Cheat sheet for tasks when compiling notes for a speech therapy lesson.
Contents of work in a speech therapy group The language of the teacher plays an important role in everyday communication with
Symptoms of rhinolalia With open organic rhinolalia, the cause of which was various congenital anomalies, the baby
Lesson notes for a senior speech therapy group Topic: sounds [Y] - [I]
Literacy lesson notes. Sound Y, letter Y (Preparatory group) Literacy training Preparatory
Differential diagnosis of erased dysarthria and complex dyslalia
Dyslalia Dyslalia (dis - violation, lalia - speech) - there is a violation of sound pronunciation with normal
Presentation “Formation of coherent speech in preschool children”
List of documentation of a teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Journal of speech therapy examination It is convenient to keep a log of speech therapy examination in the form given on p. 83.
Summary of the front lesson on the topic: “Vegetables. Garden"
Lesson summary, reflecting the specifics of work on the program for the formation of prepositional case forms. The author presents a lesson summary,
Speech therapy work to eliminate optical dysgraphia in visually impaired schoolchildren
Introduction The problem of studying and correcting specific disorders of written speech (dysgraphia and dyslexia) in children
Cards for homework “Differentiation of sounds Y - L”
II. The main part of the lesson. 1. Differentiation of vowels O - Ё in words 1. Differentiation
Lesson notes for the senior group on the topic: “Furniture. Furniture parts"
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Furniture”. Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Furniture”. Lesson objectives:
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