Briefly about how to stop lisp
How to get rid of a lisp, or when communication is a pleasure
A lisp is a speech defect in which there is incorrect pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds. At
Children looking at a book
Articulation gymnastics: exercises for children 3-4 years old, preparation and results
During the fourth year of life, children experience one of the most significant leaps in their development.
Classification of speech tempo disorders
Systemic underdevelopment of speech. Causes, diagnosis, treatment.
What do we mean by speech impairment? The question requires some thought, because it is not so
Speech therapist working with an adult
Speech therapist for adults: quick speech correction
A speech therapist works not only with children, but also with adults. Speech defects are being corrected
Automation of sound [P] in pure tongues. Speech therapy card file (senior group)
Automation of the sound R in sentences with reverse syllables: Egor eats marshmallows. The woodcutter needs an axe.
How to get rid of burr and make communication free
Recently, more and more children are appearing who are unable to pronounce the letter “R”. Many parents ignore
Sycheva G.E. Reference pictures for retelling texts. Issue 3. Methodological recommendations.-M.: Knigolyub, 2008. 16 p. (Development of coherent speech.)
The main goal pursued by plot pictures to compose a short story is the desire for development
Automation of sound R
Cards for sound automation Speech therapy simulator (senior group)
We begin automating sounds in words only after the child clearly pronounces an isolated sound
Reductions in the first years of Soviet power
8 Russian words that no foreigner can pronounce
In the Russian language there are many words that are difficult to pronounce: terms borrowed from foreign languages, names
preposition model
Automation of the sound L in pure tongues using mnemonic tracks
Automation of the sound “L” in pure tongues using mnemonic tracks is carried out after automation in syllables and words
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