Sound culture of speech. Differentiation of sounds Ch and Shch

Differentiation of sounds Ch - Shch

1. Pure sayings (repeat clearly and slowly)

CHA-CHA-CHA – curl at the shoulder.ACH-ACH-ACH - Nikita has the ball.
CHI-CHI-CHI - new keys.OC-OC-OC - mom has a daughter.
CHU-CHU-CHU - I want juice.UCCH-UCCH-UCCH - a bright beam is visible.
WHAT-WHAT-WHAT – left shoulder.ECH-ECH-ECH - this is a huge sword.
SHA-SHA-SHA - the bunny walks without a raincoat.ASCH-ASCH-ASCH - I have a raincoat.
SHI-SCHI-SPI - we ate cabbage soup.OSCH-OSCH-OSCH - the horsetail has grown.
SHU-SHU-SHU - I'm looking for you.USH-USH-USH - ivy has grown.
SHCH-SHCH-SHCH – we want to play more.YET-YET-YET – there’s bream in the pan.

2. Speak clearly, first in 2 and then in 3 syllables.

wowchi-shicha-chachu-chucabbage soup

3. Underline the pictures whose names contain the sound Ch, cross out the pictures whose names contain the sound Sh.

Differentiation of sounds Ch - Shch (No. 2)

1. Speak clearly, first in 2 and then in 3 syllables.

right nowchu-chu-chumorewowchi-chi-chi
wowcabbage soupcha-cha-chachu-chu-chuwow

2. Speak a couple of words clearly. Clarify their meaning.

Hot cheeks. Hot cabbage soup. I'm looking for a sharpener. I'm looking for a suitcase. Spiky brush. Smoked bream. Flying butterfly. Attending doctor. Dairy food. Student responding. Mailbox. Durable shield. Tweet. Juicy vegetables. I'm teaching a friend. Black puppy. Cleaning lye. Other people's things. Clean room. I'm cleaning the kettle. A wonderful treat.

3. Speak every word clearly.

Little things. Volchische. Tablet. Screaming. Dreaming. Silent. Responder. Ruchischi. Bored. Grinder. Student. Watchmaker. Thicket. Cleaner. Monster. I'm cleaning. Lye. Click. Puppy. A sliver. Brush. Cheeks. Pike. Box.

4. Determine the position of the sound Ch, Ш in words

5. Listen to pairs of words and make sentences with them.

Raincoat - dry cleaning. Cave - barrels. Repair - box. Meeting - square. Count - check. The river is a fishing rod. To drag - bricks. Turtle is a puppy. Chebureks-comrades. Closet - things. Box - keys. Switch - room.

Differentiation of sounds Ch - Shch (No. 3)

1. Based on the model, select and pronounce new words so that the sound Shch appears.

For example: A boy reading a book. Reading boy. A girl who is bored. (Bored girl.) The boy who answers at the blackboard. (Answering boy.) A girl who dreams. (Dreaming girl.) The girl who is silent. (Silent girl.) Boy who plays. (Boy playing.) Girl studying. (Student girl.)

2. Slowly say each rhyme 3-5 times.

The puppy is dragging a board into the thicket. Our Tanya has dimples on her cheeks. There are huge bats in the cave. The daughter was treated to cabbage soup and smoked bream. The ball bounced in the attic, a girl and a boy are looking for the ball in the sand, in vain. Two puppies in the attic were chewing on a brush in the corner.

3. Speak the tongue twisters clearly, first at a slow and then at a fast pace, maintaining clarity and volume of pronunciation.

Our Taechka has T-shirts in her drawer. The monster has monstrous tentacles. Thumbelina is on a sliver, Thumbelina has a brush. I scratch the puppy with a brush, tickling his sides. A predatory wolf prowls in vain in the grove. The puppy licked the scales of the pike.

Differentiation of sounds Ch - Shch (No. 4)

1. Based on the model, select and pronounce new words so that the sound Shch appears.

The boy who swims. (Floating boy.) A girl who meets her friend. (Greeting girl.) Girl who smiles. (Smiling girl.) Boy who dances. (Dancing boy.) Girl who spins. (Spinning girl.) A girl who laughs. (Laughing girl.) Girl who cries. (Crying girl.)

2. Slowly say each rhyme 3-5 times.

The bunnies were dragging a large carrot, they took a small bite of the carrot, then they wanted to take another bite, then... there was nothing left to drag. I run barefoot over the hummocks in the meadow to the river, and the grass tickles, I want to laugh! The spider arrived at the market, cleaned his goods with a brush, and shouted: “A wonderful new product! Flies! Come here! Gossamer!” A clean black puppy stained its side with something, the boy took the brush in his hands and began to clean the puppy’s side. The puppy endured it for two hours and couldn’t stand it any longer. He started wagging his tail and begging for mercy: “Why should I clean my side? I’m not a raincoat, I’m a puppy!”

3. Speak the tongue twisters clearly, first at a slow and then at a fast pace, maintaining clarity and volume of pronunciation.

I clean the cloak, clean it and clean it.
The watchmaker, squinting his eye, is fixing the watch for you. A puppy at the dacha drags everything into a box. The puppy, like a lamb, has fur in small rings. The bristles of a pig, the scales of a pike. Author of the material: Medvedkova Nadezhda Gennadievna

Age of the child and readiness of the speech apparatus

If a 3-4 year old child does not pronounce the sound and the letter CH, this is still within the normal range, since the articulation of the sound [CH] is complex:

  • the tip of the tongue rises to the palate, bending like a hook so as to touch the alveoli of the upper teeth from the inside;
  • for a short moment it sticks to the roof of your mouth;
  • then the entire body of the tongue sharply falls down.

Such complex articulation of the sound [H] is available to children from 5 years old. The child is ready to pronounce it if he has already mastered the sounds [ZH], [SH] and [SH].

Listen to the sound formation [H] and you will hear that the sound consists of soft [t'] and sharp [uh'].

Sound characteristics [H]:

The sound [CH'] is consonant, dull, always soft.

Lesson summary on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds and letters [h'] - [h'] in sentences and text”

Lesson summary on the topic: “Differentiation of sounds and letters [h'] - [h'] in sentences and text”


teach children to differentiate sounds and letters [h'] - [h'] in sentences and text.




  1. Clarification and comparison of the articulation and sound of the sounds [h'] and [h'].
  2. Repetition of the characteristics of the sounds [h'] and [h'].
  3. Development of sound-letter analysis skills.
  4. Repetition of the spelling rule chu-shu, cha-sha.
  5. Improving the ability to work with deformed sentences.
  6. Development of the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.
  7. Expanding and clarifying vocabulary.
  8. Improving reading skills.



  1. Development of phonemic perception of sounds [h'] - [h'].
  2. Development of visual perception of the letters [h'] - [h'].
  3. Development of spelling vigilance.
  4. Development of auditory attention, auditory memory, logical thinking.


  1. Nurture children's initiative and respect for each other.
  2. Increase children's motivation to learn.
  3. To cultivate moral qualities in students.

Formed universal educational actions:


  1. Find mistakes, both with the help of an adult and independently.
  2. Finish what you start.


  1. General education:
  1. Identify and formulate a cognitive goal.
  2. Monitor and evaluate the results of your activities.
  • Brain teaser:
      Develop the ability to analyze, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and justify your point of view.
  • Equipment

    : noisy pictures, object pictures with the sounds [h'] - [h'], cards with sentences with errors and with a deformed sentence, a series of plot pictures, text with missing letters Ch and Sh, a picture for each child.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizing time.

    Speech therapist:

    The one who can name the picture on the screen that is hidden from us will sit down.

    There are noisy pictures on the screen, the names of which contain the sounds [h'] - [h'].

    1. Formulating the purpose of the lesson.

    Speech therapist:

    Guys, what sounds do the names of these pictures begin with?


    : from sounds [h'] - [h'].

    Speech therapist:

    What do you think we will do in class today?


    : learn to distinguish between the sounds [h'] - [h'].

    Speech therapist:

    Right, have we already learned to distinguish these sounds in syllables, words and phrases? Today we will work with sentences and text. Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

    The speech therapist writes on the board: Chh-Shch

    1. A minute of penmanship

    We'll start with a moment of penmanship. Please write down the compounds and syllables that are written in your notebooks. Write slowly and carefully.

    1. Clarification and comparison of the articulation and sound of the sounds “sh” and “zh”.

    Speech therapist

    : Let's pronounce the sound together [h'], now [h'].


    : [h'], [w'].

    Speech therapist

    : How are your lips positioned when you made these sounds?


    : with: [h'] in the form of a tube, with [sch'] - like a donut, a mouthpiece, that is, slightly stretched out in a smile

    Speech therapist

    : And where is the tongue located?


    : behind the teeth, the tip is raised up, the edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars.

    Speech therapist

    : So the position of the tongue when pronouncing these sounds is similar?


    : Yes.

    Speech therapist

    : Is the position of the lips different?


    : Yes.

    1. Characteristics of sounds [h'], [h']

    Speech therapist

    : Okay, let’s also remember, are the sounds [h'], [h'] consonants or vowels?



    Speech therapist

    : Right. Hard or soft?



    Speech therapist

    : Well done! Voiceless or voiced?



    The speech therapist calls one child to the board. The child places a symbol of soft voiceless consonants - green headphones - under the sounds written on the board.

    1. Development of phonemic analysis skills

    Speech therapist

    : Great, look at the pictures on the screen and name the words that have the sound [h'].


    key, watch, pen, cup, gloves

    1. Correct errors in a sentence

    Speech therapist:

    Well done, and now I invite you to be teachers of the Russian language and check these sentences (hands out cards). Take red paste and correct the mistakes.

    1. Letters are placed in a mailbox.
    2. There are a lot of chuk and bream in the river.
    3. Mom put on a black cry.
    4. I peeled the vegetables for the borcha.
    5. Birds are chirping in the roar.
    6. They catch lechs with a fishing rod.

    Children read out the resulting sentences.

    Speech therapist:

    Tell me, what spelling rule is associated with the sounds [h'], [h']?


    : spelling chu-shu, cha-sha

    1. Working with deformed sentences.

    Speech therapist:

    Very good. Now go to the board. Pull out the papers. Look what is written on them. What do you think the task will be?


    make up a sentence from the words and insert the missing letters CH, Ш

    Speech therapist:

    That's right, make up and write your sentence on the board.

    Each child is given a card with words

    1. hi_niks, mining, i_ut, forest, in.
    2. _init, _asy, _asov_ik.
    3. Grandmother, cooks, _Abel, from, _and.

    Speech therapist

    : Let's check and underline the spellings.

    Children take turns reading sentences and underlining spellings.

    1. Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures

    Speech therapist

    : Well done! Look at the pictures on the screen. Do you think they are related?



    Speech therapist:

    We will try to compose a story with you based on these paintings.

    Children make up a story.

    1. Differentiation of sounds [h'], [h'] in the text.

    Speech therapist:

    Well done boys. I also made up a story based on these pictures (distributes to everyone). Read it and write the letter CH or Ш in the spaces where the letters are missing.

    Children read independently and insert letters.

    Then they read the text out loud one by one.

    Mitya and Chapa were alone at home. The boy was playing with cars on the table. He didn’t notice his mother’s favorite cup and touched it with his hand. The cup fell and broke. Suddenly my mother’s steps were heard in the corridor. She entered the room and saw a broken cup on the floor. "Who did it?" - Mom asked. Mitya quietly answered her: “This is Chapa.” “Really Chapa?” - Mom asked. Mitya silently nodded his head. Mom took a broom and swept up the fragments from the floor. And then she chased Chapa out into the street. Mitya looked guiltily at the dog and suddenly began to cry: “Mommy, I broke the cup, don’t send Chapa away. I accidentally". The mother hugged her son and said: “I’m very glad that you confessed. Honesty is the most important quality in people.”

    Conversation based on text.

    1. Summing up the lesson:

    Speech therapist:

    Great, guys! So, what sounds did we learn to distinguish today in class?


    : [h'] - [w'].

    Speech therapist:

    Right. Describe these sounds.


    : sounds [h'], [h'] consonants, soft, deaf.

    1. Reflection:

    Speech therapist

    : Right! Well done! Evaluate your work in class by looking at our traffic light. You tried really hard today! Thank you very much. As a reward for your efforts, I give you coloring books. The lesson is over.

    Letters are placed in a mailbox.

    There are a lot of chuk and bream in the river.

    Mom put on a black cry.

    I peeled the vegetables for the borcha.

    Birds are chirping in the roar.

    They catch lechs with a fishing rod.

    Letters are placed in a mailbox.

    There are a lot of chuk and bream in the river.

    Mom put on a black cry.

    I peeled the vegetables for the borcha.

    Birds are chirping in the roar.

    They catch lechs with a fishing rod.

    Letters are placed in a mailbox.

    There are a lot of chuk and bream in the river.

    Mom put on a black cry.

    I peeled the vegetables for the borcha.

    Birds are chirping in the roar.

    They catch lechs with a fishing rod.

    hi_niks, mining, i_ut, forest, in.
    _init, _asy, _asov_ik.
    Grandmother, cooks, _Abel, from, _and.
    Mitya and Chapa were alone at home. Mal_ik was playing with cars on the table. He didn’t notice his mother’s beloved Ashka, he touched her with his hand. Ashka fell and was broken. Suddenly my mother’s steps were heard in the corridor. She entered the room and saw a broken ashka on the floor. "Who did it?" - Mom asked. Mitya quietly answered her: “This is Papa.” “To_no_apa?” - Mom asked. Mitya nodded his head. Mom took a broom and swept up the fragments from the floor. And then she chased him out into the street. Mitya looked guiltily at the dog and suddenly began to cry: “Mommy, it was I who broke Ashka, don’t drive him away. I'm casual." Mom hugged her son and said: “I’m very glad you confessed. “Authenticity is the most important quality in people.”
    Mitya and Chapa were alone at home. Mal_ik was playing with cars on the table. He didn’t notice his mother’s beloved Ashka, he touched her with his hand. Ashka fell and was broken. Suddenly my mother’s steps were heard in the corridor. She entered the room and saw a broken ashka on the floor. "Who did it?" - Mom asked. Mitya quietly answered her: “This is Papa.” “To_no_apa?” - Mom asked. Mitya nodded his head. Mom took a broom and swept up the fragments from the floor. And then she chased him out into the street. Mitya looked guiltily at the dog and suddenly began to cry: “Mommy, it was I who broke Ashka, don’t drive him away. I'm casual." Mom hugged her son and said: “I’m very glad you confessed. “Authenticity is the most important quality in people.”
    Mitya and Chapa were alone at home. Mal_ik was playing with cars on the table. He didn’t notice his mother’s beloved Ashka, he touched her with his hand. Ashka fell and was broken. Suddenly my mother’s steps were heard in the corridor. She entered the room and saw a broken ashka on the floor. "Who did it?" - Mom asked. Mitya quietly answered her: “This is Papa.” “To_no_apa?” - Mom asked. Mitya nodded his head. Mom took a broom and swept up the fragments from the floor. And then she chased him out into the street. Mitya looked guiltily at the dog and suddenly began to cry: “Mommy, it was I who broke Ashka, don’t drive him away. I'm casual." Mom hugged her son and said: “I’m very glad you confessed. “Authenticity is the most important quality in people.”
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