Self-analysis of the professional activity of the teacher-speech therapist at MBOU “Secondary School 4” Elina Petrovna Mutalipova. - presentation
Questions seek answers Do you think it is easy to correct diction defects in a child? I
How to teach a child to say the letter P at home: video, exercises
Why do children growl poorly? The difficulty of reproducing sounds, including “r”, in their constant
Problems of speech development of children in the modern world.
Problems of speech development of children in the modern world. Author: Ruzanova Svetlana Mikhailovna MBDOU TsRR D/S
Sensory development of children with speech disordersconsultation on speech therapy
Definition 1 Sensory education is ways of developing sensory perception of the surrounding world: determining color,
Simple games for children from 2 to 7 years old. Ideas for keeping kids busy at home!
The question of what to do with a child at home while the family is forced to quarantine is relevant for many
Formation of vocabulary in preschoolers with ODD article on speech therapy on the topic
Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in children of senior preschool age is one of the pressing problems
Montessori Sensory Development Ideas at Home
Diagnostics of the current level of sensory development of children of primary preschool age
Color Recognition of color from a sample Task: match pictures to the color background. Color recognition by
Assignments for educators. Topic: “Animals of hot countries”
Quiz with answers for preschoolers 6-7 years old. Wild animals of hot countries Quiz “Wild Animals”
Problems of speech development of preschool children at the present stage
Problems of speech development of preschool children at the present stage Marina Buravikhina Problems of speech development of preschool children at the present stage
Why do children start talking late?
Delayed psycho-speech development in a child: causes, prognosis and treatment methods
In recent years, according to the observations of speech therapists and defectologists, the number of children who begin to speak late
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