronunciation defects must be corrected before school, otherwise difficulties will arise in mastering reading and writing, and you will have to look for a speech therapist who will help overcome problems that could have been avoided before school. We have such specialists, we will be happy to help your child with difficulties in mastering written language, but it is still better to take care of this issue in advance and prevent the problem.

    The development of speech at the age of 6–7 years is a clear evidence of the efforts of parents and teachers invested in the development of the child. Mastering speech will help the future first-grader successfully master the school curriculum. Improving speech skills does not end at this age; it will continue throughout a person’s life. A rich vocabulary, correct speech, the ability to express oneself interestingly and convey one’s thoughts to others are a worthy result of a preschooler’s speech development and a solid foundation for a successful start to school life.


    Reading skills that a child must have before entering first grade:

    • knowledge of the alphabet;
    • knowledge of vowels and consonants and the ability to distinguish them;
    • the ability to come up with several words starting with the same letter.

    In first grade, reading technique is tested. Standards may vary from school to school, but on average, by the end of the school year, a child should read at least 30 words per minute.

    Learn more about how many words a child should read per minute.

    Preparing a preschooler for reading and writing

    Despite the fact that the first grade program is designed for children who come to school not knowing a single letter, parents strive for their children to arrive at school already reading and, preferably, writing. They motivate this by the fact that while the child reaches reading fluency, it will not be easy for him to read and understand tasks in other textbooks: in mathematics, on getting to know the world around him.

    Unfortunately, we often see how preschool preparation is carried out by those who do not have the slightest idea about the capabilities of children at 6–7 years old. With such “would-be teachers,” the child begins to master reading without having the skills to analyze words, without being able to determine what sounds a word consists of.

    “Homework” that is not designed for the capabilities of a preschooler leads children to feel the incredible difficulty of their upcoming studies. After such classes, they come to school with a negative attitude towards the learning process, which initially should have become a source of joy and new emotions for them.

    Preparing to Learn Writing

    For learning to write, numerous exercises in copybooks are not as important as special tasks for developing fine motor skills and establishing connections between the eye and hand:

    • Unfastening and fastening buttons, complex fasteners, lacing;
    • Collecting constructor models, for example, Lego, according to the proposed model;
    • Weaving from fabric, thread, paper;
    • Unscrewing and screwing in children's construction set bolts and screws;
    • Hatching, coloring drawings;
    • Laying out like a mosaic;
    • Writing graphic dictations.

    It is desirable that the child is well oriented on the plane of the sheet and can draw a line along the cells up, right, left, down. These skills will come in handy when he begins to master the correct writing of letters and numbers.

    Preparing for literacy

    You need to start this complex process not with showing letters, but with the ability to hear the sounds of speech. It’s not at all easy to explain to a child what a word is – you can’t touch or see it. You can play word games “Give me a word”, “Finish the line”. When children understand what a word is, they need to be taught to isolate sounds from the word. For this, they also use various games where an adult pronounces words, highlighting some sound. The child’s task is to determine whether this sound is in the word or not.

    Gradually making the task more difficult, children are taught to look for these sounds at the beginning, at the end, and in the middle of a word. For sound analysis of a word, you need cards with drawn cells and chips of two colors made of cardboard. You need to start with words that are simple in sound-syllable structure, for example, consisting of three sounds: cat, house, smoke, bow, ball, where these sounds are pronounced clearly and clearly. When pronouncing a word, an adult intonationally emphasizes all sounds in order. The child must name the sound and cover the square with a chip. This work does not tolerate haste and negligence; the intellectual characteristics of the child must be taken into account; the more capable child should be given more complex tasks; the passive child should be offered help without being discouraged from doing the work.

    Having consolidated these skills, the adult teaches children to distinguish between vowels and consonants (the pronunciation of some is interfered with by the tongue, lips, teeth, while others are pronounced without interference), soft (lips smile more) and hard, voiced (there is vibration) and dull sounds. Chips for sound analysis of a word are already becoming multi-colored: red (vowels), blue (hard consonants), green (soft consonants). More complex words are already offered for analysis - from 4-5 sounds.

    We gradually complicate the tasks, the adult lays out a diagram of the word, and the child must either choose pictures to go with it, or come up with his own word. While playing, you can help with questions that lead to inventing words. We assemble a ladder, come up with a word where the given sound is on the first, second, third, etc. place. We come up with chains, select a word for the last sound, for example, sledge-willow-August-axe-satchel-flowers. And only after a solid mastery of these skills can you begin to get acquainted with letters. To teach syllabic reading it is convenient to use a special manual. These include Chaplygin's cubes and all sorts of objects consisting of a sheet of cardboard with windows through which a strip with vowels and a second with consonants are pulled. The stripes move to form syllables.

    This is an important preparatory period that precedes learning to read and write. It is impossible to skip this stage; such exercises help children easily master the skills of reading and error-free writing, which contributes to normal learning according to the school curriculum.

    Intellectual development

    The child’s knowledge and skills corresponding to the norms of mental development at 7 years old:

    • counts to ten and back;
    • is familiar with geometric figures and can draw them on paper himself;
    • reads syllables;
    • knows and does not confuse the concepts of “right”, “left”, “above”, “below”;
    • recognizes and names different colors and their shades, for example, distinguishes light green from dark green;
    • can list traffic rules for pedestrians;
    • focuses on the same activity for 30 minutes or longer;
    • tries to redraw the picture as close as possible to the original;
    • colors drawings without going beyond the outline and combining colors well;
    • independently creates crafts from paper, plasticine, and natural materials;
    • With the help of instructions, he assembles puzzles and construction sets with many parts.

    Cognitive development

    At the age of 7, children's awareness and intelligence increase, and their cognitive abilities progress noticeably at this age. Seven-year-old children for the first time begin to think based on logic rather than associations, and this way of thinking also affects all the child’s cognitive abilities.


    The memory of a seven-year-old child is well developed if he can:

    • memorize and recite poems 8–12 lines long;
    • remember what was depicted in the picture you saw, talk about what you saw;
    • talk about the brightest moments of your own life at the request of other people or at your own request.

    At the age of 7, children have formed voluntary memory: they can remember information purposefully, even if this information does not seem interesting. At the same age, the child begins to form indirect memory - memorization using diagrams, symbols and other similar means.


    Skills of a seven-year-old child with advanced logical thinking:

    • notices and tries to explain the similarities and differences of objects;
    • distributes similar objects into groups, excludes an extra object: for example, understands that a birch tree is redundant in a group of flowers;
    • finds answers to age-appropriate logic problems.


    By the beginning of school life, a child’s voluntary attention is formed. A first grader keeps his attention on a subject if necessary, even if the subject is not interesting to him.

    By the age of seven, the attention span is 30–40 minutes, but at least 20 minutes continuously. If a child cannot concentrate, being distracted every 5-10 minutes, you can try to teach him to be attentive by doing interesting things together for 20-30 minutes without interruption.

    Age norms for speech development of preschool children


    We all look forward to our baby's first word. And this is understandable - the appearance of speech is one of the most important indicators of the normal mental development of a child. And now the first word has already been said, but what next? What should a child be able to do at 2-4 years old, 5-6 years old? We will try to give a brief answer to this question that worries many parents.

    Speech development of children 2-3 years old

    Experts consider the age from two to three years to be critical in terms of speech development and recommend making the first visit to a speech therapist to answer the question “is everything okay with speech?”

    Sound pronunciation. In the speech of a child of the third year of life, the sounds [s'], [l'], [y'], as well as [g], [x], [k], [m], [p], [b] should appear. , [n], [v], [f], [d], [t] (and their soft pairs), all vowels. However, the pronunciation of many sounds is still far from perfect, which at this age stage is characteristic of children's speech, since the mobility of the muscles of the tongue and lips is not yet sufficiently developed. The child replaces many difficult sounds with easier ones to pronounce. Thus, the baby often replaces hissing sounds ([sh], [zh], [ch'], [sch'] with soft whistling sounds: “syapka” (hat), “zyuk” (beetle), “tsyaynik” (teapot), "senok" (puppy). Sometimes, instead of the sound [ch'], a child can pronounce [t']: “tyasy” (clock). Some children at this age replace hissing sounds with hard whistling sounds: “sapka” instead of hat; hard whistling - soft whistling: “syanki” (sledge), “zyayka” (bunny). The consonants [р], [р'], [л] are absent or replaced by the sounds [л'], [й]: “yba” (fish), “giya” (weight), “yaboko” (apple), “dvel” (door), “golubi” (pigeons), “may” (chalk).

    Lexicon. The child’s passive and active vocabulary quickly expands: by the age of 2 it reaches approximately 300 words, and by the age of 3 – up to 1000 words. In addition to nouns and verbs, the child increasingly uses adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and pronouns. In the third year of life, the baby listens with pleasure and perceives simple fairy tales and stories, and easily carries out simple verbal instructions.

    Phrasal speech. Experts are unanimous that by the age of 2, the baby should already have formed phrasal speech. Even if the phrases are not always clear yet and consist of two words, often babbling. For example: MOTHER, PI (mom, I’m thirsty). DE UYAT (let's go for a walk). The main thing is that a phrase (sentence) appeared. But the sentences of three-year-old children become complex, with conjunctions “because”, “or”, “so that”. And, although in their speech there is still a lot of incorrect use of endings (“Look how many balls!”), suffixes (“I have a doll”), agreements (“This is my doll!”), stresses (“The spoon is on the table” ), gradually they become less and less, they become random and disappear at approximately 5-6 years.

    Speech development of children 3-4 years old

    The fourth year is the age of “why”. Children constantly ask adults questions that cannot be ignored. We must patiently and clearly answer all the “why?”, “why?”, “how?” During this period, the child’s greatest sensitivity to language is revealed.

    Sound pronunciation (see “Speech development of children 2-3 years old”). A child of the fourth year of life correctly pronounces the whistling sounds [s], [z] and [ts]. At this age, he still cannot always correctly pronounce the hissing sounds [w], [zh], [ch'], [sh'] and often replaces them with whistling sounds [s], [z], [ts]: “kasa” ( porridge), “nozyk” (knife), “klyuts” (key). The baby can replace sonorant [r], [r'], [l] with the sound [l'], less often [th]: “lyabota” (work), “leka” (river), “lyampa” (lamp), “kayandas” "(pencil), "get tired" (tired).

    The syllabic structure of the word. In some words, the child omits or rearranges not only sounds, but also entire syllables, for example, he can pronounce the word car as “amabil”, store as “gamazin”, suitcase as “bagman”, temperature as “tematura”, etc. But this applies to words with a complex syllabic structure, to long and new words.

    Lexicon. By age four, a child's active vocabulary nearly doubles to approximately 2,000 words. In his speech, in addition to nouns and verbs, pronouns (my, yours, ours), adverbs (cold, tasty), and numerals (one, two) appear more and more often. If previously the child used only qualitative adjectives (soft, warm), now he also uses possessive ones (uncle's hat, cat's tail).

    The grammatical structure of speech is still being formed, so incorrect use of endings, suffixes, prefixes, and word agreements in a sentence is acceptable (“Buy a blue ball!”, “This little dog was sitting under the chair,” “I’m drawing”). Arbitrary use of stress is also a variant of the norm: “cold water”, “my hand hurts”.

    Phrasal speech. The construction of phrases also becomes more complicated. If earlier the baby, asking for an apple, said: “Give me an apple,” now he can pronounce this phrase like this: “Give me a big (small or red) apple,” that is, indicate the size or color of the object. However, a child cannot always coherently and clearly tell what he saw on the street or retell a fairy tale.

    Speech development of children 4-5 years old

    In the fifth year of life, the child’s speech becomes more varied, more correct, and richer.

    Sound pronunciation. Children of this age master a clear and pure pronunciation of hissing sounds [w], [zh], [h'], [sh'], many begin to correctly pronounce the sounds [r], [r'], [l], but not always yet know how to use them in all words. So, for example, a child will correctly pronounce the sound [r] in the word barn and at the same time the same sound in the word roof can be pronounced as [l]: klysha. Normally, five-year-old children should learn to clearly pronounce all the sounds in words and sentences.

    Intonation, pitch, strength of voice. Children catch various intonation means of expressiveness in the speech of adults and imitate them when retelling a fairy tale. They can arbitrarily change the pitch and strength of their voice, taking into account the content of the story. At this age they can already speak in a whisper.

    Formation of sound analysis skills. A new development in the fifth year of life is the ability to recognize the sound in a word, as well as the selection of words with a given sound, that is, the simplest forms of sound analysis develop.

    Lexicon. An increase in the active vocabulary (by the age of five it reaches 3000 words) allows the child to more accurately express his thoughts and communicate freely with both adults and children. If a five-year-old child does not know what to call this or that object, then, trying to find the appropriate word, he creates his own words. K.I. Chukovsky in the book “From Two to Five” gives the following examples of children’s word creation: ogonyata (small fire), angry (wrinkles), shoe, creeper (worm), mazelin (vaseline), tseplov (loop). Children show great interest in the sound design of words, begin to select consonant pairs of words, and compose short poems. During this period, children's speech hearing improves. They get the opportunity to distinguish words that differ in one phoneme (stick - beam, bear - mouse).

    The grammatical structure of speech is still being formed, so incorrect use of endings, suffixes, prefixes, and word agreements in a sentence is acceptable (“Buy a blue ball!”, “This little dog was sitting under the chair,” “I’m drawing”). Arbitrary use of stress is also a variant of the norm: “cold water”, “my hand hurts”.

    Coherent speech. Children begin to master monologue speech. A child of middle preschool age should be able to coherently talk about events from his own life, describe animals or toys that replace them, talk about the event depicted in a picture or a series of pictures. He is able to retell a familiar text. A child of the fifth year of life constructs his answers from 2-3 or more phrases, and increasingly his speech includes complex and complex sentences.

    Speech development of children 5-6 years old

    The development of the speech of an older preschooler, the ability to coherently, consistently, logically express one’s thoughts, and the development of phonemic hearing are the most important points in preparing children for school.

    Sound pronunciation. By the age of five, the formation of correct sound pronunciation ends. Normally, all children should learn to clearly pronounce all sounds in words and sentences. This does not always happen. Some children have various deficiencies in sound pronunciation, associated either with disturbances in the structure and mobility of the articulatory apparatus, or with underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. Attention parents! Urgently contact speech therapists so that they can establish the cause of incorrect sound pronunciation and draw up a program for correcting the disturbed sounds.

    Intonation, pitch, strength of voice. Most children can voluntarily change the strength and pitch of their voice depending on the purpose of the statement (question, exclamation). By the age of five, you need to normalize your speech rate. Both a rapid rate of speech, which leads to unclear, sloppy pronunciation with blurred articulation, and a slow rate, which creates difficulties in communication, are undesirable.

    Formation of sound analysis skills. With appropriate training, the child masters not only determining the position of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word), but also establishes the exact place of a sound in a word, naming the sounds in the order in which they appear in the word. This is a necessary prerequisite for learning to read and write.

    Lexicon. After five years, vocabulary grows rapidly. If in previous years it was possible to roughly count how many words are in active use, now it is more difficult to do this. Involuntary memory, the basis for vocabulary acquisition, reaches its peak at this age. Words are remembered as if by themselves, without volitional effort. A word heard once easily enters the active dictionary.

    The grammatical structure of speech. Children learn not only the typical forms of inflection and word formation, but also exceptions to the rules, morphemes also fall into place, and cases of word creation become fewer and fewer. Nevertheless, errors may remain in the use of forms with alternating sounds (want - want), in the use of plural forms of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases (tree - tree, pencils - no pencils), and so on.

    Coherent speech. The child has sufficiently developed active speech, uses detailed phrases during communication, answers questions accurately and clearly, and is able to talk about the events he witnessed.

    Speech development of children 6-7 years old

    At this age, the preschool period of child development ends, the main result of which is readiness for systematic learning.

    Sound pronunciation. By the age of six, children’s sound pronunciation has completely normalized, and work is underway to improve diction, that is, the ability to correctly use sounds in the flow of speech.

    Phonemic hearing. Six-year-old children clearly distinguish by ear all the sounds of their native language, including those that are similar in their acoustic characteristics: dull and voiced, hard and soft. The inability to distinguish pairs of sounds based on deafness and voicedness most often indicates a deficiency in physical hearing. According to the outstanding Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky, “a good, clear pronunciation of a word such that each of the sounds that make up the word is heard, and a sensitive ear in distinguishing these sounds - these are the main foundations of spelling.”

    Formation of sound analysis skills. The ability to recognize sounds in a stream of speech, isolate them from a word, and establish the sequence of sounds in a particular word is developing. It should be noted that without the participation of adults, these very necessary skills may not be formed at all.

    Lexicon. The vocabulary of preschool children of six or seven years of age is quite large and can no longer be accurately counted, especially since there is a large gap in quantitative terms among children with different speech development: there are children with a rich vocabulary, very knowledgeable in various fields of knowledge, and children whose vocabulary very poor and limited to everyday topics.

    Grammatical structure. Preschoolers have already mastered practical grammar; errors may remain in the use of forms that are exceptions: some verbal forms of conjugations (to go - go); indeclinable nouns (in palta) and other speech errors that are characteristic not only of preschoolers, but are also found in the speech of adults, since they are forms that are objectively difficult to master.

    Coherent speech. Answers questions in detailed phrases, uses complex and complex sentences. He can independently compose a story based on a picture, retell a familiar fairy tale or story, share his impressions of a cartoon or book he watched. A child can fantasize and compose fairy tales.

    teacher-speech therapist Tarasenkova Yu.V.

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    Emotional domain and social skills

    A seven-year-old child begins to experience new and difficult emotions for him: he may be very shy or offended, and feel very proud of himself. A wave of new sensations also affects the behavior of a primary school student: he may become irritable or mannered, secretive or overly talkative.

    A child at 7 years old understands and accepts the role of a schoolchild. He does not always immediately manage to establish relationships with his classmates; it is especially difficult for shy children in this regard. The task of the family and the teacher is to solve problems in communication between children immediately; at a later age this is more difficult to do.

    Often, seven-year-old children try to appear more mature than they really are: they study diligently, emphasize their status as a school student, and willingly communicate with classmates outside of school hours. A seven-year-old child can be very dependent on approval from parents, teachers, and other children.


    By the age of five, the formation of correct sound pronunciation ends. Normally, all children should learn to clearly pronounce all sounds in words and sentences.

    Attention parents! Urgently contact speech therapists so that they can establish the cause of incorrect sound pronunciation and draw up a program for correcting the disturbed sounds. Time is now working against you: the distorted sound will only become entrenched, and it will become increasingly difficult to correct it with age.

    Speaking about the sound side of speech, we must not forget about the elements of intonation - prosodes (voice strength, pitch, rate of speech, voice timbre), since they, like sounds, are the “building material” of oral speech. Children easily perceive all prosodemes and, even at an early age, distinguish affection, severity, etc. in the intonations of adults’ voices. By the age of five, most children can voluntarily change the strength and pitch of their voice depending on the purpose of the statement, that is, use prosodemes consciously, and not just understand them.

    By the age of five, you need to normalize your speech rate. As you know, the rate of speech depends on how stressed syllables in words are pronounced (unstressed syllables are always pronounced very quickly). Both a rapid rate of speech, which leads to unclear, sloppy pronunciation with blurred articulation, and a slow rate, which creates difficulties in communication, are undesirable.

    Older preschoolers should already be able to express with their voice the unfinished intonations of semantic segments of a common sentence, since in their speech they use not only simple, but also complex and complex sentences. There are six such intonations: enumeration intonation; intonation of opposition; vocative intonation; warning intonation, or colon intonation; intonation of introduction; intonation of isolation.

    The best material for demonstrating such intonations are poems and fairy tales of classics of Russian literature.

    Independence in everyday life

    At the age of 7, a child has access to many self-service skills: a son or daughter can be involved in household chores as full-fledged assistants. In everyday life and self-care, seven-year-olds can:

    • dress and undress independently, without getting tangled in buttons, fasteners and laces;
    • take care of your things: hang them carefully, determine what needs to be washed;
    • collect a school bag;
    • clean up your room: sweep, dust, make the bed;
    • wash the dishes.

    Seven-year-old children are increasingly away from their parents: at school, on the way home, on the playground with their peers. To worry less about the health and safety of your child, install the “Where are my children” application. With it, you will always know where the child is, what route he is taking and what is happening around him.

    Psychology of a child at 7 years old

    Great changes occur in the psyche of a seven-year-old child: his self-esteem is formed under the influence of previous authorities (parents) and a new authoritative adult (teacher). The younger student is no longer as unconditionally confident that adults are right as before, and may doubt what he heard, especially if authoritative adults contradict each other.

    At the age of 7, the child’s personality is formed. He begins to analyze his own actions and feelings, sets goals and tries to achieve them.

    Play still plays an important role in the psychological development of a primary school student, although it becomes less significant compared to studies. In their games, children can reproduce quite complex plots related to relationships between people.

    Often, parents of first-graders are faced with a seven-year crisis , expressed in a change in the child’s behavior. Just yesterday, an obedient and affectionate baby suddenly becomes capricious: he is rude, argues and even makes faces. Our psychologist tells us how to cope with the crisis of seven years.

    Daily and nutritional regimen

    A clear daily routine is especially important for first-graders: the routine helps reduce such unpleasant symptoms in the child as hyperactivity, fatigue, and memory impairment.

    Approximate routine for a 7 year old child:

    07:10Hygiene procedures, breakfast
    07.30Getting ready and going to school
    08:00–13:00Study time including one or two meals a day
    14:00Lunch at home
    14:30Daytime nap or walk
    15:30Independent games or games with parents and friends
    16:00Doing homework
    17:00Afternoon snack
    17:30Walk or play at home
    19:00Communication and activities with parents
    20:30Hygiene procedures
    21:00Going to bed

    ⠀ A junior schoolchild needs to sleep at least 10 hours a day . Many seven-year-olds refuse to nap during the day, but some kids still need to sleep during the day to regain their strength.

    The optimal number of meals for a first grader is 5 times a day. The child’s menu should include vegetables, fruits, meat dishes, and dairy products. A first grader definitely needs to have breakfast: even if the child has no appetite in the morning, try offering him one of his favorite dishes.


    Speech of a child at 5-6 years old: norms
    Normally, a child 5-6 years old has a rich vocabulary (up to 2500-3000 words), can come up with a story based on a picture or on a given topic, and retell what he heard (not always accurately). Generalizing words are actively used (flowers, trees, animals, and so on), all parts of speech are found in sentences (noun, adjective, verb, numerals, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, particles, interjections, adverbs, as well as participial and adverbial phrases).

    The child often pronounces the actions or thoughts of the characters during the game, and also begins to think about his speech and can come up with “his own” words. At this age, children quickly remember and recite poems and stories.

    How to develop speech in a 5 year old child

    The main task of parents at the age of 5-6 years is to develop coherent, logical speech. To do this, it is necessary to expand your vocabulary (include epithets, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms), develop the ability to accurately and logically retell the plot, and form competent speech (especially the correct declension in numbers, cases, stress, appropriate use of prepositions).

    The following exercises will help you with this:

    We select synonyms. Name any word (for example, “cheerful”) and ask the child: “What can you call it differently?” (joyful, in a good mood). If your child finds it difficult to answer, please help.

    We select antonyms . Name a word and ask them to say the opposite in meaning. In this way, train nouns, adjectives, verbs and other parts of speech (for example, cold - heat, light - heavy, opened - closed).

    We classify objects according to certain characteristics. Ask to list what a closet is, for example (large, rectangular, wooden, white, roomy, wide, narrow, mirrored). Ask to name objects that can be sweet (candy, fruit, cotton wool, sleep). Children 5-6 years old often use generalizing words in their speech (for example, flower instead of tulip), train your child to accurately identify the object (for example, spruce, poplar instead of “tree”)

    "Guess it . You name the characteristics of the object, and the child’s task is to guess what you wished for. For example, round, large, striped, green, edible, tasty - “watermelon”

    Grammar exercises (correct declension of nouns by numbers, cases, comparison, use of prepositions). You say: “I have one apple, but on the table...”, the child continues: “many apples” - we train declination by numbers. Or “here is the sofa, you and I are sitting on... (the sofa), and now the cat has come up to... (the sofa)” - we train declension by cases.

    Make a sentence out of words. Ask your child to make a sentence using certain words. For example, pear, lie, table - “the pear lies on the table.”

    We enrich speech with the help of children's literature, proverbs and sayings. Perhaps one of the most effective means for developing speech is reading literature, including riddles, nursery rhymes, poems, proverbs and sayings.

    It is very important that when reading together, the child is involved in the process and understands what you are reading to him. Therefore, be sure to explain the meaning of new words and proverbs.

    And in order for new words and phrases to become firmly established in the child’s active vocabulary, at first you will have to include them in your speech yourself in the appropriate situation.

    It is also worth noting that the child copies the speech of adults. Therefore, if parents incorrectly decline nouns and place stress incorrectly, most likely the child will repeat the same mistakes. Make sure your speech is correct and rich.

    The best way to develop the speech of a child of any age is full communication with parents: joint observations of nature and what is happening around, discussion of situations and reading, inventing your own stories and other interesting activities together.

    Exercises for the development of speech of a 5-year-old child: 1) continue the series: pear, apple... turnip, potato... chair, sofa... rose, poppy... chair, wardrobe... sparrow, tit... goat, ram... cup, saucer... shorts, T-shirt... slippers , boots... blueberries, raspberries... 2) name it in one word: shirt, T-shirt, sweater, trousers are... sandals, shoes, boots are... potatoes, cabbage, beets are... pike, crucian carp, ruff are... chamomile, peony , lily is... a bed, bedside table, table is... an apple, pear, banana is... a glass, plate, dish is... Give your baby the opportunity to correct you, notice mistakes, say correctly. For example, by showing a picture of a fly agaric, announce that it is a healthy mushroom. Give your words a hint of doubt: “This is a healthy mushroom, right? I think it’s called a fly agaric?” And you will be pleased to hear the reaction: “Yes, this is a fly agaric. But it’s harmful, you can’t eat it!” After all, you introduced your child to this information, and in the forest, during a walk, you demonstrated the fly agaric more than once. The child tries to identify the extra object. Of course, it is better to start working with pictures, because it is much more difficult to complete the task by ear... Let the child point to an extra, inappropriate object and name it: crucian carp, catfish, duck; apple, lemon, turnip; table, clock, sofa; ring, beads, Panama hat; cucumber, orange, tomato; crow, cat, eagle; bus, train, horse; carnation, oak, birch; cow, beetle, goat. Your baby will be happy to correct you when you say: “The butterfly swims, but the fish flies.” "The duck croaks and the frog quacks." "The wolf moos and the cow howls." “The shovel cuts, and the saw digs.” “The mouse growls, and the bear squeaks.” “The broom chops, and the ax sweeps.” “Fire pours, but water burns.” "The wind falls and the snow blows." “The doctor teaches, and the teacher heals.” “The goose cackles and the chicken cackles.” Or structure the task differently: “The watermelon is wooden, but the box is ripe.” “The knife is sweet, but the pear is sharp.” “The water is long and the road is hot.” “The jam is soft, and the chair is delicious.” “The hand is boiled, but the potatoes are strong.” “The table is delicious, and the juice is like iron.” “The child is made of stone and the floor is small.” “The sea is glass and the window is deep.” “The fur coat is river, and the fish is furry.” When playing with words, invite your child to complete the word in the sentence: Yes, yes, yes - the house ran out of water... (yes). Shi-shi-shi - the little ones came running... (shi). La-la-la - I'm floating on a boat... (la). An-an-an - we bought a bar... (ban). Be-be-be - let's play the tru... (be). Va-va-va - there is a tra... (va) growing in the yard. But-but-but - it became that thing in the room... (but) Ha-ha-ga - it hurts but... (ha). So-so-so - the stake fell off... (so). Ko-ko-ko - we will go further... (ko). Am-am-am - I’ll give you a flower from... (I’ll give it). Oot-ut-ut - we're already home... (woot). Ym-ym - coming out of the chimney... (smoke). Doo-doo-doo - I put the book in the locker... (doo). For-for-for - there is a ko... (for) in the meadow. If only we would collect gri... (if only). Li-li-li - we brought the cat home... (li). Ma-ma-ma is the new do... (ma). Goo-goo-goo - I’m running down the street... (goo). When you play with a child, there is a dialogue between you. In the fifth year of life, the child is already capable of a short monologue, that is, a coherent statement becomes available. Pictures will help make monologue familiar to your child. At first, you need to try to get a story from the picture in at least a few sentences. Prepare pictures depicting some events, it is convenient to compose a story from them. For example, seasons. Moreover, the pictures should depict not only nature, but also people. The child tells what the weather is like, what the main signs of a certain time of year are, and how people behave. The highest level of using pictures would be to compile a voluminous story based on a series of plot pictures. First, you help put them in order, well, and then the baby copes with it on his own. Postcards and even photographs will work as pictures.

    Who or what is this? Fluffy, tailed, loves milk, hunts mice. (Cat) Toothy, lives in the lake, a thunderstorm for all fish. (Pike) The owner of the forest, he is fond of honey, and goes to bed for the winter. (Bear) He is afraid of everyone in the forest, and changes his fur coat several times a year. (Hare) Sits on the flowers, helps herself, looks like a flower herself. (Butterfly) You can’t draw without it, you can’t edit it, if it breaks, you need to sharpen it. (Pencil) To drink tea, what should you pour it into? (Cup) Wooden, tall, roomy, you can’t do without it - there will be nowhere to put things. (Cabinet) Sharp, iron, cuts everything you can, be careful with it. (Knife)

    A game of searching for a hidden object would also come in handy here. Or you can put several items in a pile in one place (on the table), and one separately (under the chair). Have your child list them, indicating exactly where everything is. Well, if a child, while listening to a poem, finishes a line (using different forms of words, and, therefore, endings) - you conduct grammar training with him. cat is waiting, hiding . The mouse was left without a tail, escaping from the cat . And now, even a mile away, he won’t get close to the cat . An old rat - and that one, Seeing a formidable cat , Runs into a hole under the house, So as not to meet the cat , There he trembles and in the dark Remembers the cat . (A. Grachev)

    It's time for us to talk about sound pronunciation , it is also getting better and better. In general, by the age of five, a child can already clearly pronounce almost all sounds, including such complex ones as “sh” and “zh”, “l” and “r”, “ch” and “sch”. However, it is possible that a child does not always pronounce sounds correctly, especially in difficult, polysyllabic words. By the age of five, the baby says goodbye to the habit of softening sounds and skipping syllables. If by the age of five he continues to have persistent incorrect pronunciation of sounds, as well as rearrangements of sounds and syllables, omissions, substitutions, etc., then the child can already be asked to perform special exercises for the lips, tongue, and lower jaw . Only this work needs to be done easily, without tension, in small portions, without tiring the little student. Examples of such exercises: - “tube” - make your lips a tube; - “smile” - stretch your lips in a smile; - “proboscis” - stretch your lips with your proboscis and compress them; - “comb” the lower lip with your upper teeth; - “comb” the upper lip with your lower teeth; - “funnel” - pull your lips into your mouth; - “rinsing” - puff out your cheeks and “rinse” your mouth with air; - “gun” - puff out your cheeks, release air through loosely compressed lips; - “cork” - puff out your cheeks, sharply open your lips; - “injections” - prick the cheeks from the inside with the tip of the tongue; - “spatula” - open your mouth, place your wide tongue on your lower lip; - “needle” - open your mouth, push your narrow tongue forward; - “cup” - open your mouth wide, lift the front part and lateral edges of the tongue upward, without touching the teeth; - “fungus” - open your mouth and suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth; — “column” — open your mouth, place the tip of your tongue in the area behind your upper teeth and hold for a few seconds; - “pendulum” - open your mouth slightly, smile and move the tip of your tongue from one corner of your mouth to the other; - “swing” - open your mouth, stretch your tongue in turn to your nose and chin; - “jam” - open your mouth halfway, lick your lips one by one with the tip of your tongue; - “horse” - open your mouth, suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, click several times.

    Don't forget about auditory attention . After all, a child can already notice how the words spoken by others can be similar, and how the words can differ. Listen to the baby’s speech, can you hear any attempts to rhyme words? If there are such attempts, let's use it and include rhyming in our classes. Don't laugh at your child's poetic experiences. The baby is trying to compose, he hears, feels consonant words, and, therefore, distinguishes sounds and listens to them. We offer options for rhymes, simpler and more complex: count - (floor) gave - (small) was - (soap) volume - (house) Dasha - (Masha) file - (fork) bunch - (cloud) spoons - (legs).

    By the age of five, the child recognizes the sound in a word by ear and can match the word to the sound you specify. Let’s say the sound “sh” is not pronounced clearly enough. We prepared pictures depicting, for example, a hat, a ball, a gun, a pencil. And let the baby name the objects he sees in the pictures and try to slightly highlight the “sh” with intonation: “Shhatka...”.

    Results: So, by the age of five, your baby: - ​​Has a vocabulary of about 3000 words. - Knows his address. - Uses sentences of 5-6 words. — Uses all types of sentences, including complex ones. - He knows how to retell. - Pronounces almost all sounds correctly. — Defines right and left in oneself, but not in others. - Knows simple antonyms (big - small; hard - soft). - Uses past, present and future tenses. - Counts to ten. - Knows the purpose of objects and can tell what they are made of.

    Signs of developmental delay

    Signs that may indicate mental retardation in seven-year-old children:

    • complete inability to control one’s behavior;
    • increased aggressiveness or, conversely, excessive shyness;
    • inability to concentrate on classes for at least 20 minutes continuously;
    • the material covered is not retained in memory;
    • problems with speech: very poor vocabulary, inability to compose even a short oral story.

    The causes of developmental delay are different, and only qualified pediatric doctors can help cope with the problems.

    Speech therapist advice

    If a neurologist or psychiatrist diagnosed your child with speech development delay (speech development delay) during the first examination, do not panic. Each child has a reserve of time up to 3 years when he can begin to speak. This can happen in a year, ahead of development according to WHO standards, or closer to 3 years. The main thing is to undergo a full examination in case of speech underdevelopment in order to exclude the presence of pathologies of a neurological or organic nature.

    If, in addition to the developmental disorder, doctors do not give the child any concomitant diagnoses, the child is completely healthy, speech delay is his individual feature, he will speak later. Parents can help the baby cope with a difficult task faster, for this they need:

    • read more fairy tales, sing songs, tell stories and poems to the baby;
    • walk in the fresh air and communicate with the baby while walking, discussing surrounding natural phenomena;
    • play outdoor and board games, pronouncing colors, shapes, seasons, etc.;
    • collect pyramids, cubes, mosaics with your child;
    • talk more with the baby, even if he cannot yet fully respond to an adult;
    • visit theaters, performances, circus museums.

    Enough time should be allocated to communicate with the child. It is advisable to stop watching TV shows and computer games. Attention and parental love will help in speech development and creating a good base for acquiring new knowledge.

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