Album of onomatopoeia and words for working with speechless children; educational and methodological material on the topic

Questions and answers

What sizes should you make cards at home?

It’s better to take a size of 4*4 or 5*5; you shouldn’t cut out large pictures.

What images should you start learning with?

It is best to print out what the child loves, what is meaningful and interesting to him. Or start with simple pictures - fruits, toys.

What paper should you use when creating pictures?

It is better to take something denser and thicker so that it is easier for the baby to hold. In addition, be sure to laminate it so that the pictures do not deteriorate for a long time.

How often should classes be held?

One lesson lasts for half an hour. There is no clear plan for how many times a week to exercise. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child, on his learning skills.

What are Social Stories for Autism in Pictures?

This is part of a visual program that promotes the autistic person's interaction with the world and people around him.

These are short stories shown in pictures. They describe different situations, people's reactions, desired actions that the child should take.

Example of a social story “heating up food”:

What results can be achieved

Using Pex allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. This program will help you quickly develop communication skills in a short time.
  2. The method promotes the child’s development of initiative, its expression, and spontaneous pronunciation of words and phrases.
  3. Communication and contact with people around you will become more accessible. Subsequently, the baby can be helped to generalize the acquired verbal means of communication.
  4. The use of Pecs cards does not interfere with spoken language, but, on the contrary, accelerates its emergence and development. This is achieved by parrying verbal and visual stimuli in an exchange process.

No significant disadvantages were noticed; the effectiveness of the system was confirmed by the National Center for Professional Development.

Autistic people are not lazy to speak; they want to communicate with family and friends, but do not know how to do this. Therefore, an alternative program to help develop speech is available to many parents and their children.

How to make PECS cards yourself

PECS cards are very easy to make yourself. It is best to use photographs, because... The image is more realistic and is better perceived by the child.

You can also print pictures found on the Internet on a color printer. It is easy to make pictures of the required size by saving them in a pre-created table in Microsoft Word.

After printing, it is better to laminate or seal the cards with tape. On the back side, glue Velcro with adhesive backing, which are sold in a sewing store.

Article on the topic: Game sets for children with autism

Short games to stimulate a child's speech

Unfortunately, some parents do not attach importance to the child’s speech development, and later to the child’s delay in speech development, they try not to pay attention, and hope that “everything will go away on its own.” The “norms” for speech development have shifted significantly over the past few decades.

It is imperative to pay attention to the child’s speech. The least we can do is play simple and quick games with our child every day. Here is an example of these games.

  • Pebbles. The child throws small pebbles and large beads into the water, making a sound like “glug-glug.”
  • Indians. The child pronounces the sound a-a-a loudly and protractedly, clapping his hand on his lips.
  • Ball. The child throws up a balloon with the sound “Uh”.
  • Hedgehog. A child sticks matches and needles with the words “kol-kol-kol” into the molded hedgehog.
  • Nails. The child “hammers nails” by hitting the buttons hard with a hammer and saying the sound “Bang.”
  • Live sounds. "Hockey! “- the child waves the “stick” with the sound “xxxx”; “locomotive” - sharply unclenches his fists with the sound “pppppp”; “lid on the teapot” - taps his fist with his palm “bbbb”; “rain” - taps his fingers on the table “k-k-k”; “watch” - the finger swings in different directions: tut-tut; “pump” - puts his hands in lock, bends over with the sound “ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss."

What is PECS

The main problem of children with special needs is that they cannot speak and express their needs.
If parents can still somehow understand what their child wants, then when communicating with strangers, children with autism spectrum disorder have difficulties - they are often not understood, as a result of which the child begins to get nervous, freak out, show aggression, etc. The question arises: how to communicate with a nonverbal child? Article on the topic: Basic rules for teaching an autistic child

Such children need special teaching materials, without unnecessary details - cards and visual schedules, with the help of which the child can communicate with other people.

PECS is an alternative communication system using card exchange, which was originally created for children with ASD. But as it turns out, this system is suitable for absolutely all children who have difficulties with speech and communication.

These materials will help achieve success in the development of non-verbal children (autism, hearing loss, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, etc.), and often become a necessary means of communication in their adult lives.

Causes of delayed psycho-speech development

Based on the analysis of anamnestic data, conclusions of a neuropsychiatrist and geneticist, the results of a diagnostic examination and the presented characteristics, we can draw conclusions about some of the reasons for the delay in the psycho-speech development of this child :

a/ The child was born prematurely, the brain structures responsible for the development of speech and intelligence as a whole have not yet been fully formed;

b/ Low body weight also indicates insufficient physical readiness of the fetus for birth:

— both gross and fine motor skills are impaired: a girl of asthenic build with poor posture (mild stoop), basic movements are not clear and coordinated enough;

The face is slightly asymmetrical, inexpressive, the nasolabial folds are smoothed, the muscles are weak - insufficient closure of the lips, there is no salivation.

Articulatory motor skills are impaired, the movements of the articulatory apparatus are blurred, unclear, and there is a slight tremor of the tongue.

Fine motor skills are low, movements are awkward, it is difficult to grasp and hold objects, especially small parts of a mosaic or construction set; holds the pencil incorrectly, grips it with the whole palm, cannot open the clothespin, fasten and unfasten clothes.

c/ There is a general immaturity of the psyche: the processes of formation of perception, attention, memory, and thinking are disrupted.

Game “Show and Tell!”

Speech game for children from 1.5 to 3 years old for the development of vocabulary and communicative function of speech.

Place several of his favorite toys in front of your baby. Ask to show where the doll Katya sits, where the bear Timka is, where the little fox Ryzhik is.

Pick up the doll and tell about it: “This doll is Katya. Katya has a beautiful white dress and pink shoes. Katya loves to play. Katya has many friends!”

Give the baby a teddy bear. Let him try to tell you about the toy. At first this will be a very short story. Help the baby. Perhaps in the future, the baby will come up with stories or fairy tales where the main characters will be his toys.

The first words that a child masters are used by him to communicate to his parents about his needs, to encourage him to take any action, and to accompany actions. You still have to learn to narrate, tell, describe something. In the game, we give the child a model of storytelling, teach him to construct a message, and convey information about surrounding objects.

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