For a speech therapist teacher. Classification of sounds of the Russian language.

Prevention of writing disorders: development of phonemic processes using the manual “Plan - diagram of sound characteristics”

At the end of the first grade, students who seem to be quite prepared for school develop a writing disorder. Parents become confused - why does the child have so many mistakes in his written work? They express an opinion about the teacher’s lack of qualifications, scold the child for his inattention and force him to rewrite written assignments. The child tries, but not enough positive changes are observed. As a result, interest in the subject fades, motivation to learn (“no matter how hard I try, nothing works”) and general emotional state decreases.

The main reason for the appearance of a significant number of errors when writing is the insufficient development of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis, i.e. the child’s inability to determine the sequence of sounds in a word and the characteristics of each sound. These processes are the “foundation” of mastering writing and reading skills and should be formed and developed as early as possible - from the preschool period of development.

The basis for teaching children spelling is the doctrine of the phonemic composition of a word. All programs of grapho-orthographic actions that must be performed when writing words are based on phonemic analysis.

D.B. Elkonin wrote that the acquisition of not only literacy, but also grammar and spelling depends on the child’s level of awareness of the sound reality of the language and the structure of the sound form of the word.

Sound is an abstract unit. It is not supported by a strong sensory basis, like a letter. You can create a letter with your own hand, draw it, cut it out (i.e., enable visual-effective thinking). For children with speech disorders, awareness of sound as a unit of speech is even more difficult. They often confuse the concepts of “sound” - “letter”, “vowels and consonants”, and have difficulty using in their speech the terms used in the study of sound analysis. Errors may also be based on insufficiently thought-out teaching methods - introducing the entire spectrum of sound characteristics into the work within too short a time, as a result of which the connection “sound - articulation - term” does not have time to form.

To prevent the occurrence of errors in children's written work associated with insufficient development of sound analysis and synthesis skills, it is necessary to use a teaching technology that involves a step-by-step, sequential, logically structured study of all characteristics of sounds. The use of visualization in the formation and correction of phonemic analysis contributes to a more solid assimilation of the material.

The didactic manual “Plan - diagram of sound characteristics” helps students understand what “sound” is and “feel” it by connecting other analyzers. Children develop the ability to hear themselves and feel the movements of the organs of articulation. Thus, stable associative connections are formed between the acoustic image of the sound, its articulatory structure and the term. Based on the plan diagram, children learn to characterize any sound. In addition, this manual contributes to the development of an algorithm of actions and provides assistance in planning speech utterances, which is a difficult task for children with speech impairments.

Goal: development of phonemic processes and formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis of words in primary school students with writing disorders:

  • teach the ability to distinguish sounds and characterize them according to basic acoustic and articulatory characteristics;
  • train in the use of correct terminology in independent speech, activate speech statements;
  • learn to apply acquired knowledge and skills when performing sound-letter and phonetic analysis of words;

Types of alternations

There are two types of alternations of sounds - positional and non-positional. Positional

alternations are caused by phonetic conditions: the position of stress and the properties of neighboring sounds. The set of such conditions is called phonetic position. All the examples of alternations given so far have been positional.


alternations are caused by reasons beyond the competence of phonetics.
They are also called grammaticalized or morphonological. For example, alternating [o || á] in the roots of the words u dvoyat – u dvaivat ,
dig dig in due
to the presence or
absence of the
suffix -iva
It's easy to verify this. In the words double
the root vowel is in the same phonetic position - under stress, between the sounds [v..i].
Therefore, this alternation is not determined by phonetic position. On the contrary, an exhaustive selection of cognate words with
and without -iva

Phonetics considers only positional alternations. Non-positional ones will be considered further, within the framework of those word-formation and inflectional processes in which they manifest themselves.

Sound table for speech therapy

Online speech therapy exercises

Speech therapy of vowels:
| | | | | | | | | Difficult vowels:
e;e;yu;ya |
e;u;e;y;a;o;e;ya;i;yu | Setting consonant sounds and letters:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Difficult consonants:
b;p | w;w | z;s | g;k | s;ts | v;f | r;l | p;l | r;p;l | z;s;c | h;f;sh;sch;ts;x |

Online exercises () are also the basis for successful learning at school. Some speech therapy disorders disappear in children with age. Here on the site you will find exercises for setting all the sounds of the Russian alphabet, and also teach your child to read. Normally developing children have the ability to acquire language. Speech therapy children need targeted, systematic care. In subgroup speech therapy classes, children with similar speech disorders are brought together. Speech is an important means of communication between a child and the world around him. Keep a special journal of your children's successes. You can do this on a special YouTube channel.

Syllabic tables are used at the stage of automation of assigned sounds in children of primary school age who have mastered the technique of syllable reading. You can also adapt syllable tables for the development of sound analysis and synthesis of words, for the development of reading techniques (by building up words). Instructions for use: 1. Read the first syllable of the left column, add the automated sound and attach a vowel to it, the main condition is to get the word. sample: (LU – SH – A – LUSH) 2. Name the automated sound, add a vowel from the right column. We select a syllable or letter from the rightmost column - we get a word. sample: (W - A - D - STEP) - Sound automation W - Sound automation C - Sound automation Z - Sound automation L - Sound automation P

Working with sound tables

Work with syllable tables can go in two directions, depending on the type of speech disorder the child has. In the case of FFN, the emphasis is on carefully listening to the sequence of syllables pronounced by an adult and speaking slowly and accurately. At first, the child not only listens to the syllables, but also looks at the speaker’s face in order to see the articulation and reproduce it correctly. Then the adult pronounces the syllables, covering his face with a “screen” (piece of paper) so that the child relies only on hearing. Some children find it easier to repeat syllables with their eyes closed (due to greater concentration of auditory attention). You can invite your child to play “Scouts” or “Telephone”. Instructions: “Listen carefully and repeat as I did.”

Dysarthria and tables

Syllable tables are good to use when correcting an erased form of dysarthria. When a child can correctly pronounce both sounds being practiced, but he does not have enough speed of tongue movements to switch from one sound to another (for example, from the upper sounds Ш, Ж to the lower С and З). In this case, the emphasis is placed precisely on the speed of pronunciation of these syllables. Of course, we begin the work by slowly repeating the syllables, gradually increasing the tempo.

Sounds in Russian language table

Our speech is associated with the movements of the speech apparatus. In case of defects in sound pronunciation, articulation gymnastics occupies a large place in speech therapy work, which is used both in the production of sounds and at the stage of automation of sounds. Speech therapists offer exercises and games that are aimed at automating sounds in syllables, words, sentences and speech. Subtle movements of the articulatory apparatus contribute to the improvement of movements and the formation of correct speech of the child. On this page is a list of speech therapists' materials on the topic of sound automation.

Letters and sounds table for speech therapist

When a child passes the 5-year mark, he develops correct pronunciation. Of course, the situation is not always cloudless, but defects can be corrected without problems if you perform speech therapy exercises on the sound “r”. Experts say that there is no need to sound the alarm over trifles, but it is necessary to monitor the child’s development.

The articulatory apparatus (active organs of which are the tongue, lips, lower jaw, soft palate; passive organs - teeth, upper jaw, hard palate) and the voice-forming apparatus - vocal folds - take the main part in the formation of sounds.

Classification of sounds according to the absence or presence of an obstruction in the oral cavity:

vowels – [a], [e], [i], [s], [o], [u];

consonants - all the rest.

Classification of sounds according to their participation in the articulation of the soft palate:

nasals – [m], [m'], [n], [n'];

oral - all the rest.

Classification of sounds according to the functioning of the vocal folds:

vowels – [a], [e], [i], [s], [o], [u];

sonorous – [th], [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [l], [l'], [r], [r'];

voiced – [v], [v'], [z], [z'], [g], [b], [b'], [d], [d'], [g], [g'] ;

deaf – [f], [f'], [s], [s'], [sh], [p], [p'], [t], [t'], [k], [k'] , [x], [x'], [h], [sch].

Classification of consonant sounds according to the method of formation:

stop plosives – [p], [p'], [b], [b'], [t], [t'], [d], [d'], [k], [k'], [ g], [g'];

occlusive passages – [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [l], [l'];

fricatives (fricatives) – [f], [f'], [v], [v'], [s], [s'], [z], [z'], [w], [zh], [ ь], [th], [x], [x'];

occlusive fricatives (affricates) – [ts], [h];

trembling (vibrants) – [р], [р'].

Classification of consonant sounds by place of formation:

labiolabial – [p], [p'], [b], [b'], [m], [m'];

labiodental – [f], [f'], [v], [v'];

anterior lingual: tip of the tongue at the top – [t], [d], [n], [l], [l'], [r], [r'], [w], [w], [sch], [h ]; tip of the tongue below – [t'], [d'], [n'], [s], [s'], [z], [z'], [c];

middle language – [th];

back-lingual – [k], [k'], [g], [g'], [x], [x'].

Classification of consonant sounds according to the degree of tension in the middle part of the back of the tongue:

soft – [th], [sch], [h], [t'], [d'], [n'], [b'], [v'], [g'], [s'], [ p'], etc.;

solid – [w], [g], [c], [t], [d], [n], [b], [c], [g], [s], [r], etc.

Classification of vowel sounds according to the degree of elevation of the tongue in the oral cavity:

upper rise – [i], [s], [y];

average rise – [e], [o];

lower rise – [a].

Classification of vowel sounds according to their participation in the articulation of different parts of the tongue:

front vowels – [i], [e];

middle vowels – [s], [a];

back vowels – [u], [o].

Classification of vowel sounds taking into account labialization:

labialized – [o], [y];

non-labialized – [i], [e], [s], [a].

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Thus, it is clear that all sounds of the Russian language are interconnected and interdependent. A speech therapist must have a good knowledge of the phonetic system of the native language in order to decide in each individual case where to start and what to rely on when working to form or clarify the pronunciation of any sound.

Basics of speech therapy with sound pronunciation workshop

Ed. T.V. Volosovets. – M.: Academy, 2002.

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The phonemic system and its development in ontogenesis

Victoria Demidova

The phonemic system and its development in ontogenesis

Speech sounds, without having their own meaning, are a means of distinguishing words. The study of the distinctive ability of speech sounds is a special aspect of phonetic research and is called phonology. The phonological, or functional, approach to speech sounds occupies a leading position in the study of language.

Phonetic and phonemic systems are the main formation of the instrumental level of speech function. This is a system for perceiving , analyzing and reproducing speech sounds.

The phonetic system of speech includes a variety of sounds that have characteristic phonemic features that are important for a particular language system . In addition, the phonetic system includes rhythmic-intonation (prosodic)

components - syllable, stress, intonation.

The phonemic system is a complex mental formation that provides a synchronous analysis of the flow of speech sounds, aimed at recognizing its semantically distinctive elements. The phonemic system is the main tool for understanding audible speech.

Phonology arose in Russia in the 70s of the 19th century. Its founder is I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay (1963, who introduced the concept of phoneme , contrasting it with the concept of sound. The successor of Baudouin’s ideas of the late period was his student L. V. Shcherba, who in 1912 identified the sound factors that determine the division of speech into phonemes , and pointed to the meaning-distinguishing function of the phoneme . L. V. Shcherba recognized that “all phonemes of each language form a single system of opposites , where each member is determined by a series of different opposites of both individual phonemes and their groups” (1948, p. 20)


V. K. Orfinskaya (1946)

indicated that
the phonemic system performs a number of functions necessary for both the perception and reproduction of not only oral, but also written speech. The functions of the phonemic system , according to the author, include: auditory-pronunciation differentiation of phonemes ; phonemic analysis and synthesis ;
meaning distinction. R. E. Levin (1968)

identified the stages
of development of phonemic perception in the process of ontogenesis .
At the first stage, there is complete absence of differentiation of sounds; Both understanding of speech and active speech of the child himself are completely absent. This is the prephonemic stage of speech development .

At the second stage, differentiation of the most distant phonemes , but there is no differentiation of close ones. At this stage, the child hears sounds differently than adults. The child's pronunciation is incorrect and distorted. The child does not distinguish between the correct and incorrect pronunciation of other people, and he does not notice his own pronunciation. He reacts equally to both correctly pronounced words and words pronounced the way he himself pronounces them.

At the third stage, decisive shifts occur. The child is already beginning to hear the sounds of the language in accordance with their phonemic characteristics . He recognizes mispronounced words and is able to differentiate between correct and incorrect pronunciation. At this stage, the old tongue-tied and new emerging language background coexist. Speech still remains irregular, but adaptation to new perception begins, expressed in the appearance of intermediate sounds between the sounds pronounced by the child and adults.

At the fourth stage, new images of sound perception become dominant. However, linguistic consciousness has not yet supplanted the previous form. Phonemic differentiation has not yet been fully formed, which manifests itself in the perception of unfamiliar words. The child's active speech achieves almost complete correctness.

At the fifth stage, the process of phonemic development . The child hears and speaks correctly. The main point of this stage is the child’s distinction between correct and incorrect pronunciation. He develops subtle and differentiated sound images of words and individual sounds.

The child goes through the first three stages in early childhood (up to 3 years), in preschool age he goes through the last two stages.

A. R. Luria (1956)

emphasized that the highest category of
phonemic hearing is the ability, formed under the influence of training, to isolate sounds in a word and establish their sequence.
Violations of the formation of the phonemic system of children's speech have a negative impact on the formation and development of the lexical , morphological, semantic components of language ability. In addition, the stronger the skills of phonemic functions , the more successful the child’s further education will be.


1. Orfinskaya V.K. On the education of phonological representations in primary school age // Tr. LGPI named after. A. I. Herzen. — 1946.

2. Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / Ed. R. E. Levina. - M.: Education, 1968

3. Avanesov R.I. Phonetics of the modern Russian language. - M.: Publishing house

Moscow University, 1956

4. Beltyukov V.I. Interaction of analyzers in the process of perception and assimilation of oral speech. - M.: Pedagogy, 1977.

5. Levina R. E., Nikashina N. A. Characteristics of general underdevelopment in children // Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy. - M.: Education, 1968

Phoneme system of the Russian language speech therapy

The Russian literary language has 5 vowels and 37 consonant phonemes.

Vowels differ in the degree of tongue elevation and the presence or absence of labialization (rounding) (Table 1).

Table 1 System of vowel phonemes


Both sonorant and noisy consonants differ in the place of formation (depending on which organs are involved in articulation) and in the method of formation (Table 2).

Table 2 System of consonant phonemes

Method of educationPlace of education
LabialForelingualMiddle languageRear lingual
Occlusive|p| |b| |p'| |p'| |t| |d| |t'| |d'| |k'| |g'| |k| |g|
Occlusive fricatives (affricates)|ts||h|
Slotted|f| |in| |f'| |in'| |s| |z| |s'| |z'| |w| |f| |w''| |w''| |j| |x'||x|
Nasals|m| |m'| |n| |n'|
Lateral|l| |l'|
Trembling|r| |p'|

Consonants are also divided into hard and soft, voiceless and voiced.

Note. If in all possible word forms containing any morph, one or another phoneme within this morph remains in a weak position, then such a sound unit (vowel or consonant) is a hyperphoneme . For example, in the word dog, the first vowel phoneme, represented phonetically only by the sound [l], is a hyperphoneme, appearing in the position of non-distinction of vowel phonemes |o| and |a|; in the word second, the first consonant phoneme, phonetically |f|, is a hyperphoneme located in the position of non-distinction of the consonant phonemes |f|, |f'|, |v| and |in'|.

The most important positional (phonetically determined) realizations of phonemes.

Table 3 Positional realizations of vowel phonemes

VowelAt the beginning of the wordIn the first pre-stressed syllableIn other unstressed syllables
after paired solid acc. and c after |zh|, |w|after soft consonantsafter hard consonantsafter soft consonants
|e| |o| |a| |ые| |^| |^| |ые| |^| |^| |ые| |ые| |^| |ie| |ie| |ie| |b| |b| |b| |b| |b| |b| or |ъ|

Thus, in all unstressed positions (except for the position of the first pre-stressed syllable after |ж|, |ш|) the vowels |о| and |a| do not differ. This phenomenon is called akanism.

Note. In the word god, the consonant |g| stunned in [x]: bo[x].

Regulatory documentation on speech therapy

Summary table of the results of the examination of the speech of a child from 4 to 5 years old Table 1;

' ——_ _ No. of test tasks Assessment parameters ———1 block2 block3 blockNumber of points
Knowledge about the world around us1212
State of the lexiconDictionary volumelistening4102
System organization of the dictionarylistening9
Grammatical competenceWord formationlistening45597
Phonological competencePhonemicslistening81060
Sound analysis and synthesis610
Sound pronunciation
Psychological basis of speechVerbal memory4410120
Verbal and logical thinking491058
Speech attention585633
TOTALMaximum - 391

Summary table of the results of a speech examination of a child aged 4 to 5 years Last name, first name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date of birth_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Table 1a

———No. of test tasks Evaluation parameters ———1 block2 block3 blockNumber of points
Knowledge about the world around usX12
State of the lexiconDictionary volumelisteningX102
System organization of the dictionarylisteningX
Grammatical competenceWord formationlisteningXXX97
Phonological competencePhonemicslisteningXX60
Sound analysis and synthesisXX
Sound pronunciation
Psychological basis of speechVerbal memoryXX120
Verbal and logical thinkingXXXXX
Speech attentionXXXXXX
TOTALMaximum - 391

Summary table of the results of the examination of the speech of a child from 5 to 5 years old Table 1;

——— No. of test tasks Assessment parameters _ _1 block2 block3 blockNumber of points
Knowledge about the world around us1212
State of the lexiconDictionary volumelistening789
System organization of the dictionarylistening8528
Grammatical competenceWord formationlistening87101
Phonological competencePhonemicslistening959
Sound analysis and synthesis69
Sound pronunciation
Psychological basis of speechVerbal memory4058143155
Verbal and logical thinking85253
Speech attention8566614359
TOTALMaximum - 416

Summary table of the results of the examination of the speech of a child from 6 to 5 years Last name, first name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date of birth_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Table 1a

» -_ _ _ No. of test tasks Assessment parameters » _ _1 block2 block3 blockNumber of points
Knowledge about the world around usX12
State of the lexiconDictionary volumelisteningX89
System organization of the dictionarylisteningXX2X
Grammatical competenceWord formationlisteningXX101
Phonological competencePhonemicslisteningX59
Sound analysis and synthesisXX
Sound pronunciation
Psychological basis of speechVerbal memoryXXXXX155
Verbal and logical thinkingXXXX3
Speech attentionXXXXXXXXX
TOTALMaximum - 416

Summary table of the results of the examination of the speech of a child from 7 to 5 years old Table 1;

' —No. of test tasks Assessment parameters ———1 block2 block3 blockNumber of points
Knowledge about the world around us1414
State of the lexiconDictionary volumelistening106
System organization of the dictionarylistening76311
Grammatical competenceWord formationlistening8611156
Phonological competencePhonemicslistening973
Sound analysis and synthesis109
Sound pronunciation
Psychological basis of speechVerbal memory473119102163
Verbal and logical thinking7638932
Speech attention5879644
TOTALMaximum - 512

Summary table of the results of the examination of the speech of a child from 7 to 5 years Last name, first name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Date of birth_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Table 1a

» _ _ _ _ _ No. of test tasks Assessment parameters 1 ————1 block2 block3 blockNumber of points
Knowledge about the world around usX14
State of the lexiconDictionary volumelistening106
System organization of the dictionarylisteningXXXX
Grammatical competenceWord formationlisteningXXX156
Phonological competencePhonemicslisteningX73
Sound analysis and synthesisXX
Sound pronunciation
Psychological basis of speechVerbal memoryXXXXXX163
Verbal and logical thinkingXXXXXXX
Speech attentionXXXXXXX
TOTALMaximum - 512

Summary table of the results of the examination of sound pronunciation and the state of the articulatory apparatus Table 2

Sounds of Pronunciations^.whistlingsizzlingsonorousfront-lingualposterior linguallabiodentaltype of violation
In words
In spontaneous speech
State of the articulatory apparatus
Semiotics of disturbances in the structure of the articulatory apparatusdental anomalies: malocclusion (prognathia/progenia; deep/open/crossbite); incorrect position of teeth and changes in their shape (edentia, diastema, supernumerary teeth, teeth of altered shape (subulate, barrel-shaped, wedge-shaped, etc.)) and size (macro- and microdentia); tongue anomalies (macro- and microglossia); abnormalities of the frenulum of the upper/lower lip and tongue; malformations of the maxillofacial region and systemic anomalies of soft tissues and bones of the face (cleft lip, hard and soft palate, alveolar process of the palate, jaw deformities, lip failure, etc.)
Semiotics of motor disorders of the articulatory apparatusparesis/paralysis: spastic or flaccid, bilateral or unilateral (more often) - deviation of the tongue, smoothness of the nasolabial fold, sagging of the palatine palate; hyperkinetic disorders (involuntary motor acts): tongue hyperkinesis proper, tic hyperkinesis - simple motor tics (tongue protrusion, lip stretching, mouth opening), vocal tics (coughing, grunting, sobbing, etc.), complex tics; oromandibular dystonia (long-term spasm of the muscles that close or open the mouth, often asymmetrical); orolingual stereotypies (movements of the tongue, lips; vocalizations); oral apraxia (loss of skills in complex, coordinated movements of the lips and tongue without signs of paresis or hyperkinetic disorders)
Semiotics of voice formation and speech breathing disordersaphonia, dysphonia: disturbances in pitch (very low or very high (squeaky) voice), strength (very quiet/excessively loud voice), timbre (hoarseness, “rattled”, “creaky” voice, etc.), increased voice fatigue, disturbances speech breathing rhythm, etc.)

Classification according to articulation characteristics

In the Russian language, there are 42 sounds or phonemes (from the Greek phonema - the sound of speech): 6 of them are vowels and 36 are consonants. The main criterion for this division is the presence or absence of an obstacle in the oral cavity when pronouncing sounds.

The soft palate can be in two positions. In one case, it rises and the back part, together with a small tongue, is pressed against the back and side walls of the pharynx, closing the passage into the nasal cavity, as a result of which the outgoing air stream is directed into the oral cavity and oral sounds are formed. In another case, the soft palate is lowered and opens the passage for an escaping air stream into the nasal cavity, as a result of which nasal sounds are formed.

Classification of vowel sounds

The vowel sounds “A”, “E”, “I”, “Y”, “O”, “U” are speech sounds consisting only of the voice, during the pronunciation of which the stream of air exhaled from the lungs does not encounter any obstacles on its way.

Vowel sounds are distinguished by their participation or non-participation in the articulation of the lips, as well as by the degree and location of tongue elevation.

By participation in lip articulation:

In the articulation of labialized vowels, in addition to the tongue, the lips take an active part, which, when pronouncing the sounds “O” and “U”, move forward and are rounded. When pronouncing non-labialized vowels, the lips are either in a neutral position (“A”, “Y”) or in a smiling position (“E”, “I”).

According to the degree of elevation of the tongue to the palate:

Although when pronouncing vowel sounds in the oral cavity there are no barriers to the outgoing air stream, the lower jaw drops differently and the tongue changes its position, so the shape of the oral cavity also changes. The tongue can be low (inferior elevation), in the midline (middle elevation), or raised high to the roof of the mouth (superior elevation). The sonority of vowels depends on the degree of mouth opening and tongue elevation.

At the point where the tongue rises:

When vowel sounds are formed, not the entire tongue rises to the hard palate, but its individual parts (front, middle and back), thereby changing the volume and shape of the oral cavity.

Vowel sounds classification table

Classification of consonants

Consonant sounds “B”, “B”, “V”, “V”, “G”, “G”, “D”, “D”, “Zh”, “Z”, “Z”, “Y”, “К”, “Кь”, “Л”, “Ль”, “М”, “Мь”, “Н”, “Нь”, “П”, “Пь”, “Р”, “Рь”, “С” "", "Сь", "Т", "Ть", "Ф", "Фь", "Х", "Хь", "Ц", "Ч", "Ш", "Ш" are speech sounds , consisting either of noise alone, or noise and a voice, during the pronunciation of which a stream of air exhaled from the lungs encounters obstacles on its way.

Consonant sounds are distinguished by the work of the vocal cords, by the method and place of formation, as well as by the degree of tension in the middle part of the tongue.

Based on the presence or absence of vibration of the vocal folds:

The vocal folds can occupy two positions: open (the air stream passes through them freely and a voice is not formed - voiceless consonants) or closed (the air stream passing through them causes them to vibrate, and a voice is formed - sonorant and voiced consonants). Most sounds of the Russian language are pronounced with the participation of the voice.

By method of education

The largest number of consonant sounds in the Russian language according to the method of formation are fricative, in which the movable organs of the articulatory apparatus, approaching the stationary ones, form a gap.

Along the rise of the middle part of the tongue to the palate

In the Russian language, consonants are mostly paired in hardness and softness, for example, “L” and “L”, but there are also unpaired sounds: only hard ones - “Sh”, “Zh”, “Ts”, only soft ones - “Ch”, "Sh", "Y".

Consonant sound classification table



Sound from an acoustic point of view is the vibration of air particles. The source is the vibration of sound chords. From the point of view of articulation, vowels and consonants of speech are distinguished.

Articulation is a set of actions of the organs of pronunciation at the moment of sound.

According to articulatory characteristics, all speech sounds are divided into two groups:

The main criterion for this division is the presence or absence of an obstacle in the oral cavity when pronouncing them.

There are 42 speech sounds in the Russian language: 6 vowels, 36 consonants.


All vowels of the Russian language are characterized by the presence of a voice (phonation), their articulation is caused by the vibration of the vocal cords and the free passage of exhaled air through the oral cavity.

1. When forming vowels, not the entire tongue rises to the palate, but its front, middle or back part. Due to this, the volume and shape of the oral cavity changes.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Knowledge of sound profiles is a necessary condition in the work of a speech therapist teacher. In order to teach how to speak correctly and beautifully, first, you need to know the position of the organs of articulation. Profiles.

Classification of sounds of the Russian language.

Classification of sounds of the Russian language, taking into account the anatomical and physiological features of their formation. The articulatory apparatus (active organs) takes the main part in the formation of sounds.

The main part in the formation of sounds is the articulatory apparatus (the active organs of which are the tongue, lips, lower jaw, soft palate; the passive organs are the teeth, the upper jaw.


Contents of methodological development

The sequence of stages of introduction to phonemic analysis using the manual “Plan - diagram of sound characteristics.”

Speech Sounds Module

  1. The concept of “speech sounds”. Drawing students' attention to sounds as a phenomenon of the surrounding world. Understanding the informational significance of sounds and the method of their formation.
  2. The human articulatory apparatus and methods of producing speech sounds.
  3. Classification of sounds according to the method of pronunciation - the presence or absence of an obstacle in the mouth. Exercises to distinguish and group sounds based on the presence or absence of an obstacle in the mouth.

Note: “Sound” is the smallest particle of speech. Vowel sounds are drawn out, and consonants are pronounced like “shot.” Consonant sounds should be pronounced briefly, without the overtone “e” (be, le). The sound [a] [m] [b] [l] is a hard sound, [l'] is a soft sound.

Module “Vowels”

  1. The concept of "Vowel sound". (Image of lips in a red frame.) Formation and consolidation of the connection “sound - absence of an obstacle - vowel sound.” Isolation of vowels [а о уы ы и] from groups of isolated sounds.
  2. Designation of vowel sounds in the word scheme at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. Formation and strengthening of the connection “sound – absence of an obstacle – vowel sound – red color”
  3. Determining the number of vowel sounds in a group of sounds in words. Determine how many sounds are in the sound combinations: ay, ia, uau, oaiu, etc.
  4. The concepts of “stressed and unstressed vowel sound” (Designation of a stressed vowel by a black triangle).

Repetition of sound combinations with different stresses: ay' a'u aui' ay'i Clapping rhythmic patterns: Xx xxx Xxx X - loud clap, x - quiet clap

Note: In the Russian language there are 6 vowel sounds [a о уы ы и] and 10 vowel letters А О У Э ы ИЯ Ё УЕ. The letters Ya Yo Yu E stand for two sounds Ya [ y'a], Yo [ y' o], Yu [y'u], E [y'e].

Module “Consonants”

1. The concept of “consonant sound”. (Image of lips in a blue frame) Formation and strengthening of the connection “sound – presence of an obstacle – consonant sound.” (We emphasize that all information about consonant sounds is given in a blue frame).

Differentiation of vowels and consonants based on the organs of articulation. Consolidation of the terms “vowel sound” and “consonant sound” in active speech.

2. Soft and hard consonants.

Practice distinguishing and pronouncing soft and hard consonant sounds based on the structure of the organs of articulation and the movements of the lips and tongue. Formation of connections “sound – presence of an obstacle – solid sound – blue color”; “sound - the presence of an obstacle - soft sound - green color” Designation of soft and hard consonants in word patterns with a certain color. Recording syllables in two lines (hard - soft) when studying pairs of vowel letters (A - Z, O - E, U-YU, Y-I, E-E).

- me, sia, le, byu
- you, lo, du, you

3. Voiced and voiceless consonants.

Classification of consonant sounds by voicedness - deafness, based on auditory perception and tactile sensation of the vocal cords. When pronouncing voiced consonants, the vocal cords vibrate.

Note. Place your palm on your throat and pronounce sounds, focusing on the vibration of the ligaments [g] - [w], [z] - [s], [r] - [x].

Practice correctly pronouncing sounds in isolation without the overtone [e].

4. Paired and unpaired consonant sounds.

Show similarities and differences between paired consonants. Practice memorizing paired and unpaired consonants. Paired sounds have the same articulatory structure. This is their similarity. The difference is that in a pair one sound is voiced and the other is voiceless. [b]-[p], [b']-[p'].

Practical module

Approximate types of tasks and exercises using a diagram.

  1. Guessing a sound by the absence or presence of an obstacle (vowel - consonant)
  2. Didactic game “Say the opposite” (hard - soft, voiced - deaf).
  3. Naming or guessing a consonant sound based on its characteristics (with gradual complication).

- consonant, voiced (voiceless); - consonant, hard (soft); - consonant, voiced, hard; - consonant, voiced, voiceless, paired; - consonant, voiceless, soft, unpaired;

4. Characteristics of a given sound according to plan (orally, in writing).

[zh] - acc., sound, tv., par. - [w]. [h'] - agree., deaf., soft., unpaired.
[p] - agree., sound., tv., unpaired.[d'] - agree, sound, soft, pair - [t']

5. Characteristics of the first sound of the first name, last name, etc.

6. Performing sound analysis of words. Recording of sound analysis should be made only on the basis of auditory perception or picture material. The letter form of a word should not be in front of children's eyes.

Note. After consolidating a solid skill in performing sound analysis, the word and its sound analysis are recorded. At first, in order to exclude the possibility of seeing the word, you can cover the letter entry with a sheet of paper. Then, you can ask the child, “Should you close the word or not?” In this way, you can check the level of mastery of the sound analysis skill.

7. Performing sound analysis of words when studying second row vowels. The analysis of words in which the vowel is in different positions is considered - after a consonant, after a vowel, when the vowel of the second row comes first in the word.

loves [l' u b' and t] – 2 syllables, 5 letters, 5 sounds.

Julia [y'u l'a] – 2 syllables, 3 letters, 4 sounds.

cabin [k a y'u t a] – 3 syllables, 5 letters, 6 sounds.

8. Phonetic analysis of words: ay, ah, small, chalk, mole, etc.

9. Phonetic analysis of words with a soft and separating soft sign.

The experience of many years of speech therapy practice shows that this technique allows you to successfully prepare a child for learning phonemic analysis, which, in fact, is the basis of literacy. A clear understanding of sounds, the ability to use terms and consistently express one’s thoughts develops speech and thinking activity and contributes to the solid formation of writing and reading skills.

To conduct additional classes with primary schoolchildren who have difficulty mastering the curriculum in the subject “Russian language”, it is recommended to use the Educational and Methodological Set for the Correction of Writing and Reading Disorders in Primary Schoolchildren (author T.I. Prokopyeva). The didactic manual can also be used in working with preparatory group children. All tasks are completed at the verbal level and using color codes.

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