Synkinesia in a child
Synkinesis in neurological practice: diagnosis and treatment
Signs and manifestations In early childhood, babies perform many unconscious actions. For example, babies open
Diagnosis F 80 Specific disorders of speech and language development (disease treatment)
Every parent loves to watch their child's development. With each month of his life the range of his skills
The role of cartoons in speech development and recommendations for parents
Greetings, my dears! How important was it for me to find development tools before?
end of word consonant cluster
Speech material for the formation of the syllabic structure of words in children with speech disorders
Is there such a thing as too much publicity? We have already figured out that there are many consonants in a row -
The structure of the speech apparatus, structural components of speech and language, characteristics and features of organs, main functions, stages of speech formation, possible problems and disorders
The structure of the speech apparatus, structural components of speech and language, characteristics and features of organs, main functions, stages of speech formation, possible problems and disorders
The most important feature of a person is his ability to pronounce sounds, which is facilitated by the structure of the speech apparatus. He
Newborn touching his ear
Formation and development of speech hearing in preschool children
The concept of speech hearing The human hearing system has non-speech and speech hearing as two independent
Chatting incessantly
Tachylalia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, correction methods
Types The classification of accelerated speech is based on the characteristics of pronunciation and additional symptoms of the disease. There are 3 types
Voice. Types of voice disorders. Correction and prevention of voice disorders.
Voice disorders Organic voice disorders Voice disorders in chronic laryngitis are caused by damage to the neuromuscular system
characteristics of children with mental retardation
Features of children with mental retardation
As a rule, mental retardation is detected in preschool and primary school age, when the child
Homemade didactic game on sound automation
Didactic aids for individual speech therapy sessions
So that the child attends speech therapy classes with pleasure and completes the tasks offered to him with interest,
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