Frontal speech therapy lesson in a preparatory school group. Lexical topic: “Bread”
Summary of a lesson on speech development for children 4-5 years old “Where the bread came from” Municipal budget
Types of synkinesis
Diagnosis of dysarthria and methodological development in speech therapy on the topic
In addition to speech symptoms, other changes are observed in children with neurological pathologies. Synkinesis in
Speech therapy presentation for the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC)/psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPk)
Speech therapy presentation for PMPK for a 1st grade student, Speech therapy presentation for a 1st grade student
How to start a public speaking - photo
How to start a public speaking: attention-grabbing tricks
The right start to a public speech is 50% of the success of the entire speech. Before you know how to start
Features of children with mental retardation
Article: Mental retardation is one of the most common childhood pathologies. About 50% of all
Bulbar dysarthria in children: causes, symptoms, treatment
Dysarthria is a speech pathology in which there is incorrect (distorted or difficult) pronunciation of sounds, words,
Logokub - an unconventional speech therapy aid for speech development
Logocube - an unconventional speech therapy aid for speech development Didactic aid for speech development Ecological
Correction of dyslexia using the Davis method
Treatment of dyslexia in children and adults: what you need to know about it
Dyslexia is a fairly common phenomenon in which a person has difficulty reading. Such
What subjects do you need to take to become a speech therapist - where do you study and who is the profession suitable for?
Due to the increasing number of cases of speech problems in children and adults, the profession
Speech apparatus
Articulatory apparatus: structure and structure of the speech apparatus
Formation of sounds Today, the structure of the speech apparatus can safely be considered 100% studied.
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