Correct speech
Pictogram (from Latin pictus - “drawn” and Greek gramma - “record”, “written sign”) -
Collocations (174) Swan Princess Princess Nesmeyana Tsaregrad bedryanka Tsaregrad pod queen of the seas Queen of Heaven
“Games with letters” Prepared by V.V. Minakova, teacher-defectologist. "Circle the letter." The adult invites the child to carefully examine and find out
Differentiation of sounds Ch - Shch 1. Pure phrases (repeat clearly and slowly) CHA-CHA-CHA - curl
Differentiation of paired consonant sounds D and T. LESSON SUMMARY IN Speech Therapy (grade 8b, January 29, 2020)
Main tasks, content for children's speech development. On the tasks of speech development First published in
Card index Lexical dictionary Adverbs: quickly, strongly, deftly, timidly, swiftly. Lexical topic: “Pets” SENIOR
Speech therapy lesson in 1st grade on the topic: “The sound “Zh”, the letter “zh”. Speech therapy session in
Corrective work for violations of sound pronunciation (s-f) Methodological development: Corrective work for violations of sound pronunciation (replacement