The child speaks his first words.
The child speaks only the first syllables of words: is this dangerous?
It happens that at 2 or 3 years old an active, intelligent child speaks only the first syllables
Pronouncing words.
Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound [C] and letter C”
What needs to be done at the differentiation stage At the differentiation stage, parasigmatism is corrected. Speech therapist or
Speech: definition, types and functions - the relationship between language and speech
Updated July 23, 2021 210 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Every
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How to easily teach your child to read using Zaitsev's cubes
March 12, 2019 Averyanova Sveta Zaitsev’s cubes have been talked and argued about for 30 years.
Errors in red
Phonemic hearing impairment. How to overcome it?
Phonemic hearing is a person’s ability to distinguish, analyze and differentiate the syllables and sounds of human
Main picture of the article Certification of teachers in 2021 - latest news
Certification of teachers in 2021 - latest news
Designed by jcomp/Freepik In accordance with Part 2 of Article 49 of Federal Law No. 273, teaching workers at least
Successful public speaking: advice from a professional
You will learn: What techniques will help make public speaking successful. Why impostor syndrome hinders performance
Didactic manual “Teremok” for the development of speech of preschoolers
Didactic manual “Teremok” for the development of speech of preschoolers Didactic manual for kindergarten “Teremok” Description.
Vin Diesel is dyslexic
Test for dyslexia in schoolchildren: if you score more than 9\18 points, you need help
Are there early characteristic warning signs that can be used to predict whether a child will subsequently develop dyslexia?
profession speech therapist reviews
Formation of professional competencies of a speech therapist teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 
Speech therapist - who is this? Speech Specialist. Speech therapy. Historically, speech therapy has developed
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