Sign language of the deaf and dumb, learning from pictures and the alphabet in a tutorial

It’s a paradox, but often posture and facial expressions say more about a person than words, and gestures make speech bright and expressive. According to psychologists, the ability to read and use the interlocutor’s gestures will not hurt for successful communication. Therefore, mastering sign language will help anyone both at home and at work.

Sign language is necessary for every person to fully communicate

What is sign language

In psychology, sign language (gesture) is a system of movements of the body and hands, which helps to better transmit information, understand others, and is the main way of communication for people with hearing loss. Sign language is now popular among psychologists as an effective means of reading nonverbal signals.

For your information. Sign language (SSL), a naturally occurring and independently functioning sign language, is a combination of gestures, facial expressions, and postures.

Victor Ivanovich Fleury

He was a teacher and worked as a school director in St. Petersburg. He conducted a deep analysis of “deaf-mute speech” and came to the conclusion that sign language, Russian, can be learned by every person with hearing or speech impairment. In addition, he noticed that in certain companies and societies of the deaf, sign language has its own characteristics, differences and subtle patterns inherent specifically to that society. Just as in “our” (verbal speech) there is jargon and specific words, so in the “speech” of the mute this is also present.

He wrote the book "Deaf and Mute". In this work, the teacher collected all the gestures and signs known to him.

There were other people who contributed to Russian education of the deaf: I. A. Sokolyansky, L. V. Shcherba, A. Ya. Udal.

The history of the appearance of deaf-mute language

Although sign language has existed for many centuries, it began to be systematized in the 18th century, during the period of industrialization of European cities. Groups of deaf people were concentrated there and needed to be trained. The first person to come up with the idea of ​​teaching deaf and mute children using gestures was the Italian doctor J. Cardano. The basis of education was the languages ​​of the deaf and mute, which have national characteristics. They were the basis for creating a gestural interpretation.

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Today, sign language is rapidly developing and transforming into a full-fledged communication system. It is used to teach people with hearing loss in schools and universities. An artificial international sign has been created - a sign, which is used at international events.

For your information. Unlike Europe, where the language developed in a civilized manner, in the countries of Africa and North America it was actively used by the entire population, for example, during hunting or war.

In African and North American countries, sign language is often preferred

Difference between sign language and auditory language

Experts clearly distinguish between sign and sound languages. It is believed that the sound one is too cumbersome: each letter is indicated by its own sound, that is, a phoneme, only then a word is formed. Unlike auditory language, gestures represent both letters and whole words, which is more convenient for presenting information. Therefore, sign language is considered more effective.

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In real life, every person uses a non-verbal method of communication every day, and he, as a person, is characterized by his gaze, manner of speaking, and gesturing. It turns out that the deaf do not have access to the speech method of communication, but ordinary people easily use the language of the deaf.

For your information. A FL is actually a foreign language, which, if necessary, must be studied in accordance with all the requirements of a foreign language.

Hidden consent

Very often, people internally agree with what you say, but in conversation they continue to defend their point of view. This can happen for various reasons: perhaps they are trying to negotiate more favorable terms when negotiating a contract, although they agree to less. The ability to read this internal agreement is very important.

The absence of the interlocutor’s gestures of disagreement and distrust, which are described above, speaks precisely of this. The person will argue with you, but at the level of gestures he does not show disagreement, behaving relaxed and free. This is a clear sign of willingness to accept your terms. If, at the moment of denying your words, he makes affirmative nods of his head, as if saying “Yes, yes, I understand everything, but...”, insist on your point, he really understands everything and has already accepted your conditions.

Where is sign language used?

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It is a mistake to think that only deaf and dumb people use nonverbal language. Any person intuitively uses gestures to expressively color their speech. Sign language is necessary in many areas of activity: on television, a sign language interpreter conveys information for the hearing impaired; divers and astronauts, due to the inability to speak in water or air, use special signs. In the theater field, politics, medicine, the army - professional gestures are needed everywhere.

The meaning of facial expressions

Human facial expressions are the movement and behavior of facial muscles. She is able to show a person’s thoughts and emotions without the use of speech. Dozens of muscles and fibers are concentrated around the human skull and jaw, which cannot be subordinated to the will, and even with great effort they can betray any mood.

You can “read” a great variety of emotions from your facial muscles: joy, surprise, complacency, fatigue, or a sly squint.

Differences in deaf language

Sign languages ​​may vary geographically and nationally. Research has shown that countries with a common sound language have different sign languages, and, conversely, places with a large number of dialects use a single sign language. A striking example of an American language that has more similarities with French and nothing in common with British, although it is common to the population of these countries is English.

In Europe, the situation is similar: the single German language in Germany and Austria does not affect the Austrian and Germanic languages, which are not even similar.

According to experts, the main difficulty lies in the lack of a unified system in the language of the deaf and mute, which is why it differs so much in different regions, which makes it difficult to learn.


  • Remember that when gait, such indicators as foot placement, step size, degree of tension and speed are very important.
  • The speed of gait depends on the person’s temperament and the seriousness of his intentions. This can be indicated by a fast, active, restless, nervous, calm or relaxed gait.
  • If a person walks slowly and clearly spreads his legs wide, most likely he is trying to show off.
  • Heaviness and strength in gait indicates that a person considers himself superior, significant and strong. However, this is often just an appearance.
  • A person walking relaxed is most likely not showing any particular interest in anything at the moment, or is poorly disciplined.
  • A “wooden gait,” angular, with unnaturally tense legs, is a reflection of timidity, tightness and lack of contact with other people.
  • Impetuous steps and waving your arms in different directions are a sign of activity and the presence of some desires at a given moment in time.
  • A person who walks wide is a purposeful person, business-minded, enterprising and wanting to achieve something. It is likely that his actions are aimed at achieving a specific result.
  • Short and small steps in a woman are considered a reflection of caution, prudence, restraint, adaptability, quick thinking and good reaction.
  • If a person walks quickly and often steps, breaking the rhythm, he is afraid or excited.
  • A gait with a clear rhythm and hips swaying from side to side is characteristic of self-confident people.
  • Lazy, sluggish and sluggish people walk with a shuffling feet.
  • A somewhat theatrical, proud and heavy walk is a sign of arrogance and narcissism.

How to quickly learn sign language in Russian

Russian Sign Language (RSL) has its own vocabulary and grammar

With Russian Sign Language (RSL), a different problem arises. To study it, you need to know the features of the linguistic system, which differs from other linguistic languages ​​lexically and grammatically. The main thing is that the grammar of Russian spoken language is different from colloquial Russian due to the complex morphological transformation of words.

In addition, most RSL gestures are taken from German, Austrian, and French sign languages, so its vocabulary is close to international.

Despite such subtleties, there are many Russian words in RSL. The initial letters of these words are shown using the finger alphabet (fingerprinting), for example, days of the week.

For your information. It is important for students of RSL to know that there are 33 letters in the Russian dactylic alphabet. They correspond to the letters of the Russian alphabet and are reproduced using fingers and hand movements.

Structure of teaching the language of the deaf and mute

Now you can learn any foreign language, including the language of the deaf and dumb. The main thing is to have the desire and desire to learn. Experts advise starting to learn sign language with a selection of video materials and memorizing signs on specially designed websites.

It is advisable to join groups that are created to learn sign language. They are now easy to find on social networks and practice practical skills there. However, this method is effective when the basics of the language have been studied. To quickly master the language of the deaf and mute, you can use the self-instruction manual.

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet School

Thomas Gallaudet, after visiting the de Leppe school, returned to the States and opened his own educational institution. The method was borrowed from a French colleague. At Thomas Gallaudet's school, there were real "lectures" on how to learn sign language, adapted into English.

And again this method enjoyed great success and popularity.

Oralists opposed such a system of education. According to their beliefs, such a technique separates deaf people from the hearing community, and there is actually no benefit from it.

How to learn sign language yourself from scratch

There is no single theoretical and methodological basis for learning sign language and mastering it on your own. Printed dictionaries and online dictionaries have been developed for those interested: the teacher of the deaf demonstrates a gesture in accordance with the word and gives clear articulation.

Important! When studying gestures, the following feature is taken into account: dactylology is needed for proper names (cities, people) or for words that do not have a gesture.

Where to start self-study

You can learn sign language on your own, but it is better to practice speaking skills in the process of communication

Study plan:

  1. The main thing is to study the dactylic alphabet - 33 gestures corresponding to a specific letter of the alphabet. In reality, the alphabet is rarely used, but knowledge of it is useful when learning new words for which there are no special gestures, for proper names when letter gestures are used.
  2. Once the theory has been mastered, the alphabet has been learned, and a basic vocabulary has been acquired, it is necessary to communicate with native speakers to practice speaking skills. This can be done on thematic forums, specialized sites where the audience is hard of hearing and deaf people.

Important! It is impossible to master the language of the deaf without practice. Language skills are acquired only through direct communication. Then it is possible to understand sign language and be able to communicate in it.

Introduction to dactylology

When getting acquainted with sign language, you need to understand that it is not universal for different countries. Each region has its own alphabet and vocabulary that do not coincide with others. This is the whole difficulty, since often in non-verbal communication a gesture does not mean a letter, but a word or even a whole phrase. Therefore, knowledge of dactylology is necessary - a unique form of speech that includes the dactyl alphabet. In it, each letter has its own sign (dactylem), made of fingers.

It is difficult for beginners to distinguish between sign language and the dactyl alphabet, while dactylems spell out words, and gestures spell out whole words.

Finger placement technique

Dactylology is a manual alphabet, many gestures in it begin with a letter, for example, a teapot - the letter h. You need to study the dactyl alphabet step by step, slowly, it is important to practice the technique of placing your fingers well. At first your hand will get tired, but with constant training your fingers will become more flexible. For beginners, wooden gestures are observed at first. Flexibility is gained through exercises to stretch the ligaments and develop the hands.

To master dactylology, it is important to understand that this is a manual alphabet, the main thing for it is the placement of the fingers

The principle of clarity in SL is the following explanation:

  • fingers not involved in the configuration remain straight;
  • in the configuration, each finger acts independently;
  • There are no intermediate configurations between dactylems;
  • fuzzy, blurry configurations are defects.

Sequence of study

Each country has its own dactylology; there is no single deaf-mute language. Therefore, when studying on your own, you should adhere to certain rules:

  • When mastering dactyl, you need to remember the basic words, names, titles.
  • It is advisable to immediately master counting and simple numbers. This will help consolidate the language.
  • Then they study the language itself - about 2000 different symbols.
  • Learning gestures begins with simple words: thank you, please, hello.
  • You need to learn words gradually, learning several gestures in one lesson.

Language is an informative method of communication that is perceived better than verbal communication. By learning to control nonverbal signals, you can interact more effectively with your interlocutors.

A person who strongly doubts the truth of your words will most likely try to avoid direct eye contact. The interlocutor, who has not formed a definite opinion regarding your words, will repeat certain monotonous movements such as scratching his head, raising his hands to his face, and shrugging his shoulders. In such a situation, he really doubts and you still have a chance to persuade him to your point of view.

If a person touches your mouth, then he most likely no longer trusts you. He doubts your sincerity, and it will be quite difficult to convince him.

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