Stuttering or logoneurosis
Breathing exercises for stuttering: why is it needed and how to do it?
Physiological features of stuttering What is the basis of the physiology of stuttering? The disorder is characterized by the following manifestations:
Visual materials of the speech therapy center Teacher-speech therapist: Makeeva V.V.
Speech therapy board-print game “Pictures with a secret”
Author's didactic game "Gromozeka" Goal: with the help of a multifunctional author's game to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy intervention,
Rice. 1. Test for studying the ZMK “Domik” (method by N.I. Gutkina) Fig. 1. VMC testing “House” (by NI Gutkina)
12 Sensory Integration Activities Your Child Will Love
Sensory integration therapy (sensory integration) is a set of therapeutic activities aimed at the development of all
tongue twisters starting with the letter z are complex
Tongue twisters with the sound Ж/ Learning tongue twisters using mnemonic tracks
Tongue twisters for the sound “Zh” in the form of mnemonic tracks are easier and easier for kids to learn. When baby
how to hold a pen correctly
How to hold a pen correctly: top ways to teach a child, preparing the hand for writing
Many parents believe that it is necessary to teach a child to hold a pen or pencil correctly at 5-6 years of age.
Massage for speech therapy problems in Khabarovsk, speech therapy massage for children
Speech therapy massage is an active method of mechanical action that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.
“Didactic game: “Who lives where and what they eat”
If you want your pet to live long and be healthy, you need to feed it properly. WITH
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world. Topic: "Fruits"
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF G.V. Lomaga Teacher-speech therapist of the highest category MBDOU No. 19, head of the city methodological association of preschool teachers
girl with paints
Protocol for speech therapy examination (3-4 years) methodological development in speech therapy (middle group) on the topic
Article: By the age of three, most children are already quite independent, they have an idea of ​​​​their surroundings
Methodology “Differential Emotions Scale” (K. Izard)
Classifications Different researchers understand emotional processes differently and classify them differently. There are theories (eg
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